void GlobalServerManagerThread() { while (true) { try { if (_gc == null || !_gc.Connected) { _gc = new GlobalClient(); _gc.OnAccountInfoResponse += OnAccountInfoResponse; _gc.OnCurrencyUpdate += OnCurrencyUpdate; _gc.OnGlobalProductInfo += OnGlobalProductInfo; _gc.Connect(_address, _port); if (_gc.Connected) { LogThread.Log("Connected to global server ", LogThread.LogMessageType.Normal, true); } } else { _gc.Update(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogThread.Log(ex.ToString(), LogThread.LogMessageType.Error, true); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
public void Process() { _processing = true; while (_processing) { try { if (_tasks.Count > 0) { // Grab the first task _tasksLock.WaitOne(); Task t = _tasks[0]; _tasks.RemoveAt(0); _tasksLock.ReleaseMutex(); // Execute the task ProcessTask(t); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogThread.Log(ex.ToString(), LogThread.LogMessageType.Error, false); } Thread.Sleep(10); } }
void DatabaseThreadFunc() { while (true) { ValidateConnection(); if (_sql != null && _sql.State == ConnectionState.Open && _queries.Count > 0) { _queriesLock.WaitOne(); DBQuery query = _queries[0]; _queries.RemoveAt(0); _queriesLock.ReleaseMutex(); try { ExecuteQuery(query); } catch (Exception ex) { LogThread.Log(ex.ToString(), LogThread.LogMessageType.Error, true); // When the query fails, its likely due to database disconnection. Reschedule this query to be done again. AddQuery(query); } } Thread.Sleep(100); } }
void ExecuteQuery(DBQuery q) { LogThread.Log(string.Format("ExecuteQuery - {0}", q.SqlString), LogThread.LogMessageType.Debug); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(q.SqlString, _sql); if (q.Read) { MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); List <object[]> rows = new List <object[]>(); while (reader.Read()) { object[] row = new object[reader.FieldCount]; for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { row[i] = reader[i]; } rows.Add(row); } reader.Close(); q.Rows = rows; } else { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } OnQueryComplete(q, null); }
void ValidateConnection() { if (_sql == null) { try { _sql = new MySqlConnection(); _sql.ConnectionString = _dbConnectString; _sql.Open(); Thread.Sleep(10); while (_sql.State == ConnectionState.Connecting) { Thread.Sleep(100); } LogThread.Log("Connected to database: " + _dbConnectString); } catch (Exception ex) { LogThread.Log(ex.ToString(), LogThread.LogMessageType.Error, true); _sql.Close(); _sql = null; } } else { if (_sql.State == ConnectionState.Closed || _sql.State == ConnectionState.Broken) { _sql.Close(); _sql = null; } } }
public AuthAccountInfo FindAccount(string authString) { string ascii = AuthStringToAscii(authString); LogThread.Log("Checking auth cache for: " + ascii, NetworkCore.LogInterface.LogMessageType.Normal); if (_accounts.ContainsKey(authString)) { AuthAccountInfo aai = _accounts[authString]; aai.Timestamp = DateTime.Now.Ticks; LogThread.Log("Authstring found for account: " + aai.AccountID, NetworkCore.LogInterface.LogMessageType.Normal); return(aai); } LogThread.Log(string.Format("Authstring {0} not found in the local cache", ascii), NetworkCore.LogInterface.LogMessageType.System); return(null); }
protected void SendPacket() { if (_outgoingPacket == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Can not send packet that has not been started!"); } byte[] data = _outgoingPacket.ToArray(); _socket.Send(data); _lastSent = DateTime.Now; LogThread.Log(string.Format("SendPacket {0} bytes", data.Length), LogThread.LogMessageType.Debug); _outgoingBW.Close(); _outgoingBW = null; _outgoingPacket = null; }
void ProcessPacketData(byte[] data) { // Find the packet marker int packetStart = 0; while (packetStart < data.Length - 4) { if (data[packetStart] == 'U' && data[packetStart + 1] == 'G' && data[packetStart + 2] == 'G' && data[packetStart + 3] == '$') { break; } } if (packetStart > 0) { LogThread.Log(string.Format("Connection threw away {0} bytes before packet marker", packetStart), LogThread.LogMessageType.Debug); } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data); ms.Seek(packetStart, SeekOrigin.Begin); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms); int marker = br.ReadInt32(); ushort packetType = br.ReadUInt16(); LogThread.Log(string.Format("Processing packet type {0}", packetType), LogThread.LogMessageType.Debug); if (_packetHandlers.ContainsKey(packetType)) { _packetHandlers[packetType](br); int bytesProcessed = (int)ms.Position; if (bytesProcessed < data.Length) { int remaining = data.Length - bytesProcessed; byte[] remainingData = new byte[remaining]; Buffer.BlockCopy(data, bytesProcessed, remainingData, 0, remaining); _pendingData = new List <byte>(); _pendingData.AddRange(remainingData); } } else { LogThread.Log(string.Format("Unhandled packet type {0}", packetType), LogThread.LogMessageType.Error, true); } }
public void Connect(string address, int port) { if (_socket != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cant connect when a socket already exists"); } try { _socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); _socket.Connect(address, port); } catch (Exception ex) { LogThread.Log(string.Format("Failed to connect to {0}:{1}\n{2}", address, port, ex.ToString()), LogThread.LogMessageType.Error, true); _socket = null; } }
void InputThreadFunc() { while (true) { try { _connectionsLock.WaitOne(); Connection[] connections = _connections.ToArray(); _connectionsLock.ReleaseMutex(); //if( connections.Length > 1 ) // Console.WriteLine("{0} clients on the server", connections.Length - 1); List <Connection> removeList = new List <Connection>(); foreach (Connection c in connections) { c.Update(); if (c.Status == Connection.ConnStatus.Closed || c.Status == Connection.ConnStatus.Disconnected) { removeList.Add(c); } } _connectionsLock.WaitOne(); foreach (Connection c in removeList) { _connections.Remove(c); } _connectionsLock.ReleaseMutex(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogThread.Log(ex.ToString(), LogThread.LogMessageType.Error, true); } Thread.Sleep(10); } }
protected void BeginPacket(PacketType type) { LogThread.Log(string.Format("BeginPacket({0})", type), LogThread.LogMessageType.Debug); BeginPacket((ushort)type); }
void ProcessTask(Task t) { // Call the task handler, this will throw an exception if the handler isnt registered. LogThread.Log(string.Format("ProcessTask({0}) -> {1}", t.Type, _taskHandlers[t.Type].Method.Name), LogThread.LogMessageType.Debug); _taskHandlers[t.Type](t); }
void BeginPacket(GPacketType gt) { LogThread.Log(string.Format("BeginPacket({0})", gt), LogThread.LogMessageType.Debug); BeginPacket((ushort)gt); }