public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info ) //Function for GumpButtonType.Reply Buttons { Mobile from = state.Mobile; switch ( info.ButtonID ) { case 0: //Case uses the ActionIDs defenied above. Case 0 defenies the actions for the button with the action id 0 { //Cancel from.SendMessage( "You decide not to choose a Dye Tub." ); AllDyeTubsDeed AllDyeTubsDeed = new AllDyeTubsDeed(); from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsDeed ); } break; case 1: //Case uses the ActionIDs defenied above. Case 0 defenies the actions for the button with the action id 0 { AllDyeTubsArmorBone AllDyeTubsArmorBoneX = new AllDyeTubsArmorBone(); AllDyeTubsArmorBoneX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsArmorBoneX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 2: //Same as above { AllDyeTubsArmorChain AllDyeTubsArmorChainX = new AllDyeTubsArmorChain(); AllDyeTubsArmorChainX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsArmorChainX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 3: { AllDyeTubsArmorLeather AllDyeTubsArmorLeatherX = new AllDyeTubsArmorLeather(); AllDyeTubsArmorLeatherX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsArmorLeatherX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 4: { AllDyeTubsArmorPlate AllDyeTubsArmorPlateX = new AllDyeTubsArmorPlate(); AllDyeTubsArmorPlateX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsArmorPlateX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 5: { AllDyeTubsArmorRing AllDyeTubsArmorRingX = new AllDyeTubsArmorRing(); AllDyeTubsArmorRingX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsArmorRingX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 6: { AllDyeTubsWeaponStaff AllDyeTubsWeaponStaffX = new AllDyeTubsWeaponStaff(); AllDyeTubsWeaponStaffX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsWeaponStaffX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 7: { AllDyeTubsWeaponAxe AllDyeTubsWeaponAxeX = new AllDyeTubsWeaponAxe(); AllDyeTubsWeaponAxeX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsWeaponAxeX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 8: { AllDyeTubsWeaponBashing AllDyeTubsWeaponBashingX = new AllDyeTubsWeaponBashing(); AllDyeTubsWeaponBashingX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsWeaponBashingX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 9: { AllDyeTubsWeaponPiercing AllDyeTubsWeaponPiercingX = new AllDyeTubsWeaponPiercing(); AllDyeTubsWeaponPiercingX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsWeaponPiercingX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 10: { AllDyeTubsWeaponPoleArm AllDyeTubsWeaponPoleArmX = new AllDyeTubsWeaponPoleArm(); AllDyeTubsWeaponPoleArmX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsWeaponPoleArmX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 11: { AllDyeTubsWeaponRanged AllDyeTubsWeaponRangedX = new AllDyeTubsWeaponRanged(); AllDyeTubsWeaponRangedX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsWeaponRangedX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 12: { AllDyeTubsWeaponSlashing AllDyeTubsWeaponSlashingX = new AllDyeTubsWeaponSlashing(); AllDyeTubsWeaponSlashingX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsWeaponSlashingX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 13: { AllDyeTubsBookRune AllDyeTubsBookRuneX = new AllDyeTubsBookRune(); AllDyeTubsBookRuneX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsBookRuneX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 14: { AllDyeTubsBookSpell AllDyeTubsBookSpellX = new AllDyeTubsBookSpell(); AllDyeTubsBookSpellX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsBookSpellX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 15: { AllDyeTubsFurniture AllDyeTubsFurnitureX = new AllDyeTubsFurniture(); AllDyeTubsFurnitureX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsFurnitureX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 16: { AllDyeTubsMount AllDyeTubsMountX = new AllDyeTubsMount(); AllDyeTubsMountX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsMountX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 17: { AllDyeTubsMountEthereal AllDyeTubsMountEtherealX = new AllDyeTubsMountEthereal(); AllDyeTubsMountEtherealX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsMountEtherealX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 18: { AllDyeTubsPotionKeg AllDyeTubsPotionKegX = new AllDyeTubsPotionKeg(); AllDyeTubsPotionKegX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsPotionKegX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 19: { AllDyeTubsRecallRune AllDyeTubsRecallRuneX = new AllDyeTubsRecallRune(); AllDyeTubsRecallRuneX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsRecallRuneX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 20: { AllDyeTubsShield AllDyeTubsShieldX = new AllDyeTubsShield(); AllDyeTubsShieldX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsShieldX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 21: { AllDyeTubsStatuetteMonster AllDyeTubsStatuetteMonsterX = new AllDyeTubsStatuetteMonster(); AllDyeTubsStatuetteMonsterX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsStatuetteMonsterX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; case 22: { AllDyeTubsSkin AllDyeTubsSkinX = new AllDyeTubsSkin(); AllDyeTubsSkinX.Charged = false; from.AddToBackpack( AllDyeTubsSkinX ); from.SendMessage( "Your choice has been added to your backpack!" ); } break; } }
public AllDyeTubsShieldTarget(AllDyeTubsShield dyetub) : base(12, false, TargetFlags.None) { m_Tub = dyetub; }
public AllDyeTubsShieldTarget( AllDyeTubsShield dyetub ) : base( 12, false, TargetFlags.None ) { m_Tub = dyetub; }