protected override void AddLightInternal(LightComponent light)
                var spotLight = (LightSpot)light.Type;

                lights[Count] = new SpotLightData
                    PositionWS  = light.Position,
                    DirectionWS = light.Direction,
                    AngleOffsetAndInvSquareRadius = new Vector3(spotLight.LightAngleScale, spotLight.LightAngleOffset, spotLight.InvSquareRange),
                    Color = light.Color,
            public override unsafe void ApplyViewParameters(RenderDrawContext context, int viewIndex, ParameterCollection parameters)
                // Note: no need to fill CurrentLights since we have no shadow maps
                base.ApplyViewParameters(context, viewIndex, parameters);

                var renderView = renderViews[viewIndex];

                var viewSize = renderView.ViewSize;

                // No screen size set?
                if (viewSize.X == 0 || viewSize.Y == 0)

                var clusterCountX = ((int)viewSize.X + ClusterSize - 1) / ClusterSize;
                var clusterCountY = ((int)viewSize.Y + ClusterSize - 1) / ClusterSize;

                // TODO: Additional culling on x/y (to remove corner clusters)
                // Prepare planes for culling
                //var viewProjection = renderView.ViewProjection;
                //Array.Resize(ref zPlanes, ClusterSlices + 1);
                //for (int z = 0; z <= ClusterSlices; ++z)
                //    var zFactor = (float)z / (float)ClusterSlices;
                //    // Build planes between nearplane and -farplane (see BoundingFrustum code)
                //    zPlanes[z] = new Plane(
                //        viewProjection.M13 - zFactor * viewProjection.M14,
                //        viewProjection.M23 - zFactor * viewProjection.M24,
                //        viewProjection.M33 - zFactor * viewProjection.M34,
                //        viewProjection.M43 - zFactor * viewProjection.M44);
                //    zPlanes[z].Normalize();

                if (pointGroupRenderer.lightClusters == null || lightClustersValues.Length != clusterCountX * clusterCountY * ClusterSlices)
                    // First time?
                    pointGroupRenderer.lightClusters = Texture.New3D(context.GraphicsDevice, clusterCountX, clusterCountY, 8, PixelFormat.R32G32_UInt);
                    lightClustersValues = new Int2[clusterCountX * clusterCountY * ClusterSlices];

                // Initialize cluster with no light (-1)
                for (int i = 0; i < clusterCountX * clusterCountY * ClusterSlices; ++i)
                    lightNodes.Add(new LightClusterLinkedNode(LightType.Point, -1, -1));

                // List of clusters moved by this light
                var movedClusters = new Dictionary <LightClusterLinkedNode, int>();

                // Try to use SpecialNearPlane to not waste too much slices in very small depth
                // Make sure we don't go to more than 10% of max depth
                var nearPlane = Math.Max(Math.Min(SpecialNearPlane, renderView.FarClipPlane * 0.1f), renderView.NearClipPlane);

                //var sliceBias = ((renderView.NearClipPlane * renderView.Projection.M33) + renderView.Projection.M43) / (renderView.NearClipPlane * renderView.Projection.M34);
                // Compute scale and bias so that near_plane..special_near fits in slice 0, then grow exponentionally
                //   log2(specialNear * scale + bias) == 1.0
                //   log2(far * scale + bias) == ClusterSlices
                // as a result:
                clusterDepthScale = (float)(Math.Pow(2.0f, ClusterSlices) - 2.0f) / (renderView.FarClipPlane - nearPlane);
                clusterDepthBias  = 2.0f - clusterDepthScale * nearPlane;

                //---------------- SPOT LIGHTS -------------------
                var lightRange = pointGroupRenderer.spotGroup.LightRanges[viewIndex];

                for (int i = lightRange.Start; i < lightRange.End; ++i)
                    var light     = pointGroupRenderer.spotGroup.Lights[i].Light;
                    var spotLight = (LightSpot)light.Type;

                    if (spotLight.Shadow != null && spotLight.Shadow.Enabled)

                    // Create spot light data
                    var spotLightData = new SpotLightData
                        PositionWS  = light.Position,
                        DirectionWS = light.Direction,
                        AngleOffsetAndInvSquareRadius = new Vector3(spotLight.LightAngleScale, spotLight.LightAngleOffset, spotLight.InvSquareRange),
                        Color = light.Color,

                    // Fill list of spot lights


                    var radius = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f / spotLightData.AngleOffsetAndInvSquareRadius.Z);

                    Vector3 positionVS;
                    Vector3.TransformCoordinate(ref spotLightData.PositionWS, ref renderView.View, out positionVS);

                    // TODO: culling (first do it on PointLight, then backport it to SpotLight and improve for SpotLight case)
                    // Find x/y ranges
                    Vector2 clipMin, clipMax;
                    ComputeClipRegion(positionVS, radius, ref renderView.Projection, out clipMin, out clipMax);

                    var tileStartX = MathUtil.Clamp((int)((clipMin.X * 0.5f + 0.5f) * viewSize.X / ClusterSize), 0, clusterCountX);
                    var tileEndX   = MathUtil.Clamp((int)((clipMax.X * 0.5f + 0.5f) * viewSize.X / ClusterSize) + 1, 0, clusterCountX);
                    var tileStartY = MathUtil.Clamp((int)((-clipMax.Y * 0.5f + 0.5f) * viewSize.Y / ClusterSize), 0, clusterCountY);
                    var tileEndY   = MathUtil.Clamp((int)((-clipMin.Y * 0.5f + 0.5f) * viewSize.Y / ClusterSize) + 1, 0, clusterCountY);

                    // Find z range (project using Projection matrix)
                    var startZ = -positionVS.Z - radius;
                    var endZ   = -positionVS.Z + radius;

                    var tileStartZ = MathUtil.Clamp((int)Math.Log(startZ * clusterDepthScale + clusterDepthBias, 2.0f), 0, ClusterSlices);
                    var tileEndZ   = MathUtil.Clamp((int)Math.Log(endZ * clusterDepthScale + clusterDepthBias, 2.0f) + 1, 0, ClusterSlices);

                    for (int z = tileStartZ; z < tileEndZ; ++z)
                        for (int y = tileStartY; y < tileEndY; ++y)
                            for (int x = tileStartX; x < tileEndX; ++x)
                                AddLightToCluster(movedClusters, LightType.Spot, i - lightRange.Start, x + (y + z * clusterCountY) * clusterCountX);

                //---------------- POINT LIGHTS -------------------
                lightRange = LightRanges[viewIndex];
                for (int i = lightRange.Start; i < lightRange.End; ++i)
                    var light      = Lights[i].Light;
                    var pointLight = (LightPoint)light.Type;

                    // Create point light data
                    var pointLightData = new PointLightData
                        PositionWS      = light.Position,
                        InvSquareRadius = pointLight.InvSquareRadius,
                        Color           = light.Color,

                    // Fill list of point lights


                    var radius = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f / pointLightData.InvSquareRadius);

                    Vector3 positionVS;
                    Vector3.TransformCoordinate(ref pointLightData.PositionWS, ref renderView.View, out positionVS);

                    //Vector3 positionScreen;
                    //Vector3.TransformCoordinate(ref pointLightData.PositionWS, ref renderView.ViewProjection, out positionScreen);

                    // Find x/y ranges
                    Vector2 clipMin, clipMax;
                    ComputeClipRegion(positionVS, radius, ref renderView.Projection, out clipMin, out clipMax);

                    var tileStartX = MathUtil.Clamp((int)((clipMin.X * 0.5f + 0.5f) * viewSize.X / ClusterSize), 0, clusterCountX);
                    var tileEndX   = MathUtil.Clamp((int)((clipMax.X * 0.5f + 0.5f) * viewSize.X / ClusterSize) + 1, 0, clusterCountX);
                    var tileStartY = MathUtil.Clamp((int)((-clipMax.Y * 0.5f + 0.5f) * viewSize.Y / ClusterSize), 0, clusterCountY);
                    var tileEndY   = MathUtil.Clamp((int)((-clipMin.Y * 0.5f + 0.5f) * viewSize.Y / ClusterSize) + 1, 0, clusterCountY);

                    // Find z range (project using Projection matrix)
                    var startZ = -positionVS.Z - radius;
                    var endZ   = -positionVS.Z + radius;

                    //var centerZ = (int)(positionVS.Z * ClusterDepthScale + ClusterDepthBias);
                    var tileStartZ = MathUtil.Clamp((int)Math.Log(startZ * clusterDepthScale + clusterDepthBias, 2.0f), 0, ClusterSlices);
                    var tileEndZ   = MathUtil.Clamp((int)Math.Log(endZ * clusterDepthScale + clusterDepthBias, 2.0f) + 1, 0, ClusterSlices);

                    for (int z = tileStartZ; z < tileEndZ; ++z)
                        // TODO: Additional culling on x/y (to remove corner clusters)
                        // See "Practical Clustered Shading" for details
                        //if (z != centerZ)
                        //    var plane = z < centerZ ? zPlanes[z + 1] : -zPlanes[z];
                        //    positionScreen = Plane.DotCoordinate(ref plane, ref positionScreen, out )

                        for (int y = tileStartY; y < tileEndY; ++y)
                            for (int x = tileStartX; x < tileEndX; ++x)
                                AddLightToCluster(movedClusters, LightType.Point, i - lightRange.Start, x + (y + z * clusterCountY) * clusterCountX);

                // Finish clusters by making their last element unique and building clusterInfos
                for (int i = 0; i < clusterCountX * clusterCountY * ClusterSlices; ++i)
                    FinishCluster(movedClusters, i);

                // Prepare light clusters
                for (int i = 0; i < clusterCountX * clusterCountY * ClusterSlices; ++i)
                    var clusterId = lightNodes[i].NextNode;
                    lightClustersValues[i] = clusterId != -1 ? clusterInfos[clusterId] : new Int2(0, 0);

                // Upload data to texture
                using (new DefaultCommandListLock(context.CommandList))
                    fixed(Int2 *dataPtr = lightClustersValues)
                    context.CommandList.UpdateSubresource(pointGroupRenderer.lightClusters, 0, new DataBox((IntPtr)dataPtr, sizeof(Int2) * clusterCountX, sizeof(Int2) * clusterCountX * clusterCountY));

                    // PointLights: Ensure size and update
                    if (pointLights.Count > 0)
                        if (pointGroupRenderer.pointLightsBuffer == null || pointGroupRenderer.pointLightsBuffer.SizeInBytes < pointLights.Count * sizeof(PointLightData))
                            pointGroupRenderer.pointLightsBuffer = Buffer.New(context.GraphicsDevice, MathUtil.NextPowerOfTwo(pointLights.Count * sizeof(PointLightData)), 0, BufferFlags.ShaderResource, PixelFormat.R32G32B32A32_Float);
                        fixed(PointLightData *pointLightsPtr = pointLights.Items)
                        context.CommandList.UpdateSubresource(pointGroupRenderer.pointLightsBuffer, 0, new DataBox((IntPtr)pointLightsPtr, 0, 0), new ResourceRegion(0, 0, 0, pointLights.Count * sizeof(PointLightData), 1, 1));
                    // macOS doesn't like when we provide a null Buffer or if it is not sufficiently allocated.
                    // It would cause an inifite loop. So for now we just create one with one element but not initializing it.
                    else if (pointGroupRenderer.pointLightsBuffer == null || pointGroupRenderer.pointLightsBuffer.SizeInBytes < sizeof(PointLightData))
                        pointGroupRenderer.pointLightsBuffer = Buffer.New(context.GraphicsDevice, MathUtil.NextPowerOfTwo(sizeof(PointLightData)), 0, BufferFlags.ShaderResource, PixelFormat.R32G32B32A32_Float);

                    // SpotLights: Ensure size and update
                    if (spotLights.Count > 0)
                        if (pointGroupRenderer.spotLightsBuffer == null || pointGroupRenderer.spotLightsBuffer.SizeInBytes < spotLights.Count * sizeof(SpotLightData))
                            pointGroupRenderer.spotLightsBuffer = Buffer.New(context.GraphicsDevice, MathUtil.NextPowerOfTwo(spotLights.Count * sizeof(SpotLightData)), 0, BufferFlags.ShaderResource,
                        fixed(SpotLightData *spotLightsPtr = spotLights.Items)
                        context.CommandList.UpdateSubresource(pointGroupRenderer.spotLightsBuffer, 0, new DataBox((IntPtr)spotLightsPtr, 0, 0),
                                                              new ResourceRegion(0, 0, 0, spotLights.Count * sizeof(SpotLightData), 1, 1));
                    // See previous macOS comment.
                    else if (pointGroupRenderer.spotLightsBuffer == null || pointGroupRenderer.spotLightsBuffer.SizeInBytes < sizeof(SpotLightData))
                        pointGroupRenderer.spotLightsBuffer = Buffer.New(context.GraphicsDevice, MathUtil.NextPowerOfTwo(sizeof(SpotLightData)), 0, BufferFlags.ShaderResource, PixelFormat.R32G32B32A32_Float);
                    // LightIndices: Ensure size and update
                    if (lightIndices.Count > 0)
                        if (pointGroupRenderer.lightIndicesBuffer == null || pointGroupRenderer.lightIndicesBuffer.SizeInBytes < lightIndices.Count * sizeof(int))
                            pointGroupRenderer.lightIndicesBuffer = Buffer.New(context.GraphicsDevice, MathUtil.NextPowerOfTwo(lightIndices.Count * sizeof(int)), 0, BufferFlags.ShaderResource,
                        fixed(int *lightIndicesPtr = lightIndices.Items)
                        context.CommandList.UpdateSubresource(pointGroupRenderer.lightIndicesBuffer, 0, new DataBox((IntPtr)lightIndicesPtr, 0, 0),
                                                              new ResourceRegion(0, 0, 0, lightIndices.Count * sizeof(int), 1, 1));
                    // See previous macOS comment.
                    else if (pointGroupRenderer.lightIndicesBuffer == null || pointGroupRenderer.lightIndicesBuffer.SizeInBytes < sizeof(int))
                        pointGroupRenderer.lightIndicesBuffer = Buffer.New(context.GraphicsDevice, MathUtil.NextPowerOfTwo(sizeof(int)), 0, BufferFlags.ShaderResource, PixelFormat.R32_UInt);

                // Clear data

                // Set resources
                parameters.Set(LightClusteredPointGroupKeys.PointLights, pointGroupRenderer.pointLightsBuffer);
                parameters.Set(LightClusteredSpotGroupKeys.SpotLights, pointGroupRenderer.spotLightsBuffer);
                parameters.Set(LightClusteredKeys.LightIndices, pointGroupRenderer.lightIndicesBuffer);
                parameters.Set(LightClusteredKeys.LightClusters, pointGroupRenderer.lightClusters);

                parameters.Set(LightClusteredKeys.ClusterDepthScale, clusterDepthScale);
                parameters.Set(LightClusteredKeys.ClusterDepthBias, clusterDepthBias);