Inheritance: Server.Items.BaseStaff
        public HarborMaster()
            : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Aggressor, 12, 1, 0.5, 0.75)
            Title = "the harbor master";

            SetStr(86, 100);
            SetDex(66, 80);
            SetInt(71, 85);
            Hue = Utility.RandomSkinHue();
            SpeechHue = Utility.RandomDyedHue();

            Female = Utility.RandomBool();
            Body = 401;
            Name = NameList.RandomName(Female ? "female" : "male");
            Job = JobFragment.master;

            BaseSoundID = 332;
            SetSkill(SkillName.Swords, 15, 37.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Fencing, 15, 37.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Macing, 15, 37.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Parry, 55, 77.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 55, 77.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 15, 37.5);

            Item item = null;

            int hairHue = Utility.RandomHairHue();
            Utility.AssignRandomHair(this, hairHue);

            Utility.AssignRandomFacialHair(this, hairHue);

            item = new Shirt();
            item.Hue = Utility.RandomNondyedHue();

            item = new ShortPants();
            item.Hue = Utility.RandomNondyedHue();

            item = Utility.RandomBool() ? (Item)new Boots() : (Item)new ThighBoots();

            item = new QuarterStaff();

            PackGold(15, 100);
Exemple #2
        public MongbatHideoutTreasureChest1() : base(0xE43)
            Name    = "a treasure chest -40-";
            Movable = true;
            Weight  = 1000.0;

            TrapPower = 0;
            Locked    = true;

            RequiredSkill = 40;
            LockLevel     = 40;
            MaxLockLevel  = 80;

/////////////////////////////////// Gold
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.25)
                DropItem(new Gold(Utility.Random(20, 300)));

/////////////////////////////////////// Supplies

            switch (Utility.Random(19))
            case 0: DropItem(new Board(60)); break;

            case 1: DropItem(new BoltOfCloth(60)); break;

            case 2: DropItem(new Bottle(60)); break;

            case 3: DropItem(new CopperWire(60)); break;

            case 4: DropItem(new Cotton(60)); break;

            case 5: DropItem(new DarkYarn(60)); break;

            case 6: DropItem(new Feather(60)); break;

            case 7: DropItem(new Flax(60)); break;

            case 8: DropItem(new Gears(60)); break;

            case 9: DropItem(new GoldWire(60)); break;

            case 10: DropItem(new IronIngot(60)); break;

            case 11: DropItem(new IronWire(60)); break;

            case 12: DropItem(new Leather(60)); break;

            case 13: DropItem(new LightYarn(60)); break;

            case 14: DropItem(new Shaft(60)); break;

            case 15: DropItem(new SilverWire(60)); break;

            case 16: DropItem(new SpoolOfThread(60)); break;

            case 17: DropItem(new Springs(60)); break;

            case 18: DropItem(new Wool(60)); break;

            switch (Utility.Random(5))
            case 0: DropItem(new BeetleEgg(15)); break;

            case 1: DropItem(new FishScale(15)); break;

            case 2: DropItem(new Nirnroot(15)); break;

            case 3: DropItem(new SerpentScale(15)); break;

            case 4: DropItem(new ThunderStone(15)); break;

            Item ReagentLoot = Loot.RandomReagent();

            ReagentLoot.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 10);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                DropItem(new SackFlour());

/////////////////////////////////////// Rare Items

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new DyeTub());

/////////////////////////////////////// LV 1-15
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseWeapon weapon = Loot.RandomWeapon(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(36))
                case 0: weapon = new Hatchet(); break;                     // Lv1

                case 1: weapon = new Axe(); break;                         // Lv5

                case 2: weapon = new BattleAxe(); break;                   // Lv10

                case 3: weapon = new Bow(); break;                         // Lv1

                case 4: weapon = new Crossbow(); break;                    // Lv1

                case 5: weapon = new Balestra(); break;                    // Lv5

                case 6: weapon = new ElvenLeafBow(); break;                // Lv5

                case 7: weapon = new MagicalShortbow(); break;             // Lv10

                case 8: weapon = new RepeatingCrossbow(); break;           // Lv10

                case 9: weapon = new SkinningKnife(); break;               // Lv1

                case 10: weapon = new Cleaver(); break;                    // Lv5

                case 11: weapon = new Dagger(); break;                     // Lv5

                case 12: weapon = new ButcherKnife(); break;               // Lv10

                case 13: weapon = new EbonyDagger(); break;                // Lv10

                case 14: weapon = new Sai(); break;                        // Lv15

                case 15: weapon = new Club(); break;                       // Lv1

                case 16: weapon = new Nunchaku(); break;                   // Lv1

                case 17: weapon = new Mace(); break;                       // Lv5

                case 18: weapon = new Maul(); break;                       // Lv10

                case 19: weapon = new Scepter(); break;                    // Lv15

                case 20: weapon = new Pitchfork(); break;                  // Lv1

                case 21: weapon = new ShortSpear(); break;                 // Lv5

                case 22: weapon = new Pilum(); break;                      // Lv10

                case 23: weapon = new Pike(); break;                       // Lv15

                case 24: weapon = new GnarledStaff(); break;               // Lv1

                case 25: weapon = new ShepherdsCrook(); break;             // Lv1

                case 26: weapon = new QuarterStaff(); break;               // Lv10

                case 27: weapon = new ReptilianStaff(); break;             // Lv15

                case 28: weapon = new Bokuto(); break;                     // Lv1

                case 29: weapon = new BoneHarvester(); break;              // Lv1

                case 30: weapon = new Cutlass(); break;                    // Lv1

                case 31: weapon = new ElvenMachete(); break;               // Lv1

                case 32: weapon = new Kryss(); break;                      // Lv1

                case 33: weapon = new EbonyRapier(); break;                // Lv10

                case 34: weapon = new Scimitar(); break;                   // Lv10

                default: weapon = new Leafblade(); break;                  // Lv1

                switch (Utility.Random(14))
                case 0: weapon.Attributes.AttackChance = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5); break;

                case 1: weapon.Attributes.DefendChance = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5); break;

                case 2: weapon.Attributes.Luck = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10); break;

                case 3: weapon.Attributes.WeaponSpeed = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 25); break;

                case 4: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitDispel = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 5: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitFireball = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 6: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitHarm = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 7: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 8: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 9: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 10: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLightning = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 11: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 12: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                default: weapon.Attributes.WeaponDamage = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10); break;


/////////////////////////////////////// LV 1-15
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseArmor armor = Loot.RandomArmor(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(39))
                case 0: armor = new LeatherArms(); break;                       // Lv1

                case 1: armor = new LeatherBustierArms(); break;                // Lv1

                case 2: armor = new LeatherCap(); break;                        // Lv1

                case 3: armor = new LeatherChest(); break;                      // Lv1

                case 4: armor = new LeatherGloves(); break;                     // Lv1

                case 5: armor = new LeatherGorget(); break;                     // Lv1

                case 6: armor = new LeatherLegs(); break;                       // Lv1

                case 7: armor = new LeatherShorts(); break;                     // Lv1

                case 8: armor = new LeatherSkirt(); break;                      // Lv1

                case 9: armor = new FemaleLeafChest(); break;                   // Lv1

                case 10: armor = new LeafArms(); break;                         // Lv3

                case 11: armor = new LeafChest(); break;                        // Lv3

                case 12: armor = new LeafGloves(); break;                       // Lv3

                case 13: armor = new LeafGorget(); break;                       // Lv3

                case 14: armor = new LeafLegs(); break;                         // Lv3

                case 15: armor = new LeafTonlet(); break;                       // Lv3

                case 16: armor = new LeatherDo(); break;                        // Lv6

                case 17: armor = new LeatherHaidate(); break;                   // Lv6

                case 18: armor = new LeatherHiroSode(); break;                  // Lv6

                case 19: armor = new LeatherJingasa(); break;                   // Lv6

                case 20: armor = new LeatherMempo(); break;                     // Lv6

                case 21: armor = new LeatherNinjaHood(); break;                 // Lv6

                case 22: armor = new LeatherNinjaJacket(); break;               // Lv6

                case 23: armor = new LeatherNinjaMitts(); break;                // Lv6

                case 24: armor = new LeatherNinjaPants(); break;                // Lv6

                case 25: armor = new LeatherSuneate(); break;                   // Lv6

                case 26: armor = new EbonsilkArms(); break;                     // Lv9

                case 27: armor = new EbonsilkChest(); break;                    // Lv9

                case 28: armor = new EbonsilkGloves(); break;                   // Lv9

                case 29: armor = new EbonsilkGorget(); break;                   // Lv9

                case 30: armor = new EbonsilkLegs(); break;                     // Lv9

                case 31: armor = new EbonsilkTiara(); break;                    // Lv9

                case 32: armor = new ChitinArms(); break;                       // Lv12

                case 33: armor = new ChitinChest(); break;                      // Lv12

                case 34: armor = new ChitinGloves(); break;                     // Lv12

                case 35: armor = new ChitinGorget(); break;                     // Lv12

                case 36: armor = new ChitinHelmet(); break;                     // Lv12

                case 37: armor = new ChitinLegs(); break;                       // Lv12

                default: armor = new FemaleLeatherChest(); break;               // Lv1

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(armor, 3, 5, 50);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseHat hat = Loot.RandomHat(true);
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(hat, 3, 5, 10);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseClothing clothing = Loot.RandomClothing(true);
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(clothing, 3, 5, 10);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield1 = new Buckler();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield1, 3, 5, 50);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield2 = new WoodenShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield2, 3, 5, 50);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield3 = new AmmoniteShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield3, 3, 5, 50);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield4 = new BronzeShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield4, 3, 5, 50);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield5 = new MetalShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield5, 3, 5, 50);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield6 = new WoodenKiteShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield6, 3, 5, 50);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseJewel bracelet = new SilverBracelet();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(bracelet, 3, 5, 10);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseJewel earrings = new SilverEarrings();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(earrings, 3, 5, 10);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseJewel necklace = new SilverNecklace();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(necklace, 3, 5, 10);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseJewel ring = new SilverRing();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(ring, 3, 5, 10);
		public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info ) //Function for GumpButtonType.Reply Buttons
			Mobile from = state.Mobile;
			PlayerMobile pm = from as PlayerMobile;
			PlayerModule module = pm.PlayerModule;

			m_cost = 50;//MOD COST OF WEAPON HERE!!
			Item wep = from.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.FirstValid );
			Item weps = from.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded );
			Container pack = from.Backpack;
			if ( wep !=null )
				pack.TryDropItem( from, wep, false );
			if ( weps !=null )
				pack.TryDropItem( from, weps, false );

			switch ( info.ButtonID )
				case 0: //Cancel
						from.SendMessage( "You decide against spending your skill points." );
						//from.SendGump( new LevelGump( from ) );
				case 1: //Katana
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Katana kat = new Katana();
							( ( Item )kat ).Name = "Katana [Level Item]";
							kat.Identified = true;//Prevents others from being used in the upgrading!
							kat.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( kat );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 2: //Broad Sword
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Broadsword bs = new Broadsword();
							bs.Identified = true;
							bs.Name = "Broadsword";
							bs.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( bs );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Broadsword" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 3: //Scimitar
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Scimitar sc = new Scimitar();
							sc.Identified = true;
							sc.Name = "Scimitar";
							sc.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( sc );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Scimitar" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 4: //Viking sword
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							VikingSword vs = new VikingSword();
							vs.Identified = true;
							vs.Name = "Vikingsword";
							vs.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( vs );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Viking Sword" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 5: //Halberd
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Halberd hb = new Halberd();
							hb.Identified = true;
							hb.Name = "Halberd";
							hb.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( hb );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Halberd" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 6: //Bardiche
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Bardiche bd = new Bardiche();
							bd.Identified = true;
							bd.Name = "Bardiche";
							bd.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( bd );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Bardiche" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 7: //Double Axe
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							DoubleAxe da = new DoubleAxe();
							da.Identified = true;
							da.Name = "Double Axe";
							da.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( da );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Double Axe" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 8: //Large Battle Axe
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							LargeBattleAxe lba = new LargeBattleAxe();
							lba.Identified = true;
							lba.Name = "Large Battle Axe";
							lba.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( lba );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Large Battle Axe" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 9: //Axe
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Axe a = new Axe();
							a.Identified = true;
							a.Name = "Axe";
							a.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( a );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose an Axe" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 10: //Kryss
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Kryss k = new Kryss();
							k.Identified = true;
							k.Name = "Kryss";
							k.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( k );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Kryss" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 11: //War Fork
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							WarFork wf = new WarFork();
							wf.Identified = true;
							wf.Name = "War Fork";
							wf.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( wf );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a War Fork" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 12: //Dagger
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Dagger d = new Dagger();
							d.Identified = true;
							d.Name = "Dagger";
							d.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( d );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Dagger" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 13: //Pike
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Pike p = new Pike();
							p.Identified = true;
							p.Name = "Pike";
							p.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( p );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Pike" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 14: //Short Spear
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							ShortSpear ss = new ShortSpear();
							ss.Identified = true;
							ss.Name = "Short Spear";
							ss.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( ss );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Short Spear" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 15: //Long Spear
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Spear ls = new Spear();
							ls.Identified = true;
							ls.Name = "Long Spear";
							ls.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( ls );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Long Spear" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 16: //Pitchfork
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Pitchfork p = new Pitchfork();
							p.Identified = true;
							p.Name = "Pitchfork";
							p.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( p );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Pitchfork" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 17: //lance
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Lance l = new Lance();
							l.Identified = true;
							l.Name = "Lance";
							l.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( l );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Lance" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 18: //Sai's
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Sai s = new Sai();
							s.Identified = true;
							s.Name = "Sai";
							s.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( s );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose Sai's" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 19: //War Mace
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							WarMace wm = new WarMace();
							wm.Identified = true;
							wm.Name = "War Mace";
							wm.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( wm );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a War Mace" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 20: //War Hammer
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							WarHammer wh = new WarHammer();
							wh.Identified = true;
							wh.Name = "War Hammer";
							wh.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( wh );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a War Hammer" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 21: //Maul
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Maul w = new Maul();
							w.Identified = true;
							w.Name = "Maul";
							w.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( w );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Maul" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 22: //Club
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Club w = new Club();
							w.Identified = true;
							w.Name = "Club";
							w.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( w );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Club" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 23: //Q Staff
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							QuarterStaff w = new QuarterStaff();
							w.Identified = true;
							w.Name = "Quarter Staff";
							w.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( w );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Quarter Staff" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 24: //G Staff
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							GnarledStaff w = new GnarledStaff();
							w.Identified = true;
							w.Name = "Gnarled Staff";
							w.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( w );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Gnarled Staff" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 25: //B Staff
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							BlackStaff w = new BlackStaff();
							w.Identified = true;
							w.Name = "BlackStaff";
							w.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( w );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Black Staff" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 26: //Hammer Pick
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							HammerPick w = new HammerPick();
							w.Identified = true;
							w.Name = "Hammer Pick";
							w.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( w );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Hammer Pick" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 27: //War Axe
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							WarAxe w = new WarAxe();
							w.Identified = true;
							w.Name = "War Axe";
							w.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( w );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a War Axe" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 28: //Bow
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Bow w = new Bow();
							w.Identified = true;
							w.Name = "Bow";
							w.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( w );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Bow" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 29: //Composite Bow
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							CompositeBow w = new CompositeBow();
							w.Identified = true;
							w.Name = "Composite Bow";
							w.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( w );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Composite Bow" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 30: //Crossbow
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Crossbow w = new Crossbow();
							w.Identified = true;
							w.Name = "Crossbow";
							w.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( w );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Crossbow" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 31: //Heavy Crossbow
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							HeavyCrossbow w = new HeavyCrossbow();
							w.Identified = true;
							w.Name = "Heavy Crossbow";
							w.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( w );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Heavy Crossbow" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 32: //Repeating Crossbow
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							RepeatingCrossbow w = new RepeatingCrossbow();
							w.Identified = true;
							w.Name = "Repeating Crossbow";
							w.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( w );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Repeating Crossbow" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
				case 33: //Yumi
						if ( module.SkillPts < m_cost )
							from.SendMessage( 37, "Not enough skill points!" );
							module.SkillPts -= m_cost;
							Yumi w = new Yumi();
							w.Identified = true;
							w.Name = "Yumi";
							w.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
							from.EquipItem( w );
							from.SendMessage( 102, "You chose a Yumi" );
						from.SendGump( new WepUpgradeGump( from ) );
Exemple #4
        public FortressCalcifinaTreasureChest1() : base(0xE43)
            Name    = "a treasure chest -25-";
            Movable = true;
            Weight  = 1000.0;

            TrapPower = 0;
            Locked    = true;

            RequiredSkill = 25;
            LockLevel     = 25;
            MaxLockLevel  = 30;

            // Gold
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.25)
                DropItem(new Gold(Utility.Random(40, 400)));

/////////////////////////////////////// Supplies

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Arrow(Utility.Random(15, 20)));

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Bolt(Utility.Random(15, 20)));

            Item ReagentLoot = Loot.RandomReagent();

            ReagentLoot.Amount = Utility.Random(15, 20);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Bandage(Utility.Random(15, 20)));

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Bedroll());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Bottle(Utility.Random(15, 20)));

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Lockpick(Utility.Random(15, 20)));

            Item PotionLoot = Loot.RandomPotion();


/////////////////////////////////////// Tools

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new FishingPole());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Shovel());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Skillet());

/////////////////////////////////////// Rare Items

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new DyeTub());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseWeapon weapon = Loot.RandomWeapon(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(38))
                case 0: weapon = new Hatchet(); break;

                case 1: weapon = new Bow(); break;

                case 2: weapon = new Crossbow(); break;

                case 3: weapon = new Club(); break;

                case 4: weapon = new Mace(); break;

                case 5: weapon = new Maul(); break;

                case 6: weapon = new Pitchfork(); break;

                case 7: weapon = new ShortSpear(); break;

                case 8: weapon = new GnarledStaff(); break;

                case 9: weapon = new ShepherdsCrook(); break;

                case 10: weapon = new Cutlass(); break;

                case 11: weapon = new Katana(); break;

                case 12: weapon = new Kryss(); break;

                case 13: weapon = new Scimitar(); break;

                case 14: weapon = new AssassinSpike(); break;

                case 15: weapon = new DiamondMace(); break;

                case 16: weapon = new Leafblade(); break;

                case 17: weapon = new MagicalShortbow(); break;

                case 18: weapon = new RadiantScimitar(); break;

                case 19: weapon = new WildStaff(); break;

                case 20: weapon = new Axe(); break;

                case 21: weapon = new ExecutionersAxe(); break;

                case 22: weapon = new Pickaxe(); break;

                case 23: weapon = new TwoHandedAxe(); break;

                case 24: weapon = new WarAxe(); break;

                case 25: weapon = new HeavyCrossbow(); break;

                case 26: weapon = new HammerPick(); break;

                case 27: weapon = new WarMace(); break;

                case 28: weapon = new Spear(); break;

                case 29: weapon = new WarFork(); break;

                case 30: weapon = new BlackStaff(); break;

                case 31: weapon = new QuarterStaff(); break;

                case 32: weapon = new Longsword(); break;

                case 33: weapon = new ElvenCompositeLongbow(); break;

                case 34: weapon = new ElvenMachete(); break;

                case 35: weapon = new ElvenSpellblade(); break;

                case 36: weapon = new RuneBlade(); break;

                default: weapon = new Dagger(); break;

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(weapon, 4, 18, 22);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseArmor armor = Loot.RandomArmor(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(13))
                case 0: armor = new FemaleStuddedChest(); break;

                case 1: armor = new StuddedArms(); break;

                case 2: armor = new StuddedBustierArms(); break;

                case 3: armor = new StuddedGloves(); break;

                case 4: armor = new StuddedGorget(); break;

                case 5: armor = new ChainCoif(); break;

                case 6: armor = new ChainChest(); break;

                case 7: armor = new ChainLegs(); break;

                case 8: armor = new RingmailArms(); break;

                case 9: armor = new RingmailChest(); break;

                case 10: armor = new RingmailGloves(); break;

                case 11: armor = new RingmailLegs(); break;

                default: armor = new StuddedChest(); break;

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(armor, 4, 18, 22);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseHat hat = Loot.RandomHat(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(5))
                case 0: hat = new BearMask(); break;

                case 1: hat = new DeerMask(); break;

                case 2: hat = new FeatheredHat(); break;

                case 3: hat = new WizardsHat(); break;

                default: hat = new TribalMask(); break;

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(hat, 4, 18, 22);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseClothing clothing = Loot.RandomClothing(true);
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(clothing, 4, 18, 22);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseShield shield = new MetalKiteShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield, 4, 18, 22);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseJewel bracelet = new GoldBracelet();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(bracelet, 4, 18, 22);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseJewel earrings = new SilverEarrings();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(earrings, 4, 18, 22);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseJewel necklace = new GoldNecklace();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(necklace, 4, 18, 22);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseJewel ring = new SilverRing();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(ring, 4, 18, 22);

        /// <summary>
        /// This is the function gives weaponry to players.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ArmPlayer(CTFPlayerGameData pgd)
            Mobile m = pgd.Mob;

            if (!m.Alive)

            for (int i = m.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                Item item = (Item)m.Items[i];
                if (item.Layer == Layer.OuterTorso)

            List<Item> armthis = new List<Item>();

                armthis.Add(new CTFRobe(pgd.Team));

            Item rankedCloth = null;
            CTFTeam team = pgd.Team;

            // 21 Ranks
            switch (CTFData.GetRank(m))
                case 0: rankedCloth = new JesterHat(team.Hue); break;
                case 1: rankedCloth = new TallStrawHat(team.Hue); break;
                case 2: rankedCloth = new FloppyHat(team.Hue); break;
                case 3: rankedCloth = new WideBrimHat(team.Hue); break;
                case 4: rankedCloth = new Cap(team.Hue); break;
                case 5: rankedCloth = new SkullCap(team.Hue); break;
                case 6: rankedCloth = new FlowerGarland(team.Hue); break;
                case 7: rankedCloth = new StrawHat(team.Hue); break;
                case 8: rankedCloth = new FeatheredHat(team.Hue); break;
                case 9: rankedCloth = new TricorneHat(team.Hue); break;
                case 10: rankedCloth = new TribalMask(team.Hue); break;
                case 11: rankedCloth = new HornedTribalMask(team.Hue); break;
                case 12: rankedCloth = new BearMask(team.Hue); break;
                case 13: rankedCloth = new DeerMask(team.Hue); break;
                case 14: rankedCloth = new OrcishKinMask(team.Hue); break;
                case 15: rankedCloth = new SavageMask(team.Hue); break;
                case 16: rankedCloth = new WizardsHat(team.Hue); break;
                case 17: rankedCloth = new Bandana(team.Hue); break;
                case 18: rankedCloth = new ClothNinjaHood(team.Hue); break;
                case 19: rankedCloth = new Kasa(team.Hue); break;
                case 20:
                    rankedCloth = new BoneHelm();
                    rankedCloth.Hue = team.Hue;
                    ((BaseArmor)rankedCloth).ArmorAttributes.MageArmor = 1;
            if (rankedCloth != null)
                rankedCloth.Movable = false;

            //Alchemy removed by Blady
            /* 			if (m.Skills[SkillName.Alchemy].Value >= (m_MinSupplySkill + 15)) //80 Alchemy req - by Blady
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) //Amount reduced to 6 by Blady - used to be 10
                    armthis.Add(new ExplosionPotion());
                    armthis.Add(new GreaterHealPotion());
                    armthis.Add(new GreaterCurePotion());
                    armthis.Add(new GreaterAgilityPotion());
                    armthis.Add(new RefreshPotion());
                    armthis.Add(new GreaterStrengthPotion());
            } */

            if (m.Skills[SkillName.Chivalry].Value >= m_MinSupplySkill)
                BookOfChivalry book = new BookOfChivalry();
                book.Content = 1023;//all spells

            if (m.Skills[SkillName.Necromancy].Value >= m_MinSupplySkill)
                NecromancerSpellbook book = new NecromancerSpellbook();
                book.Content = 0x1FFFF;

            if (m.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Value >= m_MinSupplySkill)
                GnarledStaff gs = new GnarledStaff();
                gs.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;
                gs.WeaponAttributes.MageWeapon = 20;

                Spellbook book = new Spellbook();
                book.Content = ulong.MaxValue;

            if (m.Skills[SkillName.Healing].Value >= m_MinSupplySkill)
                armthis.Add(new Bandage(1000));

            if (m.Skills[SkillName.Fencing].Value >= m_MinSupplySkill)
                Spear sp = new Spear();
                sp.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

                ShortSpear ssp = new ShortSpear();
                ssp.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

                WarFork wf = new WarFork();
                wf.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

                Kryss k = new Kryss();
                k.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

            if (m.Skills[SkillName.Swords].Value >= m_MinSupplySkill)
                if (m.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value >= m_MinSupplySkill)
                    ExecutionersAxe ea = new ExecutionersAxe();
                    ea.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

                Katana k = new Katana();
                k.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

                Longsword ls = new Longsword();
                ls.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

                Cleaver c = new Cleaver();
                c.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

                BoneHarvester bh = new BoneHarvester();
                bh.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

            if (m.Skills[SkillName.Macing].Value >= m_MinSupplySkill)
                WarAxe wa = new WarAxe();
                wa.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

                HammerPick hp = new HammerPick();
                hp.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

                QuarterStaff qs = new QuarterStaff();
                qs.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

            if (m.Skills[SkillName.Archery].Value >= m_MinSupplySkill)
                Bow b = new Bow();
                b.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

                Crossbow xb = new Crossbow();
                xb.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

                CompositeBow cb = new CompositeBow();
                cb.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

                armthis.Add(new Arrow(150));
                armthis.Add(new Bolt(150));

            if (m.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Value >= m_MinSupplySkill)
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    armthis.Add(new GreaterPoisonPotion());

            if (m.Skills[SkillName.Parry].Value >= m_MinSupplySkill)
                MetalKiteShield ks = new MetalKiteShield();
                ks.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

            SunnySystem.ArmPlayer(m, armthis);
Exemple #6
        public RatmenFortressBossChest() : base(0x2DF2)
            Name    = "a boss treasure chest -25-";
            Movable = true;
            Weight  = 1000.0;

            TrapPower = 0;
            Locked    = true;

            RequiredSkill = 25;
            LockLevel     = 25;
            MaxLockLevel  = 30;

            // Gold
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.50)
                DropItem(new Gold(Utility.Random(250, 400)));

/////////////////////////////////////// Jewelry

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new Agate());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new Beryl());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new ChromeDiopside());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new FireOpal());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new MoonstoneCustom());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new Onyx());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new Opal());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new Pearl());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new TurquoiseCustom());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Bloodstone());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Citrine());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Demantoid());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Jasper());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Lolite());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Lupis());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Peridot());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Tsavorite());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Zircon());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.02)
                DropItem(new Amber());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.02)
                DropItem(new Amethyst());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.02)
                DropItem(new Andalusite());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.02)
                DropItem(new Chrysoberyl());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.02)
                DropItem(new Garnet());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.02)
                DropItem(new Jade());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.02)
                DropItem(new Mandarin());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.02)
                DropItem(new Morganite());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.02)
                DropItem(new Paraiba());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.02)
                DropItem(new TigerEye());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.02)
                DropItem(new Tourmaline());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new Alexandrite());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new Ametrine());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new Kunzite());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new Ruby());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new Sapphire());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new Tanzanite());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new Topaz());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new Zultanite());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new Diamond());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new Emerald());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new PinkQuartz());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new StarSapphire());

/////////////////////////////////////// Supplies

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Arrow(Utility.Random(35, 50)));

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Bolt(Utility.Random(35, 50)));

            Item ReagentLoot = Loot.RandomReagent();

            ReagentLoot.Amount = Utility.Random(35, 40);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Bandage(Utility.Random(25, 40)));

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Bedroll());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Bottle(Utility.Random(15, 25)));

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Lockpick(Utility.Random(15, 25)));

            Item PotionLoot1 = Loot.RandomPotion();


            Item PotionLoot2 = Loot.RandomPotion();


            Item PotionLoot3 = Loot.RandomPotion();


/////////////////////////////////////// Tools

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new FishingPole());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Shovel());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Skillet());

/////////////////////////////////////// Rare Items

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new DyeTub());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.20)
                BaseWeapon weapon = Loot.RandomWeapon(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(38))
                case 0: weapon = new Hatchet(); break;

                case 1: weapon = new Bow(); break;

                case 2: weapon = new Crossbow(); break;

                case 3: weapon = new Club(); break;

                case 4: weapon = new Mace(); break;

                case 5: weapon = new Maul(); break;

                case 6: weapon = new Pitchfork(); break;

                case 7: weapon = new ShortSpear(); break;

                case 8: weapon = new GnarledStaff(); break;

                case 9: weapon = new ShepherdsCrook(); break;

                case 10: weapon = new Cutlass(); break;

                case 11: weapon = new Katana(); break;

                case 12: weapon = new Kryss(); break;

                case 13: weapon = new Scimitar(); break;

                case 14: weapon = new AssassinSpike(); break;

                case 15: weapon = new DiamondMace(); break;

                case 16: weapon = new Leafblade(); break;

                case 17: weapon = new MagicalShortbow(); break;

                case 18: weapon = new RadiantScimitar(); break;

                case 19: weapon = new WildStaff(); break;

                case 20: weapon = new Axe(); break;

                case 21: weapon = new ExecutionersAxe(); break;

                case 22: weapon = new Pickaxe(); break;

                case 23: weapon = new TwoHandedAxe(); break;

                case 24: weapon = new WarAxe(); break;

                case 25: weapon = new HeavyCrossbow(); break;

                case 26: weapon = new HammerPick(); break;

                case 27: weapon = new WarMace(); break;

                case 28: weapon = new Spear(); break;

                case 29: weapon = new WarFork(); break;

                case 30: weapon = new BlackStaff(); break;

                case 31: weapon = new QuarterStaff(); break;

                case 32: weapon = new Longsword(); break;

                case 33: weapon = new ElvenCompositeLongbow(); break;

                case 34: weapon = new ElvenMachete(); break;

                case 35: weapon = new ElvenSpellblade(); break;

                case 36: weapon = new RuneBlade(); break;

                default: weapon = new Dagger(); break;

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(weapon, 5, 15, 20);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.20)
                BaseArmor armor = Loot.RandomArmor(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(13))
                case 0: armor = new FemaleStuddedChest(); break;

                case 1: armor = new StuddedArms(); break;

                case 2: armor = new StuddedBustierArms(); break;

                case 3: armor = new StuddedGloves(); break;

                case 4: armor = new StuddedGorget(); break;

                case 5: armor = new ChainCoif(); break;

                case 6: armor = new ChainChest(); break;

                case 7: armor = new ChainLegs(); break;

                case 8: armor = new RingmailArms(); break;

                case 9: armor = new RingmailChest(); break;

                case 10: armor = new RingmailGloves(); break;

                case 11: armor = new RingmailLegs(); break;

                default: armor = new StuddedChest(); break;

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(armor, 5, 15, 20);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.20)
                BaseHat hat = Loot.RandomHat(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(5))
                case 0: hat = new BearMask(); break;

                case 1: hat = new DeerMask(); break;

                case 2: hat = new FeatheredHat(); break;

                case 3: hat = new WizardsHat(); break;

                default: hat = new TribalMask(); break;

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(hat, 5, 15, 20);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.20)
                BaseClothing clothing = Loot.RandomClothing(true);
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(clothing, 5, 15, 20);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.20)
                BaseShield shield = new HeaterShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield, 5, 15, 20);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.20)
                BaseJewel bracelet = new SilverBracelet();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(bracelet, 5, 15, 20);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.20)
                BaseJewel earrings = new SilverEarrings();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(earrings, 5, 15, 20);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.20)
                BaseJewel necklace = new SilverNecklace();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(necklace, 5, 15, 20);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.20)
                BaseJewel ring = new SilverRing();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(ring, 5, 15, 20);

Exemple #7
		private void CreateClassic()
			m_MoveSound = 251;
			m_CaptureSound = 773;
			m_DeathSound = 1063;

			m_Piece.Female = false;
			m_Piece.BodyValue = 0x190;

			if ( m_BChessboard.OverrideMinorHue )
				m_Piece.Hue = Hue;
				m_Piece.Hue = m_BChessboard.SkinHue;

			Item item = null;
			item = new HoodedShroudOfShadows( Hue );
			item.Name = "Bishop's Robe";
			m_Piece.AddItem( item );

			item = new Boots( MinorHue );
			m_Piece.AddItem( item );

			item = new QuarterStaff();
			item.Hue = MinorHue;
			m_Piece.AddItem( item );
        public static string MakeThisTask()
            string task = null;

            switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10))
            case 1: task = "Repair"; break;

            case 2: task = "Fix"; break;

            case 3: task = "Sand"; break;

            case 4: task = "Modify"; break;

            case 5: task = "Polish"; break;

            case 6: task = "Engrave"; break;

            case 7: task = "Adjust"; break;

            case 8: task = "Improve"; break;

            case 9: task = "Oil"; break;

            case 10: task = "Refinish"; break;

            if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5) == 1)
                Item item = null;

                switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 14))
                case 1: item = new WildStaff(); break;

                case 2: item = new ShepherdsCrook(); break;

                case 3: item = new QuarterStaff(); break;

                case 4: item = new GnarledStaff(); break;

                case 5: item = new WoodenShield(); break;

                case 6: item = new Bokuto(); break;

                case 7: item = new Fukiya(); break;

                case 8: item = new Tetsubo(); break;

                case 9: item = new WoodenPlateArms(); break;

                case 10: item = new WoodenPlateHelm(); break;

                case 11: item = new WoodenPlateGloves(); break;

                case 12: item = new WoodenPlateGorget(); break;

                case 13: item = new WoodenPlateLegs(); break;

                case 14: item = new WoodenPlateChest(); break;

                bool evil   = false;
                bool orient = false;

                switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 8))
                case 1: evil = true; break;

                case 2: orient = true; break;

                string sAdjective = "unusual";
                string eAdjective = "might";

                sAdjective = Server.LootPackEntry.MagicItemAdj("start", orient, evil, item.ItemID);
                eAdjective = Server.LootPackEntry.MagicItemAdj("end", orient, evil, item.ItemID);

                string name  = "item";
                string xName = ContainerFunctions.GetOwner("property");

                if (item.Name != null && item.Name != "")
                    name = item.Name.ToLower();
                if (name == "item")
                    name = MorphingItem.AddSpacesToSentence((item.GetType()).Name).ToLower();

                switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 5))
                case 0: name = sAdjective + " " + name + " of " + xName;        break;

                case 1: name = name + " of " + xName;                                           break;

                case 2: name = sAdjective + " " + name;                                         break;

                case 3: name = sAdjective + " " + name + " of " + xName;        break;

                case 4: name = name + " of " + xName;                                           break;

                case 5: name = sAdjective + " " + name;                                         break;


                task = task + " their " + name;
                string[] sWoods = new string[] { " ", " ash wood ", " cherry wood ", " ebony wood ", " golden oak ", " hickory ", " mahogany ", " oak ", " pine ", " ghost wood ", " rosewood ", " walnut wood ", " petrified wood ", " diftwood ", " elven wood " };
                string   sWood  = sWoods[Utility.RandomMinMax(0, (sWoods.Length - 1))];

                task = task + " their" + sWood;

                switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 20))
                case 1: task = task + "foot stool"; break;

                case 2: task = task + "stool"; break;

                case 3: task = task + "chair"; break;

                case 4: task = task + "bench"; break;

                case 5: task = task + "throne"; break;

                case 6: task = task + "nightstand"; break;

                case 7: task = task + "writing table"; break;

                case 8: task = task + "table"; break;

                case 9: task = task + "box"; break;

                case 10: task = task + "crate"; break;

                case 11: task = task + "chest"; break;

                case 12: task = task + "armoire"; break;

                case 13: task = task + "bookcase"; break;

                case 14: task = task + "shelf"; break;

                case 15: task = task + "drawers"; break;

                case 16: task = task + "foot locker"; break;

                case 17: task = task + "cabinet"; break;

                case 18: task = task + "barrel"; break;

                case 19: task = task + "tub"; break;

                case 20: task = task + "bed"; break;

 public override void InitOutfit()
     Item item = null;
     if ( !Female )
         item = AddRandomHair();
         item.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue();
         item = AddRandomFacialHair( item.Hue );
         item = new Shirt();
         item.Hue = Utility.RandomNondyedHue();
         AddItem( item );
         item = new ShortPants();
         item.Hue = Utility.RandomNondyedHue();
         AddItem( item );
         item = Utility.RandomBool() ? (Item)new Boots() : (Item)new ThighBoots();
         AddItem( item );
         item = new QuarterStaff();
         AddItem( item );
         PackGold( 15, 100 );
         item = AddRandomHair();
         item.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue();
         item = new Shirt();
         item.Hue = Utility.RandomNondyedHue();
         AddItem( item );
         item = new Skirt();
         item.Hue = Utility.RandomNondyedHue();
         AddItem( item );
         item = Utility.RandomBool() ? (Item)new Boots() : (Item)new ThighBoots();
         AddItem( item );
         item = new QuarterStaff();
         AddItem( item );
         PackGold( 15, 100 );
Exemple #10
        public Etrius()
            : base(Nation.Vhalurian)
            Hue = 1038;
            HairItemID = 12751;
            FacialHairItemID = 12722;
            HairHue = 2990;
            FacialHairHue = 2990;

            if( this.Backpack == null )
                AddItem( new Backpack() );

            SetStr( 150 );
            SetDex( 150 );
            SetInt( 150 );

            SetDamage( 20, 25 );

            SetHits( 1000 );
            SetMana( 200 );

            SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Blunt, 100 );

            SetResistance( ResistanceType.Blunt, 30 );
            SetResistance( ResistanceType.Piercing, 30 );
            SetResistance( ResistanceType.Slashing, 30 );

            SetSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Archery, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Fencing, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Macing, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Swords, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Polearms, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.ExoticWeaponry, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Axemanship, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.UnarmedFighting, 100.0 );

            SetSkill( SkillName.Magery, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.MagicResist, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Meditation, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Invocation, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Concentration, 100.0 );

            this.Fame = 20000;

            this.VirtualArmor = 30;

            FightMode = FightMode.Closest;

            Title = "the Insularii Mage";
            Name = "Etrius";

            RunicCloak cloak = new RunicCloak();
            cloak.Hue = 2799;

            BeltedPants pants = new BeltedPants();
            pants.Hue = 2591;

            ExtravagantShirt shirt = new ExtravagantShirt();
            shirt.Hue = 2591;

            FancyGloves gloves = new FancyGloves();
            gloves.Hue = 2591;

            ElegantShoes shoes = new ElegantShoes();
            shoes.Hue = 2591;

            QuarterStaff staff = new QuarterStaff();
            staff.ItemID = 15813;
            staff.Name = "Insularii Mage Staff";

            Cowl cowl = new Cowl();
            cowl.Hue = 2799;

            Surcoat surcoat = new Surcoat();
            surcoat.Name = "Insularii Surcoat";
            surcoat.ItemID = 15502;
            surcoat.Hue = 2799;

            EquipItem( shirt );
            EquipItem( cloak );
            EquipItem( pants );
            EquipItem( gloves );
            EquipItem( shoes );
            EquipItem( staff );
            EquipItem( cowl );
            EquipItem( surcoat );

            this.AI = AIType.AI_Mage;
		public ParoleOfficer() 
			//: base( AIType.AI_Mage, FightMode.Aggressor, 2, 1, 1, 2 )
			: base( AIType.AI_Mage, FightMode.Aggressor, 10, 5, 0.2, 0.4 ) 
			SetStr( 81, 105 );
			SetDex( 191, 215 );
			SetInt( 126, 150 );
			SetHits( 450, 550 );
			Title = "the parole officer";

			SpeechHue = Utility.RandomDyedHue();

			Hue = Utility.RandomSkinHue();

			Female = true;
			Body = 0x191;
			Name = NameList.RandomName( "female" );

			FloppyHat hat = new FloppyHat(Utility.RandomNondyedHue());
			hat.Movable = false;

			Shirt shirt = new Shirt(Utility.RandomNondyedHue());
			shirt.Movable = false;

			Kilt kilt = new Kilt(Utility.RandomNondyedHue());
			kilt.Movable = false;

			Sandals sandals = new Sandals(Utility.RandomNondyedHue());
			sandals.Movable = false;

			Item hair = new Item(0x203C);//long hair
			hair.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue();
			hair.Layer = Layer.Hair;
			hair.Movable = false;

			AddItem( hair );

			QuarterStaff weapon = new QuarterStaff();
			weapon.Movable = false;
			AddItem( weapon );

			Container pack = new Backpack();

			pack.Movable = false;

			pack.DropItem( new Gold( 10, 25 ) );

			AddItem( pack );

			SetSkill( SkillName.DetectHidden, 100.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.EvalInt, 80.2, 100.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Magery, 95.1, 100.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Meditation, 100.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.MagicResist, 77.5, 100.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 95.0, 100.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 95.0, 100.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Macing, 100.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Wrestling, 90.0, 100.0 );
		private static void AddThemeLoot (LockableContainer cont, int level, ChestThemeType type)
			MonsterStatuette mx = null;

			//switch to add in theme treasures
			switch ( type )
				case ChestThemeType.Solen:

					//drop are special weapon
					QuarterStaff special = new QuarterStaff();
					special.Name = "Chitanous Staff";
					cont.DropItem(Loot.ImbueWeaponOrArmor(special, 6, 0, true));

					//go into dropping normal loot

					int onlyonedrop = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,1);

					if(onlyonedrop ==0 )cont.DropItem(new Seed(PlantType.Hedge,0,false)); //new solen seed
					if(onlyonedrop ==1 )cont.DropItem(new WaterBucket() ); //new waterbucket

					if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.30 ) //30% chance to drop a statue
						int whichone = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,1);
						if(whichone == 0)mx = new MonsterStatuette (m_Monster[0]);
						if(whichone == 1)mx = new MonsterStatuette (m_Monster[1]);
						mx.LootType = LootType.Regular;		// not blessed
						cont.DropItem( mx );			// drop it baby!

				case ChestThemeType.Brigand:
					//drop are special weapon
					Katana special = new Katana();
					special.Name = "Bandit's Blade";
					cont.DropItem(Loot.ImbueWeaponOrArmor(special, 6, 0, true));

					int onlyonedrop = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,1);

					if(onlyonedrop ==0 )cont.DropItem(new Brazier(true)); //new movable brazier
					if(onlyonedrop ==1 )cont.DropItem(new DecorativeBow(Utility.RandomMinMax(0,3))); //random decorative bow type

					for ( int i = 0; i < level * 5; ++i )
						cont.DropItem (new PowderOfTranslocation() );  //drop powder of translocation

					if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.30 ) //30% chance to drop a statue
						int whichone = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,1);
						if(whichone == 0)mx = new MonsterStatuette (m_Monster[2]);
						if(whichone == 1)mx = new MonsterStatuette (m_Monster[3]);
						mx.LootType = LootType.Regular;		// not blessed
						cont.DropItem( mx );			// drop it baby!

				case ChestThemeType.Savage:
					//drop are special weapon
					ShortSpear special = new ShortSpear();
					special.Name = "Ornate Ritual Spear";
					cont.DropItem(Loot.ImbueWeaponOrArmor(special, 6, 0, true));

					int rug = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,1);
					int onlyonedrop = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,1);

					if(onlyonedrop ==0 )cont.DropItem(new SkullPole() ); //new skull pole

					if(onlyonedrop ==1 )
						if(rug == 0) cont.DropItem(new BrownBearRugEastDeed() ); //new rug east
						if(rug == 1) cont.DropItem(new BrownBearRugSouthDeed() ); //new rug south

					if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= .30 ) //30% chance to drop a statue
						int whichone = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,1);
						if(whichone == 0)mx = new MonsterStatuette (m_Monster[4]);
						if(whichone == 1)mx = new MonsterStatuette (m_Monster[5]);
						mx.LootType = LootType.Regular;			// not blessed
						cont.DropItem( mx );				// drop it baby!

				case ChestThemeType.Undead:
					Halberd special = new Halberd();
					special.Name = "Soul Reaver";
					cont.DropItem(Loot.ImbueWeaponOrArmor(special, 6, 0, true));

					int onlyonedrop = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,1);
					if(onlyonedrop ==0 )cont.DropItem(new BoneContainer(Utility.RandomMinMax(0,2))); //new bone container 3 differnt types 0-2
					int stone = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,3); // get random gravestone type to drop

					if(onlyonedrop ==1 )
						if(stone == 0) cont.DropItem(new GraveStone1());
						if(stone == 1) cont.DropItem(new GraveStone2());
						if(stone == 2) cont.DropItem(new GraveStone3());
						if(stone == 3) cont.DropItem(new GraveStone4());

					for ( int i = 0; i < level * 5; ++i )
						cont.DropItem(new Moonstone()); //drop moonstones

					if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.30 ) //30% chance to drop a statue
						int whichone = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,1);
						if(whichone == 0)mx = new MonsterStatuette (m_Monster[6]);
						if(whichone == 1)mx = new MonsterStatuette (m_Monster[7]);
						mx.LootType = LootType.Regular;			// not blessed
						cont.DropItem( mx );				// drop it baby!

				case ChestThemeType.Pirate:

					Bow special = new Bow();
					special.Name = "Bow of the Buccaneer";
					cont.DropItem(Loot.ImbueWeaponOrArmor(special, 6, 0, true));

					int onlyonedrop = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,1);
					PirateHat hat = new PirateHat();
					hat.Hue = 0x1;
					int oars = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,1); //2 oar types

					if(onlyonedrop ==0 )
						if(oars == 0) cont.DropItem(new Oars1());
						if(oars == 1) cont.DropItem(new Oars2());

					if(onlyonedrop == 1 )cont.DropItem(new GenieBottle(false) ); //lamp currently disabled genie not done
					if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.50 )cont.DropItem(hat); // 50% chance at black piratehat

					if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.30 ) //30% chance to drop a statue
						int whichone = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,1);
						if(whichone == 0)mx = new MonsterStatuette (m_Monster[8]);
						if(whichone == 1) mx = new MonsterStatuette (m_Monster[9]);
						mx.LootType = LootType.Regular;					// not blessed
						cont.DropItem( mx );						// drop it baby!

				case ChestThemeType.Dragon:
					WarFork special = new WarFork();
					special.Name = "Claw of the Dragon";
					cont.DropItem(Loot.ImbueWeaponOrArmor(special, 6, 0, true));

					int onlyonedrop = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,1);
					//new dragonhead trophydeed type
					if(onlyonedrop ==0 ) cont.DropItem(new TrophyDeed(8757, 8756, "a dragon head trophy", "a dragon head trophy", 10 ));
					int armor = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,2); // drop 1 piece of dragonarmor

					if(onlyonedrop == 1 )
						if(armor == 0) cont.DropItem(new HangingDragonChest());
						if(armor == 1) cont.DropItem(new HangingDragonLegs());
						if(armor == 2) cont.DropItem(new HangingDragonArms());

					if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.30 ) //30% chance to drop a statue
						int whichone = Utility.RandomMinMax(0,1);
						if(whichone == 0)mx = new MonsterStatuette (m_Monster[10]);
						if(whichone == 1)mx = new MonsterStatuette (m_Monster[11]);
						mx.LootType = LootType.Regular;			// not blessed
						cont.DropItem( mx );				// drop it baby!

				case ChestThemeType.Lizardmen: 
					if (Utility.RandomBool())
						cont.DropItem( new LizardmansStaff() ); 
						cont.DropItem( new LizardmansMace() ); 
				case ChestThemeType.Ettin:
					cont.DropItem( new EttinHammer() ); 
				case ChestThemeType.Ogre: 
					cont.DropItem( new OgresClub() ); 

				case ChestThemeType.Ophidian:
					cont.DropItem( new OphidianBardiche() ); 
				case ChestThemeType.Skeleton:
					switch (Utility.Random(3))
						case 0: cont.DropItem( new SkeletonScimitar() ); break;
						case 1: cont.DropItem( new SkeletonAxe() ); break;
						case 2: cont.DropItem( new BoneMageStaff() ); break;

				case ChestThemeType.Ratmen:
					if (Utility.RandomBool())
						cont.DropItem( new RatmanSword() ); 
						cont.DropItem( new RatmanAxe() ); 

				case ChestThemeType.Orc:
					switch (Utility.Random(3))
						case 0: cont.DropItem( new OrcClub() ); break;
						case 1: cont.DropItem( new OrcMageStaff() ); break;
						case 2: cont.DropItem( new OrcLordBattleaxe() ); break;

				case ChestThemeType.Terathan:
					switch (Utility.Random(3))
						case 0: cont.DropItem( new TerathanStaff() ); break;
						case 1: cont.DropItem( new TerathanSpear() ); break;
						case 2: cont.DropItem( new TerathanMace() ); break;

				case ChestThemeType.FrostTroll:
					switch (Utility.Random(3))
						case 0: cont.DropItem( new FrostTrollClub() ); break;
						case 1: cont.DropItem( new TrollAxe() ); break;
						case 2: cont.DropItem( new TrollMaul() ); break;

			}//end switch

        private static void AddThemeLoot(LockableContainer cont, int level, ChestThemeType type)
            MonsterStatuette mx = null;

            //switch to add in theme treasures
            switch (type)
            case ChestThemeType.Solen:
                //drop are special weapon
                QuarterStaff special = new QuarterStaff();
                special.Name = "Chitanous Staff";
                cont.DropItem(Loot.ImbueWeaponOrArmor(special, 6, 0, true));

                //go into dropping normal loot

                int onlyonedrop = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1);

                if (onlyonedrop == 0)
                    cont.DropItem(new Seed(PlantType.Hedge, 0, false));                                       //new solen seed
                if (onlyonedrop == 1)
                    cont.DropItem(new WaterBucket());                        //new waterbucket
                if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.30)                          //30% chance to drop a statue
                    int whichone = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1);
                    if (whichone == 0)
                        mx = new MonsterStatuette(m_Monster[0]);
                    if (whichone == 1)
                        mx = new MonsterStatuette(m_Monster[1]);
                    mx.LootType = LootType.Regular;                                     // not blessed
                    cont.DropItem(mx);                                                  // drop it baby!

            case ChestThemeType.Brigand:
                //drop are special weapon
                Katana special = new Katana();
                special.Name = "Bandit's Blade";
                cont.DropItem(Loot.ImbueWeaponOrArmor(special, 6, 0, true));

                int onlyonedrop = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1);

                if (onlyonedrop == 0)
                    cont.DropItem(new Brazier(true));                                         //new movable brazier
                if (onlyonedrop == 1)
                    cont.DropItem(new DecorativeBow(Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 3)));                                        //random decorative bow type
                for (int i = 0; i < level * 5; ++i)
                    cont.DropItem(new PowderOfTranslocation());                                //drop powder of translocation

                if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.30)                          //30% chance to drop a statue
                    int whichone = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1);
                    if (whichone == 0)
                        mx = new MonsterStatuette(m_Monster[2]);
                    if (whichone == 1)
                        mx = new MonsterStatuette(m_Monster[3]);
                    mx.LootType = LootType.Regular;                                     // not blessed
                    cont.DropItem(mx);                                                  // drop it baby!

            case ChestThemeType.Savage:
                //drop are special weapon
                ShortSpear special = new ShortSpear();
                special.Name = "Ornate Ritual Spear";
                cont.DropItem(Loot.ImbueWeaponOrArmor(special, 6, 0, true));

                int rug         = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1);
                int onlyonedrop = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1);

                if (onlyonedrop == 0)
                    cont.DropItem(new SkullPole());                                          //new skull pole
                if (onlyonedrop == 1)
                    if (rug == 0)
                        cont.DropItem(new BrownBearRugEastDeed());                                       //new rug east
                    if (rug == 1)
                        cont.DropItem(new BrownBearRugSouthDeed());                                       //new rug south

                if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= .30)                          //30% chance to drop a statue
                    int whichone = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1);
                    if (whichone == 0)
                        mx = new MonsterStatuette(m_Monster[4]);
                    if (whichone == 1)
                        mx = new MonsterStatuette(m_Monster[5]);
                    mx.LootType = LootType.Regular;                                             // not blessed
                    cont.DropItem(mx);                                                          // drop it baby!

            case ChestThemeType.Undead:
                Halberd special = new Halberd();
                special.Name = "Soul Reaver";
                cont.DropItem(Loot.ImbueWeaponOrArmor(special, 6, 0, true));

                int onlyonedrop = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1);
                if (onlyonedrop == 0)
                    cont.DropItem(new BoneContainer(Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 2))); //new bone container 3 differnt types 0-2
                int stone = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 3);                           // get random gravestone type to drop

                if (onlyonedrop == 1)
                    if (stone == 0)
                        cont.DropItem(new GraveStone1());
                    if (stone == 1)
                        cont.DropItem(new GraveStone2());
                    if (stone == 2)
                        cont.DropItem(new GraveStone3());
                    if (stone == 3)
                        cont.DropItem(new GraveStone4());

                for (int i = 0; i < level * 5; ++i)
                    cont.DropItem(new Moonstone());                             //drop moonstones

                if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.30)                          //30% chance to drop a statue
                    int whichone = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1);
                    if (whichone == 0)
                        mx = new MonsterStatuette(m_Monster[6]);
                    if (whichone == 1)
                        mx = new MonsterStatuette(m_Monster[7]);
                    mx.LootType = LootType.Regular;                                             // not blessed
                    cont.DropItem(mx);                                                          // drop it baby!

            case ChestThemeType.Pirate:
                Bow special = new Bow();
                special.Name = "Bow of the Buccaneer";
                cont.DropItem(Loot.ImbueWeaponOrArmor(special, 6, 0, true));

                int       onlyonedrop = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1);
                PirateHat hat         = new PirateHat();
                hat.Hue = 0x1;
                int oars = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1);                        //2 oar types

                if (onlyonedrop == 0)
                    if (oars == 0)
                        cont.DropItem(new Oars1());
                    if (oars == 1)
                        cont.DropItem(new Oars2());

                if (onlyonedrop == 1)
                    cont.DropItem(new GenieBottle(false));                                           //lamp currently disabled genie not done
                if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.50)
                    cont.DropItem(hat);                                      // 50% chance at black piratehat
                if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.30)                          //30% chance to drop a statue
                    int whichone = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1);
                    if (whichone == 0)
                        mx = new MonsterStatuette(m_Monster[8]);
                    if (whichone == 1)
                        mx = new MonsterStatuette(m_Monster[9]);
                    mx.LootType = LootType.Regular;                                                             // not blessed
                    cont.DropItem(mx);                                                                          // drop it baby!

            case ChestThemeType.Dragon:
                WarFork special = new WarFork();
                special.Name = "Claw of the Dragon";
                cont.DropItem(Loot.ImbueWeaponOrArmor(special, 6, 0, true));

                int onlyonedrop = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1);
                //new dragonhead trophydeed type
                if (onlyonedrop == 0)
                    cont.DropItem(new TrophyDeed(8757, 8756, "a dragon head trophy", "a dragon head trophy", 10));
                int armor = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 2);                        // drop 1 piece of dragonarmor

                if (onlyonedrop == 1)
                    if (armor == 0)
                        cont.DropItem(new HangingDragonChest());
                    if (armor == 1)
                        cont.DropItem(new HangingDragonLegs());
                    if (armor == 2)
                        cont.DropItem(new HangingDragonArms());

                if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.30)                          //30% chance to drop a statue
                    int whichone = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1);
                    if (whichone == 0)
                        mx = new MonsterStatuette(m_Monster[10]);
                    if (whichone == 1)
                        mx = new MonsterStatuette(m_Monster[11]);
                    mx.LootType = LootType.Regular;                                             // not blessed
                    cont.DropItem(mx);                                                          // drop it baby!

            case ChestThemeType.Lizardmen:
                if (Utility.RandomBool())
                    cont.DropItem(new LizardmansStaff());
                    cont.DropItem(new LizardmansMace());

            case ChestThemeType.Ettin:
                cont.DropItem(new EttinHammer());

            case ChestThemeType.Ogre:
                cont.DropItem(new OgresClub());

            case ChestThemeType.Ophidian:
                cont.DropItem(new OphidianBardiche());

            case ChestThemeType.Skeleton:
                switch (Utility.Random(3))
                case 0: cont.DropItem(new SkeletonScimitar()); break;

                case 1: cont.DropItem(new SkeletonAxe()); break;

                case 2: cont.DropItem(new BoneMageStaff()); break;

            case ChestThemeType.Ratmen:
                if (Utility.RandomBool())
                    cont.DropItem(new RatmanSword());
                    cont.DropItem(new RatmanAxe());

            case ChestThemeType.Orc:
                switch (Utility.Random(3))
                case 0: cont.DropItem(new OrcClub()); break;

                case 1: cont.DropItem(new OrcMageStaff()); break;

                case 2: cont.DropItem(new OrcLordBattleaxe()); break;

            case ChestThemeType.Terathan:
                switch (Utility.Random(3))
                case 0: cont.DropItem(new TerathanStaff()); break;

                case 1: cont.DropItem(new TerathanSpear()); break;

                case 2: cont.DropItem(new TerathanMace()); break;

            case ChestThemeType.FrostTroll:
                switch (Utility.Random(3))
                case 0: cont.DropItem(new FrostTrollClub()); break;

                case 1: cont.DropItem(new TrollAxe()); break;

                case 2: cont.DropItem(new TrollMaul()); break;
            }            //end switch
Exemple #14
        public MongbatHideoutTreasureChest2() : base(0xE43)
            Name    = "a treasure chest -50-";
            Movable = true;
            Weight  = 1000.0;

            TrapPower = 0;
            Locked    = true;

            RequiredSkill = 50;
            LockLevel     = 50;
            MaxLockLevel  = 80;

/////////////////////////////////// Gold
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.25)
                DropItem(new Gold(Utility.Random(20, 300)));

/////////////////////////////////////// Supplies

            switch (Utility.Random(18))
            case 0: DropItem(new Board(70)); break;

            case 1: DropItem(new BoltOfCloth(70)); break;

            case 2: DropItem(new Bottle(70)); break;

            case 3: DropItem(new CopperWire(70)); break;

            case 4: DropItem(new Cotton(70)); break;

            case 5: DropItem(new DarkYarn(70)); break;

            case 6: DropItem(new Feather(70)); break;

            case 7: DropItem(new Flax(70)); break;

            case 8: DropItem(new Gears(70)); break;

            case 9: DropItem(new GoldWire(70)); break;

            case 10: DropItem(new IronIngot(70)); break;

            case 11: DropItem(new IronWire(70)); break;

            case 12: DropItem(new Leather(70)); break;

            case 13: DropItem(new LightYarn(70)); break;

            case 14: DropItem(new Shaft(70)); break;

            case 15: DropItem(new SilverWire(70)); break;

            case 16: DropItem(new SpoolOfThread(70)); break;

            case 17: DropItem(new Springs(70)); break;

            case 18: DropItem(new Wool(70)); break;

            switch (Utility.Random(5))
            case 0: DropItem(new BeetleEgg(25)); break;

            case 1: DropItem(new FishScale(25)); break;

            case 2: DropItem(new Nirnroot(25)); break;

            case 3: DropItem(new SerpentScale(25)); break;

            case 4: DropItem(new ThunderStone(25)); break;

            Item ReagentLoot = Loot.RandomReagent();

            ReagentLoot.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 15);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                DropItem(new SackFlour());

/////////////////////////////////////// Rare Items

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new DyeTub());

/////////////////////////////////////// LV 10-20
/////////////////////////////////////// LV 10-25 for staves
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseWeapon weapon = Loot.RandomWeapon(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(28))
                case 0: weapon = new BattleAxe(); break;                   // Lv10

                case 1: weapon = new DoubleAxe(); break;                   // Lv20

                case 2: weapon = new MagicalShortbow(); break;             // Lv10

                case 3: weapon = new RepeatingCrossbow(); break;           // Lv10

                case 4: weapon = new ButcherKnife(); break;                // Lv10

                case 5: weapon = new CompositeBow(); break;                // Lv20

                case 6: weapon = new EbonyCrossbow(); break;               // Lv20

                case 7: weapon = new EbonyDagger(); break;                 // Lv10

                case 8: weapon = new Sai(); break;                         // Lv15

                case 9: weapon = new EbonyDualDaggers(); break;            // Lv20

                case 10: weapon = new Maul(); break;                       // Lv10

                case 11: weapon = new Scepter(); break;                    // Lv15

                case 12: weapon = new WarMace(); break;                    // Lv20

                case 13: weapon = new Pilum(); break;                      // Lv10

                case 14: weapon = new Pike(); break;                       // Lv15

                case 15: weapon = new Spear(); break;                      // Lv20

                case 16: weapon = new QuarterStaff(); break;               // Lv10

                case 17: weapon = new ReptilianStaff(); break;             // Lv15

                case 18: weapon = new BubbleStaff(); break;                // Lv25

                case 19: weapon = new CrystalStaff(); break;               // Lv25

                case 20: weapon = new EnergyStaff(); break;                // Lv25

                case 21: weapon = new FireStaff(); break;                  // Lv25

                case 22: weapon = new VineStaff(); break;                  // Lv25

                case 23: weapon = new EbonyRapier(); break;                // Lv10

                case 24: weapon = new Scimitar(); break;                   // Lv10

                case 25: weapon = new Longsword(); break;                  // Lv20

                case 26: weapon = new VikingSword(); break;                // Lv20

                default: weapon = new Wakizashi(); break;                  // Lv20

                switch (Utility.Random(14))
                case 0: weapon.Attributes.AttackChance = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5); break;

                case 1: weapon.Attributes.DefendChance = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5); break;

                case 2: weapon.Attributes.Luck = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10); break;

                case 3: weapon.Attributes.WeaponSpeed = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 25); break;

                case 4: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitDispel = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 5: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitFireball = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 6: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitHarm = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 7: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 8: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 9: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 10: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLightning = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 11: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 12: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                default: weapon.Attributes.WeaponDamage = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10); break;

                switch (Utility.Random(14))
                case 0: weapon.Attributes.AttackChance = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5); break;

                case 1: weapon.Attributes.DefendChance = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5); break;

                case 2: weapon.Attributes.Luck = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10); break;

                case 3: weapon.Attributes.WeaponSpeed = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 25); break;

                case 4: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitDispel = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 5: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitFireball = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 6: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitHarm = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 7: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 8: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 9: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 10: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLightning = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 11: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 12: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                default: weapon.Attributes.WeaponDamage = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10); break;


/////////////////////////////////////// LV 12-18
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseArmor armor = Loot.RandomArmor(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(19))
                case 0: armor = new ChitinArms(); break;                         // Lv12

                case 1: armor = new ChitinChest(); break;                        // Lv12

                case 2: armor = new ChitinGloves(); break;                       // Lv12

                case 3: armor = new ChitinGorget(); break;                       // Lv12

                case 4: armor = new ChitinHelmet(); break;                       // Lv12

                case 5: armor = new ChitinLegs(); break;                         // Lv12

                case 6: armor = new FemaleStuddedChest(); break;                 // Lv15

                case 7: armor = new StuddedArms(); break;                        // Lv15

                case 8: armor = new StuddedBustierArms(); break;                 // Lv15

                case 9: armor = new StuddedChest(); break;                       // Lv15

                case 10: armor = new StuddedGloves(); break;                     // Lv15

                case 11: armor = new StuddedGorget(); break;                     // Lv15

                case 12: armor = new StuddedLegs(); break;                       // Lv15

                case 13: armor = new HideFemaleChest(); break;                   // Lv18

                case 14: armor = new HideGloves(); break;                        // Lv18

                case 15: armor = new HideGorget(); break;                        // Lv18

                case 16: armor = new HidePants(); break;                         // Lv18

                case 17: armor = new HidePauldrons(); break;                     // Lv18

                default: armor = new HideChest(); break;                         // Lv18

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(armor, 3, 5, 50);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseHat hat = Loot.RandomHat(true);
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(hat, 3, 5, 10);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseClothing clothing = Loot.RandomClothing(true);
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(clothing, 3, 5, 10);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield1 = new MetalShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield1, 3, 5, 50);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield2 = new WoodenKiteShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield2, 3, 5, 50);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield3 = new MetalKiteShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield3, 3, 5, 50);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseJewel bracelet = new SilverBracelet();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(bracelet, 3, 5, 10);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseJewel earrings = new SilverEarrings();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(earrings, 3, 5, 10);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseJewel necklace = new SilverNecklace();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(necklace, 3, 5, 10);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseJewel ring = new SilverRing();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(ring, 3, 5, 10);
        public InsulariiMage()
            : base(Nation.Alyrian)
            int chance = Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, 6 );
            Nation nation = Nation.Alyrian;

            switch( chance )
                case 1: nation = Nation.Alyrian; break;
                case 2: nation = Nation.Azhuran; break;
                case 3: nation = Nation.Khemetar; break;
                case 4: nation = Nation.Mhordul; break;
                case 5: nation = Nation.Tyrean; break;
                case 6: nation = Nation.Vhalurian; break;

            Hue = BaseKhaerosMobile.AssignRacialHue( nation );
            HairItemID = BaseKhaerosMobile.AssignRacialHair( nation, this.Female );
            int hairhue = BaseKhaerosMobile.AssignRacialHairHue( nation );
            HairHue = hairhue;

            if( !this.Female )
                FacialHairItemID = BaseKhaerosMobile.AssignRacialFacialHair( nation );
                FacialHairHue = hairhue;

            if( this.Backpack == null )
                AddItem( new Backpack() );

            SetStr( 150 );
            SetDex( 75 );
            SetInt( 75 );

            SetDamage( 10, 15 );

            SetHits( 400 );
            SetMana( 150 );

            SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Blunt, 100 );

            SetResistance( ResistanceType.Blunt, 10 );
            SetResistance( ResistanceType.Piercing, 10 );
            SetResistance( ResistanceType.Slashing, 10 );

            SetSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Archery, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Fencing, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Macing, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Swords, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Polearms, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.ExoticWeaponry, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Axemanship, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.UnarmedFighting, 100.0 );

            SetSkill( SkillName.Magery, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.MagicResist, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Meditation, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Invocation, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Concentration, 100.0 );

            this.Fame = 16000;

            this.VirtualArmor = 10;

            FightMode = FightMode.Closest;

            Title = "the Insularii Mage";
            Name = BaseKhaerosMobile.GiveInsulariiName( this.Female );

            StuddedChest chest = new StuddedChest();
            chest.Hue = 2591;

            StuddedArms arms = new StuddedArms();
            arms.Hue = 2591;

            StuddedLegs legs = new StuddedLegs();
            legs.Hue = 2591;

            StuddedGorget gorget = new StuddedGorget();
            gorget.Hue = 2591;

            StuddedGloves gloves = new StuddedGloves();
            gloves.Hue = 2591;

            BlackLeatherBoots boots = new BlackLeatherBoots();
            boots.Hue = 2591;

            QuarterStaff staff = new QuarterStaff();
            staff.ItemID = 15813;
            staff.Name = "Insularii Mage Staff";

            Cowl cowl = new Cowl();
            cowl.Hue = 2799;

            Surcoat surcoat = new Surcoat();
            surcoat.Name = "Insularii Surcoat";
            surcoat.ItemID = 15502;
            surcoat.Hue = 2799;

            EquipItem( chest );
            EquipItem( arms );
            EquipItem( legs );
            EquipItem( gorget );
            EquipItem( gloves );
            EquipItem( boots );
            EquipItem( staff );
            EquipItem( cowl );
            EquipItem( surcoat );

            this.AI = AIType.AI_Mage;
        public TerathanIslandTreasureChest() : base(0x2DF1)
            Name    = "a treasure chest -30-";
            Movable = true;
            Hue     = 285;
            Weight  = 1000.0;

            TrapPower = 0;
            Locked    = true;

            RequiredSkill = 30;
            LockLevel     = 30;
            MaxLockLevel  = 35;

            // Gold
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.25)
                DropItem(new Gold(Utility.Random(45, 450)));

/////////////////////////////////////// Books

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new TamersHandbookVol1());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new TamersHandbookVol2());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new TamersHandbookVol3());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new TamersHandbookVol4());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new TamersHandbookVol5());

/////////////////////////////////////// Meats

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Bacon());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Sausage());

/////////////////////////////////////// Eating Utensils

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.08)
                DropItem(new KnifeLeft());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.08)
                DropItem(new KnifeRight());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.08)
                DropItem(new PewterMug());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.08)
                DropItem(new Plate());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.08)
                DropItem(new SpoonLeft());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.08)
                DropItem(new SpoonRight());

/////////////////////////////////////// Jewelry

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new Agate());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new Beryl());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new ChromeDiopside());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new FireOpal());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new MoonstoneCustom());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new Onyx());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new Opal());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new Pearl());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.04)
                DropItem(new TurquoiseCustom());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Bloodstone());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Citrine());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Demantoid());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Jasper());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Lolite());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Lupis());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Peridot());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Tsavorite());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.03)
                DropItem(new Zircon());

/////////////////////////////////////// Supplies

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Arrow(Utility.Random(17, 22)));

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Bolt(Utility.Random(17, 22)));

            Item ReagentLoot = Loot.RandomReagent();

            ReagentLoot.Amount = Utility.Random(17, 22);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Bandage(Utility.Random(17, 22)));

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Bedroll());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Bottle(Utility.Random(17, 22)));

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Lockpick(Utility.Random(17, 22)));

            Item PotionLoot = Loot.RandomPotion();


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.20)
                DropItem(new LesserPoisonPotion());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new PoisonPotion());

/////////////////////////////////////// Tools

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new FishingPole());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Shovel());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                DropItem(new Skillet());

/////////////////////////////////////// Rare Items

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new DyeTub());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseWeapon weapon = Loot.RandomWeapon(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(38))
                case 0: weapon = new Hatchet(); break;

                case 1: weapon = new Bow(); break;

                case 2: weapon = new Crossbow(); break;

                case 3: weapon = new Club(); break;

                case 4: weapon = new Mace(); break;

                case 5: weapon = new Maul(); break;

                case 6: weapon = new Pitchfork(); break;

                case 7: weapon = new ShortSpear(); break;

                case 8: weapon = new GnarledStaff(); break;

                case 9: weapon = new ShepherdsCrook(); break;

                case 10: weapon = new Cutlass(); break;

                case 11: weapon = new Katana(); break;

                case 12: weapon = new Kryss(); break;

                case 13: weapon = new Scimitar(); break;

                case 14: weapon = new AssassinSpike(); break;

                case 15: weapon = new DiamondMace(); break;

                case 16: weapon = new Leafblade(); break;

                case 17: weapon = new MagicalShortbow(); break;

                case 18: weapon = new RadiantScimitar(); break;

                case 19: weapon = new WildStaff(); break;

                case 20: weapon = new Axe(); break;

                case 21: weapon = new ExecutionersAxe(); break;

                case 22: weapon = new Pickaxe(); break;

                case 23: weapon = new TwoHandedAxe(); break;

                case 24: weapon = new WarAxe(); break;

                case 25: weapon = new HeavyCrossbow(); break;

                case 26: weapon = new HammerPick(); break;

                case 27: weapon = new WarMace(); break;

                case 28: weapon = new Spear(); break;

                case 29: weapon = new WarFork(); break;

                case 30: weapon = new BlackStaff(); break;

                case 31: weapon = new QuarterStaff(); break;

                case 32: weapon = new Longsword(); break;

                case 33: weapon = new ElvenCompositeLongbow(); break;

                case 34: weapon = new ElvenMachete(); break;

                case 35: weapon = new ElvenSpellblade(); break;

                case 36: weapon = new RuneBlade(); break;

                default: weapon = new Dagger(); break;

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(weapon, 2, 22, 25);
                weapon.Hue = 285;

                weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam = 5;
                weapon.Attributes.BonusHits          = 10;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseArmor armor = Loot.RandomArmor(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(13))
                case 0: armor = new FemaleStuddedChest(); break;

                case 1: armor = new StuddedArms(); break;

                case 2: armor = new StuddedBustierArms(); break;

                case 3: armor = new StuddedGloves(); break;

                case 4: armor = new StuddedGorget(); break;

                case 5: armor = new ChainCoif(); break;

                case 6: armor = new ChainChest(); break;

                case 7: armor = new ChainLegs(); break;

                case 8: armor = new RingmailArms(); break;

                case 9: armor = new RingmailChest(); break;

                case 10: armor = new RingmailGloves(); break;

                case 11: armor = new RingmailLegs(); break;

                default: armor = new StuddedChest(); break;

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(armor, 3, 22, 25);
                armor.Hue = 285;

                armor.Attributes.WeaponDamage = 3;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseHat hat = Loot.RandomHat(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(5))
                case 0: hat = new BearMask(); break;

                case 1: hat = new DeerMask(); break;

                case 2: hat = new FeatheredHat(); break;

                case 3: hat = new WizardsHat(); break;

                default: hat = new TribalMask(); break;

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(hat, 3, 22, 25);
                hat.Hue = 285;

                hat.Attributes.BonusHits   = 10;
                hat.Attributes.SpellDamage = 5;
                hat.Resistances.Energy     = 10;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseClothing clothing = Loot.RandomClothing(true);
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(clothing, 3, 22, 25);
                clothing.Hue = 285;

                clothing.Attributes.BonusHits    = 5;
                clothing.Attributes.DefendChance = 3;
                clothing.Resistances.Physical    = 5;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseShield shield = new WoodenKiteShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield, 3, 22, 25);
                shield.Hue = 285;

                shield.Attributes.BonusHits = 10;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseJewel bracelet = new GoldBracelet();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(bracelet, 3, 22, 25);
                bracelet.Hue = 285;

                bracelet.Attributes.WeaponDamage = 5;
                bracelet.Attributes.DefendChance = 2;
                bracelet.Resistances.Fire        = 5;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseJewel earrings = new SilverEarrings();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(earrings, 3, 22, 25);
                earrings.Hue = 285;

                earrings.Attributes.WeaponDamage = 5;
                earrings.Attributes.DefendChance = 3;
                earrings.Resistances.Cold        = 5;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseJewel necklace = new GoldNecklace();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(necklace, 3, 22, 25);
                necklace.Hue = 285;

                necklace.Attributes.WeaponDamage = 5;
                necklace.Attributes.DefendChance = 5;
                necklace.Resistances.Energy      = 5;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseJewel ring = new SilverRing();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(ring, 3, 22, 25);
                ring.Hue = 285;

                ring.Attributes.WeaponDamage = 5;
                ring.Attributes.DefendChance = 2;
                ring.Resistances.Poison      = 5;

Exemple #17
        public TownChestWeaponsmith() : base(0xE43)
            Name    = "a metal chest -20-";
            Movable = true;
            Weight  = 1000.0;

            Hue = 83;

            TrapPower = 0;
            Locked    = true;

            RequiredSkill = 20;
            LockLevel     = 20;
            MaxLockLevel  = 25;

            // Gold
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.25)
                DropItem(new Gold(Utility.Random(1, 50)));

            // Supplies

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Axe());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                DropItem(new DoubleAxe());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new LargeBattleAxe());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Mace());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Maul());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new WarMace());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new ShortSpear());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Spear());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Longsword());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Scimitar());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Arrow(Utility.Random(25, 30)));

/////////////////////////////////////// Rare Items

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15)
                BaseWeapon weapon = Loot.RandomWeapon(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(38))
                case 0: weapon = new Hatchet(); break;

                case 1: weapon = new Bow(); break;

                case 2: weapon = new Crossbow(); break;

                case 3: weapon = new Club(); break;

                case 4: weapon = new Mace(); break;

                case 5: weapon = new Maul(); break;

                case 6: weapon = new Pitchfork(); break;

                case 7: weapon = new ShortSpear(); break;

                case 8: weapon = new GnarledStaff(); break;

                case 9: weapon = new ShepherdsCrook(); break;

                case 10: weapon = new Cutlass(); break;

                case 11: weapon = new Katana(); break;

                case 12: weapon = new Kryss(); break;

                case 13: weapon = new Scimitar(); break;

                case 14: weapon = new AssassinSpike(); break;

                case 15: weapon = new DiamondMace(); break;

                case 16: weapon = new Leafblade(); break;

                case 17: weapon = new MagicalShortbow(); break;

                case 18: weapon = new RadiantScimitar(); break;

                case 19: weapon = new WildStaff(); break;

                case 20: weapon = new Axe(); break;

                case 21: weapon = new ExecutionersAxe(); break;

                case 22: weapon = new Pickaxe(); break;

                case 23: weapon = new TwoHandedAxe(); break;

                case 24: weapon = new WarAxe(); break;

                case 25: weapon = new HeavyCrossbow(); break;

                case 26: weapon = new HammerPick(); break;

                case 27: weapon = new WarMace(); break;

                case 28: weapon = new Spear(); break;

                case 29: weapon = new WarFork(); break;

                case 30: weapon = new BlackStaff(); break;

                case 31: weapon = new QuarterStaff(); break;

                case 32: weapon = new Longsword(); break;

                case 33: weapon = new ElvenCompositeLongbow(); break;

                case 34: weapon = new ElvenMachete(); break;

                case 35: weapon = new ElvenSpellblade(); break;

                case 36: weapon = new RuneBlade(); break;

                default: weapon = new Dagger(); break;
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(weapon, 5, 15, 20);
