Exemple #1
 public BoardState(Piece[] currentBoardPosition, UInt64[] pieceToBitboard,
     CastlingAndEnPassantRights castlingAndEnPassant, int sideToMove, UInt64 zobristHash)
     CurrentBoardPosition = currentBoardPosition;
     PieceToBitboard = pieceToBitboard;
     CastlingAndEnPassant = castlingAndEnPassant;
     SideToMove = sideToMove;
     ZobristHash = zobristHash;
Exemple #2
        public Move(sbyte side, byte startPosition, byte endPosition, Piece promotedPiece)
            Side = side;
            StartPosition = startPosition;
            EndPosition = endPosition;
            PromotedPiece = promotedPiece;

            HashKey = (UInt16)((StartPosition << 8) ^ EndPosition);
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the move data by parsing in a long algebraic notation as described in
 /// this document: http://wbec-ridderkerk.nl/html/UCIProtocol.html (see Move format).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="longAlgebraicNotationMove">The move string, e.g. a8a5.</param>
 public void Set(sbyte side, string longAlgebraicNotationMove)
     Side = side;
     string start = longAlgebraicNotationMove.Substring(0, 2);
     StartPosition = Constants.AlgebraicToIntegerIndex[start];
     string end = longAlgebraicNotationMove.Substring(2, 2);
     EndPosition = Constants.AlgebraicToIntegerIndex[end];
     // if length is greater than 5, e.g. b7b8q, then it means a pawn promotion.
     if (longAlgebraicNotationMove.Length == 5)
         IsPawnPromotion = true;
         string promotedPiece = longAlgebraicNotationMove.Substring(4, 1);
         switch (promotedPiece)
             case "q": PromotedPiece = (Side == Engine.Side.Black) ? Piece.BlackQueen : Piece.WhiteQueen;
             case "r": PromotedPiece = (Side == Engine.Side.Black) ? Piece.BlackRook : Piece.WhiteRook;
             case "b": PromotedPiece = (Side == Engine.Side.Black) ? Piece.BlackBishop : Piece.WhiteBishop;
             case "n": PromotedPiece = (Side == Engine.Side.Black) ? Piece.BlackKnight : Piece.WhiteKnight;
             case "p": PromotedPiece = (Side == Engine.Side.Black) ? Piece.BlackPawn : Piece.WhitePawn;
                 throw new ArgumentException("Invalid promoted piece.");
         IsPawnPromotion = false;
         PromotedPiece = Piece.None;
     HashKey = (UInt16)((StartPosition << 8) ^ EndPosition);
Exemple #4
        private void GenerateMoves(Piece piece, UInt16[] moves, UInt16[] quietMoves, ref int movesCount, ref int quietMovesCount)
            UInt64 pieceBitboard = PieceToBitboard[piece.Index];
            byte[] startPositions = BitHelper.GetSetBitIndexes2(pieceBitboard);
            UInt64 ownBoard = GetBoardForSide(sideToMove);

            for (int i = 0; i < startPositions.Length; i++)
                UInt64 validMoves = GetValidMovesForPiece(piece, startPositions[i], ownBoard);
                ExtractPseudoLegalMoves(validMoves, startPositions[i], moves, quietMoves, ref movesCount, ref quietMovesCount);
Exemple #5
        private void ReplacePawnWithPromotedPiece(Piece promotedPiece, Piece pawnToReplace, byte promotionSquare)
            UInt64 pawnQueenMask = (UInt64)1 << promotionSquare;
            PieceToBitboard[pawnToReplace.Index] = PieceToBitboard[pawnToReplace.Index] ^ pawnQueenMask;
            PieceToBitboard[promotedPiece.Index] = PieceToBitboard[promotedPiece.Index] | pawnQueenMask;

            squareToPiece[promotionSquare] = promotedPiece;
            // update zobrist hash: XOR out the pawn and XOR in the promoted piece
            ZobristHash ^= _zobristKeys[pawnToReplace.ZobristStartingIndex + promotionSquare];
            ZobristHash ^= _zobristKeys[promotedPiece.ZobristStartingIndex + promotionSquare];
Exemple #6
        // updates: 1. piece to BB for that piece, 2. zobrist, 3. square to piece array.
        private void JustMoveThePiece(Piece movingPiece, byte fromSquare, byte toSquare)
            /* Update KDFs */
            // KDF 1: piece to BB array
            UInt64 startEndBitboard = (((UInt64)1) << fromSquare) ^ (((UInt64)1) << toSquare);
            PieceToBitboard[movingPiece.Index] ^= startEndBitboard;

            // KDF 2: zobrist hash
            // update zobrist hash (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10067514/correctly-implementing-zobrist-hashing)
            // remove starting position of moving piece from hash (i.e. XOR out)
            ZobristHash ^= _zobristKeys[movingPiece.ZobristStartingIndex + fromSquare];
            // include ending position of moving piece into hash (i.e. XOR in)
            ZobristHash ^= _zobristKeys[movingPiece.ZobristStartingIndex + toSquare];

            // KDF 3: square to piece array
            // square to piece array:
            squareToPiece[fromSquare] = Piece.None;
            squareToPiece[toSquare] = movingPiece;
Exemple #7
 private bool IsSameSide(Piece piece, int side)
     return ((piece.Number * side) > 0);
Exemple #8
 private UInt64 GetValidMovesForPiece(Piece piece, int square, UInt64 ownBoard)
     // gets all the spots that this piece can move to assuming that this is the only piece on the board.
     switch (piece.Number)
         case Constants.BlackKingNumber:
         case Constants.WhiteKingNumber:
             return GetValidMovesForKing(square, ownBoard);
         case Constants.BlackKnightNumber:
         case Constants.WhiteKnightNumber:
             return GetValidMovesForKnight(square, ownBoard);
         case Constants.WhitePawnNumber:
             return GetValidMovesForWhitePawn(square);
         case Constants.BlackPawnNumber:
             return GetValidMovesForBlackPawn(square);
         case Constants.BlackRookNumber:
         case Constants.WhiteRookNumber:
             return GetValidMovesForRook(square, ownBoard);
         case Constants.BlackBishopNumber:
         case Constants.WhiteBishopNumber:
             return GetValidMovesForBishop(square, ownBoard);
         case Constants.BlackQueenNumber:
         case Constants.WhiteQueenNumber:
             return GetValidMovesForQueen(square, ownBoard);
             throw new ArgumentException("Invalid piece.");