Exemple #1
        public static void GiveAntique(Museums antique, Mobile vendor, Mobile player)
            string say  = "Thank you!";
            int    cost = Museums.AntiqueTotalValue(antique.ThisValue, player, true);

            switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 9))
            case 0: say = "I have been looking for something like this. Here is " + cost.ToString() + " gold for you.";             break;

            case 1: say = "I have heard of this item before. Here is " + cost.ToString() + " gold for you.";                break;

            case 2: say = "I never thought I would see one of these. Here is " + cost.ToString() + " gold for you.";                break;

            case 3: say = "I have never seen one of these. Here is " + cost.ToString() + " gold for you.";          break;

            case 4: say = "What a rare item. Here is " + cost.ToString() + " gold for you.";                break;

            case 5: say = "This is quite rare. Here is " + cost.ToString() + " gold for you.";              break;

            case 6: say = "This will go nicely in my museum. Here is " + cost.ToString() + " gold for you.";                break;

            case 7: say = "I have only heard tales about such items. Here is " + cost.ToString() + " gold for you.";                break;

            case 8: say = "How did you come across this? Here is " + cost.ToString() + " gold for you.";            break;

            case 9: say = "Where did you find this? Here is " + cost.ToString() + " gold for you.";         break;

            player.SendMessage("You receive " + cost + " gold.");
            player.AddToBackpack(new Gold(cost));
            vendor.PrivateOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 1153, false, say, player.NetState);
        public static bool FoundItem(Mobile player, int type)
            Item       item = player.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(MuseumBook));
            MuseumBook book = (MuseumBook)item;

            if (type == book.RumorGoal && book.RumorDungeon == Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(player.Map, player.Location) && book.ArtOwner == player && GetNext(book) < 100)
                if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3) != 1)
                    int    thing = GetNext(book);
                    string say   = AntiqueInfo(thing, 4, book);

                    Museums relic = new Museums();
                    relic.ItemID = Int32.Parse(AntiqueInfo(thing, 1, book));
                    relic.Hue    = Int32.Parse(AntiqueInfo(thing, 3, book));

                    if (relic.ItemID == 0x4FA4)
                        MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(relic, 0);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x4FC9)
                        MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(relic, 0);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x5328)
                        relic.Hue = Utility.RandomList(0, 0x4A7, 0x747, 0x96C, 0x7DA, 0x415, 0x908, 0x712, 0x1CD, 0x9C2, 0x843, 0x750, 0xA94, 0x973, 0xA3A);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x4FA9)
                        MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(relic, 0);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x4FBD)
                        MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(relic, 0);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x4FBB)
                        MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(relic, 0);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x4FBE)
                        MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(relic, 0);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x4FA7)
                        MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(relic, 0);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x4FC2)
                        MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(relic, 0);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x4FC6)
                        MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(relic, 0);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x0FF5)
                        MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(relic, 0);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x4B45)
                        MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(relic, 0);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x4FA6)
                        MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(relic, 0);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x4FAB)
                        MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(relic, 0);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x5327)
                        relic.Hue = Utility.RandomList(0, 0x4A7, 0x747, 0x96C, 0x7DA, 0x415, 0x908, 0x712, 0x1CD, 0x9C2, 0x843, 0x750, 0xA94, 0x973, 0xA3A);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x47E6)
                        MaterialInfo.ColorMetal(relic, 0);
                    else if (relic.ItemID == 0x530A)
                        relic.Hue = Utility.RandomColor(0);

                    relic.Name            = AntiqueInfo(thing, 4, book);
                    relic.DiscoverName    = player.Name;
                    relic.DiscoverOwner   = player;
                    relic.ThisDescription = AntiqueInfo(thing, 5, book);
                    relic.ThisValue       = book.ItemValue;

                    if (AntiqueInfo(thing, 6, book) == "1")
                        relic.Light = LightType.Circle150;
                    else if (AntiqueInfo(thing, 6, book) == "2")
                        relic.Light = LightType.Circle300;

                    player.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, 1150, true, "You found the " + say + ".");
                    book.RumorWorld   = "";
                    book.RumorDungeon = "";
                    book.RumorGoal    = 0;
                    book.RumorFrom    = "";
                    book.ItemValue    = 0;
                    SetInventory(book, thing);

                    player.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, 1150, true, book.RumorFrom + " was either wrong or they lied.");
                    book.RumorWorld   = "";
                    book.RumorDungeon = "";
                    book.RumorGoal    = 0;
                    book.RumorFrom    = "";
                    book.ItemValue    = 0;

Exemple #3
 public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
     if (IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
         int cost = Museums.AntiqueTotalValue(ThisValue, from, false);
         from.SendMessage("This antique is worth " + cost + " gold to an art collector.");
         if (ItemID == 0x52FC)
             ItemID = 0x0481; Light = LightType.Circle300; from.SendSound(0x4A);
         else if (ItemID == 0x0481)
             ItemID = 0x52FC; Light = LightType.Empty; from.SendSound(0x4A);
         else if (ItemID == 0x5354)
             ItemID = 0x5351; Light = LightType.Circle300; from.SendSound(0x47);
         else if (ItemID == 0x5351)
             ItemID = 0x5354; Light = LightType.Empty; from.SendSound(0x3be);
         else if (ItemID == 0x5355)
             ItemID = 0x5356; Light = LightType.Circle150; from.SendSound(0x47);
         else if (ItemID == 0x5356)
             ItemID = 0x5355; Light = LightType.Empty; from.SendSound(0x3be);
         else if (ItemID == 0x535C)
             ItemID = 0x535D; Light = LightType.Circle150; from.SendSound(0x47);
         else if (ItemID == 0x535D)
             ItemID = 0x535C; Light = LightType.Empty; from.SendSound(0x3be);
         else if (ItemID == 0x5363)
             ItemID = 0x5364; Light = LightType.Circle150; from.SendSound(0x47);
         else if (ItemID == 0x5364)
             ItemID = 0x5363; Light = LightType.Empty; from.SendSound(0x3be);
         else if (ItemID == 0x5367)
             ItemID = 0x5368; Light = LightType.Circle150; from.SendSound(0x47);
         else if (ItemID == 0x5368)
             ItemID = 0x5367; Light = LightType.Empty; from.SendSound(0x3be);
         else if (ItemID == 0x5320)
             ItemID = 0x5321; Light = LightType.Circle300; from.SendSound(0x208);
         else if (ItemID == 0x5321)
             ItemID = 0x5320; Light = LightType.Empty; from.SendSound(0x3be);
         else if (ItemID == 0x539F)
             ItemID = 0x53A0; Light = LightType.Circle300; from.SendSound(0x208);
         else if (ItemID == 0x53A0)
             ItemID = 0x539F; Light = LightType.Empty; from.SendSound(0x3be);