public static IEnumerable <object> Get_DomainController(Args_Get_DomainController args = null) { if (args == null) { args = new Args_Get_DomainController(); } var Arguments = new Args_Get_DomainComputer(); if (args.Domain.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { Arguments.Domain = args.Domain; } if (args.Credential != null) { Arguments.Credential = args.Credential; } if (args.LDAP || args.Server.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { if (args.Server.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { Arguments.Server = args.Server; } // UAC specification for domain controllers Arguments.LDAPFilter = @"(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=8192)"; return(GetDomainComputer.Get_DomainComputer(Arguments)); } else { var FoundDomain = GetDomain.Get_Domain(new Args_Get_Domain { Domain = Arguments.Domain, Credential = Arguments.Credential }); if (FoundDomain != null) { var controllers = new List <object>(); foreach (var controller in FoundDomain.DomainControllers) { controllers.Add(controller); } return(controllers); } } return(null); }
public static IEnumerable <IDomainTrust> Get_DomainTrust(Args_Get_DomainTrust args = null) { if (args == null) { args = new Args_Get_DomainTrust(); } var LdapSearcherArguments = new Args_Get_DomainSearcher { Domain = args.Domain, LDAPFilter = args.LDAPFilter, Properties = args.Properties, SearchBase = args.SearchBase, Server = args.Server, SearchScope = args.SearchScope, ResultPageSize = args.ResultPageSize, ServerTimeLimit = args.ServerTimeLimit, Tombstone = args.Tombstone, Credential = args.Credential }; Args_Get_DomainSID NetSearcherArguments = null; string SourceDomain = null; if (!args.API) { NetSearcherArguments = new Args_Get_DomainSID(); if (args.Domain.IsNotNullOrEmpty() && args.Domain.Trim() != "") { SourceDomain = args.Domain; } else { if (args.Credential != null) { SourceDomain = GetDomain.Get_Domain(new Args_Get_Domain { Credential = args.Credential }).Name; } else { SourceDomain = GetDomain.Get_Domain().Name; } } } else if (!args.NET) { if (args.Domain != null && args.Domain.Trim() != "") { SourceDomain = args.Domain; } else { SourceDomain = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERDNSDOMAIN"); } } var DomainTrusts = new List <IDomainTrust>(); if (!args.API && !args.NET) { // if we're searching for domain trusts through LDAP/ADSI var TrustSearcher = GetDomainSearcher.Get_DomainSearcher(LdapSearcherArguments); var SourceSID = GetDomainSID.Get_DomainSID(NetSearcherArguments); if (TrustSearcher != null) { TrustSearcher.Filter = @"(objectClass=trustedDomain)"; SearchResult[] Results = null; if (args.FindOne) { Results = new SearchResult[] { TrustSearcher.FindOne() }; } else { var items = TrustSearcher.FindAll(); if (items != null) { Results = new SearchResult[items.Count]; items.CopyTo(Results, 0); } } if (Results != null) { foreach (var result in Results) { var Props = result.Properties; var DomainTrust = new LdapDomainTrust(); var TrustAttrib = (TrustAttribute)Props[@"trustattributes"][0]; var Direction = (TrustDirection)Props[@"trustdirection"][0]; var TrustType = (TrustType)Props[@"trusttype"][0]; var Distinguishedname = Props[@"distinguishedname"][0] as string; var SourceNameIndex = Distinguishedname.IndexOf(@"DC="); if (SourceNameIndex != 0) { SourceDomain = Distinguishedname.Substring(SourceNameIndex).Replace(@"DC=", @"").Replace(@",", @"."); } else { SourceDomain = @""; } var TargetNameIndex = Distinguishedname.IndexOf(@",CN=System"); string TargetDomain = null; if (SourceNameIndex != 0) { TargetDomain = Distinguishedname.Substring(3, TargetNameIndex - 3); } else { TargetDomain = @""; } var ObjectGuid = new Guid(Props[@"objectguid"][0] as byte[]); var TargetSID = (new System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier(Props[@"securityidentifier"][0] as byte[], 0)).Value; DomainTrust = new LdapDomainTrust { SourceName = SourceDomain, TargetName = Props[@"name"][0] as string, TrustType = TrustType, TrustAttributes = TrustAttrib, TrustDirection = Direction, WhenCreated = Props[@"whencreated"][0], WhenChanged = Props[@"whenchanged"][0] }; DomainTrusts.Add(DomainTrust); } } TrustSearcher.Dispose(); } } else if (args.API) { // if we're searching for domain trusts through Win32 API functions string TargetDC = null; if (args.Server.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { TargetDC = args.Server; } else if (args.Domain != null && args.Domain.Trim() != @"") { TargetDC = args.Domain; } else { // see for default NULL behavior TargetDC = null; } // arguments for DsEnumerateDomainTrusts var PtrInfo = IntPtr.Zero; // 63 = DS_DOMAIN_IN_FOREST + DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_OUTBOUND + DS_DOMAIN_TREE_ROOT + DS_DOMAIN_PRIMARY + DS_DOMAIN_NATIVE_MODE + DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_INBOUND uint Flags = 63; uint DomainCount = 0; // get the trust information from the target server var Result = NativeMethods.DsEnumerateDomainTrusts(TargetDC, Flags, out PtrInfo, out DomainCount); // Locate the offset of the initial intPtr var Offset = PtrInfo.ToInt64(); // 0 = success if (Result == 0 && Offset > 0) { // Work out how much to increment the pointer by finding out the size of the structure var Increment = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS)); // parse all the result structures for (var i = 0; i < DomainCount; i++) { // create a new int ptr at the given offset and cast the pointer as our result structure var NewIntPtr = new IntPtr(Offset); var Info = (NativeMethods.DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS)Marshal.PtrToStructure(NewIntPtr, typeof(NativeMethods.DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS)); Offset = NewIntPtr.ToInt64(); Offset += Increment; var SidString = @""; bool ret = NativeMethods.ConvertSidToStringSid(Info.DomainSid, out SidString); var LastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (ret == false) { Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-DomainTrust] Error: {new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(LastError).Message}"); } else { var DomainTrust = new ApiDomainTrust { SourceName = SourceDomain, TargetName = Info.DnsDomainName, TargetNetbiosName = Info.NetbiosDomainName, Flags = Info.Flags, ParentIndex = Info.ParentIndex, TrustType = (NativeMethods.DS_DOMAIN_TRUST_TYPE)Info.TrustType, TrustAttributes = Info.TrustAttributes, TargetSid = SidString, TargetGuid = Info.DomainGuid }; DomainTrusts.Add(DomainTrust); } } // free up the result buffer NativeMethods.NetApiBufferFree(PtrInfo); } else { Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-DomainTrust] Error: {new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception((int)Result).Message}"); } } else { // if we're searching for domain trusts through .NET methods var FoundDomain = GetDomain.Get_Domain(new Args_Get_Domain { Domain = NetSearcherArguments.Domain, Credential = NetSearcherArguments.Credential }); if (FoundDomain != null) { var items = FoundDomain.GetAllTrustRelationships(); foreach (TrustRelationshipInformation item in items) { DomainTrusts.Add(new NetDomainTrust { SourceName = item.SourceName, TargetName = item.TargetName, TrustDirection = item.TrustDirection, TrustType = item.TrustType }); } } } return(DomainTrusts); }
public static PrincipalContextEx Get_PrincipalContext(Args_Get_PrincipalContext args = null) { if (args == null) { args = new Args_Get_PrincipalContext(); } try { var ConnectTarget = string.Empty; var ObjectIdentity = string.Empty; System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext Context = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Domain) || args.Identity.IsRegexMatch(@".+\\.+")) { if (args.Identity.IsRegexMatch(@".+\\.+")) { // DOMAIN\groupname var ConvertedIdentity = ConvertADName.Convert_ADName(new Args_Convert_ADName { Identity = new[] { args.Identity } }).FirstOrDefault(); if (ConvertedIdentity != null) { ConnectTarget = ConvertedIdentity.Substring(0, ConvertedIdentity.IndexOf('/')); ObjectIdentity = args.Identity.Split('\\')[1]; Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-PrincipalContext] Binding to domain '{ConnectTarget}'"); } } else { ObjectIdentity = args.Identity; Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-PrincipalContext] Binding to domain '{args.Domain}'"); ConnectTarget = args.Domain; } if (args.Credential != null) { Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-PrincipalContext] Using alternate credentials"); Context = new System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext(System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType.Domain, ConnectTarget, args.Credential.UserName, args.Credential.Password); } else { Context = new System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext(System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType.Domain, ConnectTarget); } } else { if (args.Credential != null) { Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-PrincipalContext] Using alternate credentials"); var DomainName = GetDomain.Get_Domain().Name; Context = new System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext(System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType.Domain, DomainName, args.Credential.UserName, args.Credential.Password); } else { Context = new System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext(System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType.Domain); } ObjectIdentity = args.Identity; } return(new PrincipalContextEx { Context = Context, Identity = ObjectIdentity }); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Write_Warning($@"[Get-PrincipalContext] Error creating binding for object ('{args.Identity}') context : {e}"); } return(null); }
public static IEnumerable <IDomainTrust> Get_DomainTrustMapping(Args_Get_DomainTrustMapping args = null) { if (args == null) { args = new Args_Get_DomainTrustMapping(); } // keep track of domains seen so we don't hit infinite recursion var SeenDomains = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // our domain status tracker var Domains = new System.Collections.Stack(); var DomainTrustArguments = new Args_Get_DomainTrust { API = args.API, NET = args.NET, LDAPFilter = args.LDAPFilter, Properties = args.Properties, SearchBase = args.SearchBase, Server = args.Server, SearchScope = args.SearchScope, ResultPageSize = args.ResultPageSize, ServerTimeLimit = args.ServerTimeLimit, Tombstone = args.Tombstone, Credential = args.Credential }; // get the current domain and push it onto the stack string CurrentDomain = null; if (args.Credential != null) { CurrentDomain = GetDomain.Get_Domain(new Args_Get_Domain { Credential = args.Credential }).Name; } else { CurrentDomain = GetDomain.Get_Domain().Name; } Domains.Push(CurrentDomain); var DomainTrustMappings = new List <IDomainTrust>(); while (Domains.Count != 0) { string Domain = Domains.Pop() as string; // if we haven't seen this domain before if (Domain != null && Domain.Trim() != @"" && !SeenDomains.ContainsKey(Domain)) { Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-DomainTrustMapping] Enumerating trusts for domain: '{Domain}'"); // mark it as seen in our list SeenDomains.Add(Domain, ""); try { // get all the trusts for this domain DomainTrustArguments.Domain = Domain; var Trusts = GetDomainTrust.Get_DomainTrust(DomainTrustArguments); // get any forest trusts, if they exist if (args.NET) { var ForestTrustArguments = new Args_Get_Forest { Forest = args.Forest, Credential = args.Credential }; Trusts.Union(GetForestTrust.Get_ForestTrust(ForestTrustArguments)); } if (Trusts != null) { // enumerate each trust found foreach (var Trust in Trusts) { if (Trust.SourceName.IsNotNullOrEmpty() && Trust.TargetName.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { // make sure we process the target Domains.Push(Trust.TargetName); DomainTrustMappings.Add(Trust); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-DomainTrustMapping] Error: {e}"); } } } return(DomainTrustMappings); }
public static IEnumerable <PropertyOutlier> Find_DomainObjectPropertyOutlier(Args_Find_DomainObjectPropertyOutlier args = null) { if (args == null) { args = new Args_Find_DomainObjectPropertyOutlier(); } var UserReferencePropertySet = new[] { "admincount", "accountexpires", "badpasswordtime", "badpwdcount", "cn", "codepage", "countrycode", "description", "displayname", "distinguishedname", "dscorepropagationdata", "givenname", "instancetype", "iscriticalsystemobject", "lastlogoff", "lastlogon", "lastlogontimestamp", "lockouttime", "logoncount", "memberof", "msds-supportedencryptiontypes", "name", "objectcategory", "objectclass", "objectguid", "objectsid", "primarygroupid", "pwdlastset", "samaccountname", "samaccounttype", "sn", "useraccountcontrol", "userprincipalname", "usnchanged", "usncreated", "whenchanged", "whencreated" }; var GroupReferencePropertySet = new[] { "admincount", "cn", "description", "distinguishedname", "dscorepropagationdata", "grouptype", "instancetype", "iscriticalsystemobject", "member", "memberof", "name", "objectcategory", "objectclass", "objectguid", "objectsid", "samaccountname", "samaccounttype", "systemflags", "usnchanged", "usncreated", "whenchanged", "whencreated" }; var ComputerReferencePropertySet = new[] { "accountexpires", "badpasswordtime", "badpwdcount", "cn", "codepage", "countrycode", "distinguishedname", "dnshostname", "dscorepropagationdata", "instancetype", "iscriticalsystemobject", "lastlogoff", "lastlogon", "lastlogontimestamp", "localpolicyflags", "logoncount", "msds-supportedencryptiontypes", "name", "objectcategory", "objectclass", "objectguid", "objectsid", "operatingsystem", "operatingsystemservicepack", "operatingsystemversion", "primarygroupid", "pwdlastset", "samaccountname", "samaccounttype", "serviceprincipalname", "useraccountcontrol", "usnchanged", "usncreated", "whenchanged", "whencreated" }; var SearcherArgumentsForUser = new Args_Get_DomainUser { Domain = args.Domain, LDAPFilter = args.LDAPFilter, SearchBase = args.SearchBase, Server = args.Server, SearchScope = args.SearchScope, ResultPageSize = args.ResultPageSize, ServerTimeLimit = args.ServerTimeLimit, Tombstone = args.Tombstone, Credential = args.Credential }; var SearcherArgumentsForGroup = new Args_Get_DomainGroup { Domain = args.Domain, LDAPFilter = args.LDAPFilter, SearchBase = args.SearchBase, Server = args.Server, SearchScope = args.SearchScope, ResultPageSize = args.ResultPageSize, ServerTimeLimit = args.ServerTimeLimit, Tombstone = args.Tombstone, Credential = args.Credential }; var SearcherArgumentsForComputer = new Args_Get_DomainComputer { Domain = args.Domain, LDAPFilter = args.LDAPFilter, SearchBase = args.SearchBase, Server = args.Server, SearchScope = args.SearchScope, ResultPageSize = args.ResultPageSize, ServerTimeLimit = args.ServerTimeLimit, Tombstone = args.Tombstone, Credential = args.Credential }; // Domain / Credential var TargetForest = string.Empty; if (!args.Domain.IsNullOrEmpty()) { if (args.Credential != null) { TargetForest = GetDomain.Get_Domain(new Args_Get_Domain { Domain = args.Domain }).Forest.Name; } else { TargetForest = GetDomain.Get_Domain(new Args_Get_Domain { Domain = args.Domain, Credential = args.Credential }).Forest.Name; } Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Find-DomainObjectPropertyOutlier] Enumerated forest '{TargetForest}' for target domain '{args.Domain}'"); } var SchemaArguments = new { Credential = args.Credential, Forest = TargetForest }; string[] ReferenceObjectProperties = null; ClassType?ReferenceObjectClass = null; if (args.ReferencePropertySet != null) { Logger.Write_Verbose(@"[Find-DomainObjectPropertyOutlier] Using specified -ReferencePropertySet"); ReferenceObjectProperties = args.ReferencePropertySet; } else if (args.ReferenceObject != null) { Logger.Write_Verbose(@"[Find-DomainObjectPropertyOutlier] Extracting property names from -ReferenceObject to use as the reference property set"); ReferenceObjectProperties = args.ReferenceObject.GetType().GetProperties().Select(x => x.Name).ToArray(); ReferenceObjectClass = args.ReferenceObject.GetPropValue <ClassType>("objectclass"); Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Find-DomainObjectPropertyOutlier] Calculated ReferenceObjectClass : {ReferenceObjectClass}"); } else { Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Find-DomainObjectPropertyOutlier] Using the default reference property set for the object class '{args.ClassName}'"); } IEnumerable <object> Objects; if ((args.ClassName == ClassType.User) || (ReferenceObjectClass == ClassType.User)) { Objects = GetDomainUser.Get_DomainUser(SearcherArgumentsForUser); if (ReferenceObjectProperties == null) { ReferenceObjectProperties = UserReferencePropertySet; } } else if ((args.ClassName == ClassType.Group) || (ReferenceObjectClass == ClassType.Group)) { Objects = GetDomainGroup.Get_DomainGroup(SearcherArgumentsForGroup); if (ReferenceObjectProperties == null) { ReferenceObjectProperties = GroupReferencePropertySet; } } else if ((args.ClassName == ClassType.Computer) || (ReferenceObjectClass == ClassType.Computer)) { Objects = GetDomainComputer.Get_DomainComputer(SearcherArgumentsForComputer); if (ReferenceObjectProperties == null) { ReferenceObjectProperties = ComputerReferencePropertySet; } } else { throw new Exception($@"[Find-DomainObjectPropertyOutlier] Invalid class: {args.ClassName}"); } var PropertyOutliers = new List <PropertyOutlier>(); foreach (LDAPProperty Object in Objects) { var ObjectProperties = Object.GetType().GetProperties().Select(x => x.Name).ToArray(); foreach (var ObjectProperty in ObjectProperties) { var val = Object.GetPropValue <object>(ObjectProperty); if (val is Dictionary <string, object> ) { var dic = val as Dictionary <string, object>; foreach (var ObjectProperty1 in dic.Keys) { if (!ReferenceObjectProperties.ContainsNoCase(ObjectProperty1)) { var Out = new PropertyOutlier { SamAccountName = Object.samaccountname, Property = ObjectProperty1, Value = dic[ObjectProperty1] }; PropertyOutliers.Add(Out); } } } else if (val != null && !ReferenceObjectProperties.ContainsNoCase(ObjectProperty)) { var Out = new PropertyOutlier { SamAccountName = Object.samaccountname, Property = ObjectProperty, Value = Object.GetPropValue <object>(ObjectProperty) }; PropertyOutliers.Add(Out); } } } return(PropertyOutliers); }
/* connect ldap server & create an searcher object */ public static System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher Get_DomainSearcher(Args_Get_DomainSearcher args = null) { if (args == null) { args = new Args_Get_DomainSearcher(); } string TargetDomain = null; string BindServer = null; var userDnsDomain = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERDNSDOMAIN"); if (args.Domain.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { TargetDomain = args.Domain; if (userDnsDomain != null && userDnsDomain.Trim() != "") { // see if we can grab the user DNS logon domain from environment variables var UserDomain = userDnsDomain; var logonServer = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LOGONSERVER"); if (logonServer != null && logonServer.Trim() != "" && UserDomain.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { BindServer = $"{logonServer.Replace(@"\\", "")}.{UserDomain}"; } } } else if (args.Credential != null) { // if not -Domain is specified, but -Credential is, try to retrieve the current domain name with Get-Domain var DomainObject = GetDomain.Get_Domain(new Args_Get_Domain { Credential = args.Credential }); BindServer = DomainObject.PdcRoleOwner.Name; TargetDomain = DomainObject.Name; } else if (userDnsDomain != null && userDnsDomain.Trim() != "") { // see if we can grab the user DNS logon domain from environment variables TargetDomain = userDnsDomain; var logonServer = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LOGONSERVER"); if (logonServer != null && logonServer.Trim() != "" && TargetDomain.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { BindServer = $"{logonServer.Replace(@"\\", "")}.{TargetDomain}"; } } else { // otherwise, resort to Get-Domain to retrieve the current domain object var DomainObject = GetDomain.Get_Domain(); if (DomainObject == null) { System.Environment.Exit(0); } BindServer = DomainObject.PdcRoleOwner.Name; TargetDomain = DomainObject.Name; } if (args.Server.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { // if there's not a specified server to bind to, try to pull a logon server from ENV variables BindServer = args.Server; } var SearchString = "LDAP://"; if (BindServer != null && BindServer.Trim() != "") { SearchString += BindServer; if (TargetDomain.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { SearchString += '/'; } } if (args.SearchBasePrefix.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { SearchString += args.SearchBasePrefix + @","; } var DN = string.Empty; if (args.SearchBase.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) { if (new Regex(@"^GC://").Match(args.SearchBase).Success) { // if we're searching the global catalog, get the path in the right format DN = args.SearchBase.ToUpper().Trim('/'); SearchString = string.Empty; } else { if (new Regex(@"^LDAP://").Match(args.SearchBase).Success) { if (new Regex(@"LDAP://.+/.+").Match(args.SearchBase).Success) { SearchString = string.Empty; DN = args.SearchBase; } else { DN = args.SearchBase.Substring(7); } } else { DN = args.SearchBase; } } } else { // transform the target domain name into a distinguishedName if an ADS search base is not specified if (TargetDomain != null && TargetDomain.Trim() != "") { DN = $"DC={TargetDomain.Replace(".", ",DC=")}"; } } SearchString += DN; Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-DomainSearcher] search base: {SearchString}"); System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher Searcher = null; if (args.Credential != null) { Logger.Write_Verbose(@"[Get-DomainSearcher] Using alternate credentials for LDAP connection"); // bind to the inital search object using alternate credentials var DomainObject = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(SearchString, args.Credential.UserName, args.Credential.Password); Searcher = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher(DomainObject); } else { // bind to the inital object using the current credentials //Searcher = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]$SearchString) var DomainObject = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(SearchString); Searcher = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher(DomainObject); } Searcher.PageSize = args.ResultPageSize; Searcher.SearchScope = args.SearchScope; Searcher.CacheResults = false; Searcher.ReferralChasing = System.DirectoryServices.ReferralChasingOption.All; if (args.ServerTimeLimit != null) { Searcher.ServerTimeLimit = new TimeSpan(0, 0, args.ServerTimeLimit.Value); } if (args.Tombstone) { Searcher.Tombstone = true; } if (args.LDAPFilter.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { Searcher.Filter = args.LDAPFilter; } if (args.SecurityMasks != null) { Searcher.SecurityMasks = args.SecurityMasks.Value; } if (args.Properties != null) { // handle an array of properties to load w/ the possibility of comma-separated strings var PropertiesToLoad = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in args.Properties) { PropertiesToLoad.AddRange(item.Split(',')); } Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.AddRange(PropertiesToLoad.ToArray()); } return(Searcher); }
public static IEnumerable <string> ConvertTo_SID(Args_ConvertTo_SID args = null) { if (args == null) { args = new Args_ConvertTo_SID(); } var DomainSearcherArguments = new Args_Get_DomainObject { Domain = args.Domain, Server = args.Server, Credential = args.Credential }; var SIDs = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in args.ObjectName) { var name = item.Replace(@"/", @"\"); if (args.Credential != null) { var DN = ConvertADName.Convert_ADName(new Args_Convert_ADName { Identity = new[] { name }, OutputType = ADSNameType.DN, Domain = DomainSearcherArguments.Domain, Server = DomainSearcherArguments.Server, Credential = DomainSearcherArguments.Credential }); if (DN != null) { var UserDomain = DN.First().Substring(DN.First().IndexOf(@"DC=")).Replace(@"DC=", @"").Replace(@",", @"."); var UserName = DN.First().Split(',')[0].Split('=')[1]; DomainSearcherArguments.Identity = new[] { UserName }; DomainSearcherArguments.Domain = UserDomain; DomainSearcherArguments.Properties = new[] { @"objectsid" }; var obj = GetDomainObject.Get_DomainObject(DomainSearcherArguments); foreach (LDAPProperty ldapProperty in obj) { SIDs.AddRange(ldapProperty.objectsid); } } } else { try { if (name.Contains(@"\")) { args.Domain = name.Split('\\')[0]; name = name.Split('\\')[1]; } else if (args.Domain.IsNullOrEmpty()) { args.Domain = GetDomain.Get_Domain().Name; } var obj = new System.Security.Principal.NTAccount(args.Domain, name); SIDs.Add(obj.Translate(typeof(System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier)).Value); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[ConvertTo-SID] Error converting {args.Domain}\{name} : {e}"); } } } return(SIDs); }
public static System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain Get_NetDomain(Args_Get_Domain args = null) { return(GetDomain.Get_Domain(args)); }