//public const string Alias = "Class1"; //public const string DefaultData = "Class1Data"; /// <summary> /// Creates a new control /// </summary> /// <param name="DataElement">The hidden data element</param> public SimpleRollover() { // wallpapers at http://labnol.blogspot.com/2006/11/download-windows-vista-wallpapers.html // * broken at the moment #region AnimateCharacterColors System.Func<string, INode> AnimateCharacterColors = (text) => { var s = new IHTMLSpan(); var l = new global::System.Collections.Generic.List<IHTMLSpan>(); foreach (char c in text) { var y = new string(c, 1); var x = new IHTMLSpan(y); if (y == " ") { s.appendChild(" "); } else { l.Add(x); s.appendChild(x); } } new Timer( t => { var len = l.Count + 40; if (t.Counter % len < l.Count) { if (t.Counter % (len * 2) < l.Count) { l[t.Counter % len].style.visibility = IStyle.VisibilityEnum.hidden; } else { l[t.Counter % len].style.visibility = IStyle.VisibilityEnum.visible; } } }, 6000, 200); return s; }; #endregion // */ var u = new IHTMLDiv(); //u.style.backgroundColor = Color.Green; u.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; u.style.left = "0"; u.style.top = "0"; u.style.height = "100%"; u.style.width = "100%"; u.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.auto; var styles = new XStyles { dark = new IStyleSheet(), light = new IStyleSheet(), switchbutton = new IHTMLAnchor("", "day/night"), counter = 0 }; styles.switchbutton.onclick += ev => { ev.PreventDefault(); styles.counter++; if (styles.counter % 2 == 1) { styles.dark.disabled = false; styles.light.disabled = true; } else { styles.dark.disabled = true; styles.light.disabled = false; } }; var ad = new IHTMLDiv( new IHTMLSpan( AnimateCharacterColors( "this application was written in c# and then translated to javascript by jsc to run in your browser" ) ), new IHTMLAnchor("http://zproxy.wordpress.com", "visit blog"), new IHTMLAnchor("http://jsc.sf.net", "get more examples"), styles.switchbutton ) { className = "ad1" }; u.appendChild(ad); var sheet = new IStyleSheet(); sheet.AddRule(".ad1", r => { r.style.marginTop = "1em"; r.style.color = Color.White; r.style.fontFamily = IStyle.FontFamilyEnum.Verdana; } ); sheet.AddRule(".ad1 > *", r => { r.style.padding = "1em"; r.style.marginTop = "1em"; } ); sheet.AddRule(".ad1 > span", r => { r.style.Float = IStyle.FloatEnum.right; } ); sheet.AddRule(".ad1 > a", r => { r.style.Float = IStyle.FloatEnum.left; r.style.color = Color.White; r.style.textDecoration = "none"; } ); sheet.AddRule(".ad1 a:hover", r => { r.style.color = Color.Yellow; } ); sheet.AddRule("html", r => { r.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; } ); sheet.AddRule("body", r => { r.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; r.style.padding = "0"; r.style.margin = "0"; //r.style.backgroundImage = "url(assets/vista.jpg)"; } ); styles.dark.AddRule("body").style.backgroundColor = JSColor.Black; styles.dark.AddRule("body").style.backgroundPosition = "center top"; styles.light.AddRule("body").style.backgroundColor = JSColor.Black; styles.light.AddRule("body").style.backgroundPosition = "center top"; new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.vistax().ToBackground( styles.dark.AddRule("body").style, false ); new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.vista().ToBackground( styles.dark.AddRule(".effect1").style ); styles.dark.AddRule(".moon1").style.backgroundColor = Color.Yellow; new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.vista().ToBackground( styles.light.AddRule("body").style, false ); new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.vistax().ToBackground( styles.light.AddRule(".effect1").style ); styles.light.AddRule(".moon1").style.backgroundColor = Color.Red; sheet.AddRule(".special1", r => { r.style.background = "none"; r.style.border = "0"; r.style.width = "100%"; r.style.marginTop = "4em"; } ); sheet.AddRule(".content1", r => { r.style.backgroundColor = Color.White; r.style.padding = "1em"; r.style.marginLeft = "4em"; r.style.marginRight = "4em"; r.style.Opacity = 0.5; r.style.border = "1px solid gray"; } ); sheet.AddRule(".special1 img", "border: 0", 0); sheet.AddRule(".special1:hover", "background: url(" + new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.Untitled_3().src + ") repeat-x", 1); sheet.AddRule(".special1 .hot").style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.none; sheet.AddRule(".special1:hover .hot").style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.inline; sheet.AddRule(".special1 .cold", "display: inline;", 1); sheet.AddRule(".special1:hover .cold", "display: none;", 1); var states = new XState[] { }.AsEnumerable(); // new XState { // Show = default(System.Action), // Hide = default(System.Action), // Selected = false } //}.Where(p => false); Action<IHTMLImage, IHTMLImage, string> Spawn = async (icold, ihot, i2) => { var cold = await icold; var hot = await ihot; //((IHTMLImage)i[0]).InvokeOnComplete(cold => //((IHTMLImage)i[1]).InvokeOnComplete(hot => // { cold.className = "cold"; hot.className = "hot"; var btn = new IHTMLButton() { className = "special1" }; btn.appendChild(cold, hot); var content = new IHTMLElement(IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.pre); content.innerHTML = "..."; content.className = "content1"; var tween = new TweenDataDouble(); var tween_max = 16; tween.ValueChanged += delegate { content.style.Opacity = tween.Value / tween_max; content.style.height = tween.Value + "em"; content.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; }; tween.Done += delegate { if (tween.Value > 0) content.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.auto; }; tween.Value = 0; var state = new XState { Show = (System.Action)(() => { tween.Value = tween_max; } ), Hide = (System.Action)(() => tween.Value = 0), Selected = false }; //try //{ // new IXMLHttpRequest(HTTPMethodEnum.GET, i[2], // request => content.innerHTML = request.responseText // ); //} //catch //{ content.innerText = i2; //} states = states.Concat(new[] { state }); btn.onclick += delegate { foreach (var v in states) { if (v == state) { v.Selected = !v.Selected; if (v.Selected) { v.Show(); } else { v.Hide(); } } else { v.Selected = false; v.Hide(); } } }; u.appendChild(btn, content); }; SpawnCursor(); u.AttachToDocument(); Spawn( new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.Untitled_1_03(), new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.Untitled_2_03(), "This application was written in C#." ); Spawn( new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.Untitled_1_07(), new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.Untitled_2_07(), "This application was cross compiled into JavaScript." ); }
//public const string Alias = "Class1"; //public const string DefaultData = "Class1Data"; /// <summary> /// Creates a new control /// </summary> /// <param name="DataElement">The hidden data element</param> public SimpleRollover() { // wallpapers at http://labnol.blogspot.com/2006/11/download-windows-vista-wallpapers.html // * broken at the moment #region AnimateCharacterColors System.Func <string, INode> AnimateCharacterColors = (text) => { var s = new IHTMLSpan(); var l = new global::System.Collections.Generic.List <IHTMLSpan>(); foreach (char c in text) { var y = new string(c, 1); var x = new IHTMLSpan(y); if (y == " ") { s.appendChild(" "); } else { l.Add(x); s.appendChild(x); } } new Timer( t => { var len = l.Count + 40; if (t.Counter % len < l.Count) { if (t.Counter % (len * 2) < l.Count) { l[t.Counter % len].style.visibility = IStyle.VisibilityEnum.hidden; } else { l[t.Counter % len].style.visibility = IStyle.VisibilityEnum.visible; } } }, 6000, 200); return(s); }; #endregion // */ var u = new IHTMLDiv(); //u.style.backgroundColor = Color.Green; u.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; u.style.left = "0"; u.style.top = "0"; u.style.height = "100%"; u.style.width = "100%"; u.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.auto; var styles = new XStyles { dark = new IStyleSheet(), light = new IStyleSheet(), switchbutton = new IHTMLAnchor("", "day/night"), counter = 0 }; styles.switchbutton.onclick += ev => { ev.PreventDefault(); styles.counter++; if (styles.counter % 2 == 1) { styles.dark.disabled = false; styles.light.disabled = true; } else { styles.dark.disabled = true; styles.light.disabled = false; } }; var ad = new IHTMLDiv( new IHTMLSpan( AnimateCharacterColors( "this application was written in c# and then translated to javascript by jsc to run in your browser" ) ), new IHTMLAnchor("http://zproxy.wordpress.com", "visit blog"), new IHTMLAnchor("http://jsc.sf.net", "get more examples"), styles.switchbutton ) { className = "ad1" }; u.appendChild(ad); var sheet = new IStyleSheet(); sheet.AddRule(".ad1", r => { r.style.marginTop = "1em"; r.style.color = Color.White; r.style.fontFamily = IStyle.FontFamilyEnum.Verdana; } ); sheet.AddRule(".ad1 > *", r => { r.style.padding = "1em"; r.style.marginTop = "1em"; } ); sheet.AddRule(".ad1 > span", r => { r.style.Float = IStyle.FloatEnum.right; } ); sheet.AddRule(".ad1 > a", r => { r.style.Float = IStyle.FloatEnum.left; r.style.color = Color.White; r.style.textDecoration = "none"; } ); sheet.AddRule(".ad1 a:hover", r => { r.style.color = Color.Yellow; } ); sheet.AddRule("html", r => { r.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; } ); sheet.AddRule("body", r => { r.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; r.style.padding = "0"; r.style.margin = "0"; //r.style.backgroundImage = "url(assets/vista.jpg)"; } ); styles.dark.AddRule("body").style.backgroundColor = JSColor.Black; styles.dark.AddRule("body").style.backgroundPosition = "center top"; styles.light.AddRule("body").style.backgroundColor = JSColor.Black; styles.light.AddRule("body").style.backgroundPosition = "center top"; new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.vistax().ToBackground( styles.dark.AddRule("body").style, false ); new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.vista().ToBackground( styles.dark.AddRule(".effect1").style ); styles.dark.AddRule(".moon1").style.backgroundColor = Color.Yellow; new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.vista().ToBackground( styles.light.AddRule("body").style, false ); new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.vistax().ToBackground( styles.light.AddRule(".effect1").style ); styles.light.AddRule(".moon1").style.backgroundColor = Color.Red; sheet.AddRule(".special1", r => { r.style.background = "none"; r.style.border = "0"; r.style.width = "100%"; r.style.marginTop = "4em"; } ); sheet.AddRule(".content1", r => { r.style.backgroundColor = Color.White; r.style.padding = "1em"; r.style.marginLeft = "4em"; r.style.marginRight = "4em"; r.style.Opacity = 0.5; r.style.border = "1px solid gray"; } ); sheet.AddRule(".special1 img", "border: 0", 0); sheet.AddRule(".special1:hover", "background: url(" + new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.Untitled_3().src + ") repeat-x", 1); sheet.AddRule(".special1 .hot").style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.none; sheet.AddRule(".special1:hover .hot").style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.inline; sheet.AddRule(".special1 .cold", "display: inline;", 1); sheet.AddRule(".special1:hover .cold", "display: none;", 1); var states = new XState[] { }.AsEnumerable(); // new XState { // Show = default(System.Action), // Hide = default(System.Action), // Selected = false } //}.Where(p => false); Action <IHTMLImage, IHTMLImage, string> Spawn = async(icold, ihot, i2) => { var cold = await icold; var hot = await ihot; //((IHTMLImage)i[0]).InvokeOnComplete(cold => //((IHTMLImage)i[1]).InvokeOnComplete(hot => // { cold.className = "cold"; hot.className = "hot"; var btn = new IHTMLButton() { className = "special1" }; btn.appendChild(cold, hot); var content = new IHTMLElement(IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.pre); content.innerHTML = "..."; content.className = "content1"; var tween = new TweenDataDouble(); var tween_max = 16; tween.ValueChanged += delegate { content.style.Opacity = tween.Value / tween_max; content.style.height = tween.Value + "em"; content.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; }; tween.Done += delegate { if (tween.Value > 0) { content.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.auto; } }; tween.Value = 0; var state = new XState { Show = (System.Action)(() => { tween.Value = tween_max; } ), Hide = (System.Action)(() => tween.Value = 0), Selected = false }; //try //{ // new IXMLHttpRequest(HTTPMethodEnum.GET, i[2], // request => content.innerHTML = request.responseText // ); //} //catch //{ content.innerText = i2; //} states = states.Concat(new[] { state }); btn.onclick += delegate { foreach (var v in states) { if (v == state) { v.Selected = !v.Selected; if (v.Selected) { v.Show(); } else { v.Hide(); } } else { v.Selected = false; v.Hide(); } } }; u.appendChild(btn, content); }; SpawnCursor(); u.AttachToDocument(); Spawn( new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.Untitled_1_03(), new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.Untitled_2_03(), "This application was written in C#." ); Spawn( new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.Untitled_1_07(), new global::SimpleRollover.HTML.Images.FromAssets.Untitled_2_07(), "This application was cross compiled into JavaScript." ); }