//This method just executes the ability without checking if it can
        public int DoPerformAbility(int ability, Unit target, Vector3 targetPosition)
            var ab = abilities[ability];

            Common.CombatMessage.AbilityError error;
            var handle = server.ScriptInterface.PerformAbility(ab.Ability, this, target, targetPosition, out error);
            ab.Handle = handle;
            if (error != Common.CombatMessage.AbilityError.NoError)
                server.CombatLogWrite(this, target, new Common.CombatMessage.AbilityFail
                    AbilityName = ab.Ability.Name,
                    Error = error
                return -1;
            ab.Cooldown = ab.Ability.RealCooldown(Stats);
            DecreaseStat(Common.UnitStats.Mana, ab.Ability.RealManaCost(Stats));
            server.CombatLogWrite(this, target, new Common.CombatMessage.AbilityStart
                Handle = handle,
                AbilityName = ab.Ability.Name
            ActiveAbilities[handle] = ab.Ability;
            server.ScriptInterface.PerformAbilityDoneCallbacks[handle] = () => AbilityDone(handle);
            if (ab.Ability.ChannelingTime > 0)
                ChangeState(new Channeling(this, ab.Ability, handle, ab.Ability.ChannelingTime));
            return handle;
Exemple #2
 public void InteractWith(Unit unit)
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// This is when a user clicks an object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="interacter">Avatar who performed the click</param>
 public void Interact(Unit interacter)
     lastInteracter = interacter;
Exemple #4
        public void Hit(Unit perpetrator, Unit mediator, int handle, Common.Resource activityObject, Common.CombatMessage.Activity activity, float damage)
            if (IsDeleted || IsDead || UnitClass.Invulnerable || IsInvulnerable) return;

            Common.CombatMessage.DamageType damageType = Common.CombatMessage.DamageType.Hit;
            var ab = activityObject as Common.Classes.Ability;

            if (activity == Common.CombatMessage.Activity.Ability)

                //Weapon attack stats
                if (ab.IsBaseAttack)
                    //Add: Weapon Damage
                    damage += perpetrator.Stats.GetStat(Common.UnitStats.AttackDamage);
                    if (server.Random.NextDouble() < perpetrator.Stats.CritChance)
                        damage *= 2;
                        damageType = Common.CombatMessage.DamageType.Crit;
                    if (server.Random.NextDouble() > perpetrator.Stats.HitChance)
                        damage = 0;
                        damageType = Common.CombatMessage.DamageType.Miss;
                    if (server.Random.NextDouble() < Stats.EvadeChance)
                        damage = 0;
                        damageType = Common.CombatMessage.DamageType.Miss;

                //Armor damage reduction
                damage *= server.Map.ArmorTypeDamageReduction[UnitClass.ArmorType][ab.DamageType];
                damage *= (1 - Stats.ArmorDamageReduction);

                //Unit damage reduction
                damage *= (1 - DamageReduction[ab.DamageType]);

            if (damage > 0)
                List<int> toRemove = new List<int>();
                foreach (int i in shields.Keys)
                    if (shields[i] > damage)
                        shields[i] -= damage;
                        damage = 0;
                        damage -= shields[i];
                foreach (int i in toRemove)

                server.ScriptInterface.InEventUnitHit(this, perpetrator, damage, ab != null ? ab.IsBaseAttack : false);
                DecreaseStat(Common.UnitStats.HitPoints, damage);

            if (perpetrator is Avatar)
                server.GameStats.IncreaseStat(perpetrator.Id, Common.GameStats.PlayerStats.PlayerStat.Damage, damage);
            if (this is Avatar)
                server.GameStats.IncreaseStat(Id, Common.GameStats.PlayerStats.PlayerStat.DamageTaken, damage);

            server.CombatLogWrite(perpetrator, this,
                new Common.CombatMessage.Damage
                    ActivitySource = activity,
                    Handle = handle,
                    HitPoints = damage,
                    DamageType = damageType,
                    MediatorID = mediator != null ? mediator.Id : null

            if (Stats.GetStat(Common.UnitStats.HitPoints) <= 0)
Exemple #5
        public float Heal(Unit healer, Unit mediator, int handle, Common.Resource activityObject, Common.CombatMessage.Activity activity, float hitpoints, Common.CombatMessage.HealType healType)
            if (IsDead || UnitClass.IsBuilding) return 0;

            float hp = GetStat(Common.UnitStats.HitPoints);
            float maxHP = GetStat(Common.UnitStats.MaxHitPoints);
            if (hp + hitpoints > maxHP)
                hitpoints = maxHP - hp;

            IncreaseStat(Common.UnitStats.HitPoints, hitpoints);
            if (healer is Avatar)
                server.GameStats.IncreaseStat(healer.Id, Common.GameStats.PlayerStats.PlayerStat.HealingDone, hitpoints);

            server.ScriptInterface.InEventUnitHealed(this, healer, hitpoints, healType);

            server.CombatLogWrite(healer, this,
                new Common.CombatMessage.Heal
                    ActivitySource = activity,
                    Handle = handle,
                    Hitpoints = hitpoints,
                    MediatorID = mediator != null ? mediator.Id : null,
                    HealType = healType

            return hitpoints;
Exemple #6
        public int ApplyBuff(Common.Classes.Buff buff, Unit caster)
            if (buff.IsDebuff && IsImmuneToDebuffs)
                return -1;
            if (buff.IsUnique)
                List<int> toRemove = new List<int>();
                foreach (int i in ActiveBuffs.Keys)
                    // this comparison might need to be redone when further decisions have been made
                    // about how buffs will be applied
                    if (ActiveBuffs[i].Name == buff.Name)
                foreach (int i in toRemove)

            int handle = server.ScriptInterface.ApplyBuff(buff, caster, this);
            server.ScriptInterface.BuffDoneCallbacks[handle] = () =>
                server.CombatLogWrite(caster, this, new Common.CombatMessage.RemoveBuff
                    Handle = handle
            server.CombatLogWrite(caster, this, new Common.CombatMessage.ApplyBuff
                Handle = handle,
                BuffName = buff.Name

            ActiveBuffs.Add(handle, buff);

            return handle;
Exemple #7
        public override void Kill(Unit perpetrator)

            server.GameStats.IncreaseStat(Id, Common.GameStats.PlayerStats.PlayerStat.Deaths, 1);
            if (perpetrator is Avatar)
                server.GameStats.IncreaseStat(perpetrator.Id, Common.GameStats.PlayerStats.PlayerStat.Kills, 1);

            deathTimeout = server.Timeout(10, () =>
                ChangeState(new Normal(this));
 public Dead(Unit unit)
     : base(unit)
 public Channeling(Unit unit, Common.Classes.Ability ability, int channelingHandle, float timeout)
     : base(unit)
     this.ability = ability; this.channelingHandle = channelingHandle; this.timeout = timeout;
Exemple #10
 public override int PerformAbility(int ability, Unit target, Vector3 targetPosition)
     return -1;
Exemple #11
 public Uncontrollable(Unit unit)
     : base(unit)
Exemple #12
 public Normal(Unit unit)
     : base(unit)
Exemple #13
 public virtual int PerformAbility(int ability, Unit target, Vector3 targetPosition)
     return unit.DoPerformAbility(ability, target, targetPosition);
Exemple #14
 protected IState(Unit unit)
     this.unit = unit;
Exemple #15
        public virtual void Kill(Unit perpetrator)
            if (IsDead) return;

            if (perpetrator.Team != Team)
                IEnumerable<Object> ie = server.VicinityManager.InPublishRange(this);
                List<Unit> grantExperience = new List<Unit>();
                List<Unit> bounteers = new List<Unit>();

                foreach (Object o in ie)
                    if (o.Team == perpetrator.Team && o is Unit)
                        Unit u = (Unit)o;
                        if (u.UnitClass.Leveling && u.IsLeveling && !u.IsDead && !u.IsDeleted)
                        if(u is Avatar)

                // some experience is lost here due to integer rounding (by intention)
                int exp = grantExperience.Count > 0 ? Stats.ExperienceEmitted / grantExperience.Count : 0;
                if (!(perpetrator is Avatar))
                    exp /= 2;

                if (exp > 0)
                    foreach (Unit u in grantExperience)
                        u.IncreaseStat(Common.UnitStats.Experience, exp);

                int gold;
                if(perpetrator is Avatar)
                    gold = Stats.GoldEmitted;
                    ((Avatar)perpetrator).IncreaseStat(Common.UnitStats.Money, gold);
                    gold = bounteers.Count > 0 ? Stats.GoldEmitted / bounteers.Count : 0;
                    foreach(var b in bounteers)
                        b.IncreaseStat(Common.UnitStats.Money, gold);

                server.CombatLogWrite(perpetrator, this, new Common.CombatMessage.Killed
                    Bounty = gold

            ChangeState(new Dead(this));

            server.ScriptInterface.InEventUnitKilled(this, perpetrator);
Exemple #16
 public void NextTarget()
     List<Object> ivr = new List<Object>(server.VicinityManager.InVisibleRange(this));
     int lastIndex = -1;
     if (Target != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < ivr.Count; i++)
             if (ivr[i] == Target) lastIndex = i;
     for(int i=0; i < ivr.Count; i++)
         var obj = ivr[(i + lastIndex + 1) % ivr.Count];
         if (obj is Unit && ((Unit)obj).Team != Team)
             Target = (Unit)obj;
Exemple #17
 public CombatState(Unit unit)
     : base(unit)