Exemple #1
        private T ConvertGetItemResponse <T>(GetItemRequest request, DynamoMetadataType table)
            var response = Exec(() => DynamoDb.GetItem(request), rethrowExceptions: throwNotFoundExceptions);

            if (!response.IsItemSet)
Exemple #2
        private static DynamoMetadataType ToMetadataType(Type type)
            var alias = type.FirstAttribute <AliasAttribute>();
            var props = GetTableProperties(type);

            var metadata = new DynamoMetadataType
                Type = type,
                Name = alias != null ? alias.Name : type.Name,

            metadata.Fields = props.Map(p =>
                                        new DynamoMetadataField
                Parent          = metadata,
                Type            = p.PropertyType,
                PropertyInfo    = p,
                Name            = Converters.GetFieldName(p),
                DbType          = Converters.GetFieldType(p.PropertyType),
                IsAutoIncrement = p.HasAttribute <AutoIncrementAttribute>(),
                SetValueFn      = p.CreateSetter(),
                GetValueFn      = p.CreateGetter(),

        private List <T> ConvertBatchGetItemResponse <T>(DynamoMetadataType table, KeysAndAttributes getItems)
            var to = new List <T>();

            var request = new BatchGetItemRequest(new Dictionary <string, KeysAndAttributes> {
                { table.Name, getItems }

            var response = Exec(() => DynamoDb.BatchGetItem(request));

            List <Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> > results;

            if (response.Responses.TryGetValue(table.Name, out results))
                results.Each(x => to.Add(Converters.FromAttributeValues <T>(table, x)));

            var i = 0;

            while (response.UnprocessedKeys.Count > 0)
                response = Exec(() => DynamoDb.BatchGetItem(new BatchGetItemRequest(response.UnprocessedKeys)));
                if (response.Responses.TryGetValue(table.Name, out results))
                    results.Each(x => to.Add(Converters.FromAttributeValues <T>(table, x)));

                if (response.UnprocessedKeys.Count > 0)

Exemple #4
        private static DynamoLocalIndex CreateLocalIndex(Type type, DynamoMetadataType metadata, string hashField, Type indexType)
            var indexProps = indexType.GetPublicProperties();
            var indexProp  = indexProps.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                       x.HasAttribute <IndexAttribute>() || x.HasAttribute <DynamoDBRangeKeyAttribute>());

            if (indexProp == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Missing [Index]. Could not infer Range Key in index '{indexType}'.");

            var indexAlias = indexType.FirstAttribute <AliasAttribute>();
            var rangeKey   = metadata.GetField(indexProp.Name);

            if (rangeKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Range Key '{indexProp.Name}' was not found on Table '{type.Name}'");

            var indexProjection = indexType.FirstAttribute <ProjectionTypeAttribute>();
            var projectionType  = indexProjection?.ProjectionType ?? DynamoProjectionType.Include;

            return(new DynamoLocalIndex
                IndexType = indexType,
                Name = indexAlias != null ? indexAlias.Name : indexType.Name,
                HashKey = metadata.HashKey,
                RangeKey = rangeKey,
                ProjectionType = projectionType,
                ProjectedFields = projectionType == DynamoProjectionType.Include
                    ? indexProps.Where(x => x.Name != hashField).Select(x => x.Name).ToArray()
                    : new string[0],
Exemple #5
 public DynamoDbQueryDataSource(QueryDataContext context, IPocoDynamo dynamo, bool allowScans = true)
     : base(context)
     this.db         = dynamo;
     this.modelDef   = db.GetTableMetadata <T>();
     isGlobalIndex   = typeof(T).IsGlobalIndex();
     this.allowScans = allowScans;
        public DynamoDbAppSettings(IPocoDynamo db, bool initSchema = false)
            : base(new DynamoDbSettings(db))
            Db.RegisterTable <ConfigSetting>();
            this.metadata = db.GetTableMetadata <ConfigSetting>();

            if (initSchema)
        private T ConvertGetItemResponse <T>(GetItemRequest request, DynamoMetadataType table)
            var response = Exec(() => DynamoDb.GetItem(request), rethrowExceptions: throwNotFoundExceptions);

            if (!response.IsItemSet)
            var attributeValues = response.Item;

            return(Converters.FromAttributeValues <T>(table, attributeValues));
Exemple #8
        public static long[] GetNextSequences(this ISequenceSource seq, DynamoMetadataType meta, int noOfSequences)
            var newCounter = seq.Increment(meta, noOfSequences);
            var firstId    = newCounter - noOfSequences + 1;
            var ids        = new long[noOfSequences];

            for (var i = 0; i < noOfSequences; i++)
                ids[i] = firstId + i;
        private static DynamoGlobalIndex CreateGlobalIndex(Type type, DynamoMetadataType metadata, Type indexType)
            var indexProps = indexType.GetPublicProperties();

            PropertyInfo indexHash, indexRange;

            Converters.GetHashAndRangeKeyFields(indexType, indexProps, out indexHash, out indexRange);

            var hashKey = metadata.GetField(indexHash.Name);

            if (hashKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Hash Key '{indexHash.Name}' was not found on Table '{type.Name}'");

            if (indexRange == null)
                indexRange = indexProps.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HasAttribute <IndexAttribute>());

            var rangeKey = indexRange != null
                ? metadata.GetField(indexRange.Name)
                : null;

            var indexAlias = indexType.FirstAttribute <AliasAttribute>();

            var indexProvision = indexType.FirstAttribute <ProvisionedThroughputAttribute>();

            var indexProjection = indexType.FirstAttribute <ProjectionTypeAttribute>();
            var projectionType  = indexProjection?.ProjectionType ?? DynamoProjectionType.Include;

            return(new DynamoGlobalIndex
                IndexType = indexType,
                Name = indexAlias != null ? indexAlias.Name : indexType.Name,
                HashKey = hashKey,
                RangeKey = rangeKey,
                ProjectionType = projectionType,
                ProjectedFields = projectionType == DynamoProjectionType.Include
                    ? indexProps.Where(x => x.Name != indexHash.Name).Select(x => x.Name).ToArray()
                    : new string[0],
                ReadCapacityUnits = indexProvision?.ReadCapacityUnits ?? metadata.ReadCapacityUnits,
                WriteCapacityUnits = indexProvision?.WriteCapacityUnits ?? metadata.WriteCapacityUnits,
        private Task CreateTableAsync(DynamoMetadataType table)
            var request = ToCreateTableRequest(table);

                return(ExecAsync(() => DynamoDb.CreateTableAsync(request)));
            catch (AmazonDynamoDBException ex)
                if (ex.ErrorCode == DynamoErrors.AlreadyExists)

Exemple #11
        private async Task CreateTableAsync(DynamoMetadataType table, CancellationToken token = default)
            var request = ToCreateTableRequest(table);

                await ExecAsync(async() =>
                                await DynamoDb.CreateTableAsync(request, token).ConfigAwait()).ConfigAwait();
            catch (AmazonDynamoDBException ex)
                if (ex.ErrorCode == DynamoErrors.AlreadyExists)

        private void ExecBatchWriteItemResponse <T>(DynamoMetadataType table, List <WriteRequest> deleteItems)
            var request = new BatchWriteItemRequest(new Dictionary <string, List <WriteRequest> >
                { table.Name, deleteItems }

            var response = Exec(() => DynamoDb.BatchWriteItem(request));

            var i = 0;

            while (response.UnprocessedItems.Count > 0)
                response = Exec(() => DynamoDb.BatchWriteItem(new BatchWriteItemRequest(response.UnprocessedItems)));

                if (response.UnprocessedItems.Count > 0)
 public virtual Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> ToAttributeKeyValue(IPocoDynamo db, DynamoMetadataType table, DynamoId id)
     using (AwsClientUtils.GetJsScope())
         return(new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> {
             { table.HashKey.Name, ToAttributeValue(db, table.HashKey.Type, table.HashKey.DbType, id.Hash) },
             { table.RangeKey.Name, ToAttributeValue(db, table.RangeKey.Type, table.RangeKey.DbType, id.Range) },
Exemple #14
 public static async Task <bool> CreateTableIfMissingAsync(this IPocoDynamo db, DynamoMetadataType table, CancellationToken token = default)
     return(await db.CreateMissingTablesAsync(new[] { table }, token).ConfigAwait());
Exemple #15
 public static bool CreateTableIfMissing(this IPocoDynamo db, DynamoMetadataType table)
     return(db.CreateMissingTables(new[] { table }));
Exemple #16
 public static long Increment(this ISequenceSource seq, DynamoMetadataType meta, int amount = 1)
     return(seq.Increment(meta.Name, amount));
Exemple #17
 public static async Task <long> IncrementAsync(this ISequenceSourceAsync seq, DynamoMetadataType meta, int amount = 1,
                                                CancellationToken token = default)
     return(await seq.IncrementAsync(meta.Name, amount, token).ConfigAwait());
Exemple #18
        private static DynamoMetadataType ToMetadataTable(Type type)
            var alias = type.FirstAttribute <AliasAttribute>();
            var props = GetTableProperties(type);

            Converters.GetHashAndRangeKeyFields(type, props, out var hash, out var range);

            var provision = type.FirstAttribute <ProvisionedThroughputAttribute>();

            // If its a generic type, the type name will contain illegal characters (not accepted as DynamoDB table name)
            // so, remove the Tilde and make the type name unique to the runtime type of the generic
            string genericTypeNameAlias = null;

            if (type.IsGenericType)
                var indexOfTilde = type.Name.IndexOf("`", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                indexOfTilde         = indexOfTilde < 1 ? type.Name.Length - 1 : indexOfTilde;
                genericTypeNameAlias = type.Name.Substring(0, indexOfTilde) + type.GetGenericArguments().Select(t => t.Name).Join();

            var metadata = new DynamoMetadataType
                Type               = type,
                IsTable            = true,
                Name               = alias != null ? alias.Name : genericTypeNameAlias ?? type.Name,
                ReadCapacityUnits  = provision?.ReadCapacityUnits,
                WriteCapacityUnits = provision?.WriteCapacityUnits,

            metadata.Fields = props.Map(p =>
                                        new DynamoMetadataField
                Parent           = metadata,
                Type             = p.PropertyType,
                PropertyInfo     = p,
                Name             = Converters.GetFieldName(p),
                DbType           = Converters.GetFieldType(p.PropertyType),
                IsHashKey        = p == hash,
                IsRangeKey       = p == range,
                ExcludeNullValue = p.HasAttribute <IndexAttribute>() || p.HasAttribute <ExcludeNullValueAttribute>(),
                IsAutoIncrement  = p.HasAttribute <AutoIncrementAttribute>(),
                SetValueFn       = p.CreateSetter(),
                GetValueFn       = p.CreateGetter(),

            metadata.HashKey  = metadata.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsHashKey);
            metadata.RangeKey = metadata.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsRangeKey);

            if (metadata.HashKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Could not infer Hash Key in Table '{type.Name}'");

            var hashField = metadata.HashKey.Name;

            metadata.LocalIndexes = props.Where(x => x.HasAttribute <IndexAttribute>()).Map(x =>
                var indexProjection = x.FirstAttribute <ProjectionTypeAttribute>();
                var projectionType  = indexProjection?.ProjectionType ?? DynamoProjectionType.Include;
                return(new DynamoLocalIndex
                    Name = $"{metadata.Name}{x.Name}Index",
                    HashKey = metadata.HashKey,
                    RangeKey = metadata.GetField(x.Name),
                    ProjectionType = projectionType,
                    ProjectedFields = projectionType == DynamoProjectionType.Include
                        ? new[] { x.Name }
                        : new string[0],

            metadata.GlobalIndexes = new List <DynamoGlobalIndex>();

            var references = type.AllAttributes <ReferencesAttribute>();

            foreach (var attr in references)
                var localIndex = attr.Type.GetTypeWithGenericInterfaceOf(typeof(ILocalIndex <>));
                if (localIndex != null)
                    metadata.LocalIndexes.Add(CreateLocalIndex(type, metadata, hashField, attr.Type));

                var globalIndex = attr.Type.GetTypeWithGenericInterfaceOf(typeof(IGlobalIndex <>));
                if (globalIndex != null)
                    metadata.GlobalIndexes.Add(CreateGlobalIndex(type, metadata, attr.Type));
