Exemple #1
        public ImbuingGumpC(Mobile from, Item item, int mod, int value) : base(520, 340)
            PlayerMobile m = from as PlayerMobile;


            // SoulForge Check
            if (!Imbuing.CheckSoulForge(from, 1))

            ImbuingContext context = Imbuing.GetContext(m);

            // = Check Type of Ingredients Needed 
            if (!Imbuing.Table.ContainsKey(mod))

            m_Definition = Imbuing.Table[mod];

            if (value == -1)
                value = m_Definition.IncAmount;

            m_Item = item;
            m_Mod = mod;
            m_Value = value;

            int maxInt = GetMaxIntensity(item, m_Definition);
            int inc = m_Definition.IncAmount;
            int weight = m_Definition.Weight;

            if (m_Item is BaseJewel && m_Mod == 12)
                maxInt /= 2;

            if (m_Value < inc) m_Value = inc;
            if (m_Value > maxInt) m_Value = maxInt;

            if (m_Value <= 0)
                m_Value = 1;

            double currentIntensity = Math.Floor((m_Value / (double)maxInt) * 100);

			//Set context
			context.LastImbued = item;
            context.Imbue_Mod = mod;
            context.Imbue_ModVal = weight;
            context.ImbMenu_ModInc = inc;
            context.Imbue_ModInt = value;

			// - Current Mod Weight
            m_TotalItemWeight = Imbuing.GetTotalWeight(m_Item, m_Mod); 
            m_TotalProps = Imbuing.GetTotalMods(m_Item, m_Mod);
            if (maxInt <= 1)
				currentIntensity= 100;

            m_PropWeight = (int)Math.Floor(((double)weight / (double)maxInt) * m_Value);

            // - Maximum allowed Property Weight & Item Mod Count
            m_MaxWeight = Imbuing.GetMaxWeight(m_Item);
            // = Times Item has been Imbued
            int timesImbued = 0;
            if (m_Item is BaseWeapon) 
                timesImbued = ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).TimesImbued;
            if (m_Item is BaseArmor)
                timesImbued = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).TimesImbued;
            if (m_Item is BaseJewel)
                timesImbued = ((BaseJewel)m_Item).TimesImbued;
            if (m_Item is BaseHat)
                timesImbued = ((BaseHat)m_Item).TimesImbued;

            // = Check Ingredients needed at the current Intensity
            m_GemAmount = Imbuing.GetGemAmount(m_Item, m_Mod, m_Value);
            m_PrimResAmount = Imbuing.GetPrimaryAmount(m_Item, m_Mod, m_Value);
            m_SpecResAmount = Imbuing.GetSpecialAmount(m_Item, m_Mod, m_Value);

            // ------------------------------ Gump Menu -------------------------------------------------------------
            AddBackground(0, 0, 540, 450, 5054);
            AddImageTiled(10, 10, 520, 430, 2624);

            AddImageTiled(10, 35, 520, 10, 5058);
            AddImageTiled(260, 45, 15, 290, 5058);
            AddImageTiled(10, 185, 520, 10, 5058);
            AddImageTiled(10, 335, 520, 10, 5058);
            AddImageTiled(10, 405, 520, 10, 5058);

            AddAlphaRegion(10, 10, 520, 430);

            AddHtmlLocalized(10, 13, 520, 18, 1079717, LabelColor, false, false); //<CENTER>IMBUING CONFIRMATION</CENTER>
            AddHtmlLocalized(57, 49, 200, 18, 1114269, LabelColor, false, false); //PROPERTY INFORMATION

            // - Attribute to Imbue
            AddHtmlLocalized(30, 80, 80, 17, 1114270, LabelColor, false, false);  //Property:
            AddHtmlLocalized(100, 80, 150, 17, m_Definition.AttributeName, LabelColor, false, false);

            // - Weight Modifier
            AddHtmlLocalized(30, 120, 80, 17, 1114272, 0xFFFFFF, false, false);   //Weight:

            double w = (double)m_Definition.Weight / 100.0;
            AddHtml(90, 120, 80, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}x", w), false, false);

            AddHtmlLocalized(30, 140, 80, 17, 1114273, LabelColor, false, false);   //Intensity:
            AddHtml(90, 140, 80, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}%", currentIntensity), false, false);

            // - Materials needed
            AddHtmlLocalized(10, 199, 255, 18, 1044055, LabelColor, false, false); //<CENTER>MATERIALS</CENTER>
            AddHtmlLocalized(40, 230, 180, 17, m_Definition.PrimaryName, LabelColor, false, false);
            AddHtml(210, 230, 40, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}", m_PrimResAmount.ToString()), false, false);
            AddHtmlLocalized(40, 255, 180, 17, m_Definition.GemName, LabelColor, false, false);
            AddHtml(210, 255, 40, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}", m_GemAmount.ToString()), false, false);
            if (m_SpecResAmount > 0)
                AddHtmlLocalized(40, 280, 180, 17, m_Definition.SpecialName, LabelColor, false, false);
                AddHtml(210, 280, 40, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}", m_SpecResAmount.ToString()), false, false);

            // - Mod Description
            AddHtmlLocalized(290, 65, 215, 110, m_Definition.Description, LabelColor, false, false); 

            AddHtmlLocalized(365, 199, 150, 18, 1113650, LabelColor, false, false); //RESULTS
            AddHtmlLocalized(288, 220, 150, 17, 1113645, LabelColor, false, false);                                 //Properties:
            AddHtml(443, 220, 80, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCFFCC> {0}/5", m_TotalProps + 1), false, false);
            AddHtmlLocalized(288, 240, 150, 17, 1113646, LabelColor, false, false);                                   //Total Property Weight:
            AddHtml(443, 240, 80, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCFFCC> {0}/{1}", m_TotalItemWeight + (int)m_PropWeight, m_MaxWeight), false, false);

            // - Times Imbued
            AddHtmlLocalized(288, 260, 150, 17, 1113647, LabelColor, false, false);                                   //Times Imbued:
            AddHtml(443, 260, 80, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCFFCC> {0}/20", timesImbued + 1), false, false);

            // - Name of Attribute to be Replaced
            int replace = WhatReplacesWhat(m_Mod, m_Item);
            AddHtmlLocalized(30, 100, 80, 17, 1114271, LabelColor, false, false);
            if (replace <= 0)
                replace = m_Definition.AttributeName;

            AddHtmlLocalized(100, 100, 150, 17, replace, LabelColor, false, false);

            // ===== CALCULATE DIFFICULTY =====
            double dif;
            double suc = Imbuing.GetSuccessChance(from, item, m_TotalItemWeight, m_PropWeight, out dif);

            int Succ = Convert.ToInt32(suc);
            string color;

            // = Imbuing Success Chance % 
            AddHtmlLocalized(305, 300, 150, 17, 1044057, 0xFFFFFF, false, false);
            if (Succ <= 1) color = "#FF5511";
            else if (Succ > 1 && Succ < 10) color = "#EE6611";
            else if (Succ >= 10 && Succ < 20) color = "#DD7711";
            else if (Succ >= 20 && Succ < 30) color = "#CC8811";
            else if (Succ >= 30 && Succ < 40) color = "#BB9911";
            else if (Succ >= 40 && Succ < 50) color = "#AAAA11";
            else if (Succ >= 50 && Succ < 60) color = "#99BB11";
            else if (Succ >= 60 && Succ < 70) color = "#88CC11";
            else if (Succ >= 70 && Succ < 80) color = "#77DD11";
            else if (Succ >= 80 && Succ < 90) color = "#66EE11";
            else if (Succ >= 90 && Succ < 100) color = "#55FF11";
            else if (Succ >= 100) color = "#01FF01";
            else color = "#FFFFFF";

            if (suc > 100) suc = 100;
            if (suc < 0) suc = 0;

            AddHtml(430, 300, 80, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR={0}>\t{1}%", color, suc), false, false);

            // - Attribute Level
            if (maxInt > 1)
                // - Set Intesity to Minimum
                if (m_Value <= 0)
                    m_Value = 1;

                // = New Value:
                AddHtmlLocalized(245, 350, 100, 17, 1062300, LabelColor, false, false); 
                // - Mage Weapon Value ( i.e [Mage Weapon -25] )
                if (m_Mod == 41)
					AddHtml(254, 374, 50, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> -{0}", 30 - m_Value), false, false);
                // - Show Property Value as % ( i.e [Hit Fireball 25%] )
                else if (maxInt <= 8 || m_Mod == 21 || m_Mod == 17) 
                    AddHtml(254, 374, 50, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}", m_Value), false, false);
                // - Show Property Value as just Number ( i.e [Mana Regen 2] )
					AddHtml(254, 374, 50, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}%", m_Value), false, false);

                // == Buttons ==
                AddButton(192, 376, 5230, 5230, 10053, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // To Minimum Value
                AddButton(211, 376, 5230, 5230, 10052, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // Dec Value by %
                AddButton(230, 376, 5230, 5230, 10051, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // dec value by 1

                AddButton(331, 376, 5230, 5230, 10056, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //To Maximum Value
                AddButton(312, 376, 5230, 5230, 10055, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // Inc Value by %
                AddButton(293, 376, 5230, 5230, 10054, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // inc Value by 1

                AddLabel(341, 374, 0, ">");
                AddLabel(337, 374, 0, ">");
                AddLabel(333, 374, 0, ">");

                AddLabel(320, 374, 0, ">");
                AddLabel(316, 374, 0, ">");

                AddLabel(298, 374, 0, ">");

                AddLabel(235, 374, 0, "<");

                AddLabel(216, 374, 0, "<");
                AddLabel(212, 374, 0, "<");

                AddLabel(199, 374, 0, "<");
                AddLabel(195, 374, 0, "<");
                AddLabel(191, 374, 0, "<");

            AddButton(19, 416, 4005, 4007, 10099, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(58, 417,  100, 18, 1114268, LabelColor, false, false);           //Back 

            AddButton(400, 416, 4005, 4007, 10100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(439, 417, 120, 18, 1114267, LabelColor, false, false);         //Imbue Item
Exemple #2
        public int GetMaxIntensity(Item item, ImbuingDefinition def)
            if (item is BaseWeapon && def.Attribute is AosWeaponAttribute)
                AosWeaponAttribute attr = (AosWeaponAttribute)def.Attribute;

                if (attr == AosWeaponAttribute.HitLeechMana || attr == AosWeaponAttribute.HitLeechHits)
                    return Imbuing.GetPropRange(item, attr)[1];

            return def.MaxIntensity;
Exemple #3
        public static void LoadImbuingDefinition()
            m_Table = new Dictionary<int, ImbuingDefinition>();

            m_Table[1] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.DefendChance, 	        1075620, 110,	typeof(RelicFragment), 	typeof(Tourmaline), 	typeof(EssenceSingularity), 15, 1, 1111947);
            m_Table[2] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.AttackChance, 	        1075616, 130, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Tourmaline), 	typeof(EssencePrecision), 	15, 1, 1111958);
            m_Table[3] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.RegenHits,    	        1075627, 100, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Tourmaline),     typeof(SeedRenewal), 	    2, 1, 1111994);
            m_Table[4] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.RegenStam,    	        1079411, 100, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Diamond), 		typeof(SeedRenewal), 	    3, 1, 1112043);
            m_Table[5] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.RegenMana,      	    1079410, 100, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Sapphire), 	    typeof(SeedRenewal), 	    2, 1, 1112003);
            m_Table[6] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.BonusStr,     	        1079767, 110, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Diamond), 		typeof(FireRuby), 		    8, 1, 1112044);
            m_Table[7] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.BonusDex,     	        1079732, 110, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Ruby), 		    typeof(BlueDiamond), 	    8, 1, 1111948);
            m_Table[8] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.BonusInt,     	        1079756, 110, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Tourmaline), 	typeof(Turquoise), 		    8, 1, 1111995);
            m_Table[9] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.BonusHits,    	        1075630, 110, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Ruby),			typeof(LuminescentFungi),   5, 1, 1111993);
            m_Table[10] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.BonusStam,     	    1075632, 110, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Diamond), 		typeof(LuminescentFungi),   8, 1, 1112042);
            m_Table[11] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.BonusMana,   	        1075631, 110, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Sapphire), 	    typeof(LuminescentFungi),   8, 1, 1112002);
            m_Table[12] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.WeaponDamage,          1075619, 100, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Citrine), 		typeof(CrystalShards), 	    50, 1, 1112005);
            m_Table[13] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.WeaponSpeed, 	        1075629, 110, 	typeof(RelicFragment), 	typeof(Tourmaline), 	typeof(EssenceControl),     30, 5, 1112045);
            m_Table[14] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.SpellDamage,           1075628, 100, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Emerald), 		typeof(CrystalShards), 	    12, 1, 1112041);
            m_Table[15] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.CastRecovery,          1075618, 120, 	typeof(RelicFragment), 	typeof(Amethyst), 	    typeof(EssenceDiligence),   3, 1, 1111952);
            m_Table[16] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.CastSpeed,             1075617, 140, 	typeof(RelicFragment),  typeof(Ruby), 		    typeof(EssenceAchievement), 1, 1, 1111951);
            m_Table[17] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.LowerManaCost,         1075621, 110,	typeof(RelicFragment),  typeof(Tourmaline), 	typeof(EssenceOrder), 	    8, 1, 1111996);
            m_Table[18] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.LowerRegCost,          1075625, 100,	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Amber), 		    typeof(FaeryDust), 	        20, 1, 1111997);
            m_Table[19] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.ReflectPhysical,       1075626, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Citrine), 		typeof(ReflectiveWolfEye),  15, 1, 1112006);
            m_Table[20] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.EnhancePotions,        1075624, 100, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Citrine), 		typeof(CrushedGlass), 	    25, 5, 1111950);
            m_Table[21] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.Luck, 			        1061153, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Citrine), 		typeof(ChagaMushroom), 	    100, 1, 1111999);
            m_Table[22] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.SpellChanneling,       1079766, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Diamond), 		typeof(SilverSnakeSkin),    1, 0, 1112040);
            m_Table[23] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosAttribute.NightSight, 	        1015168, 50, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Tourmaline), 	typeof(BottleIchor), 	    1, 0, 1112004);

            m_Table[24] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.LowerStatReq,	1079757, 100, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Amethyst), 	    typeof(ElvenFletchings),     100, 10, 1111998);
            m_Table[25] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitLeechHits,  	1079698, 110, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Ruby), 		    typeof(VoidOrb), 	        50, 2, 1111964);
            m_Table[26] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitLeechStam,    1079707, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Diamond), 		typeof(VoidOrb), 	        50, 2, 1111992);
            m_Table[27] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitLeechMana,    1079701, 110, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Sapphire), 	    typeof(VoidOrb), 	        50, 2, 1111967);
            m_Table[28] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitLowerAttack,  1079699, 110, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Emerald),		typeof(ParasiticPlant),     50, 2, 1111965);
            m_Table[29] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitLowerDefend,  1079700, 130, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Tourmaline), 	typeof(ParasiticPlant),     50, 2, 1111966);
            m_Table[30] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitPhysicalArea, 1079696, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Diamond), 		typeof(RaptorTeeth),        50, 2, 1111956);
            m_Table[31] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitFireArea,  	1079695, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Ruby), 		    typeof(RaptorTeeth),        50, 2, 1111955);
            m_Table[32] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitColdArea, 	1079693, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Sapphire), 	    typeof(RaptorTeeth),        50, 2, 1111953);
            m_Table[33] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitPoisonArea,   1079697, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald), 		typeof(RaptorTeeth),        50, 2, 1111957);
            m_Table[34] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitEnergyArea,  	1079694, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Amethyst), 	    typeof(RaptorTeeth),        50, 2, 1111954);
            m_Table[35] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitMagicArrow,   1079706, 120, 	typeof(RelicFragment),  typeof(Amber), 		    typeof(EssenceFeeling),     50, 2, 1111963);
            m_Table[36] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitHarm, 		1079704, 110,	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Emerald), 		typeof(ParasiticPlant),     50, 2, 1111961);
            m_Table[37] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitFireball,  	1079703, 140,	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Ruby), 		    typeof(FireRuby), 	        50, 2, 1111960);
            m_Table[38] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitLightning,	1079705, 140, 	typeof(RelicFragment),  typeof(Amethyst), 	    typeof(EssencePassion),     50, 2, 1111962);
            m_Table[39] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitDispel,		1079702, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Amber), 		    typeof(SlithTongue),        50, 2, 1111959);
            m_Table[40] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.UseBestSkill, 	1079592, 150, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Amber), 		    typeof(DelicateScales),     1, 0, 1111946);
            m_Table[41] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.MageWeapon,		1079759, 100, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Emerald), 		typeof(ArcanicRuneStone),   10, 1, 1112001);
            m_Table[42] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.DurabilityBonus,	1017323, 100, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Diamond), 		typeof(PowderedIron),       100, 10, 1112949);

            m_Table[49] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosArmorAttribute.MageArmor,        1079758, 100,   typeof(EnchantEssence), typeof(Diamond),        typeof(AbyssalCloth), 1, 0, 1112000);

            m_Table[51] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosElementAttribute.Physical,       1061158, 100,   typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Diamond),        typeof(BouraPelt), 15, 1, 1112010);
            m_Table[52] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosElementAttribute.Fire,           1061159, 100,   typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Ruby),           typeof(BouraPelt), 15, 1, 1112009);
            m_Table[53] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosElementAttribute.Cold,           1061160, 100,   typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Sapphire),       typeof(BouraPelt), 15, 1, 1112007);
            m_Table[54] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosElementAttribute.Poison,         1061161, 100,   typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),        typeof(BouraPelt), 15, 1, 1112011);
            m_Table[55] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosElementAttribute.Energy,         1061162, 100,   typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Amethyst),       typeof(BouraPelt), 15, 1, 1112008);

            m_Table[60] = new ImbuingDefinition("WeaponVelocity",                   1080416, 130, 	typeof(RelicFragment),  typeof(Tourmaline), 	typeof(EssenceDirection),   50, 2, 1112048);
            m_Table[61] = new ImbuingDefinition("BalancedWeapon",	                1072792, 150, 	typeof(RelicFragment),  typeof(Amber), 		    typeof(EssenceBalance),     1, 0, 1112047);

            m_Table[101] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.OrcSlaying,			1060470, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111977);
            m_Table[102] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.TrollSlaughter,  	1060480, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111990);
            m_Table[103] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.OgreTrashing,   	1060468, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111975);
            m_Table[104] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.DragonSlaying,   	1060462, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111970);
            m_Table[105] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.Terathan, 			1060478, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111989);
            m_Table[106] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.SnakesBane, 		1060475, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111980);
            m_Table[107] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.LizardmanSlaughter,	1060467, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111974);
            //m_Table[108] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.DaemonDismissal,  	 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl), 1, 0, 1112984);  //check
            m_Table[108] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.GargoylesFoe, 		1060466, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111973);
            //m_Table[110] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.BalronDamnation,   	 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl), 1, 0, 1112001);  //check
            m_Table[111] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.Ophidian,  			1060469, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111976);
            m_Table[112] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.SpidersDeath,   	1060477, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111982);
            m_Table[113] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.ScorpionsBane, 		1060474, 100,	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111979);
            m_Table[114] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.FlameDousing,  		1060465, 100,	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111972);
            m_Table[115] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.WaterDissipation,	1060481, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111991);
            m_Table[116] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.Vacuum,		        1060457, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111968);
            m_Table[117] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.ElementalHealth, 	1060471, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111978);
            m_Table[118] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.EarthShatter,		1060463, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111971);
            m_Table[119] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.BloodDrinking,		1060459, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111969);
            m_Table[120] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.SummerWind,			1060476, 100, 	typeof(MagicalResidue), typeof(Emerald),            typeof(WhitePearl),         1, 0, 1111981);

            m_Table[121] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.Silver,			    1060479, 130, 	typeof(RelicFragment),      typeof(Ruby), 		    typeof(UndyingFlesh), 	    1, 0, 1111988);
            m_Table[122] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.Repond,			    1060472, 130, 	typeof(RelicFragment),      typeof(Ruby), 		    typeof(GoblinBlood), 	    1, 0, 1111986);
            m_Table[123] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.ReptilianDeath,     1060473, 130,   typeof(RelicFragment),      typeof(Ruby),           typeof(LavaSerpentCrust),   1, 0, 1111987);
            m_Table[124] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.Exorcism,		    1060460, 130, 	typeof(RelicFragment),      typeof(Ruby), 		    typeof(DaemonClaw), 	    1, 0, 1111984);
            m_Table[125] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.ArachnidDoom,	    1060458, 130, 	typeof(RelicFragment),      typeof(Ruby), 		    typeof(SpiderCarapace),     1, 0, 1111983);
            m_Table[126] = new ImbuingDefinition(SlayerName.ElementalBan,	    1060464, 130, 	typeof(RelicFragment),      typeof(Ruby), 		    typeof(VialOfVitriol), 	    1, 0, 1111985);

            m_Table[151] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Fencing,		 	    1044102, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), 	typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112012);
            m_Table[152] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Macing, 	            1044101, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112013);
            m_Table[153] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Swords,	            1044100, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112016);
            m_Table[154] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Musicianship,	    1044089, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112015);
            m_Table[155] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Magery,			    1044085, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112014);

            m_Table[156] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Wrestling,		    1044103, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), 	typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112021);
            m_Table[157] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.AnimalTaming, 	    1044095, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112017);
            m_Table[158] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.SpiritSpeak,		    1044092, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112019);
            m_Table[159] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Tactics,			    1044087, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112020);
            m_Table[160] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Provocation,		    1044082, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112018);

            m_Table[161] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Focus,			    1044110, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),	typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112024);
            m_Table[162] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Parry, 		        1044065, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112026);
            m_Table[163] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Stealth,			    1044107, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112027);
            m_Table[164] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Meditation,		    1044106, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112025);
            m_Table[165] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.AnimalLore,		    1044062, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112022);
            m_Table[166] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Discordance,		    1044075, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112023);

            m_Table[167] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Mysticism,			1044115, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),	typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1115213);
            m_Table[168] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Bushido,			    1044112, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),	typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112029);
            m_Table[169] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Necromancy, 		    1044109, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112031);
            m_Table[170] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Veterinary,		    1044099, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112033);
            m_Table[171] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Stealing,		    1044093, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112032);
            m_Table[172] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.EvalInt, 		    1044076, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112030);
            m_Table[173] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Anatomy,			    1044061, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112028);

            m_Table[174] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Peacemaking,		    1044069, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence), 	typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112038);
            m_Table[175] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Ninjitsu, 		    1044113, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112037);
            m_Table[176] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Chivalry,		    1044111, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112035);
            m_Table[177] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Archery,			    1044091, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112034);
            m_Table[178] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.MagicResist,	        1044086, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112039);
            m_Table[179] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Healing,			    1044077, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1112036);
            m_Table[180] = new ImbuingDefinition(SkillName.Throwing,			1044117, 140, 	typeof(EnchantEssence),   typeof(StarSapphire), 	typeof(CrystallineBlackrock),  15, 1, 1115212);

            // Non-Imbuables for getting item intensity only
            m_Table[200] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.BloodDrinker,           1017407, 140, null, null, null, 1, 1, 1152387);
            m_Table[201] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.BattleLust,             1113710, 140, null, null, null, 1, 1, 1152385);
            m_Table[202] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitCurse,               1154673, 140, null, null, null, 50, 1, 1152438);
            m_Table[203] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitFatigue,             1154668, 140, null, null, null, 50, 1, 1152437);
            m_Table[204] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.HitManaDrain,           1154669, 140, null, null, null, 50, 1, 1152436);
            m_Table[205] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.SplinteringWeapon,      1154670, 140, null, null, null, 20, 1, 1152396);
            m_Table[206] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosWeaponAttribute.ReactiveParalyze,       1154660, 140, null, null, null, 1, 1, 1152400);

            m_Table[208] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.EaterFire,           1154662, 140, null, null, null, 10, 1, 1152390);
            m_Table[209] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.EaterCold,           1154663, 140, null, null, null, 10, 1, 1152390);
            m_Table[210] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.EaterPoison,         1154664, 140, null, null, null, 10, 1, 1152390);
            m_Table[211] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.EaterEnergy,         1154665, 140, null, null, null, 10, 1, 1152390);
            m_Table[212] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.EaterKinetic,        1154666, 140, null, null, null, 10, 1, 1152390);
            m_Table[213] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.EaterDamage,         1154667, 140, null, null, null, 10, 1, 1152390);
            m_Table[214] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.ResonanceFire,       1154655, 140, null, null, null, 20, 1, 1152391);
            m_Table[215] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.ResonanceCold,       1154656, 140, null, null, null, 20, 1, 1152391);
            m_Table[216] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.ResonancePoison,     1154657, 140, null, null, null, 20, 1, 1152391);
            m_Table[217] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.ResonanceEnergy,     1154658, 140, null, null, null, 20, 1, 1152391);
            m_Table[218] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.ResonanceKinetic,    1154659, 140, null, null, null, 20, 1, 1152391);

            m_Table[218] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.SoulChargeFire,      1154659, 140, null, null, null, 20, 1, 1152391);
            m_Table[218] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.SoulChargeCold,      1154659, 140, null, null, null, 20, 1, 1152391);
            m_Table[218] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.SoulChargePoison,    1154659, 140, null, null, null, 20, 1, 1152391);
            m_Table[218] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.SoulChargeEnergy,    1154659, 140, null, null, null, 20, 1, 1152391);
            m_Table[218] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.SoulChargeKinetic,   1154659, 140, null, null, null, 20, 1, 1152391);
            m_Table[218] = new ImbuingDefinition(SAAbsorptionAttribute.CastingFocus,        1154659, 140, null, null, null, 20, 1, 1116535);

            m_Table[219] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosArmorAttribute.ReactiveParalyze,        1154660, 140, null, null, null, 1, 1,  1152400);
            m_Table[220] = new ImbuingDefinition(AosArmorAttribute.SoulCharge,              1116536, 140, null, null, null, 20, 1, 1152391);
            //243 already used above