Exemple #1
        protected unsafe void StringToProperByteStar(string strOutput, byte *lpOutBuffer, ref int rnOutLen)
            // if the output is legacy, then we need to shrink it from wide to narrow
            if (m_bLegacy)
                byte[] baOut = EncConverters.GetBytesFromEncoding(CodePageOutput, strOutput, true);

                if (baOut.Length > rnOutLen)
                rnOutLen = baOut.Length;
                ECNormalizeData.ByteArrToByteStar(baOut, lpOutBuffer);
                int nLen = strOutput.Length * 2;
                if (nLen > (int)rnOutLen)
                rnOutLen = nLen;
                ECNormalizeData.StringToByteStar(strOutput, lpOutBuffer, rnOutLen);
Exemple #2
        static unsafe void DisplayCompilerError(byte *pszName, byte *msg, byte *param, UInt32 line)
            byte []  baMsg = ECNormalizeData.ByteStarToByteArr(msg);
            Encoding enc   = Encoding.ASCII;
            string   str   = new string(enc.GetChars(baMsg));

            if (param != (byte *)0)
                str  += ": \"";
                baMsg = ECNormalizeData.ByteStarToByteArr(param);
                str  += new string(enc.GetChars(baMsg));
                str  += "\"";

            if (line != 0)
                str += " at line ";
                str += line.ToString();

            string strCaption = "Compilation feedback from TECkit for the '";

            baMsg       = ECNormalizeData.ByteStarToByteArr(pszName);
            strCaption += new string(enc.GetChars(baMsg));
            strCaption += "' converter";

            if (MessageBox.Show(str, strCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Cancel)
Exemple #3
        protected override unsafe void DoConvert
            byte *lpInBuffer,
            int nInLen,
            byte *lpOutBuffer,
            ref int rnOutLen
            // we need to put it *back* into a string for the lookup
            // [aside: I should probably override base.InternalConvertEx so I can avoid having the base
            //  class version turn the input string into a byte* for this call just so we can turn around
            //  and put it *back* into a string for our processing... but I like working with a known
            //  quantity and no other EncConverter does it that way. Besides, I'm afraid I'll break smtg ;-]
            byte[] baIn = new byte[nInLen];
            ECNormalizeData.ByteStarToByteArr(lpInBuffer, nInLen, baIn);
            Encoding enc;

            if (m_bLegacy)
                    enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(this.CodePageInput);
                    enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(EncConverters.cnIso8859_1CodePage);
                enc = Encoding.Unicode;

            char[] caIn = enc.GetChars(baIn);

            // here's our input string
            string strInput = new string(caIn);

            List <string> lstInputTokens, lstInBetweenTokens, lstOutputTokens;

            SplitAndConvert(strInput, out lstInputTokens, out lstInBetweenTokens, out lstOutputTokens);

            // when we're finally done with all the replacements possible, build up a new output string of the
            //  results (removing any possible "never used" chars that might have been added in AdjustLists)
            string strOutput = null;
            int    i;

            for (i = 0; i < lstOutputTokens.Count; i++)
                strOutput += lstInBetweenTokens[i] + lstOutputTokens[i];
            strOutput += lstInBetweenTokens[i];

            StringToProperByteStar(strOutput, lpOutBuffer, ref rnOutLen);
Exemple #4
        protected unsafe string GetTecAttributeName(int nID, byte *pbaNameBuffer, byte *pbyMapping)
            // now ask TECkit for the values
            UInt16 sID         = System.Convert.ToUInt16(nID);
            UInt32 nNameLength = 0;


            byte [] baName = new byte [nNameLength];
            ECNormalizeData.ByteStarToByteArr(pbaNameBuffer, (int)nNameLength, baName);
            return(new string(Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(baName)));
Exemple #5
        // [DispId(16)]
        public virtual byte[] ConvertFromUnicode(string sInput)
            if ((ConversionType != ConvType.Legacy_to_from_Unicode) &&
                (ConversionType != ConvType.Unicode_to_from_Legacy) &&
                (ConversionType != ConvType.Unicode_to_Legacy)

            bool bForward = !(ConversionType == ConvType.Legacy_to_from_Unicode);

            // similarly as above, use the normal 'InternalConvert' which is expecting to
            //  return a string, and then convert it to a byte [].
            string sOutput = InternalConvert(EncodingForm.UTF16, sInput, EncodingForm.LegacyBytes,
                                             NormalizeOutput, bForward);

Exemple #6
        // [DispId(15)]
        public virtual string ConvertToUnicode(byte [] baInput)
            if ((ConversionType != ConvType.Legacy_to_from_Unicode) &&
                (ConversionType != ConvType.Unicode_to_from_Legacy) &&
                (ConversionType != ConvType.Legacy_to_Unicode)

            bool bForward = !(ConversionType == ConvType.Unicode_to_from_Legacy);

            // since 'InternalConvert' is expecting a string, convert the given byte []
            //  to a string and set the input encoding form as LegacyBytes.
            //  (not as efficent as adding a new InternalConvertToUnicode which takes a
            //  byte [] instead, but a) that would require a lot of changes which I'm
            //  afraid would break something, and b) this is far more maintainable).
            string sInput = ECNormalizeData.ByteArrToString(baInput);

            return(InternalConvert(EncodingForm.LegacyBytes, sInput, EncodingForm.UTF16,
                                   NormalizeOutput, bForward));
Exemple #7
        protected override unsafe void DoConvert
            byte *lpInBuffer,
            int nInLen,
            byte *lpOutBuffer,
            ref int rnOutLen
            rnOutLen = 0;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WorkingDir))
                // we need to put it *back* into a string because the StreamWriter that will
                // ultimately write to the StandardInput uses a string. Use the correct codepg.
                byte [] baDst = new byte [nInLen];
                ECNormalizeData.ByteStarToByteArr(lpInBuffer, nInLen, baDst);
                Encoding enc;
                    enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(this.CodePageInput);
                    enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(EncConverters.cnIso8859_1CodePage);
                string strInput = enc.GetString(baDst);

                // call the helper that calls the exe
                string strOutput = DoExeCall(strInput);

                // if there's a response...
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strOutput))
                    // ... put it in the output buffer
                    // if the output is legacy, then we need to shrink it from wide to narrow
                    // it'll be legacy either if (the direction is forward and the rhs=eLegacy)
                    // or if (the direction is reverse and the rhs=eLegacy)
                    bool bLegacyOutput =
                            ((this.DirectionForward == true) &&
                             (EncConverter.NormalizeRhsConversionType(this.ConversionType) == NormConversionType.eLegacy)
                            ) ||
                            ((this.DirectionForward == false) &&
                             (EncConverter.NormalizeLhsConversionType(this.ConversionType) == NormConversionType.eLegacy)

                    if (bLegacyOutput)
                            enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(this.CodePageOutput);
                            enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(EncConverters.cnIso8859_1CodePage);
                        byte [] baOut = enc.GetBytes(strOutput);
                        ECNormalizeData.ByteArrToByteStar(baOut, lpOutBuffer);
                        rnOutLen = baOut.Length;
                        rnOutLen = strOutput.Length * 2;
                        ECNormalizeData.StringToByteStar(strOutput, lpOutBuffer, rnOutLen);
Exemple #8
        protected unsafe void CompileMap(string strFilename, ref string strCompiledFilename)
            int status = 0;

                FileStream fileMap       = new FileStream(strFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                byte []    pTxt          = new byte [fileMap.Length];
                uint       nMapSize      = (uint)fileMap.Read(pTxt, 0, (int)fileMap.Length);
                byte *     compiledTable = (byte *)0;
                UInt32     compiledSize  = 0;
                    // do this in a try/catch so the user can cancel if there are too many
                    //  errors.
                    errFunc dsplyErr = new errFunc(TecEncConverter.DisplayCompilerError);
                    byte [] baName   = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Name);

                    fixed(byte *lpTxt = pTxt)
                    fixed(byte *lpName = baName)
                    status             = TECkit_Compile(
                        (byte)1,                           // docompression
                    status = (int)ErrStatus.CompilationFailed;

                if (status == (int)ErrStatus.NoError)
                    // put the data from TEC into a managed byte array for the following Write
                    byte [] baOut = new byte [compiledSize];
                    ECNormalizeData.ByteStarToByteArr(compiledTable, (int)compiledSize, baOut);

                    // save the compiled mapping (but if it fails because it's locked, then
                    //  try to save it with a temporary name.
                    FileStream fileTec = null;
                        fileTec = File.OpenWrite(strCompiledFilename);
                    catch (System.IO.IOException)
                        // temporary filename for temporary CC tables (to check portions of the file at a time)
                        strCompiledFilename = Path.GetTempFileName();
                        fileTec             = File.OpenWrite(strCompiledFilename);

                    // get it's last created timestamp
                    DoesFileExist(strCompiledFilename, ref m_timeModifiedTec);

                    fileTec.Write(baOut, 0, (int)compiledSize);
                // compiling isn't crucial

            if (status != (int)ErrStatus.NoError)
Exemple #9
        protected override unsafe void DoConvert
            byte *lpInBuffer,
            int nInLen,
            byte *lpOutBuffer,
            ref int rnOutLen
/*          rde1.2.1.0 don't pad with space anymore
 *                      rde2.2.0.0 Ahh... now I remember why this was there before: if you use boundary
 *                      condition testing in CC (e.g. "prec(ws) 'i' fol(ws)", where  'ws' contains things
 *                      like spaces, nl, tabs, punctuation, etc) then those tests will fail on the first
 *                      and last character in the stream (which are at a boundary conditions, but can't be
 *                      detected by CC). Anyway, so I want to put back in the stream delimiting, but the
 *                      reason this was originally taken out was because someone had a CC table which was
 *                      eating spaces, so I'll use 'd10' (which never comes in on an Windows system by itself)
 *                      to delimit the stream AND only then if it's a spelling fixer cc table (see Initialize)
#if !rde220
            // the delimiter (if used) is actually '\n', but this normally isn't received by CC
            // without '\r' as well, so it makes a good delimiter in that CC tables aren't likely
            // to be looking to eat it up (which was the problem we had when we delimited with
            // a space).
            const byte byDelim = 10;
            if (m_bUseDelimiters)
                // move the input data down to make room for the initial delimiter
                ECNormalizeData.MemMove(lpInBuffer + 1, lpInBuffer, nInLen);

                lpInBuffer[0]          = byDelim;
                lpInBuffer[nInLen + 1] = byDelim;
                nInLen += 2;
            bool bLastWasD10 = false;
            if (lpInBuffer[nInLen - 1] == ' ')
                bLastWasSpace = true;
                lpInBuffer[nInLen++] = (byte)' ';
                lpInBuffer[nInLen]   = 0;

            int status = 0;
            fixed(int *pnOut = &rnOutLen)
                status = CCProcessBuffer(m_hTable, lpInBuffer, nInLen, lpOutBuffer, pnOut);

            if (status != 0)
#if !rde220
            else if (m_bUseDelimiters)
                if (lpOutBuffer[0] == byDelim)
                    ECNormalizeData.MemMove(lpOutBuffer, lpOutBuffer + 1, --rnOutLen);
                if (lpOutBuffer[rnOutLen - 1] == byDelim)
 *                      // otherwise strip out that final space we added (sometimes it goes away by itself!!??,
 *                      //  so check first...)
 *                      //  also only if the last of the input was *NOT* a space...
 *                      else if( !bLastWasSpace && (lpOutBuffer[rnOutLen-1] == ' ') )
 *                      {
 *                              rnOutLen--;
 *                      }
Exemple #10
        // This function is the meat of the conversion process. It is really long, which
        //	normally wouldn't be a virtue (especially as an "in-line" function), but in an
        //	effort to save memory fragmentation by using stack memory to buffer the input
        //	and output data, I'm using the alloca memory allocation function. Because of this
        //	it can't be allocated in some subroutine and returned to a calling program (or the
        //	stack will have erased them), so it has to be one big fat long function...
        //	The basic structure is:
        //	o	Check Input Data
        //	o	Give the sub-class (via PreConvert) the opportunity to load tables and do
        //		any special preprocessing it needs to ahead of the actual conversion
        //	o	Possibly call the TECkit COM interface to convert Unicode flavors that the
        //		engine (for this conversion) might not support (indicated via PreConvert)
        //	o	Normalize the input data to a byte array based on it's input EncodingForm
        //	o		Allocate (on the stack) a buffer for the output data (min 10000 bytes)
        //	o		Call the subclass (via DoConvert) to do the actual conversion.
        //	o	Normalize the output data to match the requested output EncodingForm (including
        //		possibly calling the TECkit COM interface).
        //	o	Return the resultant BSTR and size of items to the output pointer variables.
        protected virtual unsafe string InternalConvertEx
            EncodingForm eInEncodingForm,
            string sInput,
            int ciInput,
            EncodingForm eOutEncodingForm,
            NormalizeFlags eNormalizeOutput,
            out int rciOutput,
            bool bForward
            if (sInput == null)

            // if the user hasn't specified, then take the default case for the ConversionType:
            //  if L/RHS == eLegacy, then LegacyString
            //  if L/RHS == eUnicode, then UTF16
                ref eInEncodingForm,
                ref eOutEncodingForm

            // allow the converter engine's (and/or its COM wrapper) to do some preprocessing.
            EncodingForm eFormEngineIn = EncodingForm.Unspecified, eFormEngineOut = EncodingForm.Unspecified;

                eInEncodingForm,                        // [in] form in the BSTR
                ref eFormEngineIn,                      // [out] form the conversion engine wants, etc.
                ref eFormEngineOut,
                ref eNormalizeOutput,

            // get enough space for us to normalize the input data (6x ought to be enough)
            int nBufSize = sInput.Length * 6;

            byte[] abyInBuffer = new byte[nBufSize];
            fixed(byte *lpInBuffer = abyInBuffer)
                // use a helper class to normalize the data to the format needed by the engine
                ECNormalizeData.GetBytes(sInput, ciInput, eInEncodingForm,
                                         ((bForward) ? CodePageInput : CodePageOutput), eFormEngineIn, lpInBuffer,
                                         ref nBufSize, ref m_bDebugDisplayMode);

                // get some space for the converter to fill with, but since this is allocated
                //  on the stack, don't muck around; get 10000 bytes for it.
                int nOutLen = Math.Max(10000, nBufSize * 6);

                byte[] abyOutBuffer = new byte[nOutLen];
                fixed(byte *lpOutBuffer = abyOutBuffer)
                    lpOutBuffer[0] = lpOutBuffer[1] = lpOutBuffer[2] = lpOutBuffer[3] = 0;

                    // call the wrapper sub-classes' DoConvert to let them do it.
                    DoConvert(lpInBuffer, nBufSize, lpOutBuffer, ref nOutLen);

                    return(ECNormalizeData.GetString(lpOutBuffer, nOutLen, eOutEncodingForm,
                                                     ((bForward) ? CodePageOutput : CodePageInput), eFormEngineOut, eNormalizeOutput,
                                                     out rciOutput, ref m_bDebugDisplayMode));