Exemple #1
 public PolygonZ(ShapeFile shp, BinaryReader br, bool readHeader = true) : base(shp, br, readHeader)
     if (!readHeader)
         ShapeType = ShapeTypeEnum.PolygonZ;
     if (shp.ShapeType != ShapeType)
         throw new Exception(
                   $"Unable to process shape! Shape types do not match! (Shapefile: {shp.ShapeType} | Record: {ShapeType}");
     ZRange = new ZRange(br);
     //ZRangeId = ZRange.Id;
     for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfParts; i++)
         for (var j = 0; j < ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].NumberOfPoints; j++)
             ((List <Point>)((List <Part>)Parts)[i].Points)[j].ShapeType = ShapeTypeEnum.PointZ;
             ((List <Point>)((List <Part>)Parts)[i].Points)[j].Z         = br.ReadDouble();
     MeasurementRange = new MeasurementRange(br);
     //MeasurementRangeId = MeasurementRange.Id;
     for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfParts; i++)
         for (var j = 0; j < ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].NumberOfPoints; j++)
             ((List <Point>)((List <Part>)Parts)[i].Points)[j].M = br.ReadDouble();
Exemple #2
        public MultiPointZ(ShapeFile shp, BinaryReader br, bool readHeader = true) : base(shp, br, readHeader)
            if (!readHeader)
                ShapeType = ShapeTypeEnum.MultiPointZ;

            if (shp.ShapeType != ShapeType)
                throw new Exception(
                          $"Unable to process shape! Shape types do not match! (Shapefile: {shp.ShapeType} | Record: {ShapeType}");

            ZRange = new ZRange(br);
            for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfPoints; i++)
                ((List <Point>)Points)[i].Z = br.ReadDouble();

            MeasurementRange = new MeasurementRange(br);
            for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfPoints; i++)
                ((List <Point>)Points)[i].M = br.ReadDouble();
Exemple #3
 public PointM(ShapeFile shp, BinaryReader br, bool readHeader = true) : base(shp, br, readHeader)
     if (!readHeader)
         ShapeType = ShapeTypeEnum.PointM;
     if (shp.ShapeType != ShapeType)
         throw new Exception(
                   $"Unable to process shape! Shape types do not match! (Shapefile: {shp.ShapeType} | Record: {ShapeType}");
     M = br.ReadDouble();
Exemple #4
 public Null(ShapeFile shp, BinaryReader br, bool readHeader = true) : base(shp, br, readHeader)
     if (!readHeader)
         ShapeType = ShapeTypeEnum.Null;
     if (shp.ShapeType != ShapeType &&
         ShapeType != ShapeTypeEnum.Null)
         throw new Exception(
                   $"Unable to process shape! Shape types do not match and isn't null! (Shapefile: {shp.ShapeType} | Record: {ShapeType}");
Exemple #5
        public BaseShape(ShapeFile shp, BinaryReader br, bool readHeader = true)
            ShapeFile = shp;
            //ShapeFileId = shp.Id;

            RecordHeader = readHeader
                                ? new RecordHeader(br)
                                : null;

            if (RecordHeader != null)
                RecordHeaderId = RecordHeader.Id;
                ShapeType      = (ShapeTypeEnum)br.ReadInt32();
Exemple #6
        public Polyline(ShapeFile shp, BinaryReader br, bool readHeader = true) : base(shp, br, readHeader)
            if (!readHeader)
                ShapeType = ShapeTypeEnum.Polyline;

            if (shp.ShapeType != ShapeType)
                throw new Exception(
                          $"Unable to process shape! Shape types do not match! (Shapefile: {shp.ShapeType} | Record: {ShapeType}");

            BoundingBox = new BoundingBox(br);
            //BoundingBoxId = BoundingBox.Id;

            NumberOfParts  = br.ReadInt32();
            NumberOfPoints = br.ReadInt32();

            var parts = (List <Part>)Parts;

            for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfParts; i++)
                ((List <Part>)Parts)[i] = new Part(br);
                if (i > 0)
                    parts[i - 1].EndIndex = ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].StartIndex - 1;
                if (i + 1 == NumberOfParts)
                    ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].EndIndex = NumberOfPoints - 1;
            for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfParts; i++)
                ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].NumberOfPoints = ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].EndIndex - ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].StartIndex + 1;
                ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].Points         = new Point[((List <Part>)Parts)[i].NumberOfPoints];
            for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfParts; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].NumberOfPoints; j++)
                    ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].Points.Add(new Point(shp, br, false));
Exemple #7
 public MultiPoint(ShapeFile shp, BinaryReader br, bool readHeader = true) : base(shp, br, readHeader)
     if (!readHeader)
         ShapeType = ShapeTypeEnum.MultiPoint;
     if (shp.ShapeType != ShapeType)
         throw new Exception(
                   $"Unable to process shape! Shape types do not match! (Shapefile: {shp.ShapeType} | Record: {ShapeType}");
     BoundingBox    = new BoundingBox(br);
     BoundingBoxId  = BoundingBox.Id;
     NumberOfPoints = br.ReadInt32();
     Points         = new HashSet <Point>();
     for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfPoints; i++)
         Points.Add(new Point(shp, br, false));
Exemple #8
        public MultiPatch(ShapeFile shp, BinaryReader br, bool readHeader = true) : base(shp, br, readHeader)
            if (!readHeader)
                ShapeType = ShapeTypeEnum.MultiPatch;
            if (shp.ShapeType != ShapeType)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(
                                        "Unable to process shape! Shape types do not match! (Shapefile: {0} | Record: {1}", shp.ShapeType, ShapeType));
            BoundingBox    = new BoundingBox(br);
            BoundingBoxId  = BoundingBox.Id;
            NumberOfParts  = br.ReadInt32();
            NumberOfPoints = br.ReadInt32();
            var parts = new List <Part>();

            for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfParts; i++)
                parts.Add(new Part(br));
                if (i > 0)
                    parts[i - 1].EndIndex = ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].StartIndex - 1;
                if (i + 1 == NumberOfParts)
                    ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].EndIndex = NumberOfPoints - 1;
            for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfParts; i++)
                ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].NumberOfPoints = ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].EndIndex - ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].StartIndex + 1;
                ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].Points         = new List <Point>(((List <Part>)Parts)[i].NumberOfPoints);
            for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfParts; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].NumberOfPoints; j++)
                    ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].Points.Add(new Point(shp, br, false));

            ZRange = new ZRange(br);
            ////ZRangeId = ZRange.Id;

            for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfParts; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].NumberOfPoints; j++)
                    ((List <Point>)((List <Part>)Parts)[i].Points)[j].ShapeType = ShapeTypeEnum.PointZ;
                    ((List <Point>)((List <Part>)Parts)[i].Points)[j].Z         = br.ReadDouble();

            MeasurementRange = new MeasurementRange(br);
            ////MeasurementRangeId = MeasurementRange.Id;

            for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfParts; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < ((List <Part>)Parts)[i].NumberOfPoints; j++)
                    ((List <Point>)((List <Part>)Parts)[i].Points)[j].M = br.ReadDouble();

            Parts = parts;
Exemple #9
 public ComplexShape(ShapeFile shp, BinaryReader br, bool readHeader) : base(shp, br, readHeader)