Exemple #1
        /// <summary>Creates a new instance of GridMananger.</summary>
        /// <param name="numCols">The number of rows in the grid.</param>
        /// <param name="numRows">The number of columns in the grid.</param>
        /// <param name="inWorld">The world that contains this grid.</param>
        /// <param name="initSquares">Whether or not to initialize the grid squares.</param>
        private GridManager(int numCols, int numRows, World inWorld, bool initSquares)

            InWorld = inWorld;
            Squares = new GridSqr[numRows, numCols];
            SqrWidth = inWorld.Width / (FInt)numCols;
            SqrHeight = inWorld.Height / (FInt)numRows;

            if (initSquares)
                for (int row = 0; row < NumRows; row++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < NumCols; col++)
                        Squares[row, col] = new GridSqr();
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>Refreshes the visibility of all objects in the specified grid square.</summary>
        /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to refresh.</param>
        /// <param name="array">An array that contains the upper-left corner and the lower-right corner of the area to search.</param>
        /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
        /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
        private void gridRefreshVisibility(GridSqr sqr, object array, TimeSpan time, int opID)
            VectorF topLeft = ((VectorF[])array)[0];
            VectorF bottomRight = ((VectorF[])array)[1];

            foreach (NodeSkel node in sqr.Nodes)
                if (node.LastCheck == time && node.LastCheckNum == opID)

                node.LastCheck = time;
                node.LastCheckNum = opID;

                if (node.Owner.Type == Player.PlayerType.Human
                    || node.X - node.Radius > bottomRight.X
                    || node.X + node.Radius < topLeft.X
                    || node.Y - node.Radius > bottomRight.Y
                    || node.Y + node.Radius < topLeft.Y)

                node.Visible = HumanPlayer.Fog.isVisible(node);

            foreach (SegmentSkel seg in sqr.Segments)
                if (seg.LastCheck == time && seg.LastCheckNum == opID)

                seg.LastCheck = time;
                seg.LastCheckNum = opID;

                if (seg.Owner.Type == Player.PlayerType.Human
                    || Calc.Min(seg.EndLoc[0].X, seg.EndLoc[1].X) > bottomRight.X
                    || Calc.Max(seg.EndLoc[0].X, seg.EndLoc[1].X) < topLeft.X
                    || Calc.Min(seg.EndLoc[0].Y, seg.EndLoc[1].Y) > bottomRight.Y
                    || Calc.Max(seg.EndLoc[0].Y, seg.EndLoc[1].Y) < topLeft.Y)

                seg.Visible = HumanPlayer.Fog.isVisible(seg);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>Search the specified grid square for a node that overlaps the specified point.</summary>
        /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to search.</param>
        /// <param name="array">An array containing the following values: the point to search, whether or not to test only active nodes, and the node, if found.</param>
        /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
        /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
        private void gridNodeAtPoint(GridSqr sqr, object array, TimeSpan time, int opID)
            object[] data = (object[])array;
            VectorF point = (VectorF)data[0];
            bool activeOnly = (bool)data[1];
            #if DEBUG
            if (data[2] != null)
                throw new Exception("The grid node was already found, but the operation was not cancelled.");
            foreach (Node node in sqr.Nodes)
                // make sure we haven't already tested this node
                if ((node.LastCheck != time || node.LastCheckNum != opID) && (node.Active || !activeOnly))
                    VectorF pos = node.Pos;
                    FInt xDiff = point.X - pos.X;
                    FInt yDiff = point.Y - pos.Y;
                    if (Calc.Sqrt((xDiff * xDiff) + (yDiff * yDiff)) <= node.Radius)
                        data[2] = node;
                        Grid.CancelOperation = true;

                    node.LastCheck = time;
                    node.LastCheckNum = opID;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>Search the specified grid square for a hotspot that overlaps the specified point.</summary>
        /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to search.</param>
        /// <param name="array">An array containing the following values: the point to search and the hotspot, if found.</param>
        /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
        /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
        private void gridHotspotAtPoint(GridSqr sqr, object array, TimeSpan time, int opID)
            object[] data = (object[])array;
            VectorF point = (VectorF)data[0];
            #if DEBUG
            if (data[1] != null)
                throw new Exception("The grid hotspot was already found, but the operation was not cancelled.");
            foreach (Hotspot hotspot in sqr.Hotspots)
                // make sure we haven't already tested this hotspot
                if (hotspot.LastCheck != time || hotspot.LastCheckNum != opID)
                    VectorF pos = hotspot.Pos;
                    FInt xDiff = point.X - pos.X;
                    FInt yDiff = point.Y - pos.Y;
                    if (Calc.Sqrt((xDiff * xDiff) + (yDiff * yDiff)) <= (FInt)50) // TODO: get rid of magic number
                        data[1] = hotspot;
                        Grid.CancelOperation = true;

                    hotspot.LastCheck = time;
                    hotspot.LastCheckNum = opID;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>Searches for specified grid square for the a geo vertex that overlaps the provided point.</summary>
        /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to search.</param>
        /// <param name="array">An array that contains the following values: the point to search, the geo (if found), and the vertex (if found).</param>
        /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
        /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
        private void gridGeoVertexAtPoint(GridSqr sqr, object array, TimeSpan time, int opID)
            VectorF point = (VectorF)((object[])array)[0];

            // TODO: specify threshold
            FInt thresh = (FInt)10;

            foreach (Geo geo in sqr.Geos)
                if (geo.LastCheck == time && geo.LastCheckNum == opID)

                geo.LastCheck = time;
                geo.LastCheckNum = opID;

                // test bounding box
                if (point.X < geo.Left - thresh
                    || point.X > geo.Right + thresh
                    || point.Y < geo.Top - thresh
                    || point.Y > geo.Bottom + thresh)

                // test all vertices
                for (int i = 0; i < geo.Vertices.Length; i += 2)
                    if (point.X > geo.Vertices[i].X - thresh
                        && point.X < geo.Vertices[i].X + thresh
                        && point.Y > geo.Vertices[i].Y - thresh
                        && point.Y < geo.Vertices[i].Y + thresh)
                        ((object[])array)[1] = geo;
                        ((object[])array)[2] = i;
                        Grid.CancelOperation = true;

                if (geo.Vertices.Length > 1)
                    // test last vertex
                    int i = geo.Vertices.Length - 1;
                    if (point.X > geo.Vertices[i].X - thresh
                        && point.X < geo.Vertices[i].X + thresh
                        && point.Y > geo.Vertices[i].Y - thresh
                        && point.Y < geo.Vertices[i].Y + thresh)
                        ((object[])array)[1] = geo;
                        ((object[])array)[2] = i;
                        Grid.CancelOperation = true;

                    // test center
                    if (geo.Vertices.Length > 2
                        && point.X > geo.Center.X - thresh
                        && point.X < geo.Center.X + thresh
                        && point.Y > geo.Center.Y - thresh
                        && point.Y < geo.Center.Y + thresh)
                        ((object[])array)[1] = geo;
                        ((object[])array)[2] = -1;
                        Grid.CancelOperation = true;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>Find all nodes in the specified grid square that collide with the specified circle based on spacing.</summary>
        /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to search.</param>
        /// <param name="array">An object array that contains the following fields: circle center, circle radius, circle spacing, whether to test against nodes' spacing as opposed to radius, nodes to ignore, a list to collect all colliding nodes, and whether to stop after first collision.</param>
        /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
        /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
        private void gridNodeCollNodeSpacing(GridSqr sqr, object array, TimeSpan time, int opID)
            VectorF point = (VectorF)((object[])array)[0];
            FInt radius = (FInt)((object[])array)[1];
            FInt spacing = (FInt)((object[])array)[2];
            Player owner = (Player)((object[])array)[3];
            List<NodeSkel> ignoreNode = (List<NodeSkel>)((object[])array)[4];
            List<NodeSkel> nodeColls = (List<NodeSkel>)((object[])array)[5];
            CollSrchType srchType = (CollSrchType)((object[])array)[6];
            bool includeUnbuilt = (bool)((object[])array)[7];

            // find circle bounding box
            FInt circLeft = point.X - radius - spacing;
            FInt circRight = point.X + radius + spacing;
            FInt circTop = point.Y - radius - spacing;
            FInt circBottom = point.Y + radius + spacing;

            foreach (NodeSkel node in sqr.Nodes)
                if (node.LastCheck != time || node.LastCheckNum != opID)
                    node.LastCheck = time;
                    node.LastCheckNum = opID;

                    if (ignoreNode.Contains(node) || node.Owner != owner || (!includeUnbuilt && !node.Active))

                    FInt minDist = radius + node.Radius + Calc.Max(spacing, node.Spacing);

                    // first compare against bounds and then find intersection
                    if (circLeft <= node.Pos.X + node.Radius + node.Spacing &&
                        circRight >= node.Pos.X - node.Radius - node.Spacing &&
                        circTop <= node.Pos.Y + node.Radius + node.Spacing &&
                        circBottom >= node.Pos.Y - node.Radius - node.Spacing &&
                        VectorF.DistanceApprox(node.Pos, point) < minDist * FInt.F3 &&
                        VectorF.Distance(node.Pos, point) < minDist)

                        if (srchType == CollSrchType.DoesItCollide || srchType == CollSrchType.GetIntersection)
                            Grid.CancelOperation = true;
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>Removes the provided node from the specified grid square.</summary>
 /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to remove the node from.</param>
 /// <param name="node">The node to remove from the grid square.</param>
 /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
 /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
 public void gridRemoveNode(GridSqr sqr, object node, TimeSpan time, int opID)
     ((Node)node).LastCheck = time;
     ((Node)node).LastCheckNum = opID;
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>Removes the provided geometric obstacle from the specified grid square.</summary>
 /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to remove the geometric obstacle from.</param>
 /// <param name="geo">The geometric obstacle to remove from the grid square.</param>
 /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
 /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
 public void gridRemoveGeo(GridSqr sqr, object geo, TimeSpan time, int opID)
     ((Geo)geo).LastCheck = time;
     ((Geo)geo).LastCheckNum = opID;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>Applies the visibility of all nodes in the provided grid square.</summary>
        /// <param name="sqr">The square to apply.</param>
        /// <param name="array"></param>
        /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
        /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
        private void gridInvalidate(GridSqr sqr, object array, TimeSpan time, int opID)
            foreach (Node node in sqr.Nodes)
                if (node.LastCheck != time || node.LastCheckNum != opID)

                    node.LastCheck = time;
                    node.LastCheckNum = opID;
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>Activates a single square on the grid</summary>
 /// <param name="sqr">The square to activate.</param>
 /// <param name="data">null</param>
 /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
 /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
 private void ActivatePoint(GridSqr sqr, object data, TimeSpan time, int opID)
     sqr.Active = true;
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>Find all segments in the specified grid square that collide with the specified line.</summary>
        /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to search.</param>
        /// <param name="array">An object array that contains the following fields: line point1, line point 2, segments to ignore, a list to collect all colliding segments, and whether to stop after first collision.</param>
        /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
        /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
        private void gridSegCollSeg(GridSqr sqr, object array, TimeSpan time, int opID)
            VectorF point1 = (VectorF)((object[])array)[0];
            VectorF point2 = (VectorF)((object[])array)[1];
            List<SegmentSkel> ignoreSeg = (List<SegmentSkel>)((object[])array)[2];
            List<SegmentSkel> segColls = (List<SegmentSkel>)((object[])array)[3];
            CollSrchType srchType = (CollSrchType)((object[])array)[4];
            bool includeUnbuilt = (bool)((object[])array)[5];
            Player owner = includeUnbuilt ? (Player)((object[])array)[6] : null;

            SegmentSkel closestSeg = null;
            VectorF closestInt = VectorF.Zero;
            VectorF closestDist = VectorF.Zero;

            // find line bounds
            FInt lineLeft;
            FInt lineRight;
            FInt lineTop;
            FInt lineBottom;

            if (point1.X < point2.X)
                lineLeft = point1.X;
                lineRight = point2.X;
                lineLeft = point2.X;
                lineRight = point1.X;

            if (point1.Y < point2.Y)
                lineTop = point1.Y;
                lineBottom = point2.Y;
                lineTop = point2.Y;
                lineBottom = point1.Y;

            foreach (SegmentSkel seg in sqr.Segments)
                if ((seg.LastCheck != time || seg.LastCheckNum != opID) && !ignoreSeg.Contains(seg))
                    seg.LastCheck = time;
                    seg.LastCheckNum = opID;

                    // find endpoints
                    VectorF end0;
                    VectorF end1;
                    if (includeUnbuilt && seg.Owner == owner)
                        if (seg.State[1] == SegmentSkel.SegState.Retracting)
                            end0 = seg.EndLoc[0];
                            end0 = ((Segment)seg).Nodes[0].Pos;

                        if (seg.State[0] == SegmentSkel.SegState.Retracting)
                            end1 = seg.EndLoc[1];
                            end1 = ((Segment)seg).Nodes[1].Pos;
                        end0 = seg.EndLoc[0];
                        end1 = seg.EndLoc[1];

                    // find segment bounds
                    FInt segLeft;
                    FInt segRight;
                    FInt segTop;
                    FInt segBottom;

                    if (end1.X < end0.X)
                        segLeft = end1.X;
                        segRight = end0.X;
                        segLeft = end0.X;
                        segRight = end1.X;

                    if (end1.Y < end0.Y)
                        segTop = end1.Y;
                        segBottom = end0.Y;
                        segTop = end0.Y;
                        segBottom = end1.Y;

                    // first compare against bounds and then find intersection
                    if (lineLeft <= segRight &&
                        lineRight >= segLeft &&
                        lineTop <= segBottom &&
                        lineBottom >= segTop)
                        if ((srchType == CollSrchType.GetAllCollisions || srchType == CollSrchType.DoesItCollide) && Calc.DoLinesIntersect(point1, point2, end1, end0))

                            if (srchType == CollSrchType.DoesItCollide)
                                Grid.CancelOperation = true;
                        else if (srchType == CollSrchType.GetIntersection)
                            VectorF? intersection = Calc.LineIntersectIfExists(point1, point2, end1, end0);

                            if (intersection != null)
                                VectorF val = intersection.Value;
                                if (closestSeg == null || Calc.Abs(val.Y - point1.Y) < closestDist.Y || Calc.Abs(val.X - point1.X) < closestDist.X)
                                    closestSeg = seg;
                                    closestInt = val;
                                    closestDist = new VectorF(Calc.Abs(val.X - point1.X), Calc.Abs(val.Y - point1.Y));

            if (srchType == CollSrchType.GetIntersection && closestSeg != null)
                ((object[])array)[7] = closestInt;
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>Find all nodes in the specified grid square that collide with the specified line.</summary>
        /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to search.</param>
        /// <param name="array">An object array that contains the following fields: line point1, line point 2, nodes to ignore, a list to collect all colliding nodes, and whether to stop after first collision.</param>
        /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
        /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
        private void gridSegCollNode(GridSqr sqr, object array, TimeSpan time, int opID)
            VectorF point1 = (VectorF)((object[])array)[0];
            VectorF point2 = (VectorF)((object[])array)[1];
            List<NodeSkel> ignoreNode = (List<NodeSkel>)((object[])array)[2];
            List<NodeSkel> nodeColls = (List<NodeSkel>)((object[])array)[3];
            CollSrchType srchType = (CollSrchType)((object[])array)[4];
            bool includeUnbuilt = (bool)((object[])array)[5];
            Player owner = includeUnbuilt ? (Player)((object[])array)[6] : null;

            // find line bounds
            FInt lineLeft;
            FInt lineRight;
            FInt lineTop;
            FInt lineBottom;

            if (point1.X < point2.X)
                lineLeft = point1.X;
                lineRight = point2.X;
                lineLeft = point2.X;
                lineRight = point1.X;

            if (point1.Y < point2.Y)
                lineTop = point1.Y;
                lineBottom = point2.Y;
                lineTop = point2.Y;
                lineBottom = point1.Y;

            foreach (NodeSkel node in sqr.Nodes)
                if (node.LastCheck != time || node.LastCheckNum != opID)
                    node.LastCheck = time;
                    node.LastCheckNum = opID;

                    // first compare against bounds and then find intersection
                    if ((node.Active || (includeUnbuilt && node.Owner == owner)) &&
                        !ignoreNode.Contains(node) &&
                        lineLeft <= node.Pos.X + node.Radius &&
                        lineRight >= node.Pos.X - node.Radius &&
                        lineTop <= node.Pos.Y + node.Radius &&
                        lineBottom >= node.Pos.Y - node.Radius &&
                        Calc.LinePointDistance(node.Pos, point1, point2) <= node.Radius)

                        if (srchType == CollSrchType.DoesItCollide || srchType == CollSrchType.GetIntersection)
                            Grid.CancelOperation = true;
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>Find all geos in the specified grid square that collide with the specified line.</summary>
        /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to search.</param>
        /// <param name="array">An object array that contains the following fields: line point1, line point 2, null, a list to collect all colliding geos, and whether to stop after first collision.</param>
        /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
        /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
        private void gridSegCollGeo(GridSqr sqr, object array, TimeSpan time, int opID)
            VectorF point1 = (VectorF)((object[])array)[0];
            VectorF point2 = (VectorF)((object[])array)[1];
            // array[2] is null
            List<GeoSkel> geoColls = (List<GeoSkel>)((object[])array)[3];
            CollSrchType srchType = (CollSrchType)((object[])array)[4];

            // find line bounds
            FInt lineLeft;
            FInt lineRight;
            FInt lineTop;
            FInt lineBottom;

            if (point1.X < point2.X)
                lineLeft = point1.X;
                lineRight = point2.X;
                lineLeft = point2.X;
                lineRight = point1.X;

            if (point1.Y < point2.Y)
                lineTop = point1.Y;
                lineBottom = point2.Y;
                lineTop = point2.Y;
                lineBottom = point1.Y;

            // test each geo
            foreach (GeoSkel geo in sqr.Geos)
                if (geo.LastCheck == time && geo.LastCheckNum == opID)

                // if bounding boxes overlap
                if (lineLeft <= geo.Right
                    && lineTop <= geo.Bottom
                    && lineRight >= geo.Left
                    && lineBottom >= geo.Top)
                    for (int i = 0; i < geo.LineTopLeft.Length; i++)
                        // if line's bounding box overlaps
                        if (geo.LineTopLeft[i].X <= lineRight
                            && geo.LineTopLeft[i].Y <= lineBottom
                            && geo.LineLowerRight[i].X >= lineLeft
                            && geo.LineLowerRight[i].Y >= lineTop)
                            int vi;
                            int vi1;

                            if (i == geo.LineTopLeft.Length - 1 && geo.CloseLoop)
                                vi = geo.Vertices.Length - 1;
                                vi1 = 0;
                                vi = i * 2;
                                vi1 = vi + 1;

                            if (Calc.DoLinesIntersect(point1, point2, geo.Vertices[vi], geo.Vertices[vi1]))

                geo.LastCheck = time;
                geo.LastCheckNum = opID;

                // if only one collision was needed, exit out
                if (geoColls.Count != 0 && (srchType == CollSrchType.DoesItCollide || srchType == CollSrchType.GetIntersection))
                    Grid.CancelOperation = true;
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>Find all segments in the specified grid square that collide with the specified circle.</summary>
        /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to search.</param>
        /// <param name="array">An object array that contains the following fields: node center, circle radius, null, segments to ignore, a list to collect all colliding segments, and whether to stop after first collision.</param>
        /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
        /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
        private void gridNodeCollSeg(GridSqr sqr, object array, TimeSpan time, int opID)
            VectorF point = (VectorF)((object[])array)[0];
            FInt radius = (FInt)((object[])array)[1];
            List<SegmentSkel> ignoreSeg = (List<SegmentSkel>)((object[])array)[2];
            List<SegmentSkel> segColls = (List<SegmentSkel>)((object[])array)[3];
            CollSrchType srchType = (CollSrchType)((object[])array)[4];
            bool includeUnbuilt = (bool)((object[])array)[5];
            Player owner = includeUnbuilt ? (Player)((object[])array)[6] : null;

            // find circle bounding box
            FInt circLeft = point.X - radius;
            FInt circRight = point.X + radius;
            FInt circTop = point.Y - radius;
            FInt circBottom = point.Y + radius;

            foreach (SegmentSkel seg in sqr.Segments)
                if ((seg.LastCheck != time || seg.LastCheckNum != opID) && !ignoreSeg.Contains(seg))
                    seg.LastCheck = time;
                    seg.LastCheckNum = opID;

                    // find endpoints
                    VectorF end0;
                    VectorF end1;
                    if (includeUnbuilt && seg.Owner == owner)
                        if (seg.State[1] == SegmentSkel.SegState.Retracting)
                            end0 = seg.EndLoc[0];
                            end0 = ((Segment)seg).Nodes[0].Pos;

                        if (seg.State[0] == SegmentSkel.SegState.Retracting)
                            end1 = seg.EndLoc[1];
                            end1 = ((Segment)seg).Nodes[1].Pos;
                        end0 = seg.EndLoc[0];
                        end1 = seg.EndLoc[1];

                    // find segment bounds
                    FInt segLeft;
                    FInt segRight;
                    FInt segTop;
                    FInt segBottom;

                    if (end1.X < end0.X)
                        segLeft = end1.X;
                        segRight = end0.X;
                        segLeft = end0.X;
                        segRight = end1.X;

                    if (end1.Y < end0.Y)
                        segTop = end1.Y;
                        segBottom = end0.Y;
                        segTop = end0.Y;
                        segBottom = end1.Y;

                    // first compare against bounds and then test for collision
                    if (circLeft <= segRight &&
                        circRight >= segLeft &&
                        circTop <= segBottom &&
                        circBottom >= segTop &&
                        Calc.LinePointDistance(point, end1, end0) <= radius)

                        if (srchType == CollSrchType.GetIntersection || srchType == CollSrchType.DoesItCollide)
                            Grid.CancelOperation = true;
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>Search the specified grid square for a segment owned by the specified player that overlaps the specified point.</summary>
        /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to search.</param>
        /// <param name="array">An array containing the following values: the point to search, the owner of the segment (null if any), and the segment, if found.</param>
        /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
        /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
        private void gridSegmentAtPoint(GridSqr sqr, object array, TimeSpan time, int opID)
            VectorF point = (VectorF)((object[])array)[0];
            Player owner = (Player)((object[])array)[1];

            FInt top = new FInt();
            FInt left = new FInt();
            FInt right = new FInt();
            FInt bottom = new FInt();

            // TODO: specify threshold
            FInt thresh = (FInt)10;

            foreach (Segment seg in sqr.Segments)
                if (seg.LastCheck != time || seg.LastCheckNum != opID)
                    seg.LastCheck = time;
                    seg.LastCheckNum = opID;

                    // get bounding box
                    if (seg.EndLoc[0].X < seg.EndLoc[1].X)
                        left = seg.EndLoc[0].X;
                        right = seg.EndLoc[1].X;
                        left = seg.EndLoc[1].X;
                        right = seg.EndLoc[0].X;

                    if (seg.EndLoc[0].Y < seg.EndLoc[1].Y)
                        top = seg.EndLoc[0].Y;
                        bottom = seg.EndLoc[1].Y;
                        top = seg.EndLoc[1].Y;
                        bottom = seg.EndLoc[0].Y;

                    // test segment
                    if ((seg.Owner == owner || owner == null)
                        && point.X >= left - thresh
                        && point.X <= right + thresh
                        && point.Y >= top - thresh
                        && point.Y <= bottom + thresh
                        && seg.overlapsPoint(point))
                        ((object[])array)[2] = seg;
                        Grid.CancelOperation = true;
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>Adds the provided segment to the specified square.</summary>
 /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to add the segment to.</param>
 /// <param name="seg">The segment to add.</param>
 /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
 /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
 public void gridAddSegment(GridSqr sqr, object seg, TimeSpan time, int opID)
     ((SegmentSkel)seg).LastCheck = time;
     ((SegmentSkel)seg).LastCheckNum = opID;
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>Search the specified grid square for a segment end that overlaps the specified point.</summary>
        /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to search.</param>
        /// <param name="array">An array containing the following values: the point to search, and the segment end, if found.</param>
        /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
        /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
        private void gridSegmentEndAtPoint(GridSqr sqr, object array, TimeSpan time, int opID)
            VectorF point = (VectorF)((object[])array)[0];

            // TODO: specify threshold
            FInt thresh = (FInt)20;

            foreach (Segment seg in sqr.Segments)
                if (seg.LastCheck != time || seg.LastCheckNum != opID)
                    seg.LastCheck = time;
                    seg.LastCheckNum = opID;

                    // test segment
                    if (point.X >= seg.Nodes[0].X - thresh
                        && point.X <= seg.Nodes[0].X + thresh
                        && point.Y >= seg.Nodes[0].Y - thresh
                        && point.Y <= seg.Nodes[0].Y + thresh
                        && !Nodes.Contains(seg.Nodes[0])
                        && VectorF.Distance(point, seg.Nodes[0].Pos) <= thresh)
                        ((object[])array)[1] = seg.Nodes[0];
                    else if (point.X >= seg.Nodes[1].X - thresh
                        && point.X <= seg.Nodes[1].X + thresh
                        && point.Y >= seg.Nodes[1].Y - thresh
                        && point.Y <= seg.Nodes[1].Y + thresh
                        && !Nodes.Contains(seg.Nodes[1])
                        && VectorF.Distance(point, seg.Nodes[1].Pos) <= thresh)
                        ((object[])array)[1] = seg.Nodes[1];


            if (((object[])array)[1] != null)
                Grid.CancelOperation = true;
Exemple #18
 /// <summary>Adds the provided node to the specified square.</summary>
 /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to add the node to.</param>
 /// <param name="node">The node to add.</param>
 /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
 /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
 private void gridAddNode(GridSqr sqr, object node, TimeSpan time, int opID)
     ((NodeSkel)node).LastCheck = time;
     ((NodeSkel)node).LastCheckNum = opID;
Exemple #19
 /// <summary>Removes the provided hotspot from the specified grid square.</summary>
 /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to remove the hotspot from.</param>
 /// <param name="hotspot">The hotspot to remove the grid square from.</param>
 /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
 /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
 public void gridRemoveHotspot(GridSqr sqr, object hotspot, TimeSpan time, int opID)
     ((Hotspot)hotspot).LastCheck = time;
     ((Hotspot)hotspot).LastCheckNum = opID;
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>Searches for specified grid square for the a geo line that overlaps the provided point.</summary>
        /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to search.</param>
        /// <param name="array">An array that contains the following values: the point to search, the geo (if found), and the first vertex of the line (if found).</param>
        /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
        /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
        private void gridGeoLineAtPoint(GridSqr sqr, object array, TimeSpan time, int opID)
            VectorF point = (VectorF)((object[])array)[0];

            // TODO: specify threshold
            FInt thresh = (FInt)10;

            foreach (Geo geo in sqr.Geos)
                if (geo.LastCheck == time && geo.LastCheckNum == opID)

                geo.LastCheck = time;
                geo.LastCheckNum = opID;

                // test bounding box
                if (geo.Vertices.Length < 2
                    || point.X < geo.Left - thresh
                    || point.X > geo.Right + thresh
                    || point.Y < geo.Top - thresh
                    || point.Y > geo.Bottom + thresh)

                // test all lines
                for (int i = 0, max = geo.Vertices.Length; i < max; i += 2)
                    int bi = i / 2;

                    if (point.X > geo.LineTopLeft[bi].X - thresh
                        && point.X < geo.LineLowerRight[bi].X + thresh
                        && point.Y > geo.LineTopLeft[bi].Y - thresh
                        && point.Y < geo.LineLowerRight[bi].Y + thresh
                        && Calc.LinePointDistance(point, geo.Vertices[i], geo.Vertices[i + 1]) < thresh)
                        ((object[])array)[1] = geo;
                        ((object[])array)[2] = i;
                        Grid.CancelOperation = true;

                if (geo.CloseLoop)
                    int i = geo.Vertices.Length - 1;
                    int bi = geo.LineLowerRight.Length - 1;

                    if (point.X > geo.LineTopLeft[bi].X - thresh
                        && point.X < geo.LineLowerRight[bi].X + thresh
                        && point.Y > geo.LineTopLeft[bi].Y - thresh
                        && point.Y < geo.LineLowerRight[bi].Y + thresh
                        && Calc.LinePointDistance(point, geo.Vertices[i], geo.Vertices[0]) < thresh)
                        ((object[])array)[1] = geo;
                        ((object[])array)[2] = i;
                        Grid.CancelOperation = true;
Exemple #21
 /// <summary>Removes the provided segment from the specified grid square.</summary>
 /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to remove the segment from.</param>
 /// <param name="segment">The segment to remove from the grid square.</param>
 /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
 /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
 public void gridRemoveSegment(GridSqr sqr, object segment, TimeSpan time, int opID)
     ((Segment)segment).LastCheck = time;
     ((Segment)segment).LastCheckNum = opID;
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>Find all geos in the specified grid square that collide with the specified circle.</summary>
        /// <param name="sqr">The grid square to search.</param>
        /// <param name="array">An object array that contains the following fields: node center, circle radius, null, null, a list to collect all colliding geos, and whether to stop after first collision.</param>
        /// <param name="time">The current game time.</param>
        /// <param name="opID">The current operation id.</param>
        private void gridNodeCollGeo(GridSqr sqr, object array, TimeSpan time, int opID)
            VectorF point = (VectorF)((object[])array)[0];
            FInt radius = (FInt)((object[])array)[1];
            // array[2] is null
            List<GeoSkel> geoColls = (List<GeoSkel>)((object[])array)[3];
            CollSrchType srchType = (CollSrchType)((object[])array)[4];

            // find circle bounding box
            FInt circLeft = point.X - radius;
            FInt circRight = point.X + radius;
            FInt circTop = point.Y - radius;
            FInt circBottom = point.Y + radius;

            // test each geo
            foreach (GeoSkel geo in sqr.Geos)
                if (geo.LastCheck == time && geo.LastCheckNum == opID)

                // if bounding boxes overlap
                if (circLeft <= geo.Right
                    && circTop <= geo.Bottom
                    && circRight >= geo.Left
                    && circBottom >= geo.Top)
                    for (int i = 0; i < geo.LineTopLeft.Length; i++)
                        // if line's bounding box overlaps
                        if (geo.LineTopLeft[i].X <= circRight
                            && geo.LineTopLeft[i].Y <= circBottom
                            && geo.LineLowerRight[i].X >= circLeft
                            && geo.LineLowerRight[i].Y >= circTop)
                            int vi;
                            int vi1;

                            if (i == geo.LineTopLeft.Length - 1 && geo.CloseLoop)
                                vi = geo.Vertices.Length - 1;
                                vi1 = 0;
                                vi = i * 2;
                                vi1 = vi + 1;

                            if (Calc.LinePointDistance(point, geo.Vertices[vi], geo.Vertices[vi1]) <= radius)

                geo.LastCheck = time;
                geo.LastCheckNum = opID;

                // if only one collision was needed, exit out
                if (geoColls.Count != 0 && (srchType == CollSrchType.DoesItCollide || srchType == CollSrchType.GetIntersection))
                    Grid.CancelOperation = true;