public bool IsCriteriaMet(Hashtable hashAttributeValue) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_criteria)) { return(true); } object[] input = new object[_attributesCriteria.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (String str in _attributesCriteria) { input[i] = hashAttributeValue[str]; i++; } try { if (_evaluate.m_methodInfo == null) { if (_evaluate.m_cr == null) { _evaluate.BuildClass(_evaluate.Expression, false, cgOMS.Prefix + _table + "_" + _column + "_" + _performanceID); _evaluate.CompileAssembly(); SimulationMessaging.SaveSerializedCalculateEvaluate(cgOMS.Prefix + _table, _column, _performanceID, _evaluate); } } bool isMet = (bool)_evaluate.RunMethod(input); return(isMet); } catch (Exception exc) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error in RunMethod. " + _evaluate.OriginalInput + " " + exc.Message)); return(false); } }
public bool CalculateRemainingLifePiecewise(Hashtable hashAttributeValues, Hashtable hashPrevious, out double dRL) { double dLimit; double dRemainingLife = 0; dRL = dRemainingLife; if (!SimulationMessaging.GetDeficientLevel(this.Attribute, hashPrevious, out dLimit)) { return(false); } this.RemainingLifeLimit = dLimit; double dValue = double.Parse(hashAttributeValues[this.Attribute].ToString()); if (Shift) { double dAge = double.Parse(hashAttributeValues["AGE"].ToString()); dRL = this.PiecewiseEquation.GetRemainingLife(dValue, dLimit, dAge); } else { dRL = this.PiecewiseEquation.GetRemainingLife(dValue, dLimit); } return(true); }
public bool LoadScheduled(List <Treatments> availableTreatments) { var select = "SELECT SCHEDULEDID, SCHEDULEDTREATMENTID, SCHEDULEDYEAR FROM SCHEDULED WHERE TREATMENTID='" + this.TreatmentID + "'"; DataSet ds; try { ds = DBMgr.ExecuteQuery(select); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { var scheduledId = int.Parse(row["SCHEDULEDID"].ToString()); var scheduledTreatmentId = row["SCHEDULEDTREATMENTID"].ToString(); var scheduledYear = int.Parse(row["SCHEDULEDYEAR"].ToString()); var scheduledTreatment = availableTreatments.Find(t => t.TreatmentID == scheduledTreatmentId); if (scheduledTreatment != null) { _scheduleds.Add(new Scheduled(scheduledId, scheduledTreatment, scheduledYear)); } } } catch (Exception exception) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage( new SimulationMessage("Fatal Error: Opening SCHEDULED table. SQL Message - " + exception.Message)); return(false); } return(true); }
public double GetCost(Hashtable hashAttributeValue) { if (this._isCompoundTreatment) { CompoundTreatment compoundTreatment = Simulation.CompoundTreatments.Find(delegate(CompoundTreatment ct) { return(ct.CompoundTreatmentName == _compoundTreatment); }); return(compoundTreatment.GetCost(hashAttributeValue)); } else { int i = 0; object[] input = new object[_attributesEquation.Count]; foreach (String str in _attributesEquation) { if (hashAttributeValue[str] != null) { input[i] = hashAttributeValue[str]; } else { input[i] = 0; } i++; } try { object result = _calculate.RunMethod(input); return((double)result); } catch (Exception exc) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error in RunMethod. " + exc.Message)); return(0); } } }
private bool GetCalculatedFieldData() { if (m_listCalculated == null) { m_listCalculated = new List <Deteriorate>(); } String strSelect = "SELECT ATTRIBUTE_,EQUATION,CRITERIA FROM " + cgOMS.Prefix + "ATTRIBUTES_CALCULATED"; DataSet ds; try { ds = DBMgr.ExecuteQuery(strSelect); } catch (Exception exception) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Retrieving Calculated Field data. SQL Message - " + exception.Message)); return(false); } foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { Deteriorate deteriorate = new Deteriorate(); deteriorate.Attribute = row["ATTRIBUTE_"].ToString(); deteriorate.Equation = row["EQUATION"].ToString(); deteriorate.Criteria = row["CRITERIA"].ToString(); m_listCalculated.Add(deteriorate); } return(true); }
public bool LoadSupersedes(object APICall, IMongoCollection <SimulationModel> Simulations, string m_strSimulationID) { try { var select = "SELECT SUPERSEDE_ID, SUPERSEDE_TREATMENT_ID, CRITERIA FROM SUPERSEDES WHERE TREATMENT_ID='" + this.TreatmentID + "'"; DataSet ds = DBMgr.ExecuteQuery(select); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { var supersedeId = int.Parse(row["SUPERSEDE_ID"].ToString()); var supersedeTreatmentId = int.Parse(row["SUPERSEDE_TREATMENT_ID"].ToString()); var criteria = ""; if (row["CRITERIA"] != DBNull.Value) { criteria = row["CRITERIA"].ToString(); } Supersedes.Add(new Supersede(supersedeId, supersedeTreatmentId, criteria)); } foreach (var supersede in Supersedes) { foreach (String str in supersede.Criteria.CriteriaAttributes) { if (!SimulationMessaging.IsAttribute(str)) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: " + str + " which is used by the Supersede criteria is not present in the database.")); if (APICall.Equals(true)) { var updateStatus = Builders <SimulationModel> .Update .Set(s => s.status, "Error: " + str + " which is used by the Supersede criteria is not present in the database"); Simulations.UpdateOne(s => s.simulationId == Convert.ToInt32(m_strSimulationID), updateStatus); } } if (!_attributes.Contains(str)) { _attributes.Add(str); } } } } catch (Exception exception) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage( new SimulationMessage("Fatal Error: Opening SUPERSEDE table. SQL Message - " + exception.Message)); if (APICall.Equals(true)) { var updateStatus = Builders <SimulationModel> .Update .Set(s => s.status, "Fatal Error: Opening SUPERSEDE table. SQL Message - " + exception.Message); Simulations.UpdateOne(s => s.simulationId == Convert.ToInt32(m_strSimulationID), updateStatus); } return(false); } return(true); }
public ConditionalRSL(String attribute, Criterias criteria) { BinValues = new Dictionary <int, double>(); _values = null; this.Attribute = attribute; _criteria = criteria; _isAscending = SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeAscending(attribute); }
public bool LoadSupersedes() { try { var select = "SELECT SUPERSEDE_ID, SUPERSEDE_TREATMENT_ID, CRITERIA FROM SUPERSEDES WHERE TREATMENT_ID='" + this.TreatmentID + "'"; DataSet ds = DBMgr.ExecuteQuery(select); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { var supersedeId = int.Parse(row["SUPERSEDE_ID"].ToString()); var supersedeTreatmentId = int.Parse(row["SUPERSEDE_TREATMENT_ID"].ToString()); var criteria = ""; if (row["CRITERIA"] != DBNull.Value) { criteria = row["CRITERIA"].ToString(); } Supersedes.Add(new Supersede(supersedeId, supersedeTreatmentId, criteria)); } foreach (var supersede in Supersedes) { foreach (String str in supersede.Criteria.CriteriaAttributes) { if (!SimulationMessaging.IsAttribute(str)) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: " + str + " which is used by the Supersede criteria is not present in the database.")); } if (!_attributes.Contains(str)) { _attributes.Add(str); } } } } catch (Exception exception) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage( new SimulationMessage("Fatal Error: Opening SUPERSEDE table. SQL Message - " + exception.Message)); return(false); } return(true); }
internal void SetFunction(string equation) { _costEquation = equation; // Get list of attributes _attributesEquation = SimulationMessaging.ParseAttribute(_costEquation); if (_attributesEquation == null) { return; } if (_calculate == null) { _calculate = new CalculateEvaluate.CalculateEvaluate(); //Allow functions to utilize strings and dates. string functionEquation = _costEquation; List <string> attributes = SimulationMessaging.ParseAttribute(functionEquation); foreach (String attribute in attributes) { String attributeType = SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeType(attribute); if (attributeType == "STRING") { String oldValue = "[" + attribute + "]"; String newValue = "[@" + attribute + "]"; functionEquation = functionEquation.Replace(oldValue, newValue); } else if (attributeType == "DATETIME") { String oldValue = "[" + attribute + "]"; String newValue = "[$" + attribute + "]"; functionEquation = functionEquation.Replace(oldValue, newValue); } } _calculate.BuildFunctionClass(functionEquation, "double", cgOMS.Prefix + "COSTS_BINARY_EQUATION_" + CostID); if (_calculate.m_cr == null) { _compilerResultsEquation = _calculate.CompileAssembly(); SimulationMessaging.SaveSerializedCalculateEvaluate(cgOMS.Prefix + "COSTS", "BINARY_EQUATION", CostID, _calculate); } } }
Hashtable m_hashPavmentCoefficient;// Key is pavement type. Value is list of doubles. public CRS() { if (DBMgr.IsTableInDatabase("CRS_COEFFICIENT")) { String strSelect = "SELECT PAVEMENT,A,B,C,D FROM CRS_COEFFICIENT"; try { m_hashPavmentCoefficient = new Hashtable(); DataSet ds = DBMgr.ExecuteQuery(strSelect); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { List <double> listCoefficient = new List <double>(); double dCoefficient = 0; double.TryParse(dr[1].ToString(), out dCoefficient); listCoefficient.Add(dCoefficient); dCoefficient = 0; double.TryParse(dr[2].ToString(), out dCoefficient); listCoefficient.Add(dCoefficient); dCoefficient = 0; double.TryParse(dr[3].ToString(), out dCoefficient); listCoefficient.Add(dCoefficient); dCoefficient = 0; double.TryParse(dr[4].ToString(), out dCoefficient); listCoefficient.Add(dCoefficient); m_hashPavmentCoefficient.Add(dr[0].ToString(), listCoefficient); } } catch (Exception exception) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("CRS attribute load error. Make sure CRS_COEFFICIENT table exists: " + exception.Message)); } } else { m_hashPavmentCoefficient = new Hashtable(); } }
public double ApplyDeterioration(Hashtable hashAttributeValue) { object[] input = new object[_attributesEquation.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (String str in _attributesEquation) { input[i] = hashAttributeValue[str]; i++; } double dReturn = 0; try { dReturn = (double)_calculate.RunMethod(input); } catch { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: solving calculated fields for Compound Treatment.")); } return(dReturn); }
/// <summary> /// Get consequence given an input value set. /// </summary> /// <param name="hashAttributeValue"></param> /// <returns></returns> public double GetConsequence(Hashtable hashAttributeValue) { int i = 0; object[] input = new object[_attributesEquation.Count]; foreach (String str in _attributesEquation) { input[i] = hashAttributeValue[str]; i++; } try { object result = _calculate.RunMethod(input); return((double)result); } catch (Exception exc) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error in RunMethod. " + exc.Message)); return(0); } }
public bool IsCriteriaMet(Hashtable hashAttributeValue) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_strCriteria)) { return(true); } object[] input = new object[this.m_listAttributesCriteria.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (String str in this.m_listAttributesCriteria) { input[i] = hashAttributeValue[str]; i++; } try { if (evaluate.m_methodInfo == null) { if (evaluate.m_cr == null) { evaluate.BuildClass(evaluate.Expression, false, cgOMS.Prefix + _tableName + "_" + _columnName + "_" + _ID); evaluate.CompileAssembly(); if (_tableName != null) { SimulationMessaging.SaveSerializedCalculateEvaluate(cgOMS.Prefix + _tableName, _columnName, _ID, evaluate); } } } Object result = this.Evaluate.RunMethod(input); return(bool.Parse(result.ToString())); } catch (Exception exc) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error in RunMethod. " + Evaluate.OriginalInput + " " + exc.Message)); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// True if this target is met. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsTargetMet(int nYear) { double dTargetArea = 0; if (m_hashYearTargetArea.Contains(nYear)) { dTargetArea = (double)this.m_hashYearTargetArea[nYear]; } double dSumArea = 0; if (this.m_hashYearSumArea.Contains(nYear)) { dSumArea = (double)this.m_hashYearSumArea[nYear]; } if (dSumArea == 0) { return(true); } double dTarget = dTargetArea / dSumArea; double dGoal = this.Target; if (SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeAscending(this.Attribute)) { if (dGoal < dTarget) { return(true); } } else { if (dGoal > dTarget) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public bool LoadScheduled(List <Treatments> availableTreatments, object APICall, IMongoCollection <SimulationModel> Simulations, string m_strSimulationID) { var select = "SELECT SCHEDULEDID, SCHEDULEDTREATMENTID, SCHEDULEDYEAR FROM SCHEDULED WHERE TREATMENTID='" + this.TreatmentID + "'"; DataSet ds; try { ds = DBMgr.ExecuteQuery(select); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { var scheduledId = int.Parse(row["SCHEDULEDID"].ToString()); var scheduledTreatmentId = row["SCHEDULEDTREATMENTID"].ToString(); var scheduledYear = int.Parse(row["SCHEDULEDYEAR"].ToString()); var scheduledTreatment = availableTreatments.Find(t => t.TreatmentID == scheduledTreatmentId); if (scheduledTreatment != null) { _scheduleds.Add(new Scheduled(scheduledId, scheduledTreatment, scheduledYear)); } } } catch (Exception exception) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage( new SimulationMessage("Fatal Error: Opening SCHEDULED table. SQL Message - " + exception.Message)); if (APICall.Equals(true)) { var updateStatus = Builders <SimulationModel> .Update .Set(s => s.status, "Fatal Error: Opening SCHEDULED table. SQL Message - " + exception.Message); Simulations.UpdateOne(s => s.simulationId == Convert.ToInt32(m_strSimulationID), updateStatus); } return(false); } return(true); }
public RemainingLife(int remainingLifeId, string attribute, double remainingLifeLimit, string criteria) { RemainingLifeId = remainingLifeId; Attribute = attribute; RemainingLifeLimit = remainingLifeLimit; Criteria = new Criterias("REMAINING_LIFE", "BINARY_CRITERIA", RemainingLifeId.ToString()); byte[] assemblyCriteria = null; string currentCriteria = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(criteria)) { currentCriteria = Simulation.ConvertOMSAttribute(criteria); } assemblyCriteria = SimulationMessaging.GetSerializedCalculateEvaluate("REMAINING_LIFE", "BINARY_CRITERIA", RemainingLifeId.ToString(), assemblyCriteria); if (assemblyCriteria != null && assemblyCriteria.Length > 0) { Criteria.Evaluate = (CalculateEvaluate.CalculateEvaluate)AssemblySerialize.DeSerializeObjectFromByteArray(assemblyCriteria); if (Criteria.Evaluate.OriginalInput != currentCriteria) { Criteria.Evaluate = null; } } if (Criteria.Evaluate != null && Criteria.Evaluate.m_cr != null) { if (!File.Exists(Criteria.Evaluate.m_cr.PathToAssembly)) { Criteria.Evaluate = null; } } Criteria.Criteria = criteria; foreach (String str in Criteria.Errors) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Supersede criteria for " + criteria + " :" + str)); } }
public double IterateSpanPiecewise(Hashtable hashAttributeValues, double span, out bool bOutOfRange) { double apparentAge = 0; bOutOfRange = false; double dValue = double.Parse(hashAttributeValues[this.Attribute].ToString()); double dAnswer = double.NaN; double dAge = 0; if (Shift) { dAge = double.Parse(hashAttributeValues["AGE"].ToString()); dAnswer = this.PiecewiseEquation.GetNextValue(dValue, dAge, span, out apparentAge).Value; } else { dAnswer = this.PiecewiseEquation.GetNextValue(dValue, span).Value; } double dMinimum; double dMaximum; if (SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeMinimum(this.Attribute, out dMinimum)) { if (dMinimum > dAnswer) { dAnswer = dMinimum; } } if (SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeMaximum(this.Attribute, out dMaximum)) { if (dMaximum < dAnswer) { dAnswer = dMaximum; } } return(dAnswer); }
public SplitTreatment(string splitTreamentId, string description, string criteria, List <ISplitTreatmentLimit> limits) { Id = splitTreamentId; Description = description; Limits = limits; Criteria = new Criterias("SPLIT_TREATMENT", "BINARY_CRITERIA", splitTreamentId); byte[] assemblyCriteria = null; string currentCriteria = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(criteria)) { currentCriteria = Simulation.ConvertOMSAttribute(criteria); } assemblyCriteria = SimulationMessaging.GetSerializedCalculateEvaluate("SPLIT_TREATMENT", "BINARY_CRITERIA", splitTreamentId, assemblyCriteria); if (assemblyCriteria != null && assemblyCriteria.Length > 0) { Criteria.Evaluate = (CalculateEvaluate.CalculateEvaluate)RoadCareGlobalOperations.AssemblySerialize.DeSerializeObjectFromByteArray(assemblyCriteria); if (Criteria.Evaluate.OriginalInput != currentCriteria) { Criteria.Evaluate = null; } } if (Criteria.Evaluate != null && Criteria.Evaluate.m_cr != null) { if (!File.Exists(Criteria.Evaluate.m_cr.PathToAssembly)) { Criteria.Evaluate = null; } } Criteria.Criteria = criteria; foreach (String str in Criteria.Errors) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Split treatment criteria for " + criteria + " :" + str)); } }
public BudgetCriteria(int budgetCriteriaId, string budgetName, string criteria) { BudgetCriteriaId = budgetCriteriaId; BudgetName = budgetName; Criteria = new Criterias("BUDGET", "BINARY_CRITERIA", BudgetCriteriaId.ToString()); byte[] assemblyCriteria = null; string currentCriteria = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(criteria)) { currentCriteria = Simulation.ConvertOMSAttribute(criteria); } assemblyCriteria = SimulationMessaging.GetSerializedCalculateEvaluate("BUDGET", "BINARY_CRITERIA", BudgetCriteriaId.ToString(), assemblyCriteria); if (assemblyCriteria != null && assemblyCriteria.Length > 0) { Criteria.Evaluate = (CalculateEvaluate.CalculateEvaluate)AssemblySerialize.DeSerializeObjectFromByteArray(assemblyCriteria); if (Criteria.Evaluate.OriginalInput != currentCriteria) { Criteria.Evaluate = null; } } if (Criteria.Evaluate != null && Criteria.Evaluate.m_cr != null) { if (!File.Exists(Criteria.Evaluate.m_cr.PathToAssembly)) { Criteria.Evaluate = null; } } Criteria.Criteria = criteria; foreach (String str in Criteria.Errors) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Supersede criteria for " + criteria + " :" + str)); } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the function version of consequences. /// </summary> /// <param name="equation"></param> public void SetFunction(string equation) { _consequenceEquation = equation; IsEquation = true; _attributesEquation = SimulationMessaging.ParseAttribute(_consequenceEquation); if (_calculate == null) { _calculate = new CalculateEvaluate.CalculateEvaluate(); string functionEquation = _consequenceEquation; foreach (String attribute in _attributesEquation) { String attributeType = SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeType(attribute); if (attributeType == "STRING") { String oldValue = "[" + attribute + "]"; String newValue = "[@" + attribute + "]"; functionEquation = functionEquation.Replace(oldValue, newValue); } else if (attributeType == "DATETIME") { String oldValue = "[" + attribute + "]"; String newValue = "[$" + attribute + "]"; functionEquation = functionEquation.Replace(oldValue, newValue); } } _calculate.BuildFunctionClass(_consequenceEquation, "double", cgOMS.Prefix + "CONSEQUENCES_BINARY_EQUATION_" + _id); if (_calculate.m_cr == null) { _compilerResultsEquation = _calculate.CompileAssembly(); SimulationMessaging.SaveSerializedCalculateEvaluate(cgOMS.Prefix + "CONSEQUENCES", "BINARY_EQUATION", _id, _calculate); } } }
public void LoadBudgets() { string[] budgets = BudgetOrderString.Split(','); String strBudget; for (int i = 0; i < budgets.Length; i++) { strBudget = budgets[i]; m_listBudgetOrder.Add(strBudget); } String strSelect = "SELECT YEAR_,BUDGETNAME,AMOUNT FROM " + cgOMS.Prefix + "YEARLYINVESTMENT WHERE SIMULATIONID='" + this.InvestmentID + "' ORDER BY YEAR_"; DataSet ds = null; try { ds = DBMgr.ExecuteQuery(strSelect); } catch (Exception ex) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Loading YEARLYINVESTMENT table." + ex.Message)); return; } String strYear; String strAmount; MaximumYear = Int32.MinValue; foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { strYear = row[0].ToString(); var year = Convert.ToInt32(strYear); if (year > MaximumYear) { MaximumYear = year; } strBudget = row[1].ToString(); strAmount = row[2].ToString(); if (BudgetYear.Contains(strBudget)) { Hashtable hashYearAmount = (Hashtable)BudgetYear[strBudget]; Hashtable hashYearAmountOriginal = (Hashtable)BudgetYearOriginal[strBudget]; m_hashBudgetYear.Remove(strBudget); m_hashBudgetYearOriginal.Remove(strBudget); if (strAmount == "") { hashYearAmount.Add(strYear, 0.0); hashYearAmountOriginal.Add(strYear, 0.0); } else { hashYearAmount.Add(strYear, float.Parse(strAmount)); hashYearAmountOriginal.Add(strYear, float.Parse(strAmount)); } BudgetYear.Add(strBudget, hashYearAmount); BudgetYearOriginal.Add(strBudget, hashYearAmountOriginal); } else { Hashtable hashYearAmount = new Hashtable(); Hashtable hashYearAmountOriginal = new Hashtable(); if (strAmount == "") { hashYearAmount.Add(strYear, 0.0); hashYearAmountOriginal.Add(strYear, 0.0); } else { hashYearAmount.Add(strYear, float.Parse(strAmount)); hashYearAmountOriginal.Add(strYear, float.Parse(strAmount)); } BudgetYear.Add(strBudget, hashYearAmount); BudgetYearOriginal.Add(strBudget, hashYearAmountOriginal); } } foreach (var budget in BudgetYear.Keys) { var hashYearAmount = (Hashtable)BudgetYear[budget]; var hashYearAmountOriginal = (Hashtable)BudgetYearOriginal[budget]; for (int year = MaximumYear + 1; year < MaximumYear + 101; year++) { hashYearAmount.Add(year.ToString(), hashYearAmount[MaximumYear.ToString()]); hashYearAmountOriginal.Add(year.ToString(), hashYearAmountOriginal[MaximumYear.ToString()]); } } }
public static object ConvertToRoadCareObject(object value, string attribute) { string type = ""; switch (attribute) { case "LENGTH": case "AREA": type = "NUMBER"; break; default: type = SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeType(attribute); break; } object rcValue = null; if (type == "STRING") { if (value == null) { rcValue = null; } else { rcValue = value.ToString(); } } else if (type == "DATETIME") { if (value == null) { rcValue = null; } else { rcValue = Convert.ToDateTime(value); } } else { if (value == null) { rcValue = null; } else { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value.ToString())) { rcValue = null; } else //At this point this should only contain valid numbers, catch block is in case. { try { rcValue = Convert.ToDouble(value); } catch { rcValue = null; } } } } return(rcValue); }
public static string GetDecisionEngineCritera(string omsCriteria) { omsCriteria = omsCriteria.Replace("[]", "cgde_timeperiodof"); // Square brackets denote variables. [] messes this up. string deCriteria = ""; List <string> expressions = new List <string>(); //List of omsExpressions int lastOpen = -1; int i = 0; while (i < omsCriteria.Length)//Find all expressions { if (omsCriteria[i] == '(') { lastOpen = i; } if (omsCriteria[i] == ')' && lastOpen >= 0) { string expression = omsCriteria.Substring(lastOpen, i - lastOpen + 1); if (expression.Contains("[")) { byte numberExpressions = (byte)expressions.Count; string placeHolder = numberExpressions.ToString("x2"); expressions.Add(expression); omsCriteria = omsCriteria.Replace(expression, placeHolder); i = 0; } lastOpen = -1; } else { i++; } } omsCriteria = omsCriteria.Replace("AND", "&&").Replace("OR", "||").Replace("NOT", "!"); if (CheckMatchingParentheses(omsCriteria)) { byte index = 0; deCriteria = omsCriteria; foreach (string expression in expressions) { string variable = GetVariable(expression); string fieldType = SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeType(variable); if (fieldType != null) { string placeholder = index.ToString("x2"); string deExpression = ConvertToDecisionEngine(expression, fieldType); deCriteria = deCriteria.Replace(placeholder, deExpression); } else { deCriteria = "Variable = " + variable + " not found."; break; } index++; } } else { deCriteria = "Parentheses in input criteria do not match."; } return(deCriteria); }
public bool CalculateRemainingLifeEquation(Hashtable hashAttributeValues, Hashtable hashPrevious, out double dRL) { double increment; double delta; double ratioAnswer = 0; int iAnswer = -1; double ratioDeficient = 0; int iDeficient = -1; double dRemainingLife = 0; dRL = dRemainingLife; double dValue = double.Parse(hashAttributeValues[this.Attribute].ToString()); if (!_isAgeOnly) { Solve(hashPrevious); } double dAge = 0; if (Shift) { dAge = double.Parse(hashAttributeValues["AGE"].ToString()); } double dLimit; if (!SimulationMessaging.GetDeficientLevel(this.Attribute, hashPrevious, out dLimit)) { return(false); } this.RemainingLifeLimit = dLimit; for (int i = 0; i < 98; i++) { //This eliminates ascending / descending problem. Just looking for a number in between. if ((_answer[i] >= dValue && dValue > _answer[i + 1]) || (_answer[i] <= dValue && dValue < _answer[i + 1])) { delta = dValue - _answer[i + 1]; increment = _answer[i] - _answer[i + 1]; if (increment == 0) { ratioAnswer = 0; } else { ratioAnswer = 1 - (delta / increment); } iAnswer = i; } if ((_answer[i] >= this.RemainingLifeLimit && this.RemainingLifeLimit > _answer[i + 1]) || (_answer[i] <= this.RemainingLifeLimit && this.RemainingLifeLimit < _answer[i + 1])) { delta = this.RemainingLifeLimit - _answer[i + 1]; increment = _answer[i] - _answer[i + 1]; if (increment == 0) { ratioDeficient = 0; } else { ratioDeficient = 1 - (delta / increment); } iDeficient = i; } if (iAnswer >= 0 && iDeficient >= 0) { //Then we have solve remaining life dRemainingLife = ((double)iDeficient + ratioDeficient) - ((double)iAnswer + ratioAnswer); dRL = dRemainingLife; if (Shift && i > 0 && dAge > 0) { double dApparentAge = (double)iAnswer + ratioAnswer; double dAgeRatio = dApparentAge / (dAge); dRL = dRL / dAgeRatio; } if (dRL < 0) { dRL = 0; } return(true); } } if (iAnswer >= 0 && iDeficient == -1) { dRemainingLife = 99; dRL = dRemainingLife; return(true); } if (iDeficient >= 0 && iAnswer == -1) { dRemainingLife = 0; dRL = dRemainingLife; return(true); } dRL = 0; return(false); }
public void MoveBudgetAcross(string budget, string year, Priorities priority) { //Get next budget. var nextBudget = GetNextBudget(budget); //Add what is left from current budget (and priority) to the the next budget. string budgetCheck = budget.Trim(); Hashtable hashYearAmount; Hashtable hashYearAmountOriginal; float available = 0; float original = 0; //Budget not defined try { if (!BudgetYear.Contains(budgetCheck)) { return; } } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Checking budget year. " + e.Message)); throw e; } try { hashYearAmount = (Hashtable)BudgetYear[budgetCheck]; } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Retrieving budget year. " + e.Message)); throw e; } try { if (!hashYearAmount.Contains(year)) { return; } } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Checking year amount. " + e.Message)); throw e; } try { available = (float)hashYearAmount[year]; } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Retrieving year amount. " + e.Message)); throw e; } try { if (!BudgetYearOriginal.Contains(budgetCheck)) { return; } } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Checking budget year original. " + e.Message)); throw e; } try { hashYearAmountOriginal = (Hashtable)BudgetYearOriginal[budgetCheck]; } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Retrieving budget year original. " + e.Message)); throw e; } try { if (!hashYearAmountOriginal.Contains(year)) { return; } } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Checking year amount original. " + e.Message)); throw e; } try { original = (float)hashYearAmountOriginal[year]; } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Retrieving year amount original. " + e.Message)); throw e; } if (original <= 0) { return; } var percent = (1 - available / original) * 100; try { var percentLimit = (float)priority.BudgetPercent[budgetCheck]; if (percent < percentLimit) { var difference = percentLimit - percent; var budgetToMove = original * difference / 100; hashYearAmount[year] = (float)hashYearAmount[year] - budgetToMove; hashYearAmount = (Hashtable)BudgetYear[nextBudget]; hashYearAmount[year] = (float)hashYearAmount[year] + budgetToMove; } } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Retrieving budget year original. " + e.Message)); throw e; } }
/// <summary> /// /// Calculates the next years values AND files in the Answer array for base RemainingLife and Benefit cost. /// </summary> /// <param name="hashAttributeValues">Values for other attributes</param> /// <returns>Value for next year</returns> public double IterateOneYearEquation(Hashtable hashAttributeValues, int apparentAgeHint, out double apparentAge, out bool bOutOfRange) { double increment; double delta; double ratio; double dAnswer; double dAge = 0; apparentAge = 0; if (Shift) { dAge = double.Parse(hashAttributeValues["AGE"].ToString()); } bOutOfRange = true; double dValue = double.Parse(hashAttributeValues[this.Attribute].ToString()); //TODO: Does this need to be solved everytime on if (!_isAgeOnly) { Solve(hashAttributeValues); } //Check if 99 year value is input if (dValue > _answer[98] && !SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeAscending(Attribute)) { bOutOfRange = false; return(dValue); } else if (dValue < _answer[98] && SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeAscending(Attribute)) { bOutOfRange = false; return(dValue); } double dMinimum; double dMaximum; for (int i = 0; i < 98; i++) { //This eliminates ascending / descending problem. Just looking for a number in between. if ((_answer[i] >= dValue && dValue > _answer[i + 1]) || (_answer[i] <= dValue && dValue < _answer[i + 1])) { if (!Shift || i == 0 || dAge == 0) { delta = dValue - _answer[i + 1]; increment = _answer[i] - _answer[i + 1]; if (increment == 0) { return(_answer[i + 1]); } ratio = 1 - (delta / increment); increment = _answer[i + 1] - _answer[i + 2]; delta = ratio * increment; dAnswer = _answer[i + 1] - delta; } else // Must be SHIFT and i not 0 { delta = dValue - _answer[i + 1]; increment = _answer[i] - _answer[i + 1]; double dApparentAge = (double)i + (1 - (delta / increment)); // Determine apparent age double dApparentRatio = dApparentAge / dAge; // Determine rate that age is changing. double dNextAge = dApparentRatio + dApparentAge; int iNextAge = (int)Math.Floor(dNextAge); double dNextRatio = dNextAge - Math.Floor(dNextAge); if (iNextAge < 99) { increment = _answer[iNextAge] - _answer[iNextAge + 1]; delta = dNextRatio * increment; dAnswer = _answer[iNextAge] - delta; } else { dAnswer = _answer[99]; } } if (SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeMinimum(this.Attribute, out dMinimum)) { if (dMinimum > dAnswer) { return(dMinimum); } } if (SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeMaximum(this.Attribute, out dMaximum)) { if (dMaximum < dAnswer) { return(dMaximum); } } bOutOfRange = false; return(dAnswer); } } dValue = _answer[0]; if (SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeMinimum(this.Attribute, out dMinimum)) { if (dMinimum > dValue) { return(dMinimum); } } if (SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeMaximum(this.Attribute, out dMaximum)) { if (dMaximum < dValue) { return(dMaximum); } } return(dValue); }
internal void SetFunction(string equation) { _equation = equation; // Get list of attributes _attributesEquation = SimulationMessaging.ParseAttribute(_equation); if (_attributesEquation == null) { return; } if (_attributesEquation.Count == 1 && _attributesEquation[0].ToUpper() == "AGE") { _isAgeOnly = true; } if (_equation.Length >= 6 && _equation.Substring(0, 6) == "MODULE") { IsModule = true; //this will crash the program for equations with less than 10 characters //if (m_strEquation.Substring(0, 6) == "MODULE") if (_equation.Length >= 10 && _equation.Substring(7, 3) == "CRS") { IsCRS = true; } else if (_equation.Length >= 10 && _equation.Substring(7, 3) == "OCI") { IsOCI = true; } return; } else { if (_calculate == null) { _calculate = new CalculateEvaluate.CalculateEvaluate(); //Allow functions to utilize strings and dates. string functionEquation = _equation; List <string> attributes = SimulationMessaging.ParseAttribute(functionEquation); foreach (String attribute in attributes) { String attributeType = SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeType(attribute); if (attributeType == "STRING") { String oldValue = "[" + attribute + "]"; String newValue = "[@" + attribute + "]"; functionEquation = functionEquation.Replace(oldValue, newValue); } else if (attributeType == "DATETIME") { String oldValue = "[" + attribute + "]"; String newValue = "[$" + attribute + "]"; functionEquation = functionEquation.Replace(oldValue, newValue); } } _calculate.BuildFunctionClass(functionEquation, "double", cgOMS.Prefix + _table + "_BINARY_EQUATION_" + _performanceID); if (_calculate.m_cr == null) { _compilerResultsEquation = _calculate.CompileAssembly(); if (_table != null) { SimulationMessaging.SaveSerializedCalculateEvaluate(cgOMS.Prefix + _table, "BINARY_EQUATION", _performanceID, _calculate); } } if (_calculate.m_listError.Count > 0) { foreach (String str in _calculate.m_listError) { _errors.Add(str); } } } //If [AGE] is the only variable. This only needs to be solved once so might //as well solve it right now. if (_isAgeOnly) { Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); hash.Add("AGE", "0"); this.Solve(hash); } } }
public void Solve(Hashtable hashAttributeValue) { double dValue; double dMinimum; double dMaximum; _answer = new double[100]; if (IsModule) { if (IsCRS) { String strType = hashAttributeValue[_attributesEquation[0].ToString()].ToString(); double dCRS = Convert.ToDouble(hashAttributeValue[_attributesEquation[1].ToString()]); double dThick = Convert.ToDouble(hashAttributeValue[_attributesEquation[2].ToString()]); double dESAL = Convert.ToDouble(hashAttributeValue[_attributesEquation[3].ToString()]); double dESALGrowth = Convert.ToDouble(hashAttributeValue[_attributesEquation[4].ToString()]); double dRSL; double dBenefit; _answer[0] = dCRS; for (int n = 1; n < 100; n++) { double dAge = (double)n; dValue =, strType, dCRS, dThick, dESAL, dESALGrowth, 1, dAge, SimulationMessaging.Method.BenefitLimit, out dBenefit, out dRSL); try { if (SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeMaximum(this.Attribute, out dMaximum)) { if (dValue > dMaximum) { dValue = dMaximum; } } if (SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeMinimum(this.Attribute, out dMinimum)) { if (dValue < dMinimum) { dValue = dMinimum; } } } catch { String strValue = SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeDefault(this.Attribute); dValue = double.Parse(strValue); } _answer[n] = dValue; } return; } else if (IsOCI) { } } object[] input = new object[_attributesEquation.Count]; int i = 0; int nAge = -1; foreach (String str in _attributesEquation) { if (str == "AGE") { nAge = i; } input[i] = hashAttributeValue[str];; i++; } for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++) { double dAge = (double)n; if (nAge >= 0) { input[nAge] = dAge; } try { object result = _calculate.RunMethod(input); try { dValue = (double)result; if (SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeMaximum(this.Attribute, out dMaximum)) { if (dValue > dMaximum) { dValue = dMaximum; } } if (SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeMinimum(this.Attribute, out dMinimum)) { if (dValue < dMinimum) { dValue = dMinimum; } } } catch { String strValue = SimulationMessaging.GetAttributeDefault(this.Attribute); dValue = double.Parse(strValue); } _answer[n] = dValue; } catch (Exception exc) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error in RunMethod. " + _calculate.OriginalInput + " " + exc.Message)); } } return; }
public bool LoadBudgetPercentages(List <String> listBudgets) { //Cleanup unused Budgets String strDelete = "DELETE FROM " + cgOMS.Prefix + "PRIORITYFUND WHERE PRIORITYID='" + this.PriorityID + "'"; if (listBudgets.Count > 0) { strDelete += " AND ("; } int nBudget = 0; foreach (String sBudget in listBudgets) { if (nBudget > 0) { strDelete += " AND "; } strDelete += "BUDGET<>'" + sBudget + "'"; nBudget++; } if (listBudgets.Count > 0) { strDelete += ")"; } try { DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(strDelete); } catch (Exception except) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Fatal Error: Error removing non-used budget priorities. " + except.Message)); return(false); } if (SimulationMessaging.IsOMS) { foreach (string budget in listBudgets) { m_hashBudgetPercent.Add(budget, 100f); } } else { String strSelect = "SELECT BUDGET, FUNDING FROM " + cgOMS.Prefix + "PRIORITYFUND WHERE PRIORITYID='" + this.PriorityID + "'"; DataSet ds; try { ds = DBMgr.ExecuteQuery(strSelect); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != listBudgets.Count) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Fatal Error: Each budget must have a funding level for each priority level.")); return(false); } } catch { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Filling Priority budgets and funding")); return(false); } String strBudget; String strFunding; float fFunding; foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { strBudget = row[0].ToString(); fFunding = 100; strFunding = row[1].ToString(); float.TryParse(strFunding, out fFunding); m_hashBudgetPercent.Add(strBudget, fFunding); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Check if budget can support treatment. Checks for each priority. /// </summary> /// <param name="fAmount"></param> /// <param name="strBudget"></param> /// <param name="strYear"></param> /// <param name="hashAttributeValue"></param> /// <param name="priority"></param> /// <param name="limits">Limits where treatments are split over multiple years</param> /// <returns></returns> public string IsBudgetAvailable(float fAmount, string strBudget, String strYear, Hashtable hashAttributeValue, Priorities priority, List <ISplitTreatmentLimit> limits, string budgetLimitType, out string budgetHash, out ISplitTreatmentLimit splitTreatmentLimit, out string reasonNoBudget) { reasonNoBudget = ""; string noBudgetAvailable = ""; splitTreatmentLimit = limits[0]; //Check priority. If not possible just return null. if (!(priority.IsAllSections || priority.Criteria.IsCriteriaMet(hashAttributeValue))) { budgetHash = ""; reasonNoBudget = "Priority (" + priority.PriorityLevel + ") criteria not met for year " + strYear; return(noBudgetAvailable); } string[] possibleBudgets; foreach (var limit in limits) { if (limit.Amount > fAmount) { splitTreatmentLimit = limit; break; } } budgetHash = ""; try { possibleBudgets = strBudget.Split('|'); for (int i = 0; i < possibleBudgets.Length; i++) { possibleBudgets[i] = possibleBudgets[i].Trim(); } } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Budget is null." + e.Message)); throw e; } //If there are no budget criteria, then ignore. The list is enforced. var budgets = new List <string>(); if (SimulationMessaging.BudgetCriterias.Count > 0) { var listAvailableBudget = new List <BudgetCriteria>(); foreach (var budgetCriteria in SimulationMessaging.BudgetCriterias) { if (budgetCriteria.Criteria.IsCriteriaMet(hashAttributeValue)) { listAvailableBudget.Add(budgetCriteria); } } foreach (var budget in possibleBudgets) { var available = listAvailableBudget.Find(b => b.BudgetName == budget); if (available != null && !budgets.Contains(available.BudgetName)) { budgets.Add(available.BudgetName); } } } else { foreach (var budget in possibleBudgets) { budgets.Add(budget); } } if (budgets.Count == 0) { reasonNoBudget = "Budget (" + strBudget + ") did not meet budget criteria."; } foreach (string budget in budgets) { string budgetCheck = budget.Trim(); Hashtable hashYearAmount; Hashtable hashYearAmountOriginal; float fAvailable; float fOriginal; float fAfterSpending; float fPercent; //Budget not defined try { if (!BudgetYear.Contains(budgetCheck)) { continue; } } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Checking budget year. " + e.Message)); throw e; } try { hashYearAmount = (Hashtable)BudgetYear[budgetCheck]; } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Retrieving budget year. " + e.Message)); throw e; } try { if (!BudgetYearOriginal.Contains(budgetCheck)) { continue; } } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Checking budget year original. " + e.Message)); throw e; } bool currentBudgetAvailable = true; if (budgetLimitType.ToLower() == "unlimited")//If the budget is available (possible budget) and is unlimited... we are good. { return(budgetCheck); } //Starting here need to loop through year amounts. var year = Convert.ToInt32(strYear); for (int i = 0; i < splitTreatmentLimit.Percentages.Count; i++) { var currentYearAmount = fAmount * splitTreatmentLimit.Percentages[i] / 100; var currentYear = year + i; //Priority must be all years, match the current year or the current year must be greater than maximum year and the Maximum year must be a priority. if (!(priority.IsAllYears || priority.Years == currentYear || (currentYear > MaximumYear && priority.Years == MaximumYear))) { reasonNoBudget = "Priority is not set for year " + currentYear; return(null); } try { //This occurs when a split treament goes past then end. if (!hashYearAmount.Contains(currentYear.ToString())) { continue; } //Not past end of analysis. fAvailable = (float)hashYearAmount[currentYear.ToString()]; } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Retrieving year amount. " + e.Message)); throw e; } //This gets a hash of all years and the amount of budgets originally available. try { hashYearAmountOriginal = (Hashtable)BudgetYearOriginal[budgetCheck]; //This occurs when a split treament goes pas then end. if (!hashYearAmountOriginal.ContainsKey(currentYear.ToString())) { continue; } } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Retrieving budget year original. " + e.Message)); throw e; } try { if (!hashYearAmountOriginal.Contains(currentYear.ToString())) { continue; } fOriginal = (float)hashYearAmountOriginal[currentYear.ToString()]; } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Retrieving year amount original. " + e.Message)); throw e; } fAfterSpending = fAvailable - currentYearAmount; if (fOriginal <= 0) { continue; } fPercent = (1 - fAfterSpending / fOriginal) * 100; try { float fPercentLimit = (float)priority.BudgetPercent[budgetCheck]; var original = (float)priority.BudgetPercent[budgetCheck] * fOriginal / 100; budgetHash = currentYearAmount.ToString("#,##0.##") + "/" + fAmount.ToString("#,##0.##") + "/" + fAvailable.ToString("#,##0.##") + "/" + original.ToString("#,##0.##"); //if (fPercent < fPercentLimit) return budgetCheck; if (fPercent > fPercentLimit) { currentBudgetAvailable = false; reasonNoBudget = "Percent after spending greater than priority limit " + fPercent.ToString("f2") + "/" + fPercentLimit.ToString("f2") + " for year(" + currentYear + ")"; return(noBudgetAvailable); } } catch (Exception e) { SimulationMessaging.AddMessage(new SimulationMessage("Error: Evaluating priority. " + e.Message)); throw e; } } //To be true here, there must be money available for each year. if (currentBudgetAvailable) { return(budgetCheck); } } return(noBudgetAvailable); }