public SolarSystem AssignExplorationTargetORIG(Ship queryingShip) { List<SolarSystem> Potentials = new List<SolarSystem>(); foreach (SolarSystem s in UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList) { if (s.ExploredDict[this.empire]) { continue; } Potentials.Add(s); } foreach (SolarSystem s in this.MarkedForExploration) { Potentials.Remove(s); } IOrderedEnumerable<SolarSystem> sortedList = from system in Potentials orderby Vector2.Distance(this.empire.GetWeightedCenter(), system.Position) select system; if (sortedList.Count<SolarSystem>() <= 0) { queryingShip.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); return null; } this.MarkedForExploration.Add(sortedList.First<SolarSystem>()); return sortedList.First<SolarSystem>(); }
public void AssignShipToForce(Ship toAdd) { int numWars = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<Empire, Ship_Game.Gameplay.Relationship> Relationship in this.empire.GetRelations()) { if (!Relationship.Value.AtWar || Relationship.Key.isFaction) { continue; } numWars++; } float baseDefensePct = 0.1f; baseDefensePct = baseDefensePct + 0.15f * (float)numWars; float defStr = this.DefensiveCoordinator.GetForcePoolStrength(); if (baseDefensePct > 0.35f) { baseDefensePct = 0.35f; } float EntireStrength = 0f; foreach (Ship ship in this.empire.GetShips()) { EntireStrength = EntireStrength + ship.GetStrength(); } //added by gremlin dont add zero strength ships to defensive force pool //if (this.DefensiveCoordinator.GetForcePoolStrength() / EntireStrength <= baseDefensePct if ((this.DefensiveCoordinator.defenseDeficit > 0 && this.DefensiveCoordinator.GetForcePoolStrength() < EntireStrength * baseDefensePct) && (toAdd.BombBays.Count == 0 || toAdd.WarpThrust <= 0f) &&toAdd.GetStrength()>0 && toAdd.BaseCanWarp) // { this.DefensiveCoordinator.DefensiveForcePool.Add(toAdd); toAdd.GetAI().SystemToDefend = null; toAdd.GetAI().SystemToDefendGuid = Guid.Empty; toAdd.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = false; toAdd.GetAI().State = AIState.SystemDefender; this.DefensiveCoordinator.defenseDeficit-=toAdd.BaseStrength; return; } IOrderedEnumerable<AO> sorted = from ao in this.empire.GetGSAI().AreasOfOperations orderby Vector2.Distance(toAdd.Position, ao.Position) select ao; if (sorted.Count<AO>() <= 0) { this.empire.GetForcePool().Add(toAdd); return; } //sorted.First().AddShip(toAdd);// First<AO>().AddShip(toAdd); sorted.ElementAt(0).AddShip(toAdd); }
//added by gremlin ExplorationTarget public SolarSystem AssignExplorationTarget(Ship queryingShip) { List<SolarSystem> Potentials = new List<SolarSystem>(); foreach (SolarSystem s in UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList) { if (s.ExploredDict[this.empire]) { continue; } Potentials.Add(s); } this.MarkedForExploration.thisLock.EnterReadLock(); foreach (SolarSystem s in this.MarkedForExploration) { Potentials.Remove(s); } this.MarkedForExploration.thisLock.ExitReadLock(); IOrderedEnumerable<SolarSystem> sortedList = from system in Potentials orderby Vector2.Distance(this.empire.GetWeightedCenter(), system.Position) select system; if (sortedList.Count<SolarSystem>() <= 0) { queryingShip.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); return null; } //SolarSystem nearesttoScout = sortedList.OrderBy(furthest => Vector2.Distance(queryingShip.Center, furthest.Position)).FirstOrDefault(); SolarSystem nearesttoHome = sortedList.OrderBy(furthest => Vector2.Distance(this.empire.GetWeightedCenter(), furthest.Position)).FirstOrDefault(); ; //SolarSystem potentialTarget = null; foreach (SolarSystem nearest in sortedList) { if (nearest.CombatInSystem) continue; float distanceToScout = Vector2.Distance(queryingShip.Center, nearest.Position); float distanceToEarth = Vector2.Distance(this.empire.GetWeightedCenter(), nearest.Position); if (distanceToScout > distanceToEarth + 50000f) { continue; } nearesttoHome = nearest; break; } this.MarkedForExploration.Add(nearesttoHome); return nearesttoHome; }
//Added by McShooterz: for refit to keep name public static Ship CreateShipAt(string key, Empire Owner, Planet p, bool DoOrbit, string RefitName, byte RefitLevel) { Ship newShip; //if (universeScreen.MasterShipList.pendingRemovals.TryPop(out newShip)) //{ // newShip.ShipRecreate(); // newShip.Role = Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict[key].Role; // newShip.Name = Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict[key].Name; // newShip.BaseStrength = Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict[key].BaseStrength; // newShip.BaseCanWarp = Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict[key].BaseCanWarp; //} //else newShip = new Ship() { Role = Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict[key].Role, Name = Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict[key].Name, BaseStrength = Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict[key].BaseStrength, BaseCanWarp = Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict[key].BaseCanWarp }; newShip.LoadContent(GetContentManager()); SceneObject newSO = new SceneObject(); if (!Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict[key].GetShipData().Animated) { newSO = new SceneObject(Ship_Game.ResourceManager.GetModel(Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict[key].ModelPath).Meshes[0]) { ObjectType = ObjectType.Dynamic }; newShip.SetSO(newSO); } else { SkinnedModel model = Ship_Game.ResourceManager.GetSkinnedModel(Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict[key].ModelPath); newSO = new SceneObject(model.Model); newShip.SetAnimationController(new AnimationController(model.SkeletonBones), model); } newSO.ObjectType = ObjectType.Dynamic; newShip.SetSO(newSO); foreach (Thruster t in Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict[key].GetTList()) { Thruster thr = new Thruster() { Parent = newShip, tscale = t.tscale, XMLPos = t.XMLPos }; newShip.GetTList().Add(thr); } foreach (ModuleSlot slot in Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict[key].ModuleSlotList) { ModuleSlot newSlot = new ModuleSlot(); newSlot.SetParent(newShip); newSlot.SlotOptions = slot.SlotOptions; newSlot.Restrictions = slot.Restrictions; newSlot.Position = slot.Position; newSlot.facing = slot.facing; newSlot.state = slot.state; newSlot.InstalledModuleUID = slot.InstalledModuleUID; newShip.ModuleSlotList.AddLast(newSlot); } newShip.Position = p.Position; newShip.loyalty = Owner; newShip.Initialize(); //Added by McShooterz: add automatic ship naming newShip.VanityName = RefitName; newShip.Level = RefitLevel; newShip.GetSO().World = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(newShip.Center, 0f)); lock (GlobalStats.ObjectManagerLocker) { Ship_Game.ResourceManager.universeScreen.ScreenManager.inter.ObjectManager.Submit(newShip.GetSO()); } foreach (Thruster t in newShip.GetTList()) { t.load_and_assign_effects(Ship_Game.ResourceManager.universeScreen.ScreenManager.Content, "Effects/ThrustCylinderB", "Effects/NoiseVolume", Ship_Game.ResourceManager.universeScreen.ThrusterEffect); t.InitializeForViewing(); } if (newShip.Role == "fighter") { Ship level = newShip; level.Level +=; } Owner.AddShip(newShip); newShip.GetAI().State = AIState.AwaitingOrders; return newShip; }
public static string GetStatusText(Ship ship) { string which; string str; string text = ""; switch (ship.GetAI().State) { case AIState.DoNothing: { text = Localizer.Token(183); break; } case AIState.Combat: { if (ship.GetAI().Intercepting) { if (ship.GetAI().Target == null) { break; } text = string.Concat(Localizer.Token(157), " ", (ship.GetAI().Target as Ship).VanityName); break; } else if (ship.GetAI().Target == null) { text = Localizer.Token(155); text = string.Concat(text, "\n", Localizer.Token(156)); break; } else { text = string.Concat(Localizer.Token(158), " ", (ship.GetAI().Target as Ship); break; } } case AIState.HoldPosition: { text = Localizer.Token(180); break; } case AIState.ManualControl: { text = Localizer.Token(171); break; } case AIState.AwaitingOrders: { return Localizer.Token(153); } case AIState.AttackTarget: { if (ship.GetAI().Target == null) { text = Localizer.Token(155); text = string.Concat(text, "\n", Localizer.Token(156)); break; } else { text = string.Concat(Localizer.Token(154), " ", (ship.GetAI().Target as Ship).VanityName); break; } } case AIState.Escort: { if (ship.GetAI().EscortTarget == null) { break; } text = string.Concat(Localizer.Token(179), " ", ship.GetAI().EscortTarget.Name); break; } case AIState.SystemTrader: { if (ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Count <= 0) { text = string.Concat(Localizer.Token(164), "\n", Localizer.Token(165)); break; } else { switch (ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Last.Value.Plan) { case ArtificialIntelligence.Plan.PickupGoods: { which = ship.GetAI().FoodOrProd; if (which == "Prod") { which = "Production"; } text = string.Concat(text, Localizer.Token(159), " ", ship.GetAI().start.Name); string pickingup = Localizer.Token(160); string str1 = text; string[] strArrays = new string[] { str1, "\n", pickingup, " ", null }; strArrays[4] = (which == "Food" ? Localizer.Token(161) : Localizer.Token(162)); text = string.Concat(strArrays); break; } case ArtificialIntelligence.Plan.DropOffGoods: { which = ship.GetAI().FoodOrProd; if (which == "Prod") { which = "Production"; } text = string.Concat(text, Localizer.Token(159), " ", ship.GetAI().end.Name); string delivering = Localizer.Token(163); string str2 = text; string[] strArrays1 = new string[] { str2, "\n", delivering, " ", null }; strArrays1[4] = (which == "Food" ? Localizer.Token(161) : Localizer.Token(162)); text = string.Concat(strArrays1); break; } } } break; } case AIState.AttackRunner: case AIState.PatrolSystem: case AIState.Flee: { if (ship.GetAI().OrbitTarget == null) { text = Localizer.Token(182); break; } else { text = string.Concat("Fleeing to", " ", ship.GetAI().OrbitTarget.Name); break; } } case AIState.PirateRaiderCarrier: case AIState.AwaitingOffenseOrders: case AIState.MineAsteroids: case AIState.Intercept: case AIState.AssaultPlanet: case AIState.Exterminate: { if (ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Count <= 0) { text = ship.GetAI().State.ToString(); break; } else { if (ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.First.Value.TargetPlanet == null) //fbedard text = ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.First.Value.Plan.ToString(); else //text = ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.First.Value.Plan.ToString(); text = string.Concat(ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.First.Value.Plan.ToString(), " to ", ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.First.Value.TargetPlanet.Name); break; } } case AIState.Orbit: { if (ship.GetAI().OrbitTarget == null) { text = Localizer.Token(182); break; } else { text = string.Concat(Localizer.Token(182), " ", ship.GetAI().OrbitTarget.Name); break; } } case AIState.PassengerTransport: { if (ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Count <= 0) { text = string.Concat(Localizer.Token(168), "\n", Localizer.Token(165)); break; } else { try { switch (ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Last.Value.Plan) { case ArtificialIntelligence.Plan.PickupPassengers: { text = string.Concat(text, Localizer.Token(159), " ", ship.GetAI().start.Name); text = string.Concat(text, "\n", Localizer.Token(166)); break; } case ArtificialIntelligence.Plan.DropoffPassengers: { text = string.Concat(text, Localizer.Token(159), " ", ship.GetAI().end.Name); text = string.Concat(text, "\n", Localizer.Token(167)); break; } } break; } catch { str = ""; } return str; } } case AIState.Colonize: { if (ship.GetAI().ColonizeTarget == null) { break; } text = string.Concat(Localizer.Token(169), " ", ship.GetAI().ColonizeTarget.Name); break; } case AIState.MoveTo: { if (!(ship.Velocity == Vector2.Zero) || ship.isTurning) { text = string.Concat(Localizer.Token(187), " "); if (ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Count <= 0) { IOrderedEnumerable<SolarSystem> sortedList = from system in UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList orderby Vector2.Distance(ship.GetAI().MovePosition, system.Position) select system; text = string.Concat(text, Localizer.Token(189), " ", sortedList.First<SolarSystem>().Name); if (sortedList.First<SolarSystem>().ExploredDict[EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(Ship.universeScreen.PlayerLoyalty)]) { break; } text = Localizer.Token(174); break; } else if (ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Last.Value.Plan != ArtificialIntelligence.Plan.DeployStructure) { IOrderedEnumerable<SolarSystem> sortedList = from system in UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList orderby Vector2.Distance(ship.GetAI().MovePosition, system.Position) select system; text = string.Concat(text, sortedList.First<SolarSystem>().Name); if (sortedList.First<SolarSystem>().ExploredDict[EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(Ship.universeScreen.PlayerLoyalty)]) { break; } text = Localizer.Token(174); break; } else { text = string.Concat(text, Localizer.Token(188), " ", ResourceManager.ShipsDict[ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Last.Value.goal.ToBuildUID].Name); break; } } else { text = Localizer.Token(180); break; } } case AIState.Explore: { text = Localizer.Token(174); break; } case AIState.SystemDefender: { text = Localizer.Token(170); break; } case AIState.Resupply: { if (ship.GetAI().resupplyTarget == null) { text = Localizer.Token(173); break; } else { text = string.Concat(Localizer.Token(172), " ", ship.GetAI().resupplyTarget.Name); break; } } case AIState.Rebase: { //text = Localizer.Token(178); text = string.Concat(Localizer.Token(178), " to ", ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Last.Value.TargetPlanet.Name); //fbedard break; } case AIState.Bombard: { if (ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Count <= 0 || ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.First.Value.TargetPlanet == null) { break; } if (Vector2.Distance(ship.Center, ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.First.Value.TargetPlanet.Position) >= 2500f) { text = string.Concat(Localizer.Token(176), " ", ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.First.Value.TargetPlanet.Name); break; } else { text = string.Concat(Localizer.Token(175), " ", ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.First.Value.TargetPlanet.Name); break; } } case AIState.BombardTroops: { if (ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Count <= 0 || ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.First.Value.TargetPlanet == null) { break; } if (Vector2.Distance(ship.Center, ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.First.Value.TargetPlanet.Position) >= 2500f) { text = string.Concat("Soften", " ", ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.First.Value.TargetPlanet.Name); break; } else { text = string.Concat(Localizer.Token(175), " ", ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.First.Value.TargetPlanet.Name); break; } } case AIState.Boarding: { text = Localizer.Token(177); break; } case AIState.ReturnToHangar: { text = Localizer.Token(181); break; } case AIState.Ferrying: { text = Localizer.Token(185); break; } case AIState.Refit: { text = Localizer.Token(184); break; } case AIState.Scrap: { text = Localizer.Token(186); break; } case AIState.FormationWarp: { text = "Moving in Formation"; break; } case AIState.Scuttle: { text = string.Concat("Self Destruct: ", ship.ScuttleTimer.ToString("#")); break; } default: { goto case AIState.Exterminate; } } return text; }
//added by gremlin replace redundant code with method private void RightClickship(Ship ship, Planet planet, bool audio) { if (ship.Role == "construction") { if(audio) AudioManager.PlayCue("UI_Misc20"); return; } else { if(audio) AudioManager.PlayCue("echo_affirm1"); if (ship.isColonyShip) { if (planet.Owner == null && planet.habitable) ship.GetAI().OrderColonization(planet); else ship.GetAI().OrderToOrbit(planet, true); } else if (ship.Role == "troop" || (ship.TroopList.Count > 0 && (ship.HasTroopBay || ship.hasTransporter))) { if (planet.Owner != null && planet.Owner == this.player && (!ship.HasTroopBay && !ship.hasTransporter)) { if (input.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift)) ship.GetAI().OrderToOrbit(planet, false); else ship.GetAI().OrderRebase(planet, true); } else //add new right click troop and troop ship options on planets if (planet.habitable && (planet.Owner == null || planet.Owner != this.player && (ship.loyalty.GetRelations()[planet.Owner].AtWar || planet.Owner.isFaction || || planet.Owner == null))) { if (input.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift)) ship.GetAI().OrderToOrbit(planet, false); else { ship.GetAI().State = AIState.AssaultPlanet; ship.GetAI().OrderLandAllTroops(planet); } } else { ship.GetAI().OrderOrbitPlanet(planet);// OrderRebase(planet, true); } } else if (ship.BombBays.Count > 0) { float enemies = planet.GetGroundStrengthOther(this.player) * 1.5f; float friendlies = planet.GetGroundStrength(this.player); if (planet.Owner != this.player) { if (planet.Owner == null || this.player.GetRelations()[planet.Owner].AtWar || planet.Owner.isFaction || { if (input.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift)) ship.GetAI().OrderBombardPlanet(planet); else if (enemies > friendlies || planet.Population > 0f) ship.GetAI().OrderBombardPlanet(planet); else { ship.GetAI().OrderToOrbit(planet, false); } } else { ship.GetAI().OrderToOrbit(planet, false); } } else if (enemies > friendlies && input.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift)) { ship.GetAI().OrderBombardPlanet(planet); } else ship.GetAI().OrderToOrbit(planet, true); } else if (input.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift)) ship.GetAI().OrderToOrbit(planet, false); else ship.GetAI().OrderToOrbit(planet, true); } }
public void AddShip(Ship ship) { if (ship.BaseStrength == 0) return; if (this.ThreatLevel < this.CoreFleet.GetStrength()) { this.OffensiveForcePool.Add(ship); this.Flip = !this.Flip; return; } if (this.CoreFleet.Task == null && ship.fleet == null) { ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); ship.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = false; this.CoreFleet.AddShip(ship); foreach (Ship waiting in this.ShipsWaitingForCoreFleet) { if (waiting.fleet != null) { continue; } this.CoreFleet.AddShip(waiting); waiting.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); waiting.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = false; } this.CoreFleet.Position = this.CoreWorld.Position; this.CoreFleet.AutoArrange(); this.CoreFleet.MoveToNow(this.Position, 0f, new Vector2(0f, -1f)); this.ShipsWaitingForCoreFleet.Clear(); } else if (ship.fleet == null) { this.ShipsWaitingForCoreFleet.Add(ship); this.OffensiveForcePool.Add(ship); } this.Flip = !this.Flip; }