Exemple #1
        public static bool BoxIntersectsSphere(ref BoundingBox box, ref BoundingSphere sphere)
            Vector3 result;

            Vector3.Clamp(ref sphere.Center, ref box.Minimum, ref box.Maximum, out result);
            return((double)Vector3.DistanceSquared(sphere.Center, result) <= (double)sphere.Radius * (double)sphere.Radius);
Exemple #2
        public static ContainmentType BoxContainsSphere(ref BoundingBox box, ref BoundingSphere sphere)
            Vector3 result;

            Vector3.Clamp(ref sphere.Center, ref box.Minimum, ref box.Maximum, out result);
            if ((double)Vector3.DistanceSquared(sphere.Center, result) > (double)sphere.Radius * (double)sphere.Radius)
            return((double)box.Minimum.X + (double)sphere.Radius <= (double)sphere.Center.X && (double)sphere.Center.X <= (double)box.Maximum.X - (double)sphere.Radius && ((double)box.Maximum.X - (double)box.Minimum.X > (double)sphere.Radius && (double)box.Minimum.Y + (double)sphere.Radius <= (double)sphere.Center.Y) && ((double)sphere.Center.Y <= (double)box.Maximum.Y - (double)sphere.Radius && (double)box.Maximum.Y - (double)box.Minimum.Y > (double)sphere.Radius && ((double)box.Minimum.Z + (double)sphere.Radius <= (double)sphere.Center.Z && (double)sphere.Center.Z <= (double)box.Maximum.Z - (double)sphere.Radius)) && (double)box.Maximum.X - (double)box.Minimum.X > (double)sphere.Radius ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Intersects);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether a <see cref="SharpDX.OrientedBoundingBox"/> contains a <see cref="SharpDX.BoundingSphere"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sphere">The sphere to test.</param>
        /// <param name="IgnoreScale">Optimize the check operation by assuming that <see cref="SharpDX.OrientedBoundingBox"/> has no scaling applied</param>
        /// <returns>The type of containment the two objects have.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is not designed for <see cref="SharpDX.OrientedBoundingBox"/> which has a non-uniform scaling applied to its transformation matrix.
        /// But any type of scaling applied using Scale method will keep this method accurate.
        /// </remarks>
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingSphere sphere, bool IgnoreScale = false)
            Matrix invTrans;

            Matrix.Invert(ref Transformation, out invTrans);

            // Transform sphere center into the obb coordinates
            Vector3 locCenter;

            Vector3.TransformCoordinate(ref sphere.Center, ref invTrans, out locCenter);

            float locRadius;

            if (IgnoreScale)
                locRadius = sphere.Radius;
                // Transform sphere radius into the obb coordinates
                Vector3 vRadius = Vector3.UnitX * sphere.Radius;
                Vector3.TransformNormal(ref vRadius, ref invTrans, out vRadius);
                locRadius = vRadius.Length();

            //Perform regular BoundingBox to BoundingSphere containment check
            Vector3 minusExtens = -Extents;
            Vector3 vector;

            Vector3.Clamp(ref locCenter, ref minusExtens, ref Extents, out vector);
            float distance = Vector3.DistanceSquared(locCenter, vector);

            if (distance > locRadius * locRadius)

            if ((((minusExtens.X + locRadius <= locCenter.X) && (locCenter.X <= Extents.X - locRadius)) && ((Extents.X - minusExtens.X > locRadius) &&
                                                                                                            (minusExtens.Y + locRadius <= locCenter.Y))) && (((locCenter.Y <= Extents.Y - locRadius) && (Extents.Y - minusExtens.Y > locRadius)) &&
                                                                                                                                                             (((minusExtens.Z + locRadius <= locCenter.Z) && (locCenter.Z <= Extents.Z - locRadius)) && (Extents.X - minusExtens.X > locRadius))))
