void PrintStatisticInfo(StatisticInfo statisticInfo, string colorComponentName)
            textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Складова " + colorComponentName + Environment.NewLine;

            textBox1.Text += String.Format("Average error: {0:0.0000}{1}", statisticInfo.averageError, Environment.NewLine);
            textBox1.Text += String.Format("Sigma: {0:0.0000}{1}", statisticInfo.sigma, Environment.NewLine);
            textBox1.Text += String.Format("PSNR: {0:0.0000}{1}", statisticInfo.PSNR, Environment.NewLine);
        private static void FillSigma(StatisticInfo statisticInfo)
            double disp = 0;
            int    N    = statisticInfo.eps.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                disp += (statisticInfo.eps[i] - statisticInfo.averageError).Pow(2);

            statisticInfo.sigma = Math.Sqrt(disp / (N - 1));
        public static StatisticInfo[] GetStatistics(double[,,] imageA, double[,,] imageB)
            StatisticInfo r = AverageErrorR(imageA, imageB);
            StatisticInfo g = AverageErrorG(imageA, imageB);
            StatisticInfo b = AverageErrorB(imageA, imageB);



            return(new[] { r, g, b });
        private static StatisticInfo AverageError(double[,,] imageA, double[,,] imageB, int color)
            if (color < 0 || color > 2)
                throw new Exception("Invalid value of 'color' parameter");

            int heightA = imageA.GetLength(1);
            int widthA  = imageA.GetLength(2);

            int heightB = imageB.GetLength(1);
            int widthB  = imageA.GetLength(2);

            int minHeight = Math.Min(heightA, heightB);
            int minWidth  = Math.Min(widthA, widthB);

            //if((heightA != heightB) || (widthA != widthB))
            //    throw new Exception("Images must have the same size");

            StatisticInfo res = new StatisticInfo();

            res.eps = new double[minHeight * minWidth];
            for (int i = 0; i < minHeight; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < minWidth; j++)
                    double eps = imageA[color, i, j] - imageB[color, i, j];
                    res.averageError        += eps;
                    res.eps[i * heightA + j] = eps;

            res.averageError /= (minHeight * minWidth);

 private static void FillPSNR(StatisticInfo statisticInfo)
     statisticInfo.PSNR = 10 * Math.Log10(255 * 255d / (statisticInfo.sigma * statisticInfo.sigma));