public TalkingBaseVendor( string title )
     : base(title)
     // add the XmlDialog attachment
     m_DialogAttachment = new XmlDialog((string)null);
     XmlAttach.AttachTo(this, m_DialogAttachment);
        public TalkingBaseCreature(AIType ai,
			FightMode mode,
			int iRangePerception,
			int iRangeFight,
			double dActiveSpeed, 
			double dPassiveSpeed)
            : base(ai, mode, iRangePerception, iRangeFight, dActiveSpeed, dPassiveSpeed)
            // add the XmlDialog attachment
            m_DialogAttachment = new XmlDialog((string)null);
            XmlAttach.AttachTo(this, m_DialogAttachment);
Exemple #3
            protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object targeted )
                string filename = m_e.GetString(0);

                if(filename == null || filename.Length <= 0)
                    from.SendMessage("must specify a load filename");

                // load the XmlDialog attachment
                XmlDialog xa = XmlAttach.FindAttachment(targeted, typeof(XmlDialog)) as XmlDialog;

                if(xa != null)
                    xa.DoLoadNPC(from, filename);

                    // doesnt have a dialog attachment, so add and load
                    xa = new XmlDialog(filename);
                    XmlAttach.AttachTo(targeted, xa);
Exemple #4
            public InternalTimer( XmlDialog npc, TimeSpan delay, Mobile trigmob )
                : base(delay, delay)
                Priority = TimerPriority.OneSecond;

                m_npc = npc;
                m_trigmob = trigmob;
                m_delay = delay;
Exemple #5
            public ConfirmSaveGump(XmlDialog dialog, DataSet ds, string filename, string configname, bool updateconfig)
                : base(0, 0)
                m_dialog = dialog;
                m_ds = ds;
                m_filename = filename;
                m_configname = configname;
                m_updateconfig = updateconfig;

                Closable = false;
                Dragable = true;
                AddPage( 0 );
                AddBackground( 10, 200, 200, 130, 5054 );

                AddLabel( 20, 210, 33, String.Format("{0} exists.",filename) );
                AddLabel( 20, 230, 33, String.Format("Overwrite?",filename) );
                AddRadio( 35, 255, 9721, 9724, false, 1 ); // accept/yes radio
                AddRadio( 135, 255, 9721, 9724, true, 2 ); // decline/no radio
                AddHtmlLocalized(72, 255, 200, 30, 1049016, 0x7fff , false , false ); // Yes
                AddHtmlLocalized(172, 255, 200, 30, 1049017, 0x7fff , false , false ); // No
                AddButton( 80, 289, 2130, 2129, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 ); // Okay button
        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            if(version < 5)
                // have to add the XmlDialog attachment
                m_DialogAttachment = new XmlDialog((string)null);
                XmlAttach.AttachTo(this, m_DialogAttachment);

            switch ( version )
                case 7:
                    m_EItemID = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Duration = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Offset = reader.ReadPoint3D();
                    m_EHue = reader.ReadInt();
                    goto case 6;
                case 6:
                    TalkText = reader.ReadString();
                case 5:
                case 4:
                    int count = reader.ReadInt();

                    SpeechEntries = new ArrayList();
                    for(int i = 0; i<count;i++)
                        XmlDialog.SpeechEntry newentry = new XmlDialog.SpeechEntry();

                        newentry.Condition = reader.ReadString();


                    goto case 3;
                case 3:
                    TriggerOnCarried = reader.ReadString();
                    NoTriggerOnCarried = reader.ReadString();
                    goto case 2;
                case 2:
                    SpeechPace = reader.ReadInt();

                    int count = reader.ReadInt();
                    if(version < 4)
                        SpeechEntries = new ArrayList();
                    for(int i = 0; i<count;i++)
                        if(version < 4)
                            XmlDialog.SpeechEntry newentry = new XmlDialog.SpeechEntry();

                            newentry.PrePause = reader.ReadInt();
                            newentry.LockConversation = reader.ReadBool();
                            newentry.AllowNPCTrigger = reader.ReadBool();
                            newentry.SpeechStyle = (MessageType)reader.ReadInt();

                            XmlDialog.SpeechEntry newentry = (XmlDialog.SpeechEntry)SpeechEntries[i];

                            newentry.PrePause = reader.ReadInt();
                            newentry.LockConversation = reader.ReadBool();
                            newentry.AllowNPCTrigger = reader.ReadBool();
                            newentry.SpeechStyle = (MessageType)reader.ReadInt();
                    goto case 1;
                case 1:
                    ActivePlayer = reader.ReadMobile();
                    goto case 0;
                case 0:
                    IsActive = reader.ReadBool();
                    ResetTime = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
                    LastInteraction = reader.ReadDateTime();
                    AllowGhostTrig = reader.ReadBool();
                    ProximityRange = reader.ReadInt();
                    Running = reader.ReadBool();
                    ConfigFile = reader.ReadString();
                    int count = reader.ReadInt();
                    if(version < 2)
                        SpeechEntries = new ArrayList();
                    for(int i = 0; i<count;i++)

                        if(version < 2)
                            XmlDialog.SpeechEntry newentry = new XmlDialog.SpeechEntry();

                            newentry.EntryNumber = reader.ReadInt();
                            newentry.ID = reader.ReadInt();
                            newentry.Text = reader.ReadString();
                            newentry.Keywords = reader.ReadString();
                            newentry.Action = reader.ReadString();
                            newentry.DependsOn = reader.ReadInt().ToString();
                            newentry.Pause = reader.ReadInt();

                            XmlDialog.SpeechEntry newentry = (XmlDialog.SpeechEntry)SpeechEntries[i];

                            newentry.EntryNumber = reader.ReadInt();
                            newentry.ID = reader.ReadInt();
                            newentry.Text = reader.ReadString();
                            newentry.Keywords = reader.ReadString();
                            newentry.Action = reader.ReadString();
                            newentry.DependsOn = reader.ReadInt().ToString();
                            newentry.Pause = reader.ReadInt();
                    // read in the current entry number. Note this will also set the current entry
                    EntryNumber = reader.ReadInt();
                    // restart the timer if it was active
                    bool isrunning = reader.ReadBool();
                        Mobile trigmob = reader.ReadMobile();
                        TimeSpan delay = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
                        if(DialogAttachment != null)
			public static XmlAttachment NEWATTACHMENT(TriggerObject trigObj, string attachmenttype, string name)
				attachmenttype = attachmenttype.ToLower().Trim();

				XmlAttachment attachment = null;

				switch (attachmenttype)
					case "xmlvalue":
						attachment = new XmlValue("", 0);
					case "xmllocalvariable":
						attachment = new XmlLocalVariable("");
					case "xmlscript":
						attachment = new XmlScript();
					case "xmlteam":
						attachment = new XmlTeam();
					case "xmldouble":
						attachment = new XmlDouble("", 0.0);
					case "xmlgroup":
						attachment = new XmlGroup();
					case "xmlslayer":
						attachment = new XmlSlayer("orcslaying", name);
					case "xmldate":
						attachment = new XmlDate("");
					case "xmlcorpseaction":
						attachment = new XmlCorpseAction();
					case "xmldeathaction":
						attachment = new XmlDeathAction();
					case "xmluse":
						attachment = new XmlUse();
					case "xmlonhit":
						attachment = new XmlOnHit();
					case "xmladdfame":
						attachment = new XmlAddFame(0);
					case "xmladdkarma":
						attachment = new XmlAddKarma(0);
					case "xmldex":
						attachment = new XmlDex();
					case "xmldialog":
						attachment = new XmlDialog();
					case "xmlenemymastery":
						attachment = new XmlEnemyMastery("");
					case "xmlfire":
						attachment = new XmlFire(1);
					case "xmlfreeze":
						attachment = new XmlFreeze();
					case "xmlhue":
						attachment = new XmlHue(0);
					case "xmllifedrain":
						attachment = new XmlLifeDrain(1);
					case "xmllightning":
						attachment = new XmlLightning(1);
					case "xmlmagicword":
						attachment = new XmlMagicWord();
					case "xmlmanadrain":
						attachment = new XmlManaDrain(1);
					case "xmlmessage":
						attachment = new XmlMessage("");
					case "xmlsaveitem":
						attachment = new XmlSaveItem();
					case "xmlskill":
						attachment = new XmlSkill("", "wrestling");
					case "xmlsound":
						attachment = new XmlSound();
					case "xmlstamdrain":
						attachment = new XmlStamDrain(1);
					case "xmlstr":
						attachment = new XmlStr();
					case "xmlint":
						attachment = new XmlInt();

				if (attachment == null)
					throw new UberScriptException("NEWATTACHMENT error: " + attachmenttype + " is not an available xmlattachment!");

				if (attachment.Name == "" && name == null) // those attachments that require a name
					return attachment;

				attachment.Name = name;

				return attachment;
Exemple #8
        public XmlEditDialogGump( Mobile from,  bool firststart, 
			XmlDialog dialog, int selected, int displayfrom, string savefilename,
			bool selectall, bool [] selectionlist, int X, int Y )
            : base(X,Y)
            if(from == null || dialog == null) return;

            m_Dialog = dialog;
            m_From = from;

            m_SelectionList = selectionlist;
            if(m_SelectionList == null)
                m_SelectionList = new bool[MaxEntries];
            SaveFilename = savefilename;

            DisplayFrom = displayfrom;
            Selected = selected;

            // fill the list with the XmlDialog entries
            m_SearchList = dialog.SpeechEntries;

            // prepare the page
            int height = 500;

            AddPage( 0 );

            AddBackground( 0, 0, 755, height, 5054 );
            AddAlphaRegion( 0, 0, 755, height );

            // add the separators
            AddImageTiled( 10, 80, 735, 4, 0xBB9 );
            AddImageTiled( 10, height -212, 735, 4, 0xBB9 );
            AddImageTiled( 10, height -60, 735, 4, 0xBB9 );

            // add the xmldialog properties
            int y = 5;
            int w = 140;
            int x = 5;
            int lw = 0;
            // the dialog name
            AddImageTiled( x, y, w, 21, 0x23F4 );
            // get the name of the object this is attached to

            if(m_Dialog.AttachedTo is Item)
                Name = ((Item)m_Dialog.AttachedTo).Name;
                if(m_Dialog.AttachedTo is Mobile)
                Name = ((Mobile)m_Dialog.AttachedTo).Name;
            if(Name == null && m_Dialog.AttachedTo != null)
                Name = m_Dialog.AttachedTo.GetType().Name;
            AddLabelCropped( x, y, w, 21, 0, Name );

            x += w + lw + 20;
            w = 40;
            lw = 90;
            // add the proximity range
            AddLabel( x, y, 0x384, "ProximityRange" );
            AddImageTiled( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
            AddTextEntry( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0, 140, m_Dialog.ProximityRange.ToString() );

            x += w + lw + 20;
            w = 100;
            lw = 60;
            // reset time
            AddLabel( x, y, 0x384, "ResetTime" );
            AddImageTiled( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
            AddTextEntry( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0, 141, m_Dialog.ResetTime.ToString() );

            x += w + lw + 20;
            w = 40;
            lw = 65;
            // speech pace
            AddLabel( x, y, 0x384, "SpeechPace" );
            AddImageTiled( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
            AddTextEntry( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0, 142, m_Dialog.SpeechPace.ToString() );

            x += w + lw + 20;
            w = 30;
            lw = 55;
            // allow ghost triggering
            AddLabel( x, y, 0x384, "GhostTrig" );
            AddCheck( x+lw, y, 0xD2, 0xD3, m_Dialog.AllowGhostTrig, 260);

            // add the triggeroncarried
            y += 27;
            w = 600;
            x = 10;
            lw = 100;
            AddLabel( 10, y, 0x384, "TrigOnCarried" );
            AddImageTiled( x + lw, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
            AddTextEntry( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0, 150, TruncateLabel(m_Dialog.TriggerOnCarried) );
            AddButton( 720, y, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 5005, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

            // add the notriggeroncarried
            y += 22;
            w = 600;
            x = 10;
            lw = 100;
            AddLabel( x, y, 0x384, "NoTrigOnCarried" );
            AddImageTiled( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
            AddTextEntry(x + lw, y, w, 21, 0, 151, TruncateLabel(m_Dialog.NoTriggerOnCarried));
            AddButton( 720, y, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 5006, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

            y = 88;
            // column labels
            AddLabel( 10, y, 0x384, "Edit" );
            AddLabel( 45, y, 0x384, "#" );
            AddLabel( 95, y, 0x384, "ID" );
            AddLabel( 145, y, 0x384, "Depends" );
            AddLabel( 195, y, 0x384, "Keywords" );
            AddLabel( 295, y, 0x384, "Text" );
            AddLabel( 540, y, 0x384, "Action" );
            AddLabel( 602, y, 0x384, "Condition" );
            AddLabel( 664, y, 0x384, "Gump" );

            // display the select-all-displayed toggle
            AddButton( 730, y, 0xD2, 0xD3, 3999, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

            y -= 10;
            for ( int i = 0;  i < MaxEntries; i++ )
                int index = i + DisplayFrom;
                if(m_SearchList == null || index >= m_SearchList.Count) break;
                int page = (int)(i/MaxEntriesPerPage);
                if(i%MaxEntriesPerPage == 0)
                    // add highlighted page button
                    //AddImageTiled( 235+page*25, 448, 25, 25, 0xBBC );
                    //AddImage( 238+page*25, 450, 0x8B1+page );

                // background for search results area
                AddImageTiled( 235, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage)  + 30, 386, 23, 0x52 );
                AddImageTiled( 236, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage) + 31, 384, 21, 0xBBC );

                XmlDialog.SpeechEntry s = (XmlDialog.SpeechEntry)m_SearchList[index];

                if(s == null) continue;

                int texthue = 0;

                bool sel=false;

                if(m_SelectionList != null && i < m_SelectionList.Length)
                    sel = m_SelectionList[i];

                // entries with the selection box checked are highlighted in red
                if(sel) texthue = 33;

                // the selected entry is highlighted in green
                if(i == Selected) texthue = 68;

                x = 10;
                w = 35;
                // add the Edit button for each entry
                AddButton( 10, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage)  + 30, 0xFAE, 0xFAF, 1000+i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

                x += w;
                w = 50;
                // display the entry number
                AddImageTiled( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage)  + 31, w, 21, 0xBBC );
                AddLabel( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage) + 31, texthue, s.EntryNumber.ToString() );

                x += w;
                w = 50;
                // display the entry ID
                AddImageTiled( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage)  + 31, w, 21, 0x23F4 );
                AddLabel( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage) + 31, texthue, s.ID.ToString() );

                x += w;
                w = 50;
                // display the entry dependson
                AddImageTiled( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage)  + 31, w, 21, 0xBBC  );
                AddLabel( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage) + 31, texthue, s.DependsOn );

                x += w;
                w = 100;
                // display the entry keywords
                AddImageTiled( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage)  + 31, w, 21, 0x23F4 );
                AddLabelCropped( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage) + 31, w-5, 21, texthue, TruncateLabel(s.Keywords) );

                x += w;
                w = 245;
                // display the entry text
                AddImageTiled( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage)  + 31, w, 21, 0xBBC );
                AddLabelCropped( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage) + 31, w-5, 21, texthue, TruncateLabel(s.Text) );

                x += w;
                w = 62;
                // display the action text
                AddImageTiled( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage)  + 31, w, 21, 0x23F4 );
                AddLabelCropped( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage) + 31, w-5, 21, texthue, TruncateLabel(s.Action) );

                x += w;
                w = 62;
                // display the condition text
                AddImageTiled( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage)  + 31, w, 21, 0xBBC );
                AddLabelCropped( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage) + 31, w-5, 21, texthue, TruncateLabel(s.Condition) );

                x += w;
                w = 62;
                // display the gump text
                AddImageTiled( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage)  + 31, w, 21, 0x23F4 );
                AddLabelCropped( x, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage) + 31, w-5, 21, texthue, TruncateLabel(s.Gump) );

                // display the selection button
                AddButton( 730, y + 22 * (i%MaxEntriesPerPage)  + 32, (sel? 0xD3:0xD2), (sel? 0xD2:0xD3), 4000+i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );


            // display the selected entry information for editing
            XmlDialog.SpeechEntry sentry = null;
            if(Selected >= 0 && Selected + DisplayFrom >= 0 && Selected + DisplayFrom < m_SearchList.Count)
                sentry = (XmlDialog.SpeechEntry)m_SearchList[Selected+ DisplayFrom];

            if(sentry != null)

                y = height - 200;

                // add the entry parameters
                lw = 15;
                w = 40;
                x = 10;
                int spacing = 11;

                // entry number
                AddLabel( x, y, 0x384, "#" );
                AddImageTiled( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
                AddTextEntry( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0, 200, sentry.EntryNumber.ToString() );

                x += w + lw + spacing;
                w = 40;
                lw = 17;
                // ID number
                AddLabel( x, y, 0x384, "ID" );
                AddImageTiled( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
                AddTextEntry( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0, 201, sentry.ID.ToString() );

                x += w + lw + spacing;
                w = 40;
                lw = 65;
                // depends on
                AddLabel( x, y, 0x384, "DependsOn" );
                AddImageTiled( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
                AddTextEntry( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0, 202, sentry.DependsOn );

                x += w + lw + spacing;
                w = 35;
                lw = 57;
                // prepause
                AddLabel( x, y, 0x384, "PrePause" );
                AddImageTiled( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
                AddTextEntry( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0, 203, sentry.PrePause.ToString() );

                x += w + lw + spacing;
                w = 35;
                lw = 37;
                // pause
                AddLabel( x, y, 0x384, "Pause" );
                AddImageTiled( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
                AddTextEntry( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0, 204, sentry.Pause.ToString() );

                x += w + lw + spacing;
                w = 37;
                lw = 26;
                // speech hue
                AddLabel( x, y, 0x384, "Hue" );
                AddImageTiled( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
                AddTextEntry( x+lw, y, w, 21, 0, 205, sentry.SpeechHue.ToString() );

                x += w + lw + spacing;
                w = 20;
                lw = 52;
                // lock conversation
                AddLabel(x, y, 0x384, "IgnoreCar");
                AddCheck(x + lw, y, 0xD2, 0xD3, sentry.IgnoreCarried, 252);

                x += w + lw + spacing;
                w = 20;
                lw = 42;
                // lock conversation
                AddLabel( x, y, 0x384, "LockOn" );
                AddCheck( x+lw, y, 0xD2, 0xD3, sentry.LockConversation, 250);

                x += w + lw + spacing;
                w = 20;
                lw = 54;
                // npctrigger
                AddLabel( x, y, 0x384, "AllowNPC" );
                AddCheck( x+lw, y, 0xD2, 0xD3, sentry.AllowNPCTrigger, 251);

                w = 650;
                x = 70;

                y += 27;
                // add the keyword entry
                AddLabel( 10, y, 0x384, "Keywords" );
                AddImageTiled( x, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
                AddTextEntry( x+1, y, w, 21, 0, 101, sentry.Keywords );
                AddButton( 720, y, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 5001, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

                y += 22;
                // add the text entry
                AddLabel( 10, y, 0x384, "Text" );
                AddImageTiled( x, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
                AddTextEntry( x+1, y, w, 21, 0, 100, sentry.Text );
                AddButton( 720, y, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 5000, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

                y += 22;
                // add the condition string entry
                AddLabel( 10, y, 0x384, "Condition" );
                AddImageTiled( x, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
                AddTextEntry( x+1, y, w, 21, 0, 102, sentry.Condition );
                AddButton( 720, y, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 5002, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

                y += 22;
                // add the action string entry
                AddLabel( 10, y, 0x384, "Action" );
                AddImageTiled( x, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
                AddTextEntry( x+1, y, w, 21, 0, 103, sentry.Action );
                AddButton( 720, y, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 5003, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

                y += 22;
                // add the gump string entry
                AddLabel( 10, y, 0x384, "Gump" );
                AddImageTiled( x, y, w, 21, 0xBBC );
                AddTextEntry( x+1, y, w, 21, 0, 104, sentry.Gump );
                AddButton( 720, y, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 5004, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

            y = height - 50;

            AddLabel( 10, y, 0x384, "Config:" );
            AddImageTiled( 50, y , 120, 19, 0x23F4 );
            AddLabel( 50, y, 0, m_Dialog.ConfigFile );

            if(from.AccessLevel >= XmlSpawner.DiskAccessLevel)

                // add the save entry
                AddButton( 185, y , 0xFA8, 0xFAA, 159, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
                AddLabel( 218, y , 0x384, "Save to file:" );
                AddImageTiled( 300, y , 180, 19, 0xBBC );
                AddTextEntry( 300, y, 180, 19, 0, 300, SaveFilename );

            // display the item list
            if(m_SearchList != null)
                AddLabel( 495, y, 68, String.Format("{0} Entries",m_SearchList.Count) );
                int last = DisplayFrom + MaxEntries < m_SearchList.Count ? DisplayFrom + MaxEntries : m_SearchList.Count;
                if(last > 0)
                    AddLabel( 595, y, 68, String.Format("Displaying {0}-{1}",DisplayFrom, last -1) );

            y = height - 25;

            // add run status display
                AddButton( 10, y-5, 0x2A4E, 0x2A3A, 100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
                AddLabel( 43, y, 0x384, "On" );
                AddButton( 10, y-5, 0x2A62, 0x2A3A, 100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
                AddLabel( 43, y, 0x384, "Off" );

            // add the Refresh/Sort button
            AddButton( 80, y, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 700, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
            AddLabel( 113, y, 0x384, "Refresh" );

            // add the Add button
            AddButton( 185, y, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 155, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
            AddLabel( 218, y, 0x384, "Add" );

            // add the Delete button
            AddButton( 255, y, 0xFB1, 0xFB3, 156, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
            AddLabel( 283, y, 0x384, "Delete" );

            // add the page buttons
            for(int i = 0;i<(int)(MaxEntries/MaxEntriesPerPage);i++)
                AddButton( 513+i*25, y, 0x8B1+i, 0x8B1+i, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 1+i );

            // add the advance pageblock buttons
            AddButton( 510+25*(int)(MaxEntries/MaxEntriesPerPage), y, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, 201, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 ); // block forward
            AddButton( 490, y, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, 202, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 ); // block backward

            // add the displayfrom entry
            AddLabel( 555, y, 0x384, "Display" );
            AddImageTiled( 595, y, 60, 21, 0xBBC );
            AddTextEntry( 595, y, 60, 21, 0, 400, DisplayFrom.ToString() );
            AddButton( 655, y, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 9998, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

            //AddLabel( 610, y, 0x384, "Select All" );
            // display the select-all toggle
            //AddButton( 670, y, (SelectAll? 0xD3:0xD2), (SelectAll? 0xD2:0xD3), 3998, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
Exemple #9
            public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info )
                if(info == null || state == null || state.Mobile == null) return;

                int radiostate = -1;
                if(info.Switches.Length > 0)
                    radiostate = info.Switches[0];

                        if(radiostate == 1)
                        {    // accept

                            // add the attachment
                            XmlDialog xd = new XmlDialog();
                            XmlAttach.AttachTo(state.Mobile, m_Targeted, xd);

                            // open the editing gump
                            state.Mobile.SendGump( new XmlEditDialogGump(state.Mobile, true, xd, -1, 0, null, false, null, 0, 0));