Exemple #1
        public Environment()
            globalScope = new Scope ("Global", null);

            globalScope.vars ["eval"] = new SharpFunction (InternalEval, "eval");

            globalScope.vars ["print"] = new SharpFunction (VariadicPrint, "print");
            globalScope.vars ["throw"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.Throw, "throw");

            globalScope.vars ["+"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.VariadicAdd, "+");
            globalScope.vars ["*"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.VariadicMultiplication, "*");
            globalScope.vars ["-"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.VariadicSubtraction, "-");
            globalScope.vars ["/"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.VariadicDivision, "/");
            globalScope.vars ["="] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.VariadicEqual, "=");
            globalScope.vars [">"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.VariadicCheck((a, b) => a > b), ">");
            globalScope.vars ["<"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.VariadicCheck((a, b) => a < b), "<");
            globalScope.vars ["<="] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.VariadicCheck((a, b) => a <= b), "<=");
            globalScope.vars [">="] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.VariadicCheck((a, b) => a >= b), ">=");
            globalScope.vars ["mod"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.Modulus, "mod");

            globalScope.vars ["invoke-static"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.InvokeStatic, "invoke-static");
            globalScope.vars ["invoke-member"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.InvokeMember, "invoke-member");
            globalScope.vars ["new"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.New, ".");

            globalScope.vars ["seq"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.Seq, "seq");
            globalScope.vars ["empty?"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.IsEmpty, "empty?");
            globalScope.vars ["nth"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.Nth, "nth");
            globalScope.vars ["first"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.First, "first");
            globalScope.vars ["rest"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.Rest, "rest");
            globalScope.vars ["count"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.Count, "count");
            globalScope.vars ["cons"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.Cons, "cons");
            globalScope.vars ["conj"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.Conj, "conj");
            globalScope.vars ["list"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.List, "list");

            globalScope.vars ["load"] = new SharpFunction (LoadFile, "load");
            globalScope.vars ["type"] = new SharpFunction (BuiltInFunctions.Type, "type");
Exemple #2
 public Scope(string pName, Scope pEnclosingScope)
     name = pName;
     enclosingScope = pEnclosingScope;
Exemple #3
 private object Set(SharpList pList, Scope pCurrentScope)
     string symbolName = (pList [1] as SymbolToken).value;
     Scope s = pCurrentScope.TryResolveScope (symbolName);
     s.SetVar (symbolName, Eval(pList [2], pCurrentScope));
     return s.vars[symbolName];
Exemple #4
 private object Quote(SharpList pList, Scope pCurrentScope)
     return pList [1];
Exemple #5
        private object Let(SharpList pList, Scope pCurrentScope)
            SharpVector bindingsVector = pList [1] as SharpVector;
            if(bindingsVector == null) {
                Error ("The first argument to let is not a bindings vector", pList);

            Scope letScope = new Scope ("Let" + _letScopeCounter++, pCurrentScope);
            #if LOG_SCOPES
            Console.WriteLine ("Created new let scope: " + letScope.name);

            for (int i = 0; i < bindingsVector.Count; i += 2) {
                SymbolToken symbolToken = bindingsVector [i] as SymbolToken;
                if(symbolToken == null) {
                    Error("Argument " + (i).ToString() + " in let binding is not a symbol", pList);
                letScope.SetVar (symbolToken.value, Eval (bindingsVector[i + 1], pCurrentScope));

            SharpList copy = new SharpList ();
            for (int i = 2; i < pList.Count; i++) {

            object lastResult = null;
            foreach(var item in copy) {
                //Console.WriteLine("Time to eval " + item);
                lastResult = Eval (item, letScope);
            return lastResult;
Exemple #6
        private object If(SharpList pList, Scope pCurrentScope)
            object condition = GetEvaled (pList, 1, pCurrentScope);

            bool isTrue = (condition != null);

            if (condition is bool) {
                isTrue = (bool)condition;

            object result = null;

            if (isTrue) {
                result = GetEvaled (pList, 2, pCurrentScope);
            } else if(pList.Count > 3) {
                result = GetEvaled (pList, 3, pCurrentScope);

            return result;
Exemple #7
 object GetEvaled(SharpList pList, int pPosition, Scope pCurrentScope)
     return Eval(pList [pPosition], pCurrentScope);
Exemple #8
        private object FunctionCall(SharpList pList, Scope pCurrentScope)
            List<object> evaledArgs = new List<object> ();
            for (int i = 1; i < pList.Count; i++) {
                if(pList[i] != null) {
                    evaledArgs.Add(GetEvaled (pList, i, pCurrentScope));
                } else {
                    evaledArgs.Add (null);

            SharpFunction f = GetEvaled(pList, 0, pCurrentScope) as SharpFunction;
            object result = f.function (evaledArgs.ToArray());

            //Console.WriteLine ("(" + f + (evaledArgs.Count > 0 ? " " : "") + string.Join(" ", evaledArgs) + ") -> " + result);

            return result;
Exemple #9
        private object Fn(SharpList pList, Scope pCurrentScope)
            SharpVector argBindings = pList [1] as SharpVector;
            if(argBindings == null) {
                Error ("The first argument to fn is not a vector of args", pList);

            SharpVector argBindingsDeepCopy = new SharpVector ();
            foreach(var argBinding in argBindings) {
                argBindingsDeepCopy.Add (argBinding);

            SharpList body = new SharpList ();
            for (int i = 2; i < pList.Count; i++) {

            Scope closure = new Scope ("Closure" + _closureCounter++, pCurrentScope);
            #if LOG_SCOPES
            Console.WriteLine ("Created new closure: " + closure.name);

            string functionName = "Fn" + _functionCounter++;

            return new SharpFunction(args => {

                Scope functionCallScope = new Scope ("FunctionCallScope" + _functionCallScopeCounter++, closure);
            #if LOG_SCOPES
                Console.WriteLine ("Created new function call scope: " + functionCallScope.name);

                int argPos = 0;

                for(int argBindingPos = 0; argBindingPos < argBindingsDeepCopy.Count; argBindingPos++) {
                    var argBinding = argBindingsDeepCopy[argBindingPos];

                    if(argBinding is ReservedToken && (argBinding as ReservedToken).type == TokenType.AMPERSAND) {
                        SymbolToken finalSymbol = argBindingsDeepCopy[argBindingPos] as SymbolToken;

                        if(finalSymbol == null) {
                            Error ("Final arg binding after ampersand is not a symbol: " + argBindingsDeepCopy[argBindingPos], pList);

                        var restOfArgs = new SharpList ();
                        while (argPos < args.Length) {
                        functionCallScope.SetVar(finalSymbol.value, restOfArgs);

                    SymbolToken symbol = argBinding as SymbolToken;
                    if(symbol == null) {
                        Error("Arg binding is not a symbol: " + symbol, pList);

                    functionCallScope.SetVar(symbol.value, args[argPos++]);

            //				Console.WriteLine(functionName + " was called with " + args.Length + " arguments:");
            //				foreach(var arg in args) {
            //					if(arg == null) {
            //						Console.WriteLine("null");
            //					} else {
            //						Console.WriteLine(arg.ToString());
            //					}
            //				}

                object lastResult = null;
                foreach(var item in body) {
                    //Console.WriteLine("Time to eval " + item);
                    lastResult = Eval (item, functionCallScope);
                return lastResult;
            }, functionName);
Exemple #10
        private object EvalVector(SharpVector pVector, Scope pCurrentScope)
            SharpVector evaledVector = new SharpVector ();

            foreach (var item in pVector) {
                evaledVector.Add (Eval (item, pCurrentScope));

            return evaledVector;
Exemple #11
        private object EvalList(SharpList pList, Scope pCurrentScope)
            if (pList.Count == 0) {
                return pList;

            if (pList[0] is SymbolToken) {
                //Console.WriteLine ("Found symbol token " + pList[0]);
                if (_macroDefinitions.ContainsKey (((SymbolToken)pList[0]).value)) {
                    SymbolToken macroName = pList [0] as SymbolToken;
                    object result = CallMacro (_macroDefinitions[macroName.value], pList, pCurrentScope);
                    return result;

            object firstItem = GetEvaled (pList, 0, pCurrentScope);

            if (firstItem is ReservedToken) {
                ReservedToken token = firstItem as ReservedToken;

                if (token.type == TokenType.DEF) {
                    return Def (pList, pCurrentScope);

                if (token.type == TokenType.FN) {
                    return Fn (pList, pCurrentScope);

                if (token.type == TokenType.LET) {
                    return Let (pList, pCurrentScope);

                if (token.type == TokenType.IF) {
                    return If (pList, pCurrentScope);

                if (token.type == TokenType.DEFMACRO) {
                    return DefMacro (pList, pCurrentScope);

                if (token.type == TokenType.QUOTE) {
                    return Quote (pList, pCurrentScope);

                if (token.type == TokenType.SET) {
                    return Set (pList, pCurrentScope);

                throw new Exception("Can't understand ReservedToken: " + token);

            if (firstItem is SharpFunction) {
                return FunctionCall (pList, pCurrentScope);

            Error ("Can't eval function with first item '" + firstItem, pList);

            return null;
Exemple #12
        private object Eval(object o, Scope pCurrentScope)
            //Console.WriteLine ("Eval: " + o); // + " in " + pCurrentScope.name);

            object result = null;

            if (o is SharpList) {
                result = EvalList (o as SharpList, pCurrentScope);
            } else if (o is SharpVector) {
                result = EvalVector (o as SharpVector, pCurrentScope);
            } else if (o is SymbolToken) {
                result = pCurrentScope.TryResolveSymbol (o as SymbolToken);
            } else {
                result = o; // things that resolve to themselves

            return result;
Exemple #13
        private object DefMacro(SharpList pList, Scope pCurrentScope)
            SymbolToken macroNameSymbol = pList [1] as SymbolToken;
            if (macroNameSymbol == null) {
                Error("The first argument to defmacro is not a string", pList);

            _macroDefinitions[macroNameSymbol.value] = pList;

            return pList;
Exemple #14
 private object Def(SharpList pList, Scope pCurrentScope)
     SymbolToken symbolToken = pList [1] as SymbolToken;
     if(symbolToken == null) {
         Error ("The first argument to def is not a symbol", pList);
     globalScope.SetVar(symbolToken.value, GetEvaled(pList, 2, pCurrentScope));
     return symbolToken;
Exemple #15
        private object CompileMacro(object pBody, Scope pScope)
            string pre = "";

            if (pBody == null) {
                pre = "null";
            } else {
                pre = pBody.ToString ();

            object compiled = Eval (pBody, pScope);

            string post = "";

            if (compiled == null) {
                post = "null";
            } else {
                post = compiled.ToString ();

            #if MACRODEBUG
            Console.WriteLine ("Compiled " + pre + " to " + post);

            if (pre == post) {
                return compiled;
            } else {
                return CompileMacro (compiled, pScope);
Exemple #16
        private object CallMacro(SharpList pMacroForm, SharpList pInvokingList, Scope pCurrentScope)
            SymbolToken macroNameSymbol = pMacroForm [1] as SymbolToken;
            if (macroNameSymbol == null) {
                Error("The first argument to macro is not a string", pInvokingList);

            //Console.WriteLine ("Calling macro " + macroNameSymbol.value);

            var argBindings = pMacroForm [2] as SharpVector;
            if (argBindings == null) {
                Error("The second argument to macro is not a vector of args", pInvokingList);

            List<object> args = new List<object> ();
            for (int i = 1; i < pInvokingList.Count; i++) {
                args.Add (pInvokingList[i]);

            int argPos = 0;

            Scope macroScope = new Scope ("Macro scope " + _macroScopeCounter++, pCurrentScope);

            for(int argBindingPos = 0; argBindingPos < argBindings.Count; argBindingPos++) {

                var argBinding = argBindings [argBindingPos];

                if(argBinding is ReservedToken && (argBinding as ReservedToken).type == TokenType.AMPERSAND) {
                    SymbolToken finalSymbol = argBindings[argBindingPos] as SymbolToken;

                    if(finalSymbol == null) {
                        Error("Final arg binding after ampersand is not a symbol: " + argBindings[argBindingPos], pInvokingList);

                    var restOfArgs = new SharpList ();
                    while (argPos < args.Count) {
                    macroScope.SetVar(finalSymbol.value, restOfArgs);

                SymbolToken symbol = argBinding as SymbolToken;
                if (symbol == null) {
                    Error ("One of the bindings to the macro is not a symbol", pInvokingList);

                macroScope.SetVar(symbol.value, args[argPos]);
            #if MACRODEBUG
                Console.WriteLine ("Setting " + symbol.value + " to " + args[argPos] + " at arg pos " + argPos);


            List<object> compiledForms = new List<object> ();

            for(int i = 3; i < pMacroForm.Count; i++) {
                object compiledBody = CompileMacro(pMacroForm [i], macroScope);
                compiledForms.Add (compiledBody);

            #if MACRODEBUG
            Console.WriteLine("Compiled macro " + macroNameSymbol.value + " to the following forms: ");
            foreach(var form in compiledForms) {
                if(form != null) {
                    Console.WriteLine(form.ToString ());
                else {

            object lastResult = null;
            foreach(var form in compiledForms) {
                //Console.WriteLine ("Eval form " + form.ToString());
                lastResult = Eval (form, pCurrentScope);

            return lastResult;