Exemple #1
        public bool Raycast(ref NavPoint startPoint, ref Vector3 endPos, NavPolyId prevRef, RaycastOptions options, out RaycastHit hit, Path hitPath)
            hit = new RaycastHit();

            if (hitPath != null)

            //validate input
            if (startPoint.Polygon == NavPolyId.Null || !nav.IsValidPolyRef(startPoint.Polygon))
                return false;

            if (prevRef != NavPolyId.Null && !nav.IsValidPolyRef(prevRef))
                return false;

            Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[PathfindingCommon.VERTS_PER_POLYGON];

            NavTile prevTile, curTile, nextTile;
            NavPoly prevPoly, curPoly, nextPoly;

            NavPolyId curRef = startPoint.Polygon;

            nav.TryGetTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(curRef, out curTile, out curPoly);
            nextTile = prevTile = curTile;
            nextPoly = prevPoly = curPoly;

            if (prevRef != NavPolyId.Null)
                nav.TryGetTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(prevRef, out prevTile, out prevPoly);

            while (curRef != NavPolyId.Null)
                //collect vertices
                int nv = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < curPoly.VertCount; i++)
                    verts[nv] = curTile.Verts[curPoly.Verts[i]];

                float tmin, tmax;
                int segMin, segMax;
                if (!Intersection.SegmentPoly2D(startPoint.Position, endPos, verts, nv, out tmin, out tmax, out segMin, out segMax))
                    //could not hit the polygon, keep the old t and report hit
                    return true;

                hit.EdgeIndex = segMax;

                //keep track of furthest t so far
                if (tmax > hit.T)
                    hit.T = tmax;

                //store visited polygons
                if (hitPath != null)

                //ray end is completely inside the polygon
                if (segMax == -1)
                    hit.T = float.MaxValue;

                    return true;

                //follow neighbors
                NavPolyId nextRef = NavPolyId.Null;

                foreach (Link link in curPoly.Links)
                    //find link which contains the edge
                    if (link.Edge != segMax)

                    //get pointer to the next polygon
                    nav.TryGetTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(link.Reference, out nextTile, out nextPoly);

                    //skip off-mesh connection
                    if (nextPoly.PolyType == NavPolyType.OffMeshConnection)

                    //TODO QueryFilter

                    //if the link is internal, just return the ref
                    if (link.Side == BoundarySide.Internal)
                        nextRef = link.Reference;

                    //if the link is at the tile boundary

                    //check if the link spans the whole edge and accept
                    if (link.BMin == 0 && link.BMax == 255)
                        nextRef = link.Reference;

                    //check for partial edge links
                    int v0 = curPoly.Verts[link.Edge];
                    int v1 = curPoly.Verts[(link.Edge + 1) % curPoly.VertCount];
                    Vector3 left = curTile.Verts[v0];
                    Vector3 right = curTile.Verts[v1];

                    //check that the intersection lies inside the link portal
                    if (link.Side == BoundarySide.PlusX || link.Side == BoundarySide.MinusX)
                        //calculate link size
                        float s = 1.0f / 255.0f;
                        float lmin = left.Z + (right.Z - left.Z) * (link.BMin * s);
                        float lmax = left.Z + (right.Z - left.Z) * (link.BMax * s);
                        if (lmin > lmax)
                            float temp = lmin;
                            lmin = lmax;
                            lmax = temp;

                        //find z intersection
                        float z = startPoint.Position.Z + (endPos.Z - startPoint.Position.Z) * tmax;
                        if (z >= lmin && z <= lmax)
                            nextRef = link.Reference;
                    else if (link.Side == BoundarySide.PlusZ || link.Side == BoundarySide.MinusZ)
                        //calculate link size
                        float s = 1.0f / 255.0f;
                        float lmin = left.X + (right.X - left.X) * (link.BMin * s);
                        float lmax = left.X + (right.X - left.X) * (link.BMax * s);
                        if (lmin > lmax)
                            float temp = lmin;
                            lmin = lmax;
                            lmax = temp;

                        //find x intersection
                        float x = startPoint.Position.X + (endPos.X - startPoint.Position.X) * tmax;
                        if (x >= lmin && x <= lmax)
                            nextRef = link.Reference;

                if ((options & RaycastOptions.UseCosts) != 0)
                    //TODO add cost

                if (nextRef == NavPolyId.Null)
                    //no neighbor, we hit a wall

                    //calculate hit normal
                    int a = segMax;
                    int b = (segMax + 1) < nv ? segMax + 1 : 0;
                    Vector3 va = verts[a];
                    Vector3 vb = verts[b];
                    float dx = vb.X - va.X;
                    float dz = vb.Z - va.Z;
                    hit.Normal = new Vector3(dz, 0, dx);
                    return true;

                //no hit, advance to neighbor polygon
                prevRef = curRef;
                curRef = nextRef;
                prevTile = curTile;
                curTile = nextTile;
                prevPoly = curPoly;
                curPoly = nextPoly;

            return true;
Exemple #2
 public bool Raycast(ref NavPoint startPoint, ref Vector3 endPos, RaycastOptions options, out RaycastHit hit, Path hitPath)
     return Raycast(ref startPoint, ref endPos, NavPolyId.Null, options, out hit, hitPath);