public static void SetMethodSimulation(SimulationAction saf, int sleep, bool throwexception, bool holdunmanagedref, bool consumecpu) { try { saf.consumeheap = holdunmanagedref; saf.sleep = sleep; saf.throwException = throwexception; saf.consumecpu = consumecpu; } catch (Exception e) { string t = e.Message; } }
public static void SetMethodSimulation(string methodname, int sleep, bool throwexception, bool holdunmanagedref) { try { SimulationAction saf = sim.methodSimulationMap.ToList().Find(delegate(SimulationAction sa) { return(sa.methodname == methodname); }); saf.consumeheap = holdunmanagedref; saf.sleep = sleep; saf.throwException = throwexception; } catch (Exception e) { string t = e.Message; } }
public static void GenerateMethodMap() { Mil = new MethodInclusion(); string line; System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader r = new System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader(); string path = (string)r.GetValue("MethodInclusionList", typeof(String)); // Read the file and display it line by line. System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(path); while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { Mil.list.Add(line, line); } file.Close(); //read a file which contains information on what to apply //the file will be a key and values list, method name, followed by sleep time, //a boolean to throw method exceptions or not and a bool to hold onto a unmanaged reference Type myType = (typeof(RentalServiceClient)); // Get the public methods. sim = new Sim(); MethodInfo[] myArrayMethodInfo = myType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); // initialise methods foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in myArrayMethodInfo) { SimulationAction sa = new SimulationAction(); sa.methodname = methodInfo.Name; sa.consumeheap = false; sa.sleep = 1; sa.throwException = false; sa.consumecpu = false; if (Mil.list.ContainsKey(methodInfo.Name)) { sim.methodSimulationMap.Add(sa); } } }
void lbTodoList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { currentSelectedMethod = (SimulationAction)e.AddedItems[0]; this.lblmethod.Content = currentSelectedMethod.methodname; this.txtSleeptimer.Text = currentSelectedMethod.sleep.ToString(); this.chkException.IsChecked = currentSelectedMethod.throwException; this.chkUnmanaged.IsChecked = currentSelectedMethod.throwException; this.chkCpu.IsChecked = currentSelectedMethod.consumecpu; this.heaprate.Text = currentSelectedMethod.consumeheapfactor.ToString(); }