public void Render(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Camera camera, Matrix worldMatrix)
            // Render scene.

            graphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.Opaque;
            graphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
            graphicsDevice.RasterizerState = RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise;

            graphicsDevice.SamplerStates[0] = SamplerStateUtility.ShadowMap;

            _meshEffect.VisualizeCascades = _settings.VisualizeCascades;
            _meshEffect.FilterAcrossCascades = _settings.FilterAcrossCascades;
            _meshEffect.FilterSize = _settings.FixedFilterSize;
            _meshEffect.Bias = _settings.Bias;
            _meshEffect.OffsetScale = _settings.OffsetScale;

            _meshEffect.ViewProjection = camera.ViewProjection;
            _meshEffect.CameraPosWS = camera.Position;

            _meshEffect.ShadowMap = _shadowMap;

            _meshEffect.LightDirection = _settings.LightDirection;
            _meshEffect.LightColor = _settings.LightColor;

            _boundingFrustum.Matrix = camera.ViewProjection;

            // Draw all meshes.
            foreach (var mesh in _scene.Meshes)
                if (!_boundingFrustum.Intersects(mesh.BoundingSphere))

                foreach (var meshPart in mesh.MeshParts)
                    if (meshPart.PrimitiveCount > 0)
                        var basicEffect = (BasicEffect) meshPart.Effect;

                        _meshEffect.DiffuseColor = basicEffect.DiffuseColor;
                        _meshEffect.World = _sceneTransforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * worldMatrix;

                        graphicsDevice.Indices = meshPart.IndexBuffer;

                            meshPart.VertexOffset, 0, meshPart.NumVertices,
                            meshPart.StartIndex, meshPart.PrimitiveCount);
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes the "global" shadow matrix used as the reference point for the cascades.
        /// </summary>
        private Matrix MakeGlobalShadowMatrix(Camera camera)
            // Get the 8 points of the view frustum in world space

            var invViewProj = Matrix.Invert(camera.ViewProjection);
            var frustumCenter = Vector3.Zero;
            for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                _frustumCorners[i] = Vector4.Transform(_frustumCorners[i], invViewProj).ToVector3();
                frustumCenter += _frustumCorners[i];

            frustumCenter /= 8.0f;

            // Pick the up vector to use for the light camera
            var upDir = camera.Right;

            // This needs to be constant for it to be stable
            if (_settings.StabilizeCascades)
                upDir = Vector3.Up;

            // Get position of the shadow camera
            var shadowCameraPos = frustumCenter + _settings.LightDirection * -0.5f;

            // Come up with a new orthographic camera for the shadow caster
            var shadowCamera = new OrthographicCamera(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            shadowCamera.SetLookAt(shadowCameraPos, frustumCenter, upDir);

            var texScaleBias = Matrix.CreateScale(0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f);
            texScaleBias.Translation = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
            return shadowCamera.ViewProjection * texScaleBias;
        private void RenderDepth(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Camera camera, Matrix worldMatrix, bool shadowRendering)
            graphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.Opaque;
            graphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;

            graphicsDevice.RasterizerState = shadowRendering
                ? RasterizerStateUtility.CreateShadowMap
                : RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise;

            var worldViewProjection = worldMatrix * camera.ViewProjection;

            foreach (var mesh in _scene.Meshes)
                foreach (var meshPart in mesh.MeshParts)
                    if (meshPart.PrimitiveCount > 0)
                        _shadowMapEffect.WorldViewProjection = _sceneTransforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * worldViewProjection;

                        graphicsDevice.Indices = meshPart.IndexBuffer;

                            meshPart.VertexOffset, 0, meshPart.NumVertices,
                            meshPart.StartIndex, meshPart.PrimitiveCount);
        public void RenderShadowMap(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Camera camera, Matrix worldMatrix)
            // Set cascade split ratios.
            _cascadeSplits[0] = _settings.SplitDistance0;
            _cascadeSplits[1] = _settings.SplitDistance1;
            _cascadeSplits[2] = _settings.SplitDistance2;
            _cascadeSplits[3] = _settings.SplitDistance3;

            var globalShadowMatrix = MakeGlobalShadowMatrix(camera);
            _meshEffect.ShadowMatrix = globalShadowMatrix;

            // Render the meshes to each cascade.
            for (var cascadeIdx = 0; cascadeIdx < NumCascades; ++cascadeIdx)
                // Set the shadow map as the render target
                graphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(_shadowMap, cascadeIdx);
                graphicsDevice.Clear(ClearOptions.Target | ClearOptions.DepthBuffer, Color.White, 1.0f, 0);

                // Get the 8 points of the view frustum in world space

                var prevSplitDist = cascadeIdx == 0 ? 0.0f : _cascadeSplits[cascadeIdx - 1];
                var splitDist = _cascadeSplits[cascadeIdx];

                var invViewProj = Matrix.Invert(camera.ViewProjection);
                for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                    _frustumCorners[i] = Vector4.Transform(_frustumCorners[i], invViewProj).ToVector3();

                // Get the corners of the current cascade slice of the view frustum
                for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    var cornerRay = _frustumCorners[i + 4] - _frustumCorners[i];
                    var nearCornerRay = cornerRay * prevSplitDist;
                    var farCornerRay = cornerRay * splitDist;
                    _frustumCorners[i + 4] = _frustumCorners[i] + farCornerRay;
                    _frustumCorners[i] = _frustumCorners[i] + nearCornerRay;

                // Calculate the centroid of the view frustum slice
                var frustumCenter = Vector3.Zero;
                for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                    frustumCenter = frustumCenter + _frustumCorners[i];
                frustumCenter /= 8.0f;

                // Pick the up vector to use for the light camera
                var upDir = camera.Right;

                Vector3 minExtents;
                Vector3 maxExtents;

                    // This needs to be constant for it to be stable
                    upDir = Vector3.Up;

                    // Calculate the radius of a bounding sphere surrounding the frustum corners
                    var sphereRadius = 0.0f;
                    for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                        var dist = (_frustumCorners[i] - frustumCenter).Length();
                        sphereRadius = Math.Max(sphereRadius, dist);

                    sphereRadius = (float) Math.Ceiling(sphereRadius * 16.0f) / 16.0f;

                    maxExtents = new Vector3(sphereRadius);
                    minExtents = -maxExtents;
                    // Create a temporary view matrix for the light
                    var lightCameraPos = frustumCenter;
                    var lookAt = frustumCenter - _settings.LightDirection;
                    var lightView = Matrix.CreateLookAt(lightCameraPos, lookAt, upDir);

                    // Calculate an AABB around the frustum corners
                    var mins = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
                    var maxes = new Vector3(float.MinValue);
                    for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                        var corner = Vector4.Transform(_frustumCorners[i], lightView).ToVector3();
                        mins = Vector3.Min(mins, corner);
                        maxes = Vector3.Max(maxes, corner);

                    minExtents = mins;
                    maxExtents = maxes;

                    // Adjust the min/max to accommodate the filtering size
                    var scale = (ShadowMapSize + _settings.FixedFilterKernelSize) / (float) ShadowMapSize;
                    minExtents.X *= scale;
                    minExtents.Y *= scale;
                    maxExtents.X *= scale;
                    maxExtents.Y *= scale;

                var cascadeExtents = maxExtents - minExtents;

                // Get position of the shadow camera
                var shadowCameraPos = frustumCenter + _settings.LightDirection * -minExtents.Z;

                // Come up with a new orthographic camera for the shadow caster
                var shadowCamera = new OrthographicCamera(
                    minExtents.X, minExtents.Y, maxExtents.X, maxExtents.Y,
                    0.0f, cascadeExtents.Z);
                shadowCamera.SetLookAt(shadowCameraPos, frustumCenter, upDir);

                if (_settings.StabilizeCascades)
                    // Create the rounding matrix, by projecting the world-space origin and determining
                    // the fractional offset in texel space
                    var shadowMatrixTemp = shadowCamera.ViewProjection;
                    var shadowOrigin = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                    shadowOrigin = Vector4.Transform(shadowOrigin, shadowMatrixTemp);
                    shadowOrigin = shadowOrigin * (ShadowMapSize / 2.0f);

                    var roundedOrigin = Vector4Utility.Round(shadowOrigin);
                    var roundOffset = roundedOrigin - shadowOrigin;
                    roundOffset = roundOffset * (2.0f / ShadowMapSize);
                    roundOffset.Z = 0.0f;
                    roundOffset.W = 0.0f;

                    var shadowProj = shadowCamera.Projection;
                    //shadowProj.r[3] = shadowProj.r[3] + roundOffset;
                    shadowProj.M41 += roundOffset.X;
                    shadowProj.M42 += roundOffset.Y;
                    shadowProj.M43 += roundOffset.Z;
                    shadowProj.M44 += roundOffset.W;
                    shadowCamera.Projection = shadowProj;

                // Draw the mesh with depth only, using the new shadow camera
                RenderDepth(graphicsDevice, shadowCamera, worldMatrix, true);

                // Apply the scale/offset matrix, which transforms from [-1,1]
                // post-projection space to [0,1] UV space
                var texScaleBias = Matrix.CreateScale(0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f)
                    * Matrix.CreateTranslation(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
                var shadowMatrix = shadowCamera.ViewProjection;
                shadowMatrix = shadowMatrix * texScaleBias;

                // Store the split distance in terms of view space depth
                var clipDist = camera.FarZ - camera.NearZ;

                _meshEffect.CascadeSplits[cascadeIdx] = camera.NearZ + splitDist * clipDist;

                // Calculate the position of the lower corner of the cascade partition, in the UV space
                // of the first cascade partition
                var invCascadeMat = Matrix.Invert(shadowMatrix);
                var cascadeCorner = Vector4.Transform(Vector3.Zero, invCascadeMat).ToVector3();
                cascadeCorner = Vector4.Transform(cascadeCorner, globalShadowMatrix).ToVector3();

                // Do the same for the upper corner
                var otherCorner = Vector4.Transform(Vector3.One, invCascadeMat).ToVector3();
                otherCorner = Vector4.Transform(otherCorner, globalShadowMatrix).ToVector3();

                // Calculate the scale and offset
                var cascadeScale = Vector3.One / (otherCorner - cascadeCorner);
                _meshEffect.CascadeOffsets[cascadeIdx] = new Vector4(-cascadeCorner, 0.0f);
                _meshEffect.CascadeScales[cascadeIdx] = new Vector4(cascadeScale, 1.0f);