Exemple #1
        public void Run(string[] args)
            /* create default settings */
              var settings = new Settings();

              /* update the settings with the commandline arguments */
              var optionSet = ParseArguments(args, settings);

              /* do what we are told */
              switch (settings.Action)
            case AppAction.ListPorts: ListPortNames(); break;
            case AppAction.ShowHelp: optionSet.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); break;

            case AppAction.Receive:
            case AppAction.SendAscii:
            case AppAction.SendFile:
            case AppAction.SendText:

              SerialPort serialPort = null;
              try { serialPort = GetOpenedPort(settings.PortName, settings.BaudRate, settings.Parity, settings.DataBits, settings.StopBits); }
              catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The following error occurred while trying to open SerialPort '{0}':{1}{2}", settings.PortName, Environment.NewLine, ex)); }

              if (serialPort != null)
            switch (settings.Action)
              case AppAction.Receive: Receive(serialPort, settings.Echo, settings.FilePath, settings.Count); break;
              case AppAction.SendAscii: SendAscii(serialPort, settings.Ascii, settings.Count); break;
              case AppAction.SendText: SendText(serialPort, settings.Text, settings.Count); break;
              case AppAction.SendFile: SendFile(serialPort, settings.FilePath, settings.Count); break;
Exemple #2
        private OptionSet ParseArguments(string[] args, Settings settings)
            var optionSet = new Mono.Options.OptionSet()
            { "h|help", "shows this help", s => settings.Action = AppAction.ShowHelp },
            { "p|port=", "sets the name of the serialport (COM1, COM2, etc)", s => settings.PortName = s },
            { "l|listports", "lists the name of all available COM ports", s => settings.Action = AppAction.ListPorts },
            { "e|echo", "echoes the received byte back", s => settings.Echo = true },
            { "b|baudrate=", "sets the baudrate of the serialport", s => settings.BaudRate = TryParseBaudRate(s) },
            { "parity=", "sets the parity bit configuration of the serialport", s => settings.Parity = TryParseParity(s) },
            { "db|databits=", "sets the databits configuration of the serialport", s => settings.DataBits = TryParseDataBits(s) },
            { "sb|stopbits=", "sets the stopbits configuration of the serialport", s => settings.StopBits = TryParseStopBits(s) },
            { "f|send-file=", "sends the specified file over the serialport", s => { settings.FilePath = s; settings.Action = AppAction.SendFile; } },
            { "a|send-ascii=", "sends the specified ascii value over the serialport", s => { settings.Ascii = TryParseAscii(s); settings.Action = AppAction.SendAscii; } },
            { "c|count=", "specifies the number of files or ascii characters that are sent over the serialport", s => settings.Count = TryParseCount(s) },
            { "t|text=", "specifies the text that is to be sent over the serialport", s => { settings.Text = s; settings.Action = AppAction.SendText; } },
            { "r|receive", "listens on the serialport and writes received data to a file", s => { settings.Action = AppAction.Receive; settings.FilePath = s; } },
            { "d|dump-to-file=", "optional file to dump the received data to", s => settings.FilePath = s }


              return optionSet;