Exemple #1
        public async Task AdminHelp()
            if (Funcs.IsAdmin(Context.User))
                JEmbed emb = new JEmbed();
                emb.Author.Name  = "Shenron Admin Commands";
                emb.ThumbnailUrl = Context.User.AvatarId;
                emb.ColorStripe  = Constants.Colours.SHENRON_GREEN;

                foreach (CommandInfo command in Bot.commands.Commands)
                    if (command.Summary == null)
                        emb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x =>
                            string header = "db!" + command.Name;
                            foreach (ParameterInfo parameter in command.Parameters)
                                header += " [" + parameter.Name + "]";
                            x.Header = header;
                            x.Text   = "";

                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : emb.Build());
Exemple #2
        public async Task Help()
            JEmbed emb = new JEmbed();

            emb.Author.Name  = "Shenron Commands";
            emb.ThumbnailUrl = Context.User.AvatarId;
            emb.ColorStripe  = Constants.Colours.SHENRON_GREEN;

            foreach (CommandInfo command in Bot.commands.Commands)
                emb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x =>
                    string header = "db!" + command.Name;
                    foreach (ParameterInfo parameter in command.Parameters)
                        header += " [" + parameter.Name + "]";
                    x.Header = header;
                    x.Text   = command.Summary;

            await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("", embed : emb.Build());

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Commands have been sent to you privately!");
Exemple #3
        public async Task Scouter(IUser user)
            var JEmb = new JEmbed();

            JEmb.Author.Name = $"{user.Username}'s Power Level";
            JEmb.ColorStripe = Funcs.GetColour(user, Context.Guild);
            JEmb.Description = Convert.ToString(DBFuncs.GetPowerLVL(user));

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : JEmb.Build());
Exemple #4
        public async Task Status(IUser user)
            JEmbed JEmb   = new JEmbed();
            DBUser dbUser = DBFuncs.FindDBUser(user);

            JEmb.Author.Name = $"{user.Username}'s Status";
            JEmb.ColorStripe = Funcs.GetColour(user, Context.Guild);
            JEmb.Description = "Health: " + dbUser.Health + "/" + dbUser.MaxHealth;

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : JEmb.Build());
Exemple #5
        public static Embed Dialogue(DBNPC npc, string dialogue)
            JEmbed JEmb = new JEmbed();

            //JEmb.ThumbnailUrl = $@"DragonBall\Images\{npc.Name}.jpg";
            JEmb.ThumbnailUrl = "https://hdwallsbox.com/wallpapers/l/1280x720/61/dragon-ball-z-master-roshi-1280x720-60215.jpg";
            JEmb.Author.Name  = npc.Name;
            JEmb.Description  = dialogue;
            JEmb.ColorStripe  = Constants.Colours.SHENRON_GREEN;

Exemple #6
        public async Task Purge(int amount)
            var messages = await Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(amount + 1).Flatten();

            await Context.Channel.DeleteMessagesAsync(messages);

            JEmbed embed = new JEmbed()
                Title       = "Messages deleted.",
                Description = $"{amount} messages deleted.",
                ColorStripe = Constants.Colours.SHENRON_GREEN
            var emb = embed.Build();
            var msg = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : emb);

            await msg.DeleteAsync();
Exemple #7
        public async Task Profile(IUser user)
            if (DBFuncs.PlayerRegistered(user))
                var emb = new JEmbed()
                    ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl(),
                    ColorStripe  = Funcs.GetColour(user, Context.Guild)
                emb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x =>
                    x.Header = "Race";
                    x.Text   = DBFuncs.GetAttribute("RACE", user);

                emb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x =>
                    x.Header = "Level";
                    x.Text   = DBFuncs.GetAttribute("LEVEL", user);
                    x.Inline = true;

                emb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x =>
                    x.Header = "EXP";
                    x.Text   = DBFuncs.GetAttribute("EXP", user) + "/" + Convert.ToString(Math.Pow(Convert.ToInt32(DBFuncs.GetAttribute("LEVEL", user)), 2) + 10);
                    x.Inline = true;

                emb.Author.Name = user.Username + "'s Profile";

                var embed = emb.Build();
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed);
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Player in not registered");
Exemple #8
        public async Task Train()
            List <DBNPC>  inLocation = new List <DBNPC>();
            List <DBUser> here       = new List <DBUser>();

            foreach (DBNPC npc in NPCList.NPCs)
                if (Context.Channel.Id == npc.Location)

            foreach (DBUser user in Bot.sess.Players)
                string location = DBFuncs.GetAttribute("LOCATION", user.User);
                if (location != "null")
                    if (Context.Channel.Id == Convert.ToUInt64(location) && user.User.Id != Context.User.Id)

            var JEmb = new JEmbed();

            JEmb.Description = "People in area:";

            if (inLocation.Count > 0 || here.Count > 0)
                foreach (DBNPC npc in inLocation)
                    JEmb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x =>
                        x.Header = npc.Name + " [NPC]";
                        x.Text   = $"Power Level: ~{npc.Power_Level}";

                foreach (DBUser user in here)
                    JEmb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x =>
                        x.Header = user.User.Username + " [PLAYER]";
                        x.Text   = $"Power Level: ~{DBFuncs.GetPowerLVL(user.User)}";

                JEmb.ColorStripe = Funcs.GetColour(Context.User, Context.Guild);
                JEmb.Footer.Text = "Type 'db!train [name]' to request to train with them!";
                JEmb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x =>
                    x.Header = "None";
                    x.Text   = "There seems to be no one here.. Check another area.";

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : JEmb.Build());
Exemple #9
        public async Task Train(string npcChoice)
            bool npcfound = false;

            foreach (DBNPC npc in NPCList.NPCs)
                if (Context.Channel.Id == npc.Location)
                    if (npc.Name.ToLower().Contains(npcChoice.ToLower()))
                        npcfound = true;
                        JEmbed JEmb = new JEmbed();
                        JEmb.ThumbnailUrl = $@"DragonBall\Images\{npc.Name}.jpg";
                        JEmb.Author.Name  = npc.Name;
                        JEmb.Description  = npc.Dialogue;

                        JEmb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x =>
                            x.Header = "Race:";
                            x.Text   = $"{npc.Race}";
                            x.Inline = true;

                        JEmb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x =>
                            x.Header = "Power Level:";
                            x.Text   = $"~{npc.Power_Level}";
                            x.Inline = true;

                        string name = npc.Name;
                        if (npc.Name.Contains(" "))
                            name = $"\"{npc.Name}\"";

                        JEmb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x =>
                            x.Header = $"db!train {name} 1";
                            x.Text   = "Train me!";

                        JEmb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x =>
                            x.Header = $"db!train {name} 2";
                            x.Text   = "Nevermind.";

                        JEmb.ColorStripe = Funcs.GetColour(Context.User, Context.Guild);

                        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : JEmb.Build());

            if (!npcfound)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Cannot find NPC with name {npcChoice}.");
Exemple #10
        public async Task Wish(string wish, IUser user)
            if (DBFuncs.FindDBUser(user).BallCount() == 7)
                if (wish == "list")
                    JEmbed jemb = new JEmbed();
                    jemb.Author.Name    = "Wish List";
                    jemb.Author.IconUrl = Bot.client.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl();
                    jemb.ColorStripe    = Constants.Colours.SHENRON_GREEN;

                    int counter = 1;
                    foreach (string item in File.ReadAllLines(@"Files\wishes.txt"))
                        jemb.Fields.Add(new JEmbedField(x =>
                            x.Header = $"[{counter}]";
                            x.Text   = item;

                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : jemb.Build());
                else if (wish == "1")
                    int currentLVL = Convert.ToInt32(DBFuncs.GetAttribute("LEVEL", user));
                    int newLVL     = currentLVL + 10;
                    DBFuncs.SetAttribute("LEVEL", user, Convert.ToString(newLVL));

                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Your wish has been granted... {user.Username}! You are now level {newLVL}.");
                else if (wish == "2")
                }                        //increase currency
                else if (wish == "3")
                }                        //give skill
                else if (wish == "4")
                }                        //custom
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Wish '{wish}' does not exist. Refer to the wish by it's ID number."); return;

                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    if (Bot.sess.Balls[i].Location == null && Bot.sess.Balls[i].Held == false)
                        var dbUser = DBFuncs.FindDBUser(Context.User);
                        Bot.sess.Balls[i].Holder = null;
                        Bot.sess.Balls[i].Held   = false;
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Shenron cannot be summoned without all seven **Dragon Balls**!");