public void printColorRunChart(BackgroundWorker b) { if (!int.TryParse(this.tb_Steps.Text, out this.steps)) { MessageBox.Show("Please insert a valid value to the steps box"); b.CancelAsync(); return; } UrnPolya.Urn a = this.selected_urn_process(); if (a == null) { return; } a.simulation(steps, this.backgroundWorker2); if (a == null) { return; } double[,] result = a.getProportions(); F_grafico f_grafico = new F_grafico(result, this.ColorsUsedList, steps + 1); f_grafico.ShowDialog(); }
public void PrintChart(BackgroundWorker b) { if (!int.TryParse(this.tb_Steps.Text, out this.steps)) { MessageBox.Show("Please insert a valid value to the steps box"); b.CancelAsync(); return; } if (!int.TryParse(this.tb_simulations.Text, out this.simulations)) { MessageBox.Show("Please insert a valid value to the simulations box"); b.CancelAsync(); return; } UrnPolya.Urn a = this.selected_urn_process(); if (a == null) { return; } double[,] r = UrnPolya.Urn.colors_AvarageRatio(a, steps, simulations, b); F_grafico f = new F_grafico(r, this.ColorsUsedList); f.ShowDialog(); }