private void checkHost(string host, KeyExchange kex) { string shkc = getConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking"); byte[] K_S = kex.getHostKey(); string key_type = kex.getKeyType(); string key_fprint = kex.getFingerPrint(); m_hostkey = new HostKey(host, K_S); HostKeyRepository hkr = m_jsch.getHostKeyRepository(); int i = 0; lock (hkr) { i = hkr.check(host, K_S); } bool insert = false; if ((shkc.Equals("ask") || shkc.Equals("yes")) && i == HostKeyRepository.CHANGED) { string file = null; lock (hkr) { file = hkr.getKnownHostsRepositoryID(); } if (file == null) file = "known_hosts"; string message = "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!\n" + "IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY!\n" + "Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!\n" + "It is also possible that the " + key_type + " host key has just been changed.\n" + "The fingerprint for the " + key_type + " key sent by the remote host is\n" + key_fprint + ".\n" + "Please contact your system administrator.\n" + "Add correct host key in " + file + " to get rid of this message."; bool b = false; if (m_userinfo != null) b = m_userinfo.promptYesNo(message + "\nDo you want to delete the old key and insert the new key?"); //throw new JSchException("HostKey has been changed: "+host); if (!b) throw new JSchException("HostKey has been changed: " + host); else lock (hkr) { hkr.remove(host, (key_type.Equals("DSA") ? "ssh-dss" : "ssh-rsa"), null); insert = true; } } if ((shkc.Equals("ask") || shkc.Equals("yes")) && (i != HostKeyRepository.OK) && !insert) { if (shkc.Equals("yes")) throw new JSchException("reject HostKey: " + host); if (m_userinfo != null) { bool foo = m_userinfo.promptYesNo( "The authenticity of host '" + host + "' can't be established.\n" + key_type + " key fingerprint is " + key_fprint + ".\n" + "Are you sure you want to continue connecting?" ); if (!foo) throw new JSchException("reject HostKey: " + host); insert = true; } else { if (i == HostKeyRepository.NOT_INCLUDED) throw new JSchException("UnknownHostKey: " + host + ". " + key_type + " key fingerprint is " + key_fprint); else throw new JSchException("HostKey has been changed: " + host); } } if (shkc.Equals("no") && HostKeyRepository.NOT_INCLUDED == i) insert = true; if (insert) lock (hkr) { hkr.add(host, K_S, m_userinfo); } }
public override void add(string host, byte[] key, UserInfo userinfo) { HostKey hk; HostKey.HostKeyTypes type = getType(key); for (int i = 0; i < m_pool.Count; i++) { hk = m_pool[i]; if (isIncluded(hk.m_host, host) && hk.m_type == type) { /* if(Util.array_equals(hk.key, key)){ return; } if({ hk.key=key; return; } else{, host); break; } */ } } hk = new HostKey(host, type, key); m_pool.Add(hk); string bar = getKnownHostsRepositoryID(); if (userinfo != null && bar != null) { bool foo = true; FileInfo goo = new FileInfo(bar); if (!goo.Exists) { foo = false; if (userinfo != null) { foo = userinfo.promptYesNo( bar + " does not exist.\n" + "Are you sure you want to create it?" ); DirectoryInfo dir = goo.Directory; if (foo && dir != null && !dir.Exists) { foo = userinfo.promptYesNo( "The parent directory " + dir.Name + " does not exist.\n" + "Are you sure you want to create it?" ); if (foo) { try { dir.Create(); userinfo.showMessage(dir.Name + " has been succesfully created.\nPlease check its access permission."); } catch { userinfo.showMessage(dir.Name + " has not been created."); foo = false; } } } if (goo == null) foo = false; } } if (foo) { try { sync(bar); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("sync known_hosts: " + e); } } } }
internal void setKnownHosts(StreamReader stream) { m_pool.Clear(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); byte i; int j; bool error = false; try { StreamReader fis = stream; string host; string key = null; HostKey.HostKeyTypes type; byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int bufl = 0; loop: while (true) { bufl = 0; while (true) { j = fis.Read(); if (j == -1) goto break_loop; if (j == 0x0d) continue; if (j == 0x0a) break; buf[bufl++] = (byte)j; } j = 0; while (j < bufl) { i = buf[j]; if (i == ' ' || i == '\t') { j++; continue; } if (i == '#') { addInvalidLine(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buf, 0, bufl)); goto loop; } break; } if (j >= bufl) { addInvalidLine(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buf, 0, bufl)); goto loop; } sb.Length = 0; while (j < bufl) { i = buf[j++]; if (i == 0x20 || i == '\t') break; sb.Append((char)i); } host = sb.ToString(); if (j >= bufl || host.Length == 0) { addInvalidLine(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buf, 0, bufl)); goto loop; } sb.Length = 0; type = HostKey.HostKeyTypes.UNKNOWN; while (j < bufl) { i = buf[j++]; if (i == 0x20 || i == '\t') break; sb.Append((char)i); } if (sb.ToString().Equals("ssh-dss")) type = HostKey.HostKeyTypes.SSHDSS; else if (sb.ToString().Equals("ssh-rsa")) type = HostKey.HostKeyTypes.SSHRSA; else j = bufl; if (j >= bufl) { addInvalidLine(Util.getString(buf, 0, bufl)); goto loop; } sb.Length = 0; while (j < bufl) { i = buf[j++]; if (i == '\r') continue; if (i == '\n') break; sb.Append((char)i); } key = sb.ToString(); if (key.Length == 0) { addInvalidLine(Util.getString(buf, 0, bufl)); goto loop; } HostKey hk = new HostKey(host, type, Util.fromBase64(Util.getBytes(key), 0, key.Length)); m_pool.Add(hk); } break_loop: fis.Close(); if (error) throw new JSchException("KnownHosts: invalid format"); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is JSchException) throw (JSchException)e; throw new JSchException(e.ToString()); } }
private void addInvalidLine(string line) { HostKey hk = new HostKey(line, HostKey.HostKeyTypes.UNKNOWN, null); m_pool.Add(hk); }
public override HostKey[] getHostKey(string host, string type) { lock (m_pool) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_pool.Count; i++) { HostKey hk = m_pool[i]; if (hk.m_type == HostKey.HostKeyTypes.UNKNOWN) continue; if (host == null || (isIncluded(hk.m_host, host) && (type == null || hk.getType().Equals(type))) ) { count++; } } if (count == 0) return null; HostKey[] foo = new HostKey[count]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_pool.Count; i++) { HostKey hk = m_pool[i]; if (hk.m_type == HostKey.HostKeyTypes.UNKNOWN) continue; if (host == null || (isIncluded(hk.m_host, host) && (type == null || hk.getType().Equals(type)))) { foo[j++] = hk; } } return foo; } }