/// <summary>Attempts to invert the given matrix. If the operation succeeds, the inverted matrix is stored in the result parameter.</summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The source matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The output matrix.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the operation succeeded, False otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool Invert <T>(Matrix3X2 <T> matrix, out Matrix3X2 <T> result)
            where T : unmanaged, IFormattable, IEquatable <T>, IComparable <T>
            T det = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Multiply(matrix.M11, matrix.M22), Scalar.Multiply(matrix.M21, matrix.M12));

            if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(Scalar.Abs(det), Scalar <T> .Epsilon))
                result = new(Scalar <T> .NaN, Scalar <T> .NaN, Scalar <T> .NaN, Scalar <T> .NaN, Scalar <T> .NaN, Scalar <T> .NaN);

            T invDet = Scalar.Reciprocal(det);

            result = default;

            result.M11 = Scalar.Multiply(matrix.M22, invDet);
            result.M12 = Scalar.Negate(Scalar.Multiply(matrix.M12, invDet));

            result.M21 = Scalar.Negate(Scalar.Multiply(matrix.M21, invDet));
            result.M22 = Scalar.Multiply(matrix.M11, invDet);

            result.M31 = Scalar.Multiply(Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Multiply(matrix.M21, matrix.M32), Scalar.Multiply(matrix.M31, matrix.M22)), invDet);
            result.M32 = Scalar.Multiply(Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Multiply(matrix.M31, matrix.M12), Scalar.Multiply(matrix.M11, matrix.M32)), invDet);

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates whether this circle contains another circle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">The circle.</param>
        /// <returns>True if this circle contains the given circle; False otherwise.</returns>
        /// <remarks>This does consider a circle that touches the edge contained.</remarks>
        public bool Contains(Circle <T> other)
            var distanceSquared = Vector2D.DistanceSquared(Center, other.Center);
            var radiusDiff      = Scalar.Subtract(Radius, other.Radius);

            return(Scalar.LessThanOrEqual(distanceSquared, Scalar.Multiply(radiusDiff, radiusDiff)));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>Creates a rotation matrix from the given Quaternion rotation value.</summary>
        /// <param name="quaternion">The source Quaternion.</param>
        /// <returns>The rotation matrix.</returns>
        public static Matrix2X3 <T> CreateFromQuaternion <T>(Quaternion <T> quaternion)
            where T : unmanaged, IFormattable, IEquatable <T>, IComparable <T>
            Matrix2X3 <T> result = Matrix2X3 <T> .Identity;

            T xx = Scalar.Multiply(quaternion.X, quaternion.X);
            T yy = Scalar.Multiply(quaternion.Y, quaternion.Y);
            T zz = Scalar.Multiply(quaternion.Z, quaternion.Z);

            T xy = Scalar.Multiply(quaternion.X, quaternion.Y);
            T wz = Scalar.Multiply(quaternion.Z, quaternion.W);
            T xz = Scalar.Multiply(quaternion.Z, quaternion.X);
            T wy = Scalar.Multiply(quaternion.Y, quaternion.W);
            T yz = Scalar.Multiply(quaternion.Y, quaternion.Z);
            T wx = Scalar.Multiply(quaternion.X, quaternion.W);

            result.M11 = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, Scalar.Multiply(Scalar <T> .Two, Scalar.Add(yy, zz)));
            result.M12 = Scalar.Multiply(Scalar <T> .Two, Scalar.Add(xy, wz));
            result.M13 = Scalar.Multiply(Scalar <T> .Two, Scalar.Subtract(xz, wy));

            result.M21 = Scalar.Multiply(Scalar <T> .Two, Scalar.Subtract(xy, wz));
            result.M22 = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, Scalar.Multiply(Scalar <T> .Two, Scalar.Add(zz, xx)));
            result.M23 = Scalar.Multiply(Scalar <T> .Two, Scalar.Add(yz, wx));

Exemple #4
 public static T Dot <T>(Plane <T> plane, Vector4D <T> value)
     where T : unmanaged, IFormattable, IEquatable <T>, IComparable <T>
 => Scalar.Add(
         Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(plane.Normal.X, value.X),
                    Scalar.Multiply(plane.Normal.Y, value.Y)), Scalar.Multiply(plane.Normal.Z, value.Z)),
     Scalar.Multiply(plane.Distance, value.W));
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the distance to the nearest edge from the point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">The point.</param>
        /// <returns>The distance.</returns>
        public T GetDistanceToNearestEdge(Vector2D <T> point)
            var dx = Scalar.Max(Scalar.Max(Scalar.Subtract(Min.X, point.X), Scalar <T> .Zero), Scalar.Subtract(point.X, Max.X));
            var dy = Scalar.Max(Scalar.Max(Scalar.Subtract(Min.Y, point.Y), Scalar <T> .Zero), Scalar.Subtract(point.Y, Max.Y));

            return(Scalar.Sqrt(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(dx, dx), Scalar.Multiply(dy, dy))));
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the distance to the nearest edge from the point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">The point.</param>
        /// <returns>The distance.</returns>
        public T GetDistanceToNearestEdge(Vector3D <T> point)
            var max = Max;
            var dx  = Scalar.Max(Scalar.Max(Scalar.Subtract(Origin.X, point.X), Scalar <T> .Zero), Scalar.Subtract(point.X, max.X));
            var dy  = Scalar.Max(Scalar.Max(Scalar.Subtract(Origin.Y, point.Y), Scalar <T> .Zero), Scalar.Subtract(point.Y, max.Y));
            var dz  = Scalar.Max(Scalar.Max(Scalar.Subtract(Origin.Z, point.Z), Scalar <T> .Zero), Scalar.Subtract(point.Z, max.Z));

            return(Scalar.Sqrt(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(dx, dx), Scalar.Multiply(dy, dy)), Scalar.Multiply(dz, dz))));
Exemple #7
        public static Plane <T> Transform <T>(Plane <T> plane, Matrix4X4 <T> matrix)
            where T : unmanaged, IFormattable, IEquatable <T>, IComparable <T>
            Matrix4X4.Invert(matrix, out Matrix4X4 <T> m);

            T x = plane.Normal.X, y = plane.Normal.Y, z = plane.Normal.Z, w = plane.Distance;

                       Scalar.Add(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(x, m.M11), Scalar.Multiply(y, m.M12)), Scalar.Multiply(z, m.M13)), Scalar.Multiply(w, m.M14)),
                       Scalar.Add(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(x, m.M21), Scalar.Multiply(y, m.M22)), Scalar.Multiply(z, m.M23)), Scalar.Multiply(w, m.M24)),
                       Scalar.Add(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(x, m.M31), Scalar.Multiply(y, m.M32)), Scalar.Multiply(z, m.M33)), Scalar.Multiply(w, m.M34)),
                       Scalar.Add(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(x, m.M41), Scalar.Multiply(y, m.M42)), Scalar.Multiply(z, m.M43)), Scalar.Multiply(w, m.M44))));
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>Linearly interpolates between the corresponding values of two matrices.</summary>
        /// <param name="matrix1">The first source matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="matrix2">The second source matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="amount">The relative weight of the second source matrix.</param>
        /// <returns>The interpolated matrix.</returns>
        public static unsafe Matrix2X2<T> Lerp<T>(Matrix2X2<T> matrix1, Matrix2X2<T> matrix2, T amount) where T : unmanaged, IFormattable, IEquatable<T>, IComparable<T>
            Matrix2X2<T> result = default;

            // First row
            result.M11 = Scalar.Add(matrix1.M11, Scalar.Multiply(Scalar.Subtract(matrix2.M11, matrix1.M11), amount));
            result.M12 = Scalar.Add(matrix1.M12, Scalar.Multiply(Scalar.Subtract(matrix2.M12, matrix1.M12), amount));

            // Second row
            result.M21 = Scalar.Add(matrix1.M21, Scalar.Multiply(Scalar.Subtract(matrix2.M21, matrix1.M21), amount));
            result.M22 = Scalar.Add(matrix1.M22, Scalar.Multiply(Scalar.Subtract(matrix2.M22, matrix1.M22), amount));

            return result;
        /// <summary>Creates a matrix that rotates around an arbitrary vector.</summary>
        /// <param name="axis">The axis to rotate around.</param>
        /// <param name="angle">The angle to rotate around the given axis, in radians.</param>
        /// <returns>The rotation matrix.</returns>
        public static Matrix3X3 <T> CreateFromAxisAngle <T>(Vector3D <T> axis, T angle)
            where T : unmanaged, IFormattable, IEquatable <T>, IComparable <T>
            // a: angle
            // x, y, z: unit vector for axis.
            // Rotation matrix M can compute by using below equation.
            //        T               T
            //  M = uu + (cos a)( I-uu ) + (sin a)S
            // Where:
            //  u = ( x, y, z )
            //      [  0 -z  y ]
            //  S = [  z  0 -x ]
            //      [ -y  x  0 ]
            //      [ 1 0 0 ]
            //  I = [ 0 1 0 ]
            //      [ 0 0 1 ]
            //     [  xx+cosa*(1-xx)   yx-cosa*yx-sina*z zx-cosa*xz+sina*y ]
            // M = [ xy-cosa*yx+sina*z    yy+cosa(1-yy)  yz-cosa*yz-sina*x ]
            //     [ zx-cosa*zx-sina*y zy-cosa*zy+sina*x   zz+cosa*(1-zz)  ]
            T x = axis.X, y = axis.Y, z = axis.Z;
            T sa = Scalar.Sin(angle), ca = Scalar.Cos(angle);
            T xx = Scalar.Multiply(x, x), yy = Scalar.Multiply(y, y), zz = Scalar.Multiply(z, z);
            T xy = Scalar.Multiply(x, y), xz = Scalar.Multiply(x, z), yz = Scalar.Multiply(y, z);

            Matrix3X3 <T> result = Matrix3X3 <T> .Identity;

            result.M11 = Scalar.Add(xx, Scalar.Multiply(ca, Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, xx)));
            result.M12 = Scalar.Add(Scalar.Subtract(xy, Scalar.Multiply(ca, xy)), Scalar.Multiply(sa, z));
            result.M13 = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Subtract(xz, Scalar.Multiply(ca, xz)), Scalar.Multiply(sa, y));

            result.M21 = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Subtract(xy, Scalar.Multiply(ca, xy)), Scalar.Multiply(sa, z));
            result.M22 = Scalar.Add(yy, Scalar.Multiply(ca, Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, yy)));
            result.M23 = Scalar.Add(Scalar.Subtract(yz, Scalar.Multiply(ca, yz)), Scalar.Multiply(sa, x));

            result.M31 = Scalar.Add(Scalar.Subtract(xz, Scalar.Multiply(ca, xz)), Scalar.Multiply(sa, y));
            result.M32 = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Subtract(yz, Scalar.Multiply(ca, yz)), Scalar.Multiply(sa, x));
            result.M33 = Scalar.Add(zz, Scalar.Multiply(ca, Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, zz)));

        /// <summary>Creates a scale matrix that scales uniformly with the given scale with an offset from the given center.</summary>
        /// <param name="scale">The uniform scale to use.</param>
        /// <param name="centerPoint">The center offset.</param>
        /// <returns>A scaling matrix.</returns>
        public static Matrix3X2 <T> CreateScale <T>(T scale, Vector2D <T> centerPoint)
            where T : unmanaged, IFormattable, IEquatable <T>, IComparable <T>
            Matrix3X2 <T> result = Matrix3X2 <T> .Identity;

            T tx = Scalar.Multiply(centerPoint.X, Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, scale));
            T ty = Scalar.Multiply(centerPoint.Y, Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, scale));

            result.M11 = scale;
            result.M22 = scale;
            result.M31 = tx;
            result.M32 = ty;

        /// <summary>Creates a skew matrix from the given angles in radians and a center point.</summary>
        /// <param name="radiansX">The X angle, in radians.</param>
        /// <param name="radiansY">The Y angle, in radians.</param>
        /// <param name="centerPoint">The center point.</param>
        /// <returns>A skew matrix.</returns>
        public static Matrix3X2 <T> CreateSkew <T>(T radiansX, T radiansY, Vector2D <T> centerPoint)
            where T : unmanaged, IFormattable, IEquatable <T>, IComparable <T>
            Matrix3X2 <T> result = Matrix3X2 <T> .Identity;

            T xTan = Scalar.Tan(radiansX);
            T yTan = Scalar.Tan(radiansY);

            T tx = Scalar.Negate(Scalar.Multiply(centerPoint.Y, xTan));
            T ty = Scalar.Negate(Scalar.Multiply(centerPoint.X, yTan));

            result.M12 = yTan;
            result.M21 = xTan;

            result.M31 = tx;
            result.M32 = ty;

Exemple #12
        public static Plane <T> Transform <T>(Plane <T> plane, Quaternion <T> rotation)
            where T : unmanaged, IFormattable, IEquatable <T>, IComparable <T>
            // Compute rotation matrix.
            T x2 = Scalar.Add(rotation.X, rotation.X);
            T y2 = Scalar.Add(rotation.Y, rotation.Y);
            T z2 = Scalar.Add(rotation.Z, rotation.Z);

            T wx2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.W, x2);
            T wy2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.W, y2);
            T wz2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.W, z2);
            T xx2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.X, x2);
            T xy2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.X, y2);
            T xz2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.X, z2);
            T yy2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.Y, y2);
            T yz2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.Y, z2);
            T zz2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.Z, z2);

            T m11 = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, yy2), zz2);
            T m21 = Scalar.Subtract(xy2, wz2);
            T m31 = Scalar.Add(xz2, wy2);

            T m12 = Scalar.Add(xy2, wz2);
            T m22 = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, xx2), zz2);
            T m32 = Scalar.Subtract(yz2, wx2);

            T m13 = Scalar.Subtract(xz2, wy2);
            T m23 = Scalar.Add(yz2, wx2);
            T m33 = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, xx2), yy2);

            T x = plane.Normal.X, y = plane.Normal.Y, z = plane.Normal.Z;

                       Scalar.Add(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(x, m11), Scalar.Multiply(y, m21)), Scalar.Multiply(z, m31)),
                       Scalar.Add(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(x, m12), Scalar.Multiply(y, m22)), Scalar.Multiply(z, m32)),
                       Scalar.Add(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(x, m13), Scalar.Multiply(y, m23)), Scalar.Multiply(z, m33)),
Exemple #13
        public static Plane <T> Normalize <T>(Plane <T> value)
            where T : unmanaged, IFormattable, IEquatable <T>, IComparable <T>
            /*if (Vector.IsHardwareAccelerated)
             * {
             *  T normalLengthSquared = value.Normal.LengthSquared();
             *  if (MathF.Abs(normalLengthSquared - 1.0f) < NormalizeEpsilon)
             *  {
             *      // It already normalized, so we don't need to farther process.
             *      return value;
             *  }
             *  T normalLength = MathF.Sqrt(normalLengthSquared);
             *  return new Plane(
             *      value.Normal / normalLength,
             *      value.D / normalLength);
             * }
             * else*/
                T f = Scalar.Add(
                    Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(value.Normal.X, value.Normal.X),
                               Scalar.Multiply(value.Normal.Y, value.Normal.Y)),
                    Scalar.Multiply(value.Normal.Z, value.Normal.Z));

                if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(Scalar.Abs(Scalar.Subtract(f, Scalar <T> .One)), Scalar.As <float, T>(NormalizeEpsilon)))
                    return(value); // It already normalized, so we don't need to further process.

                T fInv = Scalar.Reciprocal(Scalar.Sqrt(f));

                           Scalar.Multiply(value.Normal.X, fInv),
                           Scalar.Multiply(value.Normal.Y, fInv),
                           Scalar.Multiply(value.Normal.Z, fInv),
                           Scalar.Multiply(value.Distance, fInv)));
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>Transforms the given matrix by applying the given Quaternion rotation.</summary>
        /// <param name="value">The source matrix to transform.</param>
        /// <param name="rotation">The rotation to apply.</param>
        /// <returns>The transformed matrix.</returns>
        public static Matrix2X3 <T> Transform <T>(Matrix2X3 <T> value, Quaternion <T> rotation)
            where T : unmanaged, IFormattable, IEquatable <T>, IComparable <T>
            // Compute rotation matrix.
            T x2 = Scalar.Add(rotation.X, rotation.X);
            T y2 = Scalar.Add(rotation.Y, rotation.Y);
            T z2 = Scalar.Add(rotation.Z, rotation.Z);

            T wx2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.W, x2);
            T wy2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.W, y2);
            T wz2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.W, z2);
            T xx2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.X, x2);
            T xy2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.X, y2);
            T xz2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.X, z2);
            T yy2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.Y, y2);
            T yz2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.Y, z2);
            T zz2 = Scalar.Multiply(rotation.Z, z2);

            T q11 = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, yy2), zz2);
            T q21 = Scalar.Subtract(xy2, wz2);
            T q31 = Scalar.Add(xz2, wy2);

            T q12 = Scalar.Add(xy2, wz2);
            T q22 = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, xx2), zz2);
            T q32 = Scalar.Subtract(yz2, wx2);

            T q13 = Scalar.Subtract(xz2, wy2);
            T q23 = Scalar.Add(yz2, wx2);
            T q33 = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, xx2), yy2);

            var q1 = new Vector3D <T>(q11, q12, q13);
            var q2 = new Vector3D <T>(q21, q22, q23);
            var q3 = new Vector3D <T>(q31, q32, q33);

            return(new(value.M11 * q1 + value.M12 * q2 + value.M13 * q3, value.M21 *q1 + value.M22 * q2 + value.M23 * q3));
Exemple #15
#pragma warning disable 8618 // unitialized fields
        static Scalar()
#pragma warning restore 8618
            // This won't inline as nicely on platforms that aren't .NET 5, however there's no other way to yield the
            // constant folding benefits that come with the fields being static readonly.
            // We have used local functions elsewhere to get around this elsewhere, however there's no sane way we can
            // do that with local functions.
            // This will inline fine on .NET 5, though. See also: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/38106
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(Half))
                Epsilon          = (T)(object)Half.Epsilon;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)Half.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)Half.MinValue;
                NaN              = (T)(object)Half.NaN;
                NegativeInfinity = (T)(object)Half.NegativeInfinity;
                PositiveInfinity = (T)(object)Half.PositiveInfinity;
                One              = (T)(object)(Half)1;
                Two              = (T)(object)(Half)2;
                MinusOne         = (T)(object)(Half)(-1f);
                MinusTwo         = (T)(object)(Half)(-2f);
                E   = (T)(object)(Half)FloatE;
                Pi  = (T)(object)(Half)FloatPi;
                Tau = (T)(object)(Half)FloatTau;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(float))
                Epsilon          = (T)(object)float.Epsilon;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)float.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)float.MinValue;
                NaN              = (T)(object)float.NaN;
                NegativeInfinity = (T)(object)float.NegativeInfinity;
                PositiveInfinity = (T)(object)float.PositiveInfinity;
                One              = (T)(object)1f;
                Two              = (T)(object)2f;
                MinusOne         = (T)(object)-1f;
                MinusTwo         = (T)(object)-2f;
                E   = (T)(object)FloatE;
                Pi  = (T)(object)FloatPi;
                Tau = (T)(object)FloatTau;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(double))
                Epsilon          = (T)(object)double.Epsilon;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)double.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)double.MinValue;
                NaN              = (T)(object)double.NaN;
                NegativeInfinity = (T)(object)double.NegativeInfinity;
                PositiveInfinity = (T)(object)double.PositiveInfinity;
                One              = (T)(object)1d;
                Two              = (T)(object)2d;
                MinusOne         = (T)(object)-1d;
                MinusTwo         = (T)(object)-2d;
                E  = (T)(object)Math.E;
                Pi = (T)(object)Math.PI;
#if !NET5_0
                Tau = Scalar.Multiply(Pi, Two);
                Tau = (T)(object)Math.Tau;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(decimal))
                Epsilon          = default !;
Exemple #16
        public static Plane <T> CreateFromVertices <T>(Vector3D <T> point1, Vector3D <T> point2, Vector3D <T> point3)
            where T : unmanaged, IFormattable, IEquatable <T>, IComparable <T>
            var a  = point1;
            var b  = point2;
            var c  = point3;
            var ab = b - a;
            var ac = c - a;

            var       cross = Vector3D.Cross(ab, ac);
            Plane <T> p;

            p.Normal   = cross;
            p.Distance = Scalar.Negate(Scalar.Add(
                                           Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(p.Normal.X, a.X), Scalar.Multiply(p.Normal.Y, a.Y)),
                                           Scalar.Multiply(p.Normal.Z, a.Z)));


            /*if (Vector.IsHardwareAccelerated)
             * {
             *  Vector3D<T> a = point2 - point1;
             *  Vector3D<T> b = point3 - point1;
             *  // N = Cross(a, b)
             *  Vector3D<T> n = Vector3D.Cross(a, b);
             *  Vector3D<T> normal = Vector3D.Normalize(n);
             *  // D = - Dot(N, point1)
             *  T d = Scalar.Negate(Vector3D.Dot(normal, point1));
             *  return new Plane<T>(normal, d);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  T ax = Scalar.Subtract(point2.X, point1.X);
             *  T ay = Scalar.Subtract(point2.Y, point1.Y);
             *  T az = Scalar.Subtract(point2.Z, point1.Z);
             *  T bx = Scalar.Subtract(point3.X, point1.X);
             *  T by = Scalar.Subtract(point3.Y, point1.Y);
             *  T bz = Scalar.Subtract(point3.Z, point1.Z);
             *  // N=Cross(a,b)
             *  T nx = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Multiply(ay, bz), Scalar.Multiply(az, by));
             *  T ny = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Multiply(az, bx), Scalar.Multiply(ax, bz));
             *  T nz = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Multiply(ax, by), Scalar.Multiply(ay, bx));
             *  // Normalize(N)
             *  T ls = Scalar.Add(Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(nx, nx), Scalar.Multiply(ny, ny)), Scalar.Multiply(nz, nz));
             *  T invNorm = Scalar.Inverse(Scalar.Sqrt(ls));
             *  Vector3D<T> normal = new Vector3D<T>(
             *      Scalar.Multiply(nx, invNorm),
             *      Scalar.Multiply(ny, invNorm),
             *      Scalar.Multiply(nz, invNorm));
             *  return new(normal,
             *      Scalar.Negate(Scalar.Add(
             *          Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(normal.X, point1.X),
             *              Scalar.Multiply(normal.Y, point1.Y)), Scalar.Multiply(normal.Z, point1.Z))));
             * }*/
        /// <summary>Creates a rotation matrix using the given rotation in radians and a center point.</summary>
        /// <param name="radians">The amount of rotation, in radians.</param>
        /// <param name="centerPoint">The center point.</param>
        /// <returns>A rotation matrix.</returns>
        public static Matrix3X2 <T> CreateRotation <T>(T radians, Vector2D <T> centerPoint)
            where T : unmanaged, IFormattable, IEquatable <T>, IComparable <T>
            radians = Scalar.IEEERemainder(radians, Scalar <T> .Tau);

            T c, s;

            if (Scalar.GreaterThan(radians, Scalar.As <float, T>(-RotationEpsilon)) && !Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(radians, Scalar.As <float, T>(RotationEpsilon)))
                // Exact case for zero rotation.
                c = Scalar <T> .One;
                s = Scalar <T> .Zero;
            else if (Scalar.GreaterThan(radians, Scalar.As <float, T>(
                                            / 2 - RotationEpsilon)) && !Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(radians, Scalar.As <float, T>(
                                                                                                      / 2 + RotationEpsilon)))
                // Exact case for 90 degree rotation.
                c = Scalar <T> .Zero;
                s = Scalar <T> .One;
            else if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(radians, Scalar.As <float, T>(-
                                                                              + RotationEpsilon)) || Scalar.GreaterThan(radians, Scalar.As <float, T>(
                                                                                                                            - RotationEpsilon)))
                // Exact case for 180 degree rotation.
                c = Scalar <T> .MinusOne;
                s = Scalar <T> .Zero;
            else if (Scalar.GreaterThan(radians, Scalar.As <float, T>(-
                                                                      / 2 - RotationEpsilon)) && !Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(radians, Scalar.As <float, T>(-
                                                                                                                                                          / 2 + RotationEpsilon)))
                // Exact case for 270 degree rotation.
                c = Scalar <T> .Zero;
                s = Scalar <T> .MinusOne;
                // Arbitrary rotation.
                c = Scalar.Cos(radians);
                s = Scalar.Sin(radians);

            T x = Scalar.Add(Scalar.Multiply(centerPoint.X, Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, c)), Scalar.Multiply(centerPoint.Y, s));
            T y = Scalar.Subtract(Scalar.Multiply(centerPoint.Y, Scalar.Subtract(Scalar <T> .One, c)), Scalar.Multiply(centerPoint.X, s));

            // [  c  s ]
            // [ -s  c ]
            // [  x  y ]
                       new(c, s),
                       new(Scalar.Negate(s), c),
                       new(x, y)));
        static Scalar()
            // This won't inline as nicely on platforms that aren't .NET 5, however there's no other way to yield the
            // constant folding benefits that come with the fields being static readonly.
            // We have used local functions elsewhere to get around this elsewhere, however there's no sane way we can
            // do that with local functions.
            // This will inline fine on .NET 5, though. See also: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/38106
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(Half))
                Epsilon          = (T)(object)Half.Epsilon;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)Half.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)Half.MinValue;
                NaN              = (T)(object)Half.NaN;
                NegativeInfinity = (T)(object)Half.NegativeInfinity;
                PositiveInfinity = (T)(object)Half.PositiveInfinity;
                One              = (T)(object)(Half)1;
                Two              = (T)(object)(Half)2;
                MinusOne         = (T)(object)(Half)(-1f);
                MinusTwo         = (T)(object)(Half)(-2f);
                E   = (T)(object)(Half)FloatE;
                Pi  = (T)(object)(Half)FloatPi;
                Tau = (T)(object)(Half)FloatTau;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(float))
                Epsilon          = (T)(object)float.Epsilon;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)float.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)float.MinValue;
                NaN              = (T)(object)float.NaN;
                NegativeInfinity = (T)(object)float.NegativeInfinity;
                PositiveInfinity = (T)(object)float.PositiveInfinity;
                One              = (T)(object)1f;
                Two              = (T)(object)2f;
                MinusOne         = (T)(object)-1f;
                MinusTwo         = (T)(object)-2f;
                E   = (T)(object)FloatE;
                Pi  = (T)(object)FloatPi;
                Tau = (T)(object)FloatTau;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(double))
                Epsilon          = (T)(object)double.Epsilon;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)double.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)double.MinValue;
                NaN              = (T)(object)double.NaN;
                NegativeInfinity = (T)(object)double.NegativeInfinity;
                PositiveInfinity = (T)(object)double.PositiveInfinity;
                One              = (T)(object)1d;
                Two              = (T)(object)2d;
                MinusOne         = (T)(object)-1d;
                MinusTwo         = (T)(object)-2d;
                E  = (T)(object)Math.E;
                Pi = (T)(object)Math.PI;
#if !NET5_0
                Tau = Scalar.Multiply(Pi, Two);
                Tau = (T)(object)Math.Tau;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(decimal))
                Epsilon          = default;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)decimal.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)decimal.MinValue;
                NaN              = default;
                NegativeInfinity = default;
                PositiveInfinity = default;
                One              = (T)(object)(decimal)1;
                Two              = (T)(object)(decimal)2;
                MinusOne         = (T)(object)(decimal) - 1;
                MinusTwo         = (T)(object)(decimal) - 2;
                E   = (T)(object)(decimal)Math.E;
                Pi  = (T)(object)(decimal)Math.PI;
                Tau = Scalar.Multiply(Pi, Two);
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(short))
                Epsilon          = default;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)short.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)short.MinValue;
                NaN              = default;
                NegativeInfinity = default;
                PositiveInfinity = default;
                One              = (T)(object)(short)1;
                Two              = (T)(object)(short)2;
                MinusOne         = (T)(object)(short)-1;
                MinusTwo         = (T)(object)(short)-2;
                E   = (T)(object)(short)FloatE;
                Pi  = (T)(object)(short)FloatPi;
                Tau = (T)(object)(short)FloatTau;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(ushort))
                Epsilon          = default;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)ushort.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)ushort.MinValue;
                NaN              = default;
                NegativeInfinity = default;
                PositiveInfinity = default;
                One              = (T)(object)(ushort)1;
                Two              = (T)(object)(ushort)2;
                MinusOne         = default;
                MinusTwo         = default;
                E   = (T)(object)(ushort)FloatE;
                Pi  = (T)(object)(ushort)FloatPi;
                Tau = (T)(object)(ushort)FloatTau;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(sbyte))
                Epsilon          = default;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)sbyte.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)sbyte.MinValue;
                NaN              = default;
                NegativeInfinity = default;
                PositiveInfinity = default;
                One              = (T)(object)(sbyte)1;
                Two              = (T)(object)(sbyte)2;
                MinusOne         = (T)(object)(sbyte)-1;
                MinusTwo         = (T)(object)(sbyte)-2;
                E   = (T)(object)(sbyte)FloatE;
                Pi  = (T)(object)(sbyte)FloatPi;
                Tau = (T)(object)(sbyte)FloatTau;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(byte))
                Epsilon          = default;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)byte.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)byte.MinValue;
                NaN              = default;
                NegativeInfinity = default;
                PositiveInfinity = default;
                One              = (T)(object)(byte)1;
                Two              = (T)(object)(byte)2;
                MinusOne         = default;
                MinusTwo         = default;
                E   = (T)(object)(byte)FloatE;
                Pi  = (T)(object)(byte)FloatPi;
                Tau = (T)(object)(byte)FloatTau;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(int))
                Epsilon          = default;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)int.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)int.MinValue;
                NaN              = default;
                NegativeInfinity = default;
                PositiveInfinity = default;
                One              = (T)(object)1;
                Two              = (T)(object)2;
                MinusOne         = (T)(object)-1;
                MinusTwo         = (T)(object)-2;
                E   = (T)(object)(int)FloatE;
                Pi  = (T)(object)(int)FloatPi;
                Tau = (T)(object)(int)FloatTau;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(uint))
                Epsilon          = default;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)uint.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)uint.MinValue;
                NaN              = default;
                NegativeInfinity = default;
                PositiveInfinity = default;
                One              = (T)(object)1u;
                Two              = (T)(object)2u;
                MinusOne         = default;
                MinusTwo         = default;
                E   = (T)(object)(uint)FloatE;
                Pi  = (T)(object)(uint)FloatPi;
                Tau = (T)(object)(uint)FloatTau;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(long))
                Epsilon          = default;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)long.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)long.MinValue;
                NaN              = default;
                NegativeInfinity = default;
                PositiveInfinity = default;
                One              = (T)(object)1L;
                Two              = (T)(object)2L;
                MinusOne         = (T)(object)-1L;
                MinusTwo         = (T)(object)-2L;
                E   = (T)(object)(long)FloatE;
                Pi  = (T)(object)(long)FloatPi;
                Tau = (T)(object)(long)FloatTau;
            else if (typeof(T) == typeof(ulong))
                Epsilon          = default;
                MaxValue         = (T)(object)ulong.MaxValue;
                MinValue         = (T)(object)ulong.MinValue;
                NaN              = default;
                NegativeInfinity = default;
                PositiveInfinity = default;
                One              = (T)(object)1ul;
                Two              = (T)(object)2ul;
                MinusOne         = default;
                MinusTwo         = default;
                E   = (T)(object)(ulong)FloatE;
                Pi  = (T)(object)(ulong)FloatPi;
                Tau = (T)(object)(ulong)FloatTau;
                // if it's none of these cases, don't do the general cases.

            PiOver2          = Scalar.Divide(Pi, Two);
            DegreesPerRadian = Scalar.Divide(Scalar.As <float, T>(180), Pi);
            RadiansPerDegree = Scalar.Divide(Pi, Scalar.As <float, T>(180));
        /// <summary>Attempts to extract the scale, translation, and rotation components from the given scale/rotation/translation matrix.
        /// If successful, the out parameters will contained the extracted values.</summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The source matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">The scaling component of the transformation matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="rotation">The rotation component of the transformation matrix.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the source matrix was successfully decomposed; False otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool Decompose <T>(Matrix3X3 <T> matrix, out Vector3D <T> scale, out Quaternion <T> rotation)
            where T : unmanaged, IFormattable, IEquatable <T>, IComparable <T>
            bool result = true;

                fixed(Vector3D <T> *scaleBase = &scale)
                    T *pfScales = (T *)scaleBase;
                    T  det;

                    VectorBasis <T> vectorBasis;
                    Vector3D <T> ** pVectorBasis = (Vector3D <T> **) & vectorBasis;

                    Matrix3X3 <T>      matTemp         = Matrix3X3 <T> .Identity;
                    CanonicalBasis <T> canonicalBasis  = default;
                    Vector3D <T> *     pCanonicalBasis = &canonicalBasis.Row0;

                    canonicalBasis.Row0 = new Vector3D <T>(Scalar <T> .One, Scalar <T> .Zero, Scalar <T> .Zero);
                    canonicalBasis.Row1 = new Vector3D <T>(Scalar <T> .Zero, Scalar <T> .One, Scalar <T> .Zero);
                    canonicalBasis.Row2 = new Vector3D <T>(Scalar <T> .Zero, Scalar <T> .Zero, Scalar <T> .One);

                    pVectorBasis[0] = &matTemp.Row1;
                    pVectorBasis[1] = &matTemp.Row2;
                    pVectorBasis[2] = &matTemp.Row3;

                    *(pVectorBasis[0]) = new Vector3D <T>(matrix.M11, matrix.M12, matrix.M13);
                    *(pVectorBasis[1]) = new Vector3D <T>(matrix.M21, matrix.M22, matrix.M23);
                    *(pVectorBasis[2]) = new Vector3D <T>(matrix.M31, matrix.M32, matrix.M33);

                    scale.X = pVectorBasis[0]->Length;
                    scale.Y = pVectorBasis[1]->Length;
                    scale.Z = pVectorBasis[2]->Length;

                    uint a, b, c;

                    #region Ranking
                    T x = pfScales[0], y = pfScales[1], z = pfScales[2];
                    if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y))
                        if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(y, z))
                            a = 2;
                            b = 1;
                            c = 0;
                            a = 1;

                            if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(x, z))
                                b = 2;
                                c = 0;
                                b = 0;
                                c = 2;
                        if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(x, z))
                            a = 2;
                            b = 0;
                            c = 1;
                            a = 0;

                            if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(y, z))
                                b = 2;
                                c = 1;
                                b = 1;
                                c = 2;

                    if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(pfScales[a], Scalar.As <float, T>(DecomposeEpsilon)))
                        *(pVectorBasis[a]) = pCanonicalBasis[a];

                    *pVectorBasis[a] = Vector3D.Normalize(*pVectorBasis[a]);

                    if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(pfScales[b], Scalar.As <float, T>(DecomposeEpsilon)))
                        uint cc;
                        T    fAbsX, fAbsY, fAbsZ;

                        fAbsX = Scalar.Abs(pVectorBasis[a]->X);
                        fAbsY = Scalar.Abs(pVectorBasis[a]->Y);
                        fAbsZ = Scalar.Abs(pVectorBasis[a]->Z);

                        #region Ranking
                        if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(fAbsX, fAbsY))
                            if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(fAbsY, fAbsZ))
                                cc = 0;
                                if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(fAbsX, fAbsZ))
                                    cc = 0;
                                    cc = 2;
                            if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(fAbsX, fAbsZ))
                                cc = 1;
                                if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(fAbsY, fAbsZ))
                                    cc = 1;
                                    cc = 2;

                        *pVectorBasis[b] = Vector3D.Cross(*pVectorBasis[a], *(pCanonicalBasis + cc));

                    *pVectorBasis[b] = Vector3D.Normalize(*pVectorBasis[b]);

                    if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(pfScales[c], Scalar.As <float, T>(DecomposeEpsilon)))
                        *pVectorBasis[c] = Vector3D.Cross(*pVectorBasis[a], *pVectorBasis[b]);

                    *pVectorBasis[c] = Vector3D.Normalize(*pVectorBasis[c]);

                    det = matTemp.GetDeterminant();

                    // use Kramer's rule to check for handedness of coordinate system
                    if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(det, Scalar <T> .Zero))
                        // switch coordinate system by negating the scale and inverting the basis vector on the x-axis
                        pfScales[a] = Scalar.Negate(pfScales[a]);
                        *pVectorBasis[a] = -(*pVectorBasis[a]);

                        det = Scalar.Negate(det);

                    det = Scalar.Subtract(det, Scalar <T> .One);
                    det = Scalar.Multiply(det, det);

                    if (!Scalar.GreaterThanOrEqual(Scalar.As <float, T>(DecomposeEpsilon), det))
                        // Non-SRT matrix encountered
                        rotation = Quaternion <T> .Identity;
                        result   = false;
                        // generate the quaternion from the matrix
                        rotation = Quaternion <T> .CreateFromRotationMatrix(matTemp);
