Exemple #1
        public float4x4 Invert()
            float	fDet = Determinant();
            if ( (float) System.Math.Abs(fDet) < float.Epsilon )
                throw new MatrixException( "Matrix is not invertible!" );		// The matrix is not invertible! Singular case!

            float	fIDet = 1.0f / fDet;

            float4x4	Temp = new float4x4();
            Temp.m[0, 0] = CoFactor( 0, 0 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[1, 0] = CoFactor( 0, 1 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[2, 0] = CoFactor( 0, 2 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[3, 0] = CoFactor( 0, 3 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[0, 1] = CoFactor( 1, 0 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[1, 1] = CoFactor( 1, 1 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[2, 1] = CoFactor( 1, 2 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[3, 1] = CoFactor( 1, 3 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[0, 2] = CoFactor( 2, 0 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[1, 2] = CoFactor( 2, 1 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[2, 2] = CoFactor( 2, 2 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[3, 2] = CoFactor( 2, 3 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[0, 3] = CoFactor( 3, 0 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[1, 3] = CoFactor( 3, 1 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[2, 3] = CoFactor( 3, 2 ) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[3, 3] = CoFactor( 3, 3 ) * fIDet;

            Set( Temp );

            return	this;
Exemple #2
 public void Set( float4x4 _Source )
     if ( _Source == null )
     m[0, 0] = _Source.m[0, 0]; m[0, 1] = _Source.m[0, 1]; m[0, 2] = _Source.m[0, 2]; m[0, 3] = _Source.m[0, 3];
     m[1, 0] = _Source.m[1, 0]; m[1, 1] = _Source.m[1, 1]; m[1, 2] = _Source.m[1, 2]; m[1, 3] = _Source.m[1, 3];
     m[2, 0] = _Source.m[2, 0]; m[2, 1] = _Source.m[2, 1]; m[2, 2] = _Source.m[2, 2]; m[2, 3] = _Source.m[2, 3];
     m[3, 0] = _Source.m[3, 0]; m[3, 1] = _Source.m[3, 1]; m[3, 2] = _Source.m[3, 2]; m[3, 3] = _Source.m[3, 3];
Exemple #3
        public static float4x4 Parse( string _Source )
            string[]	Terms = _Source.Split( new char[] { ';' } );
            if ( Terms.Length != 16 )
                throw new Exception( "Source string must have 16 terms!" );

            float4x4	Result = new float4x4();
                        Result.m[0,0] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 0 + 0] );
                        Result.m[0,1] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 0 + 1] );
                        Result.m[0,2] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 0 + 2] );
                        Result.m[0,3] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 0 + 3] );
                        Result.m[1,0] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 1 + 0] );
                        Result.m[1,1] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 1 + 1] );
                        Result.m[1,2] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 1 + 2] );
                        Result.m[1,3] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 1 + 3] );
                        Result.m[2,0] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 2 + 0] );
                        Result.m[2,1] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 2 + 1] );
                        Result.m[2,2] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 2 + 2] );
                        Result.m[2,3] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 2 + 3] );
                        Result.m[3,0] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 3 + 0] );
                        Result.m[3,1] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 3 + 1] );
                        Result.m[3,2] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 3 + 2] );
                        Result.m[3,3] = float.Parse( Terms[4 * 3 + 3] );

            return	Result;
Exemple #4
        // ToString/Parse methods for 4x3 matrices
        public static float4x4 Parse4x3( string _Source )
            string[]	Terms = _Source.Split( ';' );
            if ( Terms.Length != 12 )
                throw new Exception( "Source string must have 12 terms!" );

            float4x4	Result = new float4x4();
                        Result.m[0,0] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 0 + 0] );
                        Result.m[0,1] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 0 + 1] );
                        Result.m[0,2] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 0 + 2] );
                        Result.m[0,3] = 0.0f;
                        Result.m[1,0] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 1 + 0] );
                        Result.m[1,1] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 1 + 1] );
                        Result.m[1,2] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 1 + 2] );
                        Result.m[1,3] = 0.0f;
                        Result.m[2,0] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 2 + 0] );
                        Result.m[2,1] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 2 + 1] );
                        Result.m[2,2] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 2 + 2] );
                        Result.m[2,3] = 0.0f;
                        Result.m[3,0] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 3 + 0] );
                        Result.m[3,1] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 3 + 1] );
                        Result.m[3,2] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 3 + 2] );
                        Result.m[3,3] = 1.0f;

            return	Result;
Exemple #5
        float4x4 ComputeCameraProjection()
            float	t = (float) (DateTime.Now - m_startTime).TotalSeconds;

            // Make a camera orbiting around the cube
            float	T = t;
            float3	cameraPosition = 3.0f * new float3( (float) Math.Cos( T ), (float) Math.Cos( 3 * T ), (float) Math.Sin( T ) );
            float3	cameraTarget = new float3( 0, 0, 0 );

            float4x4	camera2World = new float4x4();
            camera2World.BuildRotLeftHanded( cameraPosition, cameraTarget, float3.UnitY );

            // Build the perspective projection matrix
            float4x4	camera2Proj = new float4x4();
            camera2Proj.BuildProjectionPerspective( 80.0f * (float) Math.PI / 180.0f, (float) Width / Height, 0.01f, 100.0f );

            // Compose the 2 matrices together to obtain the final matrix that transforms world coordinates into projected 2D coordinates
            return camera2World.Inverse * camera2Proj;
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Makes the camera look at the specified target from the specified eye position
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_Eye"></param>
 /// <param name="_Target"></param>
 /// <param name="_Up"></param>
 public void LookAt( float3 _Eye, float3 _Target, float3 _Up )
     float4x4	Temp = new float4x4();
                 Temp.BuildRotLeftHanded( _Eye, _Target, _Up );
     this.Camera2World = Temp;
Exemple #7
 public static float4x4 operator -( float4x4 _Op0, float4x4 _Op1 )
     float4x4	Ret = new float4x4();
     Ret.m[0, 0] = _Op0.m[0, 0] - _Op1.m[0, 0];
     Ret.m[0, 1] = _Op0.m[0, 1] - _Op1.m[0, 1];
     Ret.m[0, 2] = _Op0.m[0, 2] - _Op1.m[0, 2];
     Ret.m[0, 3] = _Op0.m[0, 3] - _Op1.m[0, 3];
     Ret.m[1, 0] = _Op0.m[1, 0] - _Op1.m[1, 0];
     Ret.m[1, 1] = _Op0.m[1, 1] - _Op1.m[1, 1];
     Ret.m[1, 2] = _Op0.m[1, 2] - _Op1.m[1, 2];
     Ret.m[1, 3] = _Op0.m[1, 3] - _Op1.m[1, 3];
     Ret.m[2, 0] = _Op0.m[2, 0] - _Op1.m[2, 0];
     Ret.m[2, 1] = _Op0.m[2, 1] - _Op1.m[2, 1];
     Ret.m[2, 2] = _Op0.m[2, 2] - _Op1.m[2, 2];
     Ret.m[2, 3] = _Op0.m[2, 3] - _Op1.m[2, 3];
     Ret.m[3, 0] = _Op0.m[3, 0] - _Op1.m[3, 0];
     Ret.m[3, 1] = _Op0.m[3, 1] - _Op1.m[3, 1];
     Ret.m[3, 2] = _Op0.m[3, 2] - _Op1.m[3, 2];
     Ret.m[3, 3] = _Op0.m[3, 3] - _Op1.m[3, 3];
     return	Ret;
        void Control_MouseMove( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
            if ( EnableMouseAction != null && !EnableMouseAction( e ) )
                return;	// Don't do anything

            float4x4	CameraMatrixBeforeBaseCall = CameraTransform;

            //			base.OnMouseMove( e );


            float2	MousePos = ComputeNormalizedScreenPosition( e.X, e.Y, (float) m_Control.Width / m_Control.Height );

            // Check for FIRST PERSON switch
            if ( m_bLastManipulationWasFirstPerson ^ FirstPersonKeyDown )
            {	// There was a switch so we need to copy the current matrix and make it look like the button was just pressed...
                Control_MouseDown( sender, e );
            m_bLastManipulationWasFirstPerson = FirstPersonKeyDown;

            if ( !FirstPersonKeyDown )
                // MAYA MANIPULATION MODE
                switch ( m_ButtonsDown )
                        // ROTATE
                    case	MouseButtons.Left:
                        if ( !m_bRotationEnabled )
                            break;	// Rotation is disabled!

                        float	fAngleX = (MousePos.y - m_ButtonDownMousePosition.y) * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI * m_ManipulationRotationSpeed;
                        float	fAngleY = (MousePos.x - m_ButtonDownMousePosition.x) * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI * m_ManipulationRotationSpeed;

                        float4		AxisX = m_ButtonDownTransform[0];
            // 						float4x4	Rot = AngleAxis2Matrix( fAngleX, -new float3( AxisX.x, AxisX.y, AxisX.z ) )
            // 										* AngleAxis2Matrix( fAngleY, new float3( 0f, -1.0f, 0.0f ) );
                        float4x4	Rot = new float4x4().BuildFromAngleAxis( fAngleX, -new float3( AxisX.x, AxisX.y, AxisX.z ) )
                                        * new float4x4().BuildFromAngleAxis( fAngleY, new float3( 0f, -1.0f, 0.0f ) );

                        float4x4	Rotated = m_ButtonDownTransform * m_InvButtonDownTargetObjectMatrix * Rot * TargetObjectMatrix;

                        CameraTransform = Rotated;


                        // DOLLY => Simply translate along the AT axis
                    case	MouseButtons.Right:
                    case	MouseButtons.Left | MouseButtons.Middle:
                        float	fTrans = m_ButtonDownMousePosition.x - m_ButtonDownMousePosition.y - MousePos.x + MousePos.y;

                        m_NormalizedTargetDistance = m_ButtonDownNormalizedTargetDistance + 4.0f * m_ManipulationZoomSpeed * fTrans;
                        float	fTargetDistance = Math.Sign( m_NormalizedTargetDistance ) * DeNormalizeTargetDistance( m_NormalizedTargetDistance );
                        if ( fTargetDistance > MIN_TARGET_DISTANCE )
                        {	// Okay! We're far enough so we can reduce the distance anyway
                            CameraTargetDistance = fTargetDistance;
                            m_bPushingTarget = false;
                        {	// Too close! Let's move the camera forward and clamp the target distance... That will push the target along.
                            m_CameraTargetDistance = MIN_TARGET_DISTANCE;
                            m_NormalizedTargetDistance = NormalizeTargetDistance( m_CameraTargetDistance );

                            if ( !m_bPushingTarget )
                                m_ButtonDownNormalizedTargetDistance = m_NormalizedTargetDistance;
                                fTrans = 0.0f;
                                m_bPushingTarget = true;

                            m_ButtonDownMousePosition = MousePos;

                            float4x4	DollyCam = CameraTransform;
                                    DollyCam[3] = DollyCam[3] - 2.0f * m_ManipulationZoomSpeed * fTrans * DollyCam[2];

                            CameraTransform = DollyCam;

                        // PAN
                    case	MouseButtons.Middle:
                        float2	Trans = new float2(	-(MousePos.x - m_ButtonDownMousePosition.x),
                                                        MousePos.y - m_ButtonDownMousePosition.y

                        float		fTransFactor = m_ManipulationPanSpeed * Math.Max( 2.0f, m_CameraTargetDistance );

                        // Make the camera pan
                        float4x4	PanCam = m_ButtonDownTransform;
                                    PanCam[3] = m_ButtonDownTransform[3]
                                              - fTransFactor * Trans.x * m_ButtonDownTransform[0]
                                              - fTransFactor * Trans.y * m_ButtonDownTransform[1];

                        CameraTransform = PanCam;
                switch ( m_ButtonsDown )
                    // TRANSLATE IN THE ZX PLANE (WORLD SPACE)
                    case	MouseButtons.Left : {
                        float	fTransFactor = m_ManipulationPanSpeed * System.Math.Max( 4.0f, CameraTargetDistance );

                        // Compute translation in the view direction
                        float4	Trans = CameraMatrixBeforeBaseCall[2];
                                Trans.y = 0.0f;
                        if ( Trans.LengthSquared < 1e-4f )
                        {	// Better use Y instead...
                            Trans = CameraMatrixBeforeBaseCall[1];
                            Trans.y = 0.0f;

                        Trans = Trans.Normalized;

                        float4	NewPosition = CameraMatrixBeforeBaseCall[3] + Trans * fTransFactor * (MousePos.y - m_ButtonDownMousePosition.y);

                        m_ButtonDownMousePosition.y = MousePos.y;	// The translation is a cumulative operation...

                        // Compute rotation about the the Y WORLD axis
                        float		fAngleY = (m_ButtonDownMousePosition.x - MousePos.x) * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI * m_ManipulationRotationSpeed * 0.2f;	// [PATAPATCH] Multiplied by 0.2 as it's REALLY too sensitive otherwise!
                        if ( m_ButtonDownTransform[1].y < 0.0f )
                            fAngleY = -fAngleY;		// Special "head down" case...

                        float4x4	RotY = new float4x4().BuildRotationY( fAngleY );

                        float4x4	FinalMatrix = m_ButtonDownTransform;
                                FinalMatrix[3] = float4.Zero;	// Clear translation...
                                FinalMatrix = FinalMatrix * RotY;
                                FinalMatrix[3] = NewPosition;

                        CameraTransform = FinalMatrix;


                    // ROTATE ABOUT CAMERA
                    case	MouseButtons.Right : {
                        float		fAngleY = (m_ButtonDownMousePosition.x - MousePos.x) * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI * m_ManipulationRotationSpeed;
                        float		fAngleX = (m_ButtonDownMousePosition.y - MousePos.y) * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI * m_ManipulationRotationSpeed;

                        float3		Euler = GetEuler( m_ButtonDownTransform );
                        float4x4	CamRotYMatrix = new float4x4().BuildRotationY( fAngleY + Euler.y );
                        float4x4	CamRotXMatrix = new float4x4().BuildRotationX( fAngleX + Euler.x );
                        float4x4	CamRotZMatrix = new float4x4().BuildRotationZ( Euler.z );

                        float4x4	RotateMatrix = CamRotXMatrix * CamRotYMatrix * CamRotZMatrix;

                        RotateMatrix[3] = CameraTransform[3];
                        CameraTransform = RotateMatrix;


                        // Translate in the ( Z-world Y-camera ) plane
                    case	MouseButtons.Middle :
                    case	MouseButtons.Left | MouseButtons.Right: {
                        float		fTransFactor = m_ManipulationPanSpeed * System.Math.Max( 4.0f, CameraTargetDistance );

                        float4		NewPosition =	m_ButtonDownTransform[3] + fTransFactor *
                                                    ( (MousePos.y - m_ButtonDownMousePosition.y) * float4.UnitY
                                                    + (m_ButtonDownMousePosition.x - MousePos.x) * m_ButtonDownTransform[0] );

                        float4x4	NewMatrix = m_ButtonDownTransform;
                                    NewMatrix[3] =  NewPosition ;

                        CameraTransform = NewMatrix;

Exemple #9
        // Transforms the box by the given matrix and returns 8 points corresponding to the eight transformed corners
        public float3[] Transform( float4x4 _Transform )
            float3[]	Corners = new float3[8]
                new float3( 0, 0, 0 ),
                new float3( 1, 0, 0 ),
                new float3( 1, 1, 0 ),
                new float3( 0, 1, 0 ),
                new float3( 0, 0, 1 ),
                new float3( 1, 0, 1 ),
                new float3( 1, 1, 1 ),
                new float3( 0, 1, 1 ),

            float3	D = Dim;

            float3[]	Result = new float3[8];
            for ( int CornerIndex=0; CornerIndex < 8; CornerIndex++ )
                Result[CornerIndex] = (float3) (new float4( m_Min + Corners[CornerIndex] * D, 1.0f ) * _Transform);

            return	Result;
Exemple #10
 public static float4x4 operator *( float _s, float4x4 _Op0 )
     float4x4	Ret = new float4x4();
     Ret.m[0, 0] = _Op0.m[0, 0] * _s;
     Ret.m[0, 1] = _Op0.m[0, 1] * _s;
     Ret.m[0, 2] = _Op0.m[0, 2] * _s;
     Ret.m[0, 3] = _Op0.m[0, 3] * _s;
     Ret.m[1, 0] = _Op0.m[1, 0] * _s;
     Ret.m[1, 1] = _Op0.m[1, 1] * _s;
     Ret.m[1, 2] = _Op0.m[1, 2] * _s;
     Ret.m[1, 3] = _Op0.m[1, 3] * _s;
     Ret.m[2, 0] = _Op0.m[2, 0] * _s;
     Ret.m[2, 1] = _Op0.m[2, 1] * _s;
     Ret.m[2, 2] = _Op0.m[2, 2] * _s;
     Ret.m[2, 3] = _Op0.m[2, 3] * _s;
     Ret.m[3, 0] = _Op0.m[3, 0] * _s;
     Ret.m[3, 1] = _Op0.m[3, 1] * _s;
     Ret.m[3, 2] = _Op0.m[3, 2] * _s;
     Ret.m[3, 3] = _Op0.m[3, 3] * _s;
     return	Ret;
Exemple #11
 // Grows the current bbox using another transformed bbox
 public void Grow( BoundingBox _BBox, float4x4 _Transform )
     float3[]	Corners = _BBox.Transform( _Transform );
     for ( int CornerIndex=0; CornerIndex < 8; CornerIndex++ )
         Grow( Corners[CornerIndex] );
Exemple #12
		void Application_Idle( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
			if ( m_Device == null )

			// Setup global data
			m_CB_Main.m.iResolution = new float3( panelOutput.Width, panelOutput.Height, 0 );
			if ( checkBoxAnimate.Checked )
				m_CB_Main.m.iGlobalTime = GetGameTime() - m_StartTime;

			// Setup area light buffer
			float		LighOffsetX = 1.2f;
			float		SizeX = floatTrackbarControlLightScaleX.Value;
			float		SizeY = 1.0f;
			float		RollAngle = (float) (Math.PI * floatTrackbarControlLightRoll.Value / 180.0);
			float3		LightPosition = new float3( LighOffsetX + floatTrackbarControlLightPosX.Value, 1.0f + floatTrackbarControlLightPosY.Value, -1.0f + floatTrackbarControlLightPosZ.Value );
			float3		LightTarget = new float3( LightPosition.x + floatTrackbarControlLightTargetX.Value, LightPosition.y + floatTrackbarControlLightTargetY.Value, LightPosition.z + 2.0f + floatTrackbarControlLightTargetZ.Value );
			float3		LightUp = new float3( (float) Math.Sin( -RollAngle ), (float) Math.Cos( RollAngle ), 0.0f );
			float4x4	AreaLight2World = new float4x4(); 
						AreaLight2World.BuildRotRightHanded( LightPosition, LightTarget, LightUp );

			float4x4	World2AreaLight = AreaLight2World.Inverse;

			double		Phi = Math.PI * floatTrackbarControlProjectionPhi.Value / 180.0;
			double		Theta = Math.PI * floatTrackbarControlProjectionTheta.Value / 180.0;
			float3		Direction = new float3( (float) (Math.Sin(Theta) * Math.Sin(Phi)), (float) (Math.Sin(Theta) * Math.Cos(Phi)), (float) Math.Cos( Theta ) );

			const float	DiffusionMin = 1e-2f;
			const float	DiffusionMax = 1000.0f;
//			float		Diffusion_Diffuse = DiffusionMin / (DiffusionMin / DiffusionMax + floatTrackbarControlProjectionDiffusion.Value);
			float		Diffusion_Diffuse = DiffusionMax + (DiffusionMin - DiffusionMax) * (float) Math.Pow( floatTrackbarControlProjectionDiffusion.Value, 0.01f );

//			float3		LocalDirection_Diffuse = (float3) (new float4( Diffusion_Diffuse * Direction, 0 ) * World2AreaLight);
			float3		LocalDirection_Diffuse = Diffusion_Diffuse * Direction;

			m_CB_Light.m._AreaLightX = (float3) AreaLight2World[0];
			m_CB_Light.m._AreaLightY = (float3) AreaLight2World[1];
			m_CB_Light.m._AreaLightZ = (float3) AreaLight2World[2];
			m_CB_Light.m._AreaLightT = (float3) AreaLight2World[3];
			m_CB_Light.m._AreaLightScaleX = SizeX;
			m_CB_Light.m._AreaLightScaleY = SizeY;
			m_CB_Light.m._AreaLightDiffusion = floatTrackbarControlProjectionDiffusion.Value;
			m_CB_Light.m._AreaLightIntensity = floatTrackbarControlLightIntensity.Value;
			m_CB_Light.m._AreaLightTexDimensions = new float4( m_Tex_AreaLightSAT.Width, m_Tex_AreaLightSAT.Height, 1.0f / m_Tex_AreaLightSAT.Width, 1.0f / m_Tex_AreaLightSAT.Height );
			m_CB_Light.m._ProjectionDirectionDiff = LocalDirection_Diffuse;

			// =========== Render shadow map ===========
//			float	KernelSize = 16.0f * floatTrackbarControlProjectionDiffusion.Value;
			float	KernelSize = floatTrackbarControlKernelSize.Value;

//			float	ShadowZFar = (float) Math.Sqrt( 2.0 ) * m_Camera.Far;
			float	ShadowZFar = 10.0f;
			m_CB_ShadowMap.m._ShadowOffsetXY = (float2) Direction;
			m_CB_ShadowMap.m._ShadowZFar = new float2( ShadowZFar, 1.0f / ShadowZFar );
			m_CB_ShadowMap.m._KernelSize = KernelSize;
			m_CB_ShadowMap.m._InvShadowMapSize = 1.0f / m_Tex_ShadowMap.Width;
			m_CB_ShadowMap.m._HardeningFactor = new float2( floatTrackbarControlHardeningFactor.Value, floatTrackbarControlHardeningFactor2.Value );

			if ( m_Shader_RenderShadowMap != null && m_Shader_RenderShadowMap.Use() ) {

				m_Device.SetRenderTargets( m_Tex_ShadowMap.Width, m_Tex_ShadowMap.Height, new View2D[0], m_Tex_ShadowMap );
// 				m_Device.ClearDepthStencil( m_Tex_ShadowMap, 0.0f, 0, true, false );
// 				m_Device.SetRenderStates( RASTERIZER_STATE.CULL_NONE, DEPTHSTENCIL_STATE.READ_WRITE_DEPTH_GREATER, BLEND_STATE.DISABLED );	// For exp shadow map, the Z order is reversed
				m_Device.ClearDepthStencil( m_Tex_ShadowMap, 1.0f, 0, true, false );
				m_Device.SetRenderStates( checkBoxCullFront.Checked ? RASTERIZER_STATE.CULL_BACK : RASTERIZER_STATE.CULL_NONE, DEPTHSTENCIL_STATE.READ_WRITE_DEPTH_LESS, BLEND_STATE.DISABLED );	// For exp shadow map, the Z order is reversed
				m_Device.ClearDepthStencil( m_Tex_ShadowMap, 1.0f, 0, true, false );
				RenderScene( m_Shader_RenderShadowMap );

				m_Tex_ShadowMap.SetPS( 2 );

			if ( m_Shader_FilterShadowMapH != null ) {
//				m_Tex_ShadowMapFiltered[1].RemoveFromLastAssignedSlots();


				// Filter horizontally
				m_Device.SetRenderTarget( m_Tex_ShadowMapFiltered[0], null );
				m_Prim_Quad.Render( m_Shader_FilterShadowMapH );

				// Filter vertically
				m_Device.SetRenderTarget( m_Tex_ShadowMapFiltered[1], null );
				m_Tex_ShadowMapFiltered[0].SetPS( 2 );

				m_Prim_Quad.Render( m_Shader_FilterShadowMapV );

				m_Tex_ShadowMapFiltered[1].SetPS( 2 );
			if ( m_Shader_BuildSmoothie != null && m_Shader_BuildSmoothie.Use() ) {


				// Render the (silhouette + Z) RG16 buffer
				m_Device.SetRenderTarget( m_Tex_ShadowSmoothie, null );

				m_Prim_Quad.Render( m_Shader_BuildSmoothie );

				m_Tex_ShadowSmoothie.SetPS( 3 );

				// Build distance field
				m_Device.SetRenderTarget( m_Tex_ShadowSmoothiePou[0], null );
				m_Prim_Quad.Render( m_Shader_BuildSmoothieDistanceFieldH );

// m_Device.RemoveRenderTargets();
// m_Tex_ShadowSmoothiePou[0].SetPS( 3 );

				m_Device.SetRenderTarget( m_Tex_ShadowSmoothiePou[1], null );
				m_Tex_ShadowSmoothiePou[0].SetPS( 0 );
				m_Prim_Quad.Render( m_Shader_BuildSmoothieDistanceFieldV );

				m_Tex_ShadowSmoothiePou[1].SetPS( 3 );

			// =========== Render scene ===========
			m_Device.SetRenderTarget( m_Device.DefaultTarget, m_Device.DefaultDepthStencil );

			m_Device.Clear( m_Device.DefaultTarget, float4.Zero );
			m_Device.ClearDepthStencil( m_Device.DefaultDepthStencil, 1.0f, 0, true, false );

			m_Tex_AreaLightSAT.SetPS( 0 );
//			m_Tex_AreaLight3D.SetPS( 0 );
			m_Tex_AreaLightSATFade.SetPS( 1 );
			m_Tex_AreaLight.SetPS( 4 );
			m_Tex_FalseColors.SetPS( 6 );
// 			m_Tex_GlossMap.SetPS( 7 );
// 			m_Tex_Normal.SetPS( 8 );

			// Render the area light itself
			if ( m_Shader_RenderAreaLight != null && m_Shader_RenderAreaLight.Use() ) {

				m_CB_Object.m._Local2World = AreaLight2World;
				m_CB_Object.m._Local2World.Scale( new float3( SizeX, SizeY, 1.0f ) );
				m_CB_Object.m._World2Local = m_CB_Object.m._Local2World.Inverse;
				m_CB_Object.m._UseTexture = checkBoxUseTexture.Checked ? 1U : 0U;
				m_CB_Object.m._FalseColors = checkBoxFalseColors.Checked ? 1U : 0U;
				m_CB_Object.m._FalseColorsMaxRange = floatTrackbarControlFalseColorsRange.Value;

				m_Prim_Rectangle.Render( m_Shader_RenderAreaLight );
			} else {
				m_Device.Clear( new float4( 1, 0, 0, 0 ) );

			// Render the scene
			if ( m_Shader_RenderScene != null && m_Shader_RenderScene.Use() ) {

				RenderScene( m_Shader_RenderScene );

			} else {
				m_Device.Clear( new float4( 1, 1, 0, 0 ) );

			// Show!
			m_Device.Present( false );

			// Update window text
//			Text = "Zombizous Prototype - " + m_Game.m_CurrentGameTime.ToString( "G5" ) + "s";
Exemple #13
 public float3x3(float4x4 _Source)
        // 		/// <summary>
        // 		/// Converts an angle+axis into a plain rotation matrix
        // 		/// </summary>
        // 		/// <param name="_Angle"></param>
        // 		/// <param name="_Axis"></param>
        // 		/// <returns></returns>
        // 		protected float4x4	AngleAxis2Matrix( float _Angle, float3 _Axis ) {
        // 			// Convert into a quaternion
        // 			float3	qv = (float) System.Math.Sin( .5f * _Angle ) * _Axis;
        // 			float	qs = (float) System.Math.Cos( .5f * _Angle );
        // 			// Then into a matrix
        // 			float	xs, ys, zs, wx, wy, wz, xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz;
        // // 			Quat	q = new Quat( _Source );
        // // 			q.Normalize();		// A cast to a matrix only works with normalized quaternions!
        // 			xs = 2.0f * qv.x;	ys = 2.0f * qv.y;	zs = 2.0f * qv.z;
        // 			wx = qs * xs;		wy = qs * ys;		wz = qs * zs;
        // 			xx = qv.x * xs;	xy = qv.x * ys;	xz = qv.x * zs;
        // 			yy = qv.y * ys;	yz = qv.y * zs;	zz = qv.z * zs;
        // 			float4x4	Ret = float4x4.Identity;
        // 			Ret.r[0].x = 1.0f -	yy - zz;
        // 			Ret.r[0].y =		xy + wz;
        // 			Ret.r[0].z =		xz - wy;
        // 			Ret.r[1].x =		xy - wz;
        // 			Ret.r[1].y = 1.0f -	xx - zz;
        // 			Ret.r[1].z =		yz + wx;
        // 			Ret.r[2].x =		xz + wy;
        // 			Ret.r[2].y =		yz - wx;
        // 			Ret.r[2].z = 1.0f -	xx - yy;
        // 			return	Ret;
        // 		}
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts Euler angles from a rotation matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_Matrix"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected float3 GetEuler( float4x4 _Matrix )
            float3	Ret = new float3();
            float	fSinY = Math.Min( +1.0f, Math.Max( -1.0f, _Matrix[0].z ) ),
                    fCosY = (float) Math.Sqrt( 1.0f - fSinY*fSinY );

            if ( _Matrix[0].x < 0.0 && _Matrix[2].z < 0.0 )
                fCosY = -fCosY;

            if ( (float) Math.Abs( fCosY ) > float.Epsilon )
                Ret.x = (float)  Math.Atan2( _Matrix[1].z / fCosY, _Matrix[2].z / fCosY );
                Ret.y = (float) -Math.Atan2( fSinY, fCosY );
                Ret.z = (float)  Math.Atan2( _Matrix[0].y / fCosY, _Matrix[0].x / fCosY );
                Ret.x = (float)  Math.Atan2( -_Matrix[2].y, _Matrix[1].y );
                Ret.y = (float) -Math.Asin( fSinY );
                Ret.z = 0.0f;

            return	Ret;
Exemple #15
 public static float4x4 operator /( float4x4 _Op0, float _s )
     float	Is = 1.0f / _s;
     float4x4	Ret = new float4x4();
     Ret.m[0, 0] = _Op0.m[0, 0] * Is;
     Ret.m[0, 1] = _Op0.m[0, 1] * Is;
     Ret.m[0, 2] = _Op0.m[0, 2] * Is;
     Ret.m[0, 3] = _Op0.m[0, 3] * Is;
     Ret.m[1, 0] = _Op0.m[1, 0] * Is;
     Ret.m[1, 1] = _Op0.m[1, 1] * Is;
     Ret.m[1, 2] = _Op0.m[1, 2] * Is;
     Ret.m[1, 3] = _Op0.m[1, 3] * Is;
     Ret.m[2, 0] = _Op0.m[2, 0] * Is;
     Ret.m[2, 1] = _Op0.m[2, 1] * Is;
     Ret.m[2, 2] = _Op0.m[2, 2] * Is;
     Ret.m[2, 3] = _Op0.m[2, 3] * Is;
     Ret.m[3, 0] = _Op0.m[3, 0] * Is;
     Ret.m[3, 1] = _Op0.m[3, 1] * Is;
     Ret.m[3, 2] = _Op0.m[3, 2] * Is;
     Ret.m[3, 3] = _Op0.m[3, 3] * Is;
     return	Ret;
        void Control_MouseDown( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
            if ( EnableMouseAction != null && !EnableMouseAction( e ) )
                return;	// Don't do anything

            m_ButtonsDown |= e.Button;		// Add this button

            // Keep a track of the mouse and camera states when button was pressed
            m_ButtonDownTransform = CameraTransform;
            m_ButtonDownTargetObjectMatrix = TargetObjectMatrix;
            m_InvButtonDownTargetObjectMatrix = m_ButtonDownTargetObjectMatrix.Inverse;
            m_ButtonDownMousePosition = ComputeNormalizedScreenPosition( e.X, e.Y, (float) m_Control.Width / m_Control.Height );
            m_ButtonDownCameraTargetDistance = CameraTargetDistance;
            m_ButtonDownNormalizedTargetDistance = NormalizeTargetDistance( m_ButtonDownCameraTargetDistance );
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the rotation matrix to transform a source vector into a target vector
        /// (routine from Thomas Moller)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_Source">The source vector</param>
        /// <param name="_Target">The target vector</param>
        /// <returns>The rotation matrix to apply that will transform</returns>
        public static float4x4 ComputeRotationMatrix( float3 _Source, float3 _Target )
            SharpMath.float4x4	Result = new float4x4();

            float	e = _Source | _Target;
            bool	bReverse = e < 0.0f;
            if ( bReverse )
            {	// Revert target
                _Target = -_Target;
                e = -e;

            if ( e > 1.0f - 0.000001f )
                if ( bReverse )
                {	// Reverse final matrix
             					Result.SetRow0( -Result.GetRow0() );
             					Result.SetRow1( -Result.GetRow1() );
             					Result.SetRow2( -Result.GetRow2() );

                return	Result;					// No rotation needed...

            float3	Ortho = _Source ^ _Target;

            float	h = 1.0f / (1.0f + e);      // Optimization by Gottfried Chen

            Result.SetRow0(	new float3( e + h * Ortho.x * Ortho.x,
                                        h * Ortho.x * Ortho.y + Ortho.z,
                                        h * Ortho.x * Ortho.z - Ortho.y ) );

            Result.SetRow1( new float3( h * Ortho.x * Ortho.y - Ortho.z,
                                        e + h * Ortho.y * Ortho.y,
                                        h * Ortho.y * Ortho.z + Ortho.x ) );

            Result.SetRow2(	new float3( h * Ortho.x * Ortho.z + Ortho.y,
                                        h * Ortho.y * Ortho.z - Ortho.x,
                                        e + h * Ortho.z * Ortho.z ) );

            if ( bReverse )
            {	// Reverse final matrix
             				Result.SetRow0( -Result.GetRow0() );
             				Result.SetRow1( -Result.GetRow1() );
             				Result.SetRow2( -Result.GetRow2() );

            return	Result;
        void Control_MouseUp( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
            m_ButtonsDown = MouseButtons.None;	// Remove all buttons

            // Update the mouse and camera states when button is released
            m_ButtonDownTransform = CameraTransform;
            m_ButtonDownTargetObjectMatrix = TargetObjectMatrix;
            m_ButtonDownMousePosition = ComputeNormalizedScreenPosition( e.X, e.Y, (float) m_Control.Width / m_Control.Height );
            m_ButtonDownCameraTargetDistance = CameraTargetDistance;
            m_ButtonDownNormalizedTargetDistance = NormalizeTargetDistance( m_ButtonDownCameraTargetDistance );
Exemple #19
 public float4x4( float4x4 _Source )
     Set( _Source );
Exemple #20
        static void TestFloat4x4()
            if ( System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(float4x4)) != 64 )
            throw new Exception( "Not the appropriate size!" );

            float4x4	test1 = new float4x4( new float[16] { 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 } );
            float4x4	test2 = new float4x4( new float4( 1, 0, 0, 0 ), new float4( 0, 1, 0, 0 ), new float4( 0, 0, 1, 0 ), new float4( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) );
            float4x4	test3 = new float4x4( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 );
            float4x4	test0;
                test0 = test3;
            test2.Scale( new float3( 2, 2, 2 ) );
            float3x3	cast = (float3x3) test3;
            float4x4	mul0 = test1 * test2;
            float4x4	mul1 = 3.0f * test2;
            float4		mul2 = new float4( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) * test3;
            float4		access0 = test3[2];
            test3[1] = new float4( 12, 13, 14, 15 );
            float		access1 = test3[1,2];
            test3[1,2] = 18;
            float		coFactor = test3.CoFactor( 0, 2 );
            float		det = test3.Determinant;
            float4x4	inv = test2.Inverse;
            float4x4	id = float4x4.Identity;

            test3.BuildRotLeftHanded( float3.UnitZ, float3.Zero, float3.UnitY );
            test3.BuildRotRightHanded( float3.UnitZ, float3.Zero, float3.UnitY );
            test3.BuildProjectionPerspective( 1.2f, 2.0f, 0.01f, 10.0f );
            test3.BuildRotationX( 0.5f );
            test3.BuildRotationY( 0.5f );
            test3.BuildRotationZ( 0.5f );
            test3.BuildFromAngleAxis( 0.5f, float3.UnitY );
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a perspective projection float4x4 for the camera
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_FOV"></param>
        /// <param name="_AspectRatio"></param>
        /// <param name="_Near"></param>
        /// <param name="_Far"></param>
        public void CreatePerspectiveCamera( float _FOV, float _AspectRatio, float _Near, float _Far )
            m_Near = _Near;
            m_Far = _Far;
            m_AspectRatio = _AspectRatio;
            m_PerspFOV = _FOV;

            float4x4	Temp = new float4x4();
            Temp.BuildProjectionPerspective( _FOV, _AspectRatio, _Near, _Far );
            this.Camera2Proj = Temp;
            m_bIsPerspective = true;

            // Build camera data
            m_CachedCameraData.x = (float) Math.Tan( 0.5 * m_PerspFOV );
            m_CachedCameraData.y = m_AspectRatio;
            m_CachedCameraData.z = m_Near;
            m_CachedCameraData.w = m_Far;