public AtmosphereTileTimePrompt(Mobile from, AtmosphereTile tile)
     m_AtmoTile = tile;
     from.SendMessage("Enter the number of seconds for this Atmosphere Tile's refractory period between messages.");
 public AtmosphereTileEditPrompt(Mobile from, AtmosphereTile tile)
     m_AtmoTile = tile;
     from.SendMessage("Do you wish to edit this Atmosphere Tile's message? (Yes / No) Or, enter 'time' or 'refractory' to edit the tile's refractory period.");
 public AtmosphereTilePrompt(Mobile from, AtmosphereTile tile)
     m_AtmoTile = tile;
     from.SendMessage("Type and enter the text you wish the Atmosphere Tile to send to anyone who walks over it.");
        private static void AddAtmosphere_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e)
            AtmosphereTile removeTile = null;
            foreach (AtmosphereTile tile in AtmosphereTiles)
                if (tile.Owner == e.Mobile)
                    removeTile = tile;
            if (removeTile != null)
                e.Mobile.SendMessage("You have an Atmosphere Tile currently in existence. It has been deleted.");

            AtmosphereTile newTile = new AtmosphereTile("", e.Mobile);
            e.Mobile.SendMessage("You have created a new Atmosphere Tile!");