public ActionResult UpdateProduct(ProductModel update) { SIEBUEntities db = new SIEBUEntities(); Product target_product = db.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.p_id ==; Product_History history = new Product_History(); //if no product is found, create one bool add_new = false; if (target_product == null) { add_new = true; target_product = new Product(); target_product.dateadded = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time")); } target_product.lastmodified = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time")); history.datemodified = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time")); bool change_made = false; if ( != || target_product.sku != update.sku) { change_made = true; =; history.sku = target_product.sku; =; target_product.sku = update.sku; } if (!((target_product.cost + target_product.shipping_cost).Equals(update.cost + update.shipping_cost))) { change_made = true; history.cost = target_product.cost; history.shipping_cost = target_product.shipping_cost; target_product.cost = Convert.ToDecimal(update.cost, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en")); target_product.shipping_cost = Convert.ToDecimal(update.shipping_cost, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en")); } if (target_product.avail_inventory != update.avail_inventory) { change_made = true; history.avail_inventory = target_product.avail_inventory; target_product.avail_inventory = update.avail_inventory; } target_product.short_description = update.short_description; target_product.description = update.description; if (target_product.status != update.status) { change_made = true; history.status = target_product.status; target_product.status = update.status; } if (target_product.is_featured != update.is_featured) { change_made = true; history.is_featured = target_product.is_featured; target_product.is_featured = update.is_featured; if (update.is_featured) { target_product.featured_since = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time")); } else { target_product.featured_since = null; } } if (add_new) { target_product.store_id = update.store_id; db.Products.Add(target_product); db.SaveChanges(); //changes must be saved so that product_id exists for image/tag/history foreign key relationships } foreach (ProductImageModel pim in update.images) { Product_Image target_image = db.Product_Image.FirstOrDefault(p => p.pi_id ==; //only save up to 8 images per product if (db.Product_Image.Count(p => p.product_id == target_product.p_id) <= 8) { bool add_new_img = false; if (target_image == null) { add_new_img = true; target_image = new Product_Image(); } target_image.product_id = target_product.p_id; target_image.sort = pim.order; //check to make sure update does not match existing content if ((target_image.url == null || !(pim.url + "").Contains(target_image.url)) && pim.url != null) { //if different from original, determine whether value is blank (for purpose of removing images) if (pim.url != null) target_image.url = ImageController.UploadFile(pim.url, target_image.product_id + "" + target_image.pi_id + "" + target_product.lastmodified.Value.ToString("ffffff")); else target_image.url = null; } if (add_new_img) db.Product_Image.Add(target_image); } if (pim.delete) db.Product_Image.Remove(target_image); } foreach (ProductTagModel ptm in update.tags) { //create tag if non-existent Tag ref_tag = db.Tags.FirstOrDefault(t => t.caption == ptm.caption.Trim().ToLower()); if (ref_tag == null) { ref_tag = new Tag(); ref_tag.caption = ptm.caption.Trim().ToLower(); db.Tags.Add(ref_tag); db.SaveChanges(); } //tolower to compare captions Product_Tag target_tag = db.Product_Tag.FirstOrDefault(t => t.product_id == && t.Tag.t_id == ref_tag.t_id); bool add_new_tag = false; if (target_tag == null) { add_new_tag = true; target_tag = new Product_Tag(); } target_tag.product_id = target_product.p_id; target_tag.tag_id = ref_tag.t_id; if (add_new_tag) db.Product_Tag.Add(target_tag); if (ptm.delete) db.Product_Tag.Remove(target_tag); } if (change_made) db.Product_History.Add(history); history.product_id = target_product.p_id; db.SaveChanges(); return Json(target_product.p_id, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public CatalogueModel(Product product, SIEBUEntities db = null) { if (db == null) db = new SIEBUEntities(); id = product.store_id; status = (product.Store.status.HasValue ? product.Store.status.Value : -1); category = product.Store.category_id; name =; description = product.Store.description; logo = product.Store.logo; banner = product.Store.banner_img; background = product.Store.background_img; owner_name = product.Store.User.firstName + " " + product.Store.User.lastName; store_namespace = product.Store.name_space; email = (product.Store.Store_Contact.Count(c => c.Contact.caption == "Email Address") > 0 ? product.Store.Store_Contact.Where(c => c.Contact.caption == "Email Address").FirstOrDefault().value : ""); website = (product.Store.Store_Contact.Count(c => c.Contact.caption == "Website") > 0 ? product.Store.Store_Contact.Where(c => c.Contact.caption == "Website").FirstOrDefault().value : ""); social_media = SocialMediaModel.getSocialMedia(product.Store, db); if (product.Store.created_on.HasValue) created_date = product.Store.created_on.Value; if (product.is_deleted != true) catalogue = new List<ProductModel>() { new ProductModel(product, db: db) }; else catalogue = new List<ProductModel>(); }
public ProductModel(Product p, Boolean expanded = true, SIEBUEntities db = null) { if (db == null) db = new SIEBUEntities(); id = p.p_id; sku = (p.sku == null ? p.p_id.ToString() : p.sku); store_id = p.store_id; name =; status = p.status; status_caption = p.Product_Status.caption; cost = Math.Round(p.cost.Value, 2); likes = db.Product_Like.Count(pl => pl.product_id == p.p_id); avail_inventory = p.avail_inventory.Value; short_description = getSummary(p); is_featured = (p.is_featured == true); if (p.dateadded.HasValue) dateadded = String.Format("{0:MMMM d, yyyy}", p.dateadded.Value); else dateadded = "N/A"; if (p.lastmodified.HasValue) lastmodified = String.Format("{0:MMMM d, yyyy}", p.lastmodified.Value); else lastmodified = "N/A"; if (expanded) { description = p.description; shipping_cost = Math.Round(p.shipping_cost.Value, 2); images = new List<ProductImageModel>(); for (int i = 0; i < p.Product_Image.Count(); i++) { Product_Image pimage = p.Product_Image.OrderBy(pi => pi.sort).Skip(i).Take(1).FirstOrDefault(); ProductImageModel pim = new ProductImageModel(); = pimage.pi_id; pim.url = pimage.url; pim.order = (pimage.sort.HasValue ? pimage.sort.Value : i); images.Add(pim); } tags = new List<ProductTagModel>(); foreach (Product_Tag tag in db.Product_Tag.Where(pt => pt.product_id == p.p_id)) { tags.Add(new ProductTagModel(tag.Tag.caption)); } } else { images = new List<ProductImageModel>(); Product_Image pimg = p.Product_Image.OrderBy(pi => pi.sort).FirstOrDefault(); ProductImageModel pim = new ProductImageModel(); if (pimg != null) { = pimg.pi_id; pim.url = pimg.url; pim.order = (pimg.sort.HasValue ? pimg.sort.Value : 0); } else { = 0; pim.url = "/content/no-image"; pim.order = 0; } images.Add(pim); } }
/// <summary> /// This function takes a news item, and checks whether or not a preexisting description exists. If no description is found, /// the body text of the blog is stripped of HTML tags, and reduced to the closest length that ends /// on one of multiple provided delimiters. /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <param name="char_lim"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string getSummary(Product p, int char_lim = 250) { if (p.short_description != null && p.short_description.Length > 0) return p.short_description; string output = p.description; output = Regex.Replace(output, @"<(.|\n)*?>", string.Empty); int length = output.Length; if (length > char_lim) { string[] delimiters = { ", ", ". ", "</p>" }; foreach (string delim in delimiters) { if (output.Contains(delim) && output.LastIndexOf(delim, char_lim) > 0) length = (output.LastIndexOf(delim, char_lim)) + delim.Length; } output = output.Substring(0, length); }; return output; }
//create headline using product object public HeadlineModel(Product p) { title =; image = p.Product_Image.Count == 0 ? null : p.Product_Image.OrderBy(pi => pi.sort).FirstOrDefault().url; body = ProductModel.getSummary(p, 500); url = String.Format("/{0}/products?id={1}", p.Store.name_space, p.p_id); if (p.featured_since.HasValue) date = p.featured_since.Value; }