public override byte[] Decode( MpegFrame frame, BitReader reader )
            byte[,] allocation = new byte[subbands, 2];
            byte[,] scaleIndices = new byte[subbands, 2];
            channels = frame.Channels;
            int[,,] samples = new int[samplesPerSubband, subbands, channels];
            byte[] output = new byte[totalSamples * channels * 2];
            this.reader = reader;
            int index = 0;

            if( frame.ChannelMode == ChannelMode.SingleChannel || frame.ChannelMode == ChannelMode.Stereo
               || frame.ChannelMode == ChannelMode.DualChannel ) {

                ReadBitAllocation( allocation );
                ReadScaleFactors( allocation, scaleIndices );
                ReadSamples( allocation, samples );

                for( int s = 0; s < samplesPerSubband; s++ ) {
                    double[,] bandTbl = new double[channels, subbands];
                    RequantiseSamples( s, bandTbl, allocation, samples, scaleIndices );

                    if( channels == 1 ) {
                        double[] samples0 = Common.SynthesisSubbandFilter( 0, bandTbl, V0, subbands );
                        for( int sb = 0; sb < subbands; sb++ ) {
                            Common.OutputSample( samples0[sb], output, ref index );
                    } else {
                        double[] samples0 = Common.SynthesisSubbandFilter( 0, bandTbl, V0, subbands );
                        double[] samples1 = Common.SynthesisSubbandFilter( 1, bandTbl, V1, subbands );
                        for( int sb = 0; sb < subbands; sb++ ) {
                            Common.OutputSample( samples0[sb], output, ref index );
                            Common.OutputSample( samples1[sb], output, ref index );
                return output;
            } else {
                throw new NotImplementedException( "joint stereo implementation not done");
 public abstract byte[] Decode( MpegFrame frame, BitReader reader );
        public IEnumerable<AudioChunk> StreamData( Stream source )
            info = new AudioChunk();
            PrimitiveReader reader = new PrimitiveReader( source );
            while( true ) {
                // Read frame header
                BitReader bitReader = new BitReader( reader );
                bitReader.BigEndian = true;
                //Console.WriteLine( "start pos" + reader.Position );

                // Skip any padding('00') bytes before the start of a frame
                byte data = 0;
                while( ( data = reader.ReadByte() ) == 0 );

                // Make sure that the 'data' byte is the first 8 bits of the sync word.
                if( data != 0xFF ) {
                    throw new InvalidDataException( "Invalid frame sync value." );
                int frameSync = bitReader.ReadBits( 3/*11*/ );
                if( frameSync != 0x7/*FF*/ ) {
                    throw new InvalidDataException( "Invalid frame sync value." );
                int versionId = bitReader.ReadBits( 2 );
                int layerIndex = bitReader.ReadBits( 2 );
                bool crcProtection = bitReader.ReadBit() == 0;
                int bitrateIndex = bitReader.ReadBits( 4 );
                int samplingRateIndex = bitReader.ReadBits( 2 );

                bool padded = bitReader.ReadBit() != 0;
                int privateBit = bitReader.ReadBit();
                int channelMode = bitReader.ReadBits( 2 );
                int modeExtension = bitReader.ReadBits( 2 );
                int copyrightBit = bitReader.ReadBit();
                int originalBit = bitReader.ReadBit();
                int emphasis = bitReader.ReadBits( 2 );

                int bitrate = GetBitRate( (MpegVersion)versionId, layerIndex, bitrateIndex );
                info.Frequency = samplingRates[versionId][samplingRateIndex];

                ushort crc = 0;
                if( crcProtection ) {
                    crc = (ushort)bitReader.ReadBits( 16 );
                MpegFrame frame = new MpegFrame();
                frame.Bitrate = bitrate;
                frame.ChannelMode = (ChannelMode)channelMode;
                frame.Channels = Common.GetNumberOfChannels( frame.ChannelMode );
                frame.CrcProtected = crcProtection;
                frame.Padding = padded;
                frame.ModeExtension = modeExtension;
                frame.SampleRate = info.Frequency;
                frame.Emphasis = emphasis;
                frame.Version = (MpegVersion)versionId;

                LayerIndex index2 = (LayerIndex)layerIndex;
                info.Data = null;
                //Console.WriteLine( "padding: {0}, type: {1}, sr: {2}, br: {3}",
                //frame.Padding, index2, frame.SampleRate, frame.Bitrate );
                if( layerIndex == (int)LayerIndex.Layer1 ) {
                    info.Data = decoder1.Decode( frame, bitReader );
                } else if( layerIndex == (int)LayerIndex.Layer2 ) {
                    info.Data = decoder2.Decode( frame, bitReader );
                } else if( layerIndex == (int)LayerIndex.Layer3 ) {
                    throw new NotSupportedException( "Layer III not supported" );
                } else {
                    throw new InvalidDataException( "Invalid layer" );
                info.Channels = frame.Channels;
                info.BitsPerSample = 16;
                //if( bitReader.offset == 8 ) {
                yield return info;