Exemple #1
 public static void CreateGSD4tMEMSConfigFile(string fullHostAppPath, ref HostAppConfigParams hostAppConfigParams)
     DirectoryInfo parent = Directory.GetParent(fullHostAppPath);
     if (hostAppConfigParams.HostSWFilePath == fullHostAppPath)
         parent = Directory.GetParent(parent.FullName);
     string str = @"\" + hostAppConfigParams.SiRFLiveInterfacePortName;
     string path = string.Empty;
     if (parent.FullName.Contains(str))
         path = parent.FullName;
         path = parent.FullName + str;
     if (!Directory.Exists(path))
     FileInfo info2 = new FileInfo(fullHostAppPath);
     hostAppConfigParams.HostSWFilePath = path + @"\" + info2.Name;
     if (!File.Exists(hostAppConfigParams.HostSWFilePath))
         File.Copy(fullHostAppPath, hostAppConfigParams.HostSWFilePath, true);
     hostAppConfigParams.HostAppMEMSCfgPath = path + @"\SensCfg4t.txt";
     if (!File.Exists(hostAppConfigParams.HostAppMEMSCfgPath))
         string str3 = clsGlobal.InstalledDirectory + @"\Config\SensCfg4t.txt";
         if (File.Exists(str3))
             File.Copy(str3, hostAppConfigParams.HostAppMEMSCfgPath, true);
             StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(hostAppConfigParams.HostAppMEMSCfgPath, false);
             FileInfo[] files = parent.GetFiles("*.bin");
             StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
             if (files.Length > 0)
                 builder.Append("program_file ");
             builder.Append("// Sensors Configuration (ALL VALUES MUST BE IN HEX FORMAT WITH EXACT NUMBER OF DIGITS. EX: 1 BYTE: 0x01, 2 BYTES: 0x0001)\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x02    // Number of Sensors (1 - 4)\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x02    // I2C bus speed (0 - Low, 1 - Standard, 2 - Fast, 3 - Fast_Plus, 4 - High)\r\n");
             builder.Append("\n// Configuration for Sensor #1 (AK8974/AMI304)\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x000E  // Sensor I2C Address (7 or 10 bit)\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x02    // Sensor Type (1 - Accel, 2 - Magn, 3 - Press, 4 - Gyro, 5 - Accel_Gyro, 6 - Accel_Magn, 7 - Gyro_Magn, 8 - Accel_Magn_Gyro)\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x00    // Initialization period after power up for Sensor, unit: 10ms\r\n");
             builder.Append("0xCD    // Data type (bit 0), Number of bytes to read from each register (bits 1-3) and Data Resolution (bits 4-7)\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x05    // Sample rate: 1- 1hz, 2- 2hz, 3- 5hz, 4- 10hz, 5- 25hz, 6- 50hz, 7- 100Hz\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x03    // Send Rate:   1- 1hz, 2- 2hz, 3- 5hz, 4- 10hz, 5- 25hz, 6- 50hz, 7- 100Hz\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x00    // Data decimation method (bits 0-2): 0- raw, 1- averaging, 2- sliding median\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x20    // Acquisition time delay, unit: 10us\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x01    // Number of sensor read registers\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x01    // Measurement State: 0 - auto (sensor configured) 1 - forced (sw controlling)  was 0x00\r\n");
             builder.Append("  0x03, 0x10   // Read Register #1: (Read Operation, Register Address)\r\n");
             builder.Append("               // Read Operation Bit Definition:\r\n");
             builder.Append("               //Bit7 ~ Bit4: Number of Right Shift before sending to host\r\n");
             builder.Append("               //Bit3 ~ Bit2: Reserved\t\r\n");
             builder.Append("               //Bit1:        Endian, 0 - big, 1 - little\r\n");
             builder.Append("               //Bit0:        Read mode, 0 - read only, 1 - write with repeated start read\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x1B    // Address of the Register that controls the sensor power states\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x00    // Setting for Stand-by (low power) mode\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x80    // Setting for Active mode\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x04    // Number of Initialization Registers to be read\r\n");
             builder.Append("  0x1B, 0x01   // Init Read Register #1: (Register Address, Number of Bytes)\r\n");
             builder.Append("  0x1C, 0x01   // Init Read Register #2: (Register Address, Number of Bytes)\r\n");
             builder.Append("  0x1D, 0x01   // Init Read Register #3: (Register Address, Number of Bytes)\r\n");
             builder.Append("  0x0B, 0x01   // Init Read Register #4: (Register Address, Number of Bytes)\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x04    // Number of sensor control registers\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x20    // Time delay between two consecutive register writes, unit: ms\r\n");
             builder.Append("  0x1B, 0x90   // CNTL1 Register  (Register Address, Value)\tValue: PwrCtrl, OutDatRate, FuncState\r\n");
             builder.Append("  0x1C, 0x0C   // CNTL2 Register  (Register Address, Value) Value: IntEnb, DRDYEnb, DRDYPolarity\r\n");
             builder.Append("  0x1D, 0x00   // CNTL3 Register  (Register Address, Value) Value: SoftReset, StartFORCEMeas, SelfTest\r\n");
             builder.Append("  0x0B, 0x05   // ACNTL1 Register (Register Address, Value) Value: SensCorrByPass, OVF, OVFOut, BITS\r\n");
             builder.Append("\n// Configuration for Sensor #2 (KXTF9)\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x000F  // Sensor I2C Address (7 or 10 bit)\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x01    // Sensor Type (1 - Accel, 2 - Magn, 3 - Press, 4 - Gyro, 5 - Accel_Gyro, 6 - Accel_Magn, 7 - Gyro_Magn, 8 - Accel_Magn_Gyro)\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x00    // Initialization period after power up for Sensor, unit: 10ms\r\n");
             builder.Append("0xCD    // Data type (bit 0), Number of bytes to read from each register (bits 1-3) and Data Resolution (bits 4-7)\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x06    // Sample rate: 1- 1hz, 2- 2hz, 3- 5hz, 4- 10hz, 5- 25hz, 6- 50hz, 7- 100Hz\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x03    // Send Rate:   1- 1hz, 2- 2hz, 3- 5hz, 4- 10hz, 5- 25hz, 6- 50hz, 7- 100Hz\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x00    // Data decimation method (bits 0-2): 0- raw, 1- averaging, 2- sliding median\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x20    // Acquisition time delay, unit: 10us\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x01    // Number of sensor read registers\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x01    // Measurement State: 0 - auto (sensor configured) 1 - forced (sw controlling)  was 0x00\r\n");
             builder.Append("  0x43, 0x06   // Read Register #1: (Read Operation, Register Address)\r\n");
             builder.Append("               // Read Operation Bit Definition:\r\n");
             builder.Append("               //Bit7 ~ Bit4: Number of Right Shift before sending to host\r\n");
             builder.Append("               //Bit3 ~ Bit2: Reserved\t\r\n");
             builder.Append("               //Bit1:        Endian, 0 - big, 1 - little\r\n");
             builder.Append("               //Bit0:        Read mode, 0 - read only, 1 - write with repeated start read\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x1B    // Address of the Register to controls the sensor power states\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x00    // Setting for Stand-by (OFF) mode\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x80    // Setting for Operating (ON) mode\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x02    // Number of Initialization Registers to be read\r\n");
             builder.Append("  0x1B, 0x01   // Init Read Register #1: (Register Address, Number of Bytes)\r\n");
             builder.Append("  0x1D, 0x01   // Init Read Register #2: (Register Address, Number of Bytes)\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x02    // Number of sensor control registers\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x20    // Time delay between two consecutive register writes, unit: ms\r\n");
             builder.Append("  0x1B, 0xC0   // CTRL_REG1: (Register Address, Value) OpMode, Ressolution 12bit\r\n");
             builder.Append("  0x1D, 0x4D   // CTRL_REG3: (Register Address, Value) Default\r\n");
             builder.Append("\n0x01    // Sensor Data Processing Rate\r\n");
             builder.Append("\n0x00  // sensor #1 Zero Point Value\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x01  // sensor #1 Scale Factor (sensitivity)\r\n");
             builder.Append("\n0x0000  // sensor #2 Zero Point Value\r\n");
             builder.Append("0x0400  // sensor #2 Scale Factor (sensitivity)\r\n");
             File.Copy(hostAppConfigParams.HostAppMEMSCfgPath, str3, true);
Exemple #2
 private void frmCommSettingsOkBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     this.comm.RequireHostRun = this.hostAppRunHostChkBox.Checked;
     this.comm.TrackerPort = this.hostAppCboTrackerPort.Text;
     this.comm.ResetPort = this.hostAppCboResetPort.Text;
     this.CMC.HostAppClient.TCPClientHostName = this.COMClientIPAddrTextBox.Text;
     this.CMC.HostAppServer.TCPServerHostName = this.COMServerIPTextBox.Text;
     this.comm.LNAType = this.hostAppLnaComboBox.SelectedIndex;
     this.comm.LDOMode = this.hostAppLDOModeComboBox.SelectedIndex;
     this.comm.RxName = this.frmCommSettingsRxNameTxtBox.Text;
     if (this.comm.RxName == string.Empty)
         this.comm.RxName = "SiRF_EVK";
     this.comm.RequireEE = this.hostAppEEChkBox.Checked;
     this.comm.EESelect = this.extEphComboBox_Select.Text;
     this.comm.ServerName = this.extEphComboBox_ServerName.Text;
     this.comm.ServerPort = this.extEphEditBox_ServerPort.Text;
     this.comm.AuthenticationCode = this.extEphEditBox_AuthCode.Text;
     this.comm.EEDayNum = this.extEphComboBox_EEDay.Text;
     this.comm.BankTime = this.extEphEditBox_BankTime.Text;
     this.comm.IsAutoDetectBaud = this.autoBaudChkBox.Checked;
     this.comm.IsVersion4_1_A8AndAbove = this.hostAppVersionCheckBox.Checked;
     if (this.comm.RequireHostRun)
         if ((this.comm.TrackerPort == this.comm.ResetPort) && (this.comm.ProductFamily == CommonClass.ProductType.GSD4t))
             MessageBox.Show("Error: Same port set for tracker and reset!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
             base.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel;
             this._errorDetected = true;
         this.COMDeviceTabControl.SelectedIndex = 0;
     if (this.hostAppRS232RadioBtn.Checked)
         if (this.comm.RequireHostRun)
             this.COMDeviceTabControl.SelectedIndex = 0;
             this.COMDeviceTabControl.SelectedIndex = 1;
         if (this.comm.RequireHostRun && (this.comm.ProductFamily == CommonClass.ProductType.GSD4t))
             List<string> inList = new List<string>();
             if (HelperFunctions.IsDuplicateString(inList))
                 MessageBox.Show("Dupliate port settings detected!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
                 base.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel;
                 this._errorDetected = true;
     else if (this.hostAppI2CRadioBtn.Checked)
         if (this.COMTcpIPClientRadioButton.Checked)
             if (this.comm.RequireHostRun && (this.CMC.HostAppClient.TCPClientHostName == ""))
                 this.COMDeviceTabControl.SelectedIndex = 2;
                 this.COMDeviceTabControl.SelectedIndex = 0;
         else if (this.comm.RequireHostRun && (this.CMC.HostAppServer.TCPServerHostName == ""))
             this.COMDeviceTabControl.SelectedIndex = 2;
             this.COMDeviceTabControl.SelectedIndex = 0;
     if (this.comm.RequireHostRun)
         if (!File.Exists(this.hostAppSWDirTxtBox.Text))
             MessageBox.Show("Host SW does not exist", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
             base.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel;
             this._errorDetected = true;
         HostAppConfigParams hostAppConfigParams = new HostAppConfigParams();
         hostAppConfigParams.SiRFLiveInterfacePortName = "SW_" + this.comm.PortName;
         hostAppConfigParams.TrackerPort = this.comm.TrackerPort;
         hostAppConfigParams.TrackerPortSelect = this.comm.TrackerPortSelect;
         hostAppConfigParams.BaudRate = this.comm.BaudRate;
         hostAppConfigParams.ResetPort = this.comm.ResetPort;
         hostAppConfigParams.WarmupDelay = this.comm.WarmupDelay;
         hostAppConfigParams.OnOffLineUsage = this.comm.OnOffLineUsage;
         hostAppConfigParams.ExtSResetNLineUsage = this.comm.ExtSResetNLineUsage;
         hostAppConfigParams.DebugSettings = this.comm.DebugSettings;
         hostAppConfigParams.LNAType = this.comm.LNAType;
         hostAppConfigParams.LDOMode = this.comm.LDOMode;
         hostAppConfigParams.DefaultTCXOFreq = this.comm.DefaultTCXOFreq;
         hostAppConfigParams.HostSWFilePath = this.comm.HostSWFilePath;
         if (this.hostAppVersionCheckBox.Checked)
             hostAppConfigParams.OnOffLineUsage = "uart_rts";
         CreateGSD4tConfigFile(this.hostAppSWDirTxtBox.Text, ref hostAppConfigParams);
         CreateGSD4tMEMSConfigFile(this.hostAppSWDirTxtBox.Text, ref hostAppConfigParams);
         this.comm.HostAppCfgFilePath = hostAppConfigParams.HostAppCfgFilePath;
         this.comm.HostAppMEMSCfgPath = hostAppConfigParams.HostAppMEMSCfgPath;
         this.comm.HostSWFilePath = hostAppConfigParams.HostSWFilePath;
     base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Exemple #3
 public static void CreateGSD4tConfigFile(string fullHostAppPath, ref HostAppConfigParams hostAppConfigParams)
     DirectoryInfo parent = Directory.GetParent(fullHostAppPath);
     if (hostAppConfigParams.HostSWFilePath == fullHostAppPath)
         parent = Directory.GetParent(parent.FullName);
     string str = @"\" + hostAppConfigParams.SiRFLiveInterfacePortName;
     string path = string.Empty;
     if (parent.FullName.Contains(str))
         path = parent.FullName;
         path = parent.FullName + str;
     if (!Directory.Exists(path))
     FileInfo info2 = new FileInfo(fullHostAppPath);
     hostAppConfigParams.HostSWFilePath = path + @"\" + info2.Name;
     if (!File.Exists(hostAppConfigParams.HostSWFilePath))
         File.Copy(fullHostAppPath, hostAppConfigParams.HostSWFilePath, true);
     hostAppConfigParams.HostAppCfgFilePath = path + @"\sirfLiveHostConfig.txt";
     StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(hostAppConfigParams.HostAppCfgFilePath, false);
     FileInfo[] files = parent.GetFiles("*.bin");
     StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
     if (files.Length > 0)
         builder.Append("program_file ");
     files = new DirectoryInfo(path).GetFiles("NVM*");
     if (files.Length > 0)
         foreach (FileInfo info4 in files)
     builder.Append("tracker_port_select ");
     builder.Append(string.Format("{0}\r\n", hostAppConfigParams.TrackerPortSelect));
     builder.Append(string.Format("uart_baud_rate {0}\r\n", hostAppConfigParams.BaudRate));
     builder.Append(@"tracker_port \\.\");
     builder.Append(@"on_off_port \\.\");
     builder.Append(string.Format("\r\non_off_line_usage {0}\r\next_sreset_n_line_usage {1}\r\n", hostAppConfigParams.OnOffLineUsage, hostAppConfigParams.ExtSResetNLineUsage));
     builder.Append(string.Format("ref_clk_frequency {0}\r\n", hostAppConfigParams.DefaultTCXOFreq));
     builder.Append(string.Format("ref_clk_warmup_delay {0}\r\ndebug_settings {1}\r\n", hostAppConfigParams.WarmupDelay, hostAppConfigParams.DebugSettings));
     if (hostAppConfigParams.LNAType == 0)
         builder.Append("lna_type internal\r\n");
         builder.Append("lna_type external\r\n");
     if (hostAppConfigParams.LDOMode == 0)
         builder.Append("internal_backup_LDO_mode disable\r\n");
         builder.Append("internal_backup_LDO_mode enable\r\n");
     builder.Append("\n// I2C DR GPIO settings\r\n");
     builder.Append("io_pin_configuration_mode enable\r\n");
     builder.Append("\n// set the enable bit (0x04) on both GPIO0 and GPIO1, mode = 0 (DR_I2C)\r\n");
     builder.Append("// [0:1] 0x000 = I2C DR mode\r\n");
     builder.Append("// [2:5] 0x03C = each power state enable bit\r\n");
     builder.Append("// [6:9] 0x3C0 = each power state DS setting\r\n");
     builder.Append("// |= 0x3FC = 1020\r\n");
     builder.Append("io_pin_0_configuration 0x3FC\r\n");
     builder.Append("io_pin_1_configuration 0x3FC\r\n");
     builder.Append("io_pin_3_configuration 0x003C");