public void ContextChange(object sender, LuaEventArgs args) { talent.Reset(); glyph.Reset(); spell.Reset(); line_cds.Clear(); PlayerAuras.Reset(); PetAuras.Reset(); _class = StyxWoW.Me.Class; //_spec = Me.Specialization; var oldctx = Context; Context = (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentMap.IsArena || StyxWoW.Me.CurrentMap.IsBattleground) ? WoWContext.PvP : WoWContext.PvE; if (Context != oldctx) { SimcraftImpl.Write("Switching to " + Context + " Mode"); } ooc = DateTime.Now; RebuildBehaviors(); }
public override void Start() { try { Specialisation = WoWSpec.None; NamedComposite.Sequence = ""; TreeRoot.TicksPerSecond = 8; ProfileManager.LoadEmpty(); //_oldRoutine = RoutineManager.Current; //Save it so we can restore it later RoutineManager.Current = new ProxyRoutine(); Lua.Events.RemoveFilter("COMBATLOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED"); Lua.Events.AttachEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED", UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED); Lua.Events.AttachEvent("COMBATLOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED", COMBATLOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED); Lua.Events.AttachEvent("CHARACTER_POINTS_CHANGED", ContextChange); Lua.Events.AttachEvent("PLAYER_LOGOUT", ContextChange); Lua.Events.AttachEvent("PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE", ContextChange); Lua.Events.AttachEvent("UNIT_AURA", PlayerAuras.UNIT_AURA); Lua.Events.AttachEvent("UNIT_AURA", PetAuras.UNIT_AURA); ContextChange(null, null); RegisterHotkeys(); } catch (Exception e) { SimcraftImpl.Write(e.ToString()); } }
public Composite CombatIteration() { return(new Action(delegate { //if (iterationCounter%7 == 0) /*if (console != null %% console.Va)console.BeginInvoke((System.Action)(() => * { * * console.reset(); * * }));*/ //console.BeginInvoke(new Delegate(console,"reset")); //console.reset(); //Write(Me.Pet.); combatIterationCount++; IterationTimer.Restart(); if (SpellIsTargeting) { SimcraftImpl.Write("Wanting to click: " + clickUnit); //Write("Clicking: " + clickUnit.Location + " " + iterationCounter); SpellManager.ClickRemoteLocation(clickUnit.Location); clickUnit = null; } //Write("u:{0} b:{1} f:{2}", unholy.current, death.current, frost.current); //OverrideSpell.Pulse(); return RunStatus.Failure; })); }
public Composite IterationEnd() { return(new Action(delegate { IterationTimer.Stop(); iterationTotal += IterationTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds; //if (IterationTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1) Write(DateTime.Now.Millisecond+": "+IterationTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds+""); if (combatIterationCount % 150 == 0) { SimcraftImpl.Write("avgIte: " + (iterationTotal / combatIterationCount)); } //Write(""+IterationTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds); })); }
public static void GenerateApls(String folder) { apls.Clear(); inst.actions.Reset(); if (current_action_list != null) { current_action_list.Unload(); } SimcraftImpl.Write("Compiling Action Lists"); foreach (var filename in Directory.GetFiles(folder)) { if (!filename.EndsWith(".simc")) { continue; } String contents = File.ReadAllText(filename); var currentApl = ActionPrioriyList.FromString(contents); if (currentApl.Class != Me.Class) { continue; } var code = currentApl.ToCode(); var classname = RandomString(10); code = code.Replace("public class SimcraftRota", "public class " + classname); //SimcraftImpl.Write(code); Assembly asm = RuntimeCodeCompiler.CompileCode(code); Behavior attributes = (Behavior)asm.GetTypes()[0].GetMembers()[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Behavior), true).First(); currentApl.Assembly = asm; SimcraftImpl.Write("New Apl: " + currentApl.Name); apls[currentApl.ToString()] = currentApl; } }
public static void Load() { try { SimcraftImpl.Write("Loading configuration"); var reader = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SimCSettings)); var file = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(Settings.CharacterSettingsDirectory, "SimCSettings.xml")); currentSettings = (SimCSettings)reader.Deserialize(file); SimcraftImpl.Write("Configuration successfully loaded."); } catch { SimcraftImpl.Write("Failed to load configuration, creating default configuration."); //Write("Exception: " + e); _currentSettings = DefaultConfig(); } }
private void UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED(object sender, LuaEventArgs args) { //Logging.Write(args.EventName); //Write("bc: "+pet.buff.beast_cleave.up); //Write("ff: " + buff.frenzy.stack); //(Write("rav"+talent.ravager.enabled); //Write("ava:"+talent.avatar.enabled); /* var sw = new Stopwatch(); * sw.Restart(); * * * string cc = "local can_cast = {};"; * * int i = 0; * * foreach (var sp in current_action_list.spells) * { * cc += "u, m = IsUsableSpell(\""+"Kill Command"+"\"); can_cast["+i+"] = u;"; * i++; * } * cc += "return unpack(can_cast);"; * * Lua.GetReturnValues(cc); * * Logging.Write(""+sw.ElapsedTicks+" checked spells "+i);*/ if (args.Args[0].ToString().Equals("player")) { uint spellid = uint.Parse(args.Args[4].ToString()); if (!dbc.Spells.ContainsKey(spellid)) { return; } LastSpellCast = dbc.Spells[spellid]; prev.spell = LastSpellCast; LogDebug("Cast: " +; if ( == 78203) { var s = new Stopwatch(); s.Start(); apparitions.Add(s); } if ( == 8092) { if (conditionUnit != null) { conditionUnit.ApplyMindHarvest(); } } if ( == 20271) { last_judgment_target = conditionUnit; } if (LastSpellCast.gcd > 0) { prev_gcd.spell = LastSpellCast; } if ("Seal of")) { = LastSpellCast.token.Split('_')[2]; } if (talent.steady_focus.enabled) { if ( == 77767) { BuffProxy.cShots++; if (BuffProxy.cShots == 2) { BuffProxy.cShots = 0; SimcraftImpl.Write(DateTime.Now + ": Steady Shots!"); } } if (CobraReset.Contains( && BuffProxy.cShots > 0) { BuffProxy.cShots = 0; } } } }