public Game() { Console.WriteLine("Game"); connections = new Dictionary <int, Player>(); rooms = new Dictionary <int, List <NetConnection> >(); peerConfiguration = new NetPeerConfiguration(appIdentifier) { MaximumConnections = 128, Port = port }; server = new NetServer(peerConfiguration); server.Start(); }
public void StartServer() { NetPeerConfiguration config = new NetPeerConfiguration("chat"); config.Port = 14242; server = new NetServer(config); server.Start(); if (server.Status == NetPeerStatus.Running) { Console.WriteLine("Server is running on port " + config.Port); } else { Console.WriteLine("Server not started..."); } clients = new List <NetPeer>(); }
public void Start() { NetPeerConfiguration config = new NetPeerConfiguration("MulTUNG"); config.Port = (int)Configuration.Get <long>("ServerPort", 5678); config.LocalAddress = IPAddress.Parse(Configuration.Get("LocalServerIP", "")); config.EnableMessageType(NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionApproval); Server = new NetServer(config); Server.Start(); Network.IsServer = true; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => { NetIncomingMessage msg; while (Server != null) { msg = Server.WaitMessage(int.MaxValue); if (msg == null) { continue; } HandleMessage(msg); Server.Recycle(msg); } }); World.AddNetObjects(); World.LoadCircuitState(); Network.StartPositionUpdateThread(Constants.PositionUpdateInterval); Log.WriteLine("Listening on port " + config.Port); }
void Init(uint16_t inPort, byte worldCount, float ConnectionTimeout) { base.Init(worldCount); mNewNetworkId = new ushort[worldCount]; mNewPlayerId = new int[worldCount]; for (byte i = 0; i < worldCount; ++i) { ResetNewNetworkId(i); mNewPlayerId[i] = 1; } NetPeerConfiguration config = new NetPeerConfiguration("game"); config.MaximumConnections = 1000; config.Port = inPort; config.ConnectionTimeout = ConnectionTimeout; mNetPeer = new NetServer(config); mNetPeer.Start(); algo = new NetXorEncryption(GetServer(), "AceTopSecret"); // tcp SetListener(inPort); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit; ParseArguments(args); SetupConsoleLogging(); m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } var version = Assembly.GetName().Version; CoreVersion = version; var platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if (platform == 4 || platform == 128) { Unix = true; } GCSettings.LatencyMode = GCLatencyMode.LowLatency; log.Info("X-RunUO Server - Version {0}.{1}.{2}, Build {3}", version.Major, version.Minor, version.Build, version.Revision); log.Info("Running on OS {0}", Environment.OSVersion); log.Info("Running on {0} {1}", Unix ? "Mono" : ".NET Framework", Environment.Version); if (MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) { log.Info("Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", ProcessorCount, ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); } log.Info("Using GC {0} {1} mode", GCSettings.IsServerGC ? "Server" : "Workstation", GCSettings.LatencyMode); Config = new RootConfig(BaseDirectory, "x-runuo.xml"); Server.Config.Load(); #region Dependency management LibraryConfig = new LibraryConfig(BaseDirectory, "libraries.xml"); if (ForceUpdateDeps) { Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(BaseDirectory, "deps"), recursive: true); } #endregion if (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(Debug)) { log.Fatal("Compilation failed. Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } ScriptCompiler.VerifyLibraries(); // This instance is shared among timer scheduler and timer executor, // and accessed from both core & timer threads. var timerQueue = new Queue <Timer>(); // Timer scheduler must be set up before world load, since world load // could schedule timers on entity deserialization. var timerScheduler = TimerScheduler.Instance = new TimerScheduler(timerQueue); m_TimerThread = new TimerThread(timerScheduler); var timerExecutor = new TimerExecutor(timerQueue); try { ScriptCompiler.Configure(); TileData.Configure(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { log.Fatal("Configure exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } SaveConfig(); Region.Load(); World.Load(); try { ScriptCompiler.Initialize(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { log.Fatal("Initialize exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } m_TimerThread.Start(); NetServer netServer = new NetServer(new Listener(Listener.Port)); netServer.Initialize(); GameServer.Instance = new GameServer(netServer); GameServer.Instance.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); PacketDispatcher.Initialize(); Now = DateTime.UtcNow; m_TotalProfile = new MainProfile(Now); m_CurrentProfile = new MainProfile(Now); try { while (!Closing) { Now = DateTime.UtcNow; Thread.Sleep(1); ClockProfile(MainProfile.TimerId.Idle); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); ClockProfile(MainProfile.TimerId.MobileDelta); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); ClockProfile(MainProfile.TimerId.ItemDelta); timerExecutor.Slice(); ClockProfile(MainProfile.TimerId.Timers); netServer.Slice(); ClockProfile(MainProfile.TimerId.Network); // Done with this iteration. m_TotalProfile.Next(); m_CurrentProfile.Next(); } } catch (Exception e) { HandleCrashed(e); } m_TimerThread.Stop(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool verbose = true; // Prepare crypto RandomProvider provider = new RegularRandomProvider(); RSA func = LoadRSA(provider); if (func == null) { func = GenerateRSA(); } Console.WriteLine("Server starting!\nType \"help\" for a list of serverside commands"); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); try { doc.Load(db); } // Attempt to load the xml document catch (Exception) { // If the xml-document doesn't exist, start building one XmlDeclaration declaration = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null); doc.AppendChild(declaration); } // Create a server with the given RSA function NetServer server = new NetServer(func, port, (string message, out bool keepAlive) => { if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine("Got message from client: " + message); } keepAlive = true; // Check if the message sent was a "Store" command if (message.StartsWith("S-") && message.Substring(2).Contains("-")) { // Split up the message into its relevant parts: Sender and Message string data = message.Substring(2); string auth = data.Substring(0, data.IndexOf('-')); string msg = data.Substring(data.IndexOf('-') + 1); // Look up some stuff XmlNodeList lst_u = doc.SelectNodes("users"); XmlElement users; if (lst_u.Count == 0) { users = doc.CreateElement("users"); doc.AppendChild(users); } else { users = (XmlElement)lst_u.Item(0); } XmlElement userSet = null; foreach (var child in users.ChildNodes) { if (child is XmlElement && ((XmlElement)child).Name.Equals("U" + auth)) { userSet = (XmlElement)child; break; } } // If a node doesn't exist for the user, create it if (userSet == null) { userSet = doc.CreateElement("U" + auth); users.AppendChild(userSet); } // Store the message and save XmlElement messageNode = doc.CreateElement("msg"); messageNode.InnerText = msg; userSet.AppendChild(messageNode); if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine("Saving document..."); } doc.Save(db); } // Check if the message was a "Load" command else if (message.StartsWith("L-")) { // Get the authentication code string auth = message.Substring(2); // Load some xml stuff XmlNode users = doc.SelectSingleNode("users"); XmlNodeList elements = null; foreach (var user in users.ChildNodes) { if (user is XmlElement && ((XmlElement)user).Name.Equals("U" + auth)) { elements = ((XmlElement)user).ChildNodes; break; } } // There are no stored messages for the given auth. code: respond with a blank message if (elements == null) { return("M-"); } if (elements.Count != 0) { List <string> collect = new List <string>(); foreach (var element in elements) { if (element is XmlElement) { collect.Add(((XmlElement)element).InnerText); } } // Respond with all the elements (conveniently serialized) return("M-" + Support.SerializeStrings(collect.ToArray())); } } // No response return(null); }, client => { // Notify the console of the new client if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine($"Client has connected: {client.ToString()}"); } }); server.StartListening(); // Server terminal command loop while (server.Running) { string s = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (s.Equals("help")) { Console.WriteLine("Available commands:\n\tcount\t\t-\tShow active client count\n\tstop\t\t-\tStop server\n\ttv\t\t-\tToggle server verbosity\n\tsv\t\t-\tDisplay current server verbosity setting"); } else if (s.Equals("count")) { Console.WriteLine("Active client count: " + server.Count); } else if (s.Equals("stop")) { Console.WriteLine("Stopping server..."); server.StopRunning(); } else if (s.Equals("tv")) { Console.WriteLine("Set verbosity to: " + (verbose = !verbose)); } else if (s.Equals("sv")) { Console.WriteLine("Current server verbosity: " + verbose); } } }
public static void Run() { EventSink.Instance = new EventSink(); if (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(Environment.Debug)) { Console.WriteLine("Fatal: Compilation failed. Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } ScriptCompiler.VerifyLibraries(); // This instance is shared among timer scheduler and timer executor, // and accessed from both core & timer threads. Queue <Timer> timerQueue = new Queue <Timer>(); // Timer scheduler must be set up before world load, since world load // could schedule timers on entity deserialization. var timerScheduler = TimerScheduler.Instance = new TimerScheduler(timerQueue); m_TimerThread = new TimerThread(timerScheduler); TimerExecutor timerExecutor = new TimerExecutor(timerQueue); PacketHandlers.Instance = new PacketHandlers(); try { ScriptCompiler.Configure(); TileData.Configure(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { Console.WriteLine("Fatal: Configure exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } Environment.SaveConfig(); Region.Load(); World.Instance.Load(); try { ScriptCompiler.Initialize(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { Logger.Error("Initialize exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } m_TimerThread.Start(); NetServer netServer = new NetServer(new Listener(Listener.Port)); netServer.Initialize(); GameServer.Instance = new GameServer(netServer, PacketHandlers.Instance); GameServer.Instance.Initialize(); EventSink.Instance.InvokeServerStarted(); PacketDispatcher.Initialize(); m_Now = DateTime.UtcNow; m_TotalProfile = new MainProfile(m_Now); m_CurrentProfile = new MainProfile(m_Now); try { while (!m_Closing) { m_Now = DateTime.UtcNow; Thread.Sleep(1); ClockProfile(MainProfile.TimerId.Idle); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); ClockProfile(MainProfile.TimerId.MobileDelta); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); ClockProfile(MainProfile.TimerId.ItemDelta); timerExecutor.Slice(); ClockProfile(MainProfile.TimerId.Timers); netServer.Slice(); ClockProfile(MainProfile.TimerId.Network); // Done with this iteration. m_TotalProfile.Next(); m_CurrentProfile.Next(); } } catch (Exception e) { HandleCrashed(e); } m_TimerThread.Stop(); }
public Server(string apiUrl) { _apiUrl = apiUrl; _netServer = new NetServer(); _players = new Dictionary <long, Player>(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var config = new NetPeerConfiguration("application name") { Port = 12345 }; var server = new NetServer(config); server.Start(); // server NetIncomingMessage msg; GameRoom newGameRoom = new GameRoom(null, "TEST", 8); NetworkSessionContainer.NetworkSessions.GameRooms.Add(newGameRoom); while (true) { //Ustawić odświerzanie co 16.666ms foreach (GameRoom gameRoom in NetworkSessionContainer.NetworkSessions.GameRooms) { gameRoom.Update(); } if ((msg = server.ReadMessage()) == null) { continue; } switch (msg.MessageType) { case NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionApproval: { Console.WriteLine("Connected"); break; } case NetIncomingMessageType.VerboseDebugMessage: case NetIncomingMessageType.DebugMessage: case NetIncomingMessageType.WarningMessage: case NetIncomingMessageType.StatusChanged: { NetConnectionStatus status = (NetConnectionStatus)msg.ReadByte(); break; } case NetIncomingMessageType.Data: { short opcode = msg.ReadInt16(); if (opcode == 2000) //Logowanie użytkownika { unsafe { if (!NetworkSessionContainer.NetworkSessions.UserSessions.Exists(x => x.Connection == msg.SenderConnection)) { UserSession session = new UserSession(); TypedReference tr = __makeref(session); IntPtr ptr = **(IntPtr **)(&tr); Console.WriteLine(ptr); session.Connection = msg.SenderConnection; Random randID = new Random(); session.ID = randID.Next(1000000); //martwić sie tym będe później //session.ID = ptr.ToInt32(); session.Name = msg.ReadString(); NetOutgoingMessage outMessage = session.Connection.Peer.CreateMessage(); outMessage.Write((short)2000); outMessage.Write(session.ID); session.Connection.SendMessage(outMessage, NetDeliveryMethod.UnreliableSequenced, outMessage.LengthBytes); session.UserGameState = new MenuState(); NetworkSessionContainer.NetworkSessions.UserSessions.Add(session); // Musze dorobić jakąś obsługe menu } else { //Zaimplementować że jest już taki gość } //TO NIE SPAWN A LOGIN /*foreach (UserSession otherPlayers in UsersSessions.Sessions) * { * NetOutgoingMessage informAboutPlayer = session.Connection.Peer.CreateMessage(); * informAboutPlayer.Write((short)2620); * informAboutPlayer.Write(otherPlayers.ID, 32); * informAboutPlayer.Write("konserwa"); * session.Connection.SendMessage(informAboutPlayer, NetDeliveryMethod.UnreliableSequenced, informAboutPlayer.LengthBytes); * Console.WriteLine($"Wysyłam pakiet od {session.ID} wysyłam dane o {otherPlayers.ID}"); * //Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToString(informAboutPlayer.Data)); * * * NetOutgoingMessage SendToCurrentPlayerAboutPlayers = otherPlayers.Connection.Peer.CreateMessage(); * SendToCurrentPlayerAboutPlayers.Write((short)2620); * SendToCurrentPlayerAboutPlayers.Write(session.ID, 32); * SendToCurrentPlayerAboutPlayers.Write("konserwa"); * otherPlayers.Connection.SendMessage(SendToCurrentPlayerAboutPlayers, NetDeliveryMethod.UnreliableSequenced, SendToCurrentPlayerAboutPlayers.LengthBytes); * Console.WriteLine($"Wysyłam pakiet od {otherPlayers.ID} wysyłam dane o {session.ID}"); * // Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToString(SendToCurrentPlayerAboutPlayers.Data)); * }*/ } } else { // NetworkSessionContainer.NetworkSessions.UserSessions.Find(x => x.Connection == msg.SenderConnection).UserGameState.Recive(msg); foreach (UserSession user in NetworkSessionContainer.NetworkSessions.UserSessions) { if (user.Connection == msg.SenderConnection) { user.UserGameState.Recive(msg); } } } break; } case NetIncomingMessageType.ErrorMessage: Console.WriteLine(msg.ReadString()); break; default: { Console.WriteLine("Unhandled type: " + msg.MessageType); break; } } //server.Recycle(msg); } }