Exemple #1
        internal void InternalUIDrawGlyph(ref InternalUIDrawCommand parameters, ref Vector2 fontSize, ref Glyph glyph, float x, float y, float nextx)
            if (char.IsWhiteSpace((char)glyph.Character))

            var xShift       = x + glyph.Subrect.Width / 2f;
            var yShift       = y + GetBaseOffsetY(fontSize.Y) + glyph.Offset.Y + glyph.Subrect.Height / 2f;
            var xScaledShift = xShift / parameters.FontScale.X;
            var yScaledShift = yShift / parameters.FontScale.Y;

            var worldMatrix = parameters.WorldMatrix;

            worldMatrix.M41 += worldMatrix.M11 * xScaledShift + worldMatrix.M21 * yScaledShift;
            worldMatrix.M42 += worldMatrix.M12 * xScaledShift + worldMatrix.M22 * yScaledShift;
            worldMatrix.M43 += worldMatrix.M13 * xScaledShift + worldMatrix.M23 * yScaledShift;

            var elementSize = new Vector3(glyph.Subrect.Width / parameters.FontScale.X, glyph.Subrect.Height / parameters.FontScale.Y, 0);

            RectangleF sourceRectangle = glyph.Subrect;

            parameters.Batch.DrawImage(Textures[glyph.BitmapIndex], null, ref worldMatrix, ref sourceRectangle, ref elementSize, ref nullVector4,
                                       ref parameters.Color, parameters.DepthBias, ImageOrientation.AsIs, Swizzle, parameters.SnapText);
Exemple #2
        internal void InternalDrawGlyph(ref InternalDrawCommand parameters, ref Vector2 fontSize, ref Glyph glyph, float x, float y, float nextx)
            if (char.IsWhiteSpace((char)glyph.Character) || glyph.Subrect.Width == 0 || glyph.Subrect.Height == 0)

            var spriteEffects = parameters.SpriteEffects;

            var offset = new Vector2(x, y + GetBaseOffsetY(fontSize.Y) + glyph.Offset.Y);

            Vector2.Modulate(ref offset, ref AxisDirectionTable[(int)spriteEffects & 3], out offset);
            Vector2.Add(ref offset, ref parameters.Origin, out offset);
            offset.X = (float)Math.Round(offset.X);
            offset.Y = (float)Math.Round(offset.Y);

            if (spriteEffects != SpriteEffects.None)
                // For mirrored characters, specify bottom and/or right instead of top left.
                var glyphRect = new Vector2(glyph.Subrect.Right - glyph.Subrect.Left, glyph.Subrect.Top - glyph.Subrect.Bottom);
                Vector2.Modulate(ref glyphRect, ref AxisIsMirroredTable[(int)spriteEffects & 3], out offset);
            var        destination     = new RectangleF(parameters.Position.X, parameters.Position.Y, parameters.Scale.X, parameters.Scale.Y);
            RectangleF?sourceRectangle = glyph.Subrect;

            parameters.SpriteBatch.DrawSprite(Textures[glyph.BitmapIndex], ref destination, true, ref sourceRectangle, parameters.Color, parameters.Rotation, ref offset, spriteEffects, ImageOrientation.AsIs, parameters.Depth, Swizzle, true);
Exemple #3
        internal void InternalUIDrawGlyph(ref InternalUIDrawCommand parameters, ref Vector2 requestedFontSize, ref Glyph glyph, float x, float y, float nextx, ref Vector2 auxiliaryScaling)
            if (char.IsWhiteSpace((char)glyph.Character))

            // Skip items with null size
            var elementSize = new Vector2(auxiliaryScaling.X * glyph.Subrect.Width / parameters.RealVirtualResolutionRatio.X,
                                          auxiliaryScaling.Y * glyph.Subrect.Height / parameters.RealVirtualResolutionRatio.Y);

            if (elementSize.Length() < MathUtil.ZeroTolerance)

            var xShift = x;
            var yShift = y + (GetBaseOffsetY(requestedFontSize.Y) + glyph.Offset.Y * auxiliaryScaling.Y);

            if (parameters.SnapText)
                xShift = (float)Math.Round(xShift);
                yShift = (float)Math.Round(yShift);
            var xScaledShift = xShift / parameters.RealVirtualResolutionRatio.X;
            var yScaledShift = yShift / parameters.RealVirtualResolutionRatio.Y;

            var worldMatrix = parameters.Matrix;

            worldMatrix.M41 += worldMatrix.M11 * xScaledShift + worldMatrix.M21 * yScaledShift;
            worldMatrix.M42 += worldMatrix.M12 * xScaledShift + worldMatrix.M22 * yScaledShift;
            worldMatrix.M43 += worldMatrix.M13 * xScaledShift + worldMatrix.M23 * yScaledShift;

            worldMatrix.M11 *= elementSize.X;
            worldMatrix.M12 *= elementSize.X;
            worldMatrix.M13 *= elementSize.X;
            worldMatrix.M21 *= elementSize.Y;
            worldMatrix.M22 *= elementSize.Y;
            worldMatrix.M23 *= elementSize.Y;

            RectangleF sourceRectangle = glyph.Subrect;

            parameters.Batch.DrawCharacter(Textures[glyph.BitmapIndex], ref worldMatrix, ref sourceRectangle, ref parameters.Color, parameters.DepthBias, Swizzle);