Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Loads the contest list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contList">Contest List</param>
        /// <param name="candList">Candidate List</param>
        /// <externalUnit cref="BallotEntrySet"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="contests"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="DomainObjects.Contest"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="GetContest"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="StpCandList"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="StpContList"/>
        /// <revision revisor="dev11" date="12/23/2008" version="">
        ///     Member Created
        /// </revision>
        /// <revision revisor="dev11" date="04/14/2009" version="">
        ///     each candidate is added now only once. This assumes obviously
        ///     that each contest appearance has the exact same candidates
        /// </revision>
        private void LoadContList(
            BallotEntrySet contList, BallotEntrySet candList)
            // B allotEntrySet candList = new BallotEntrySet(typeof (StpCandList)),
            // contList = new BallotEntrySet(typeof (StpContList));
            Dictionary <int, DomainObjects.Contest> contMap =
                new Dictionary <int, DomainObjects.Contest>();
            List <int> candidateIds = new List <int>();

            DomainObjects.Contest cont;
            int contId, candId;

            // for every candidate, find the corresponding contest
            for (int i = 0; i < candList.Count; i = i + 1)
                contId = candList.GetValueInt(i, StpCandList.ContestId);
                if (contMap.ContainsKey(contId) == false)
                    // this contest has not been created yet, so create an
                    // instance for it, add it to the map for easy access and
                    // to the contest collection
                    cont = this.GetContest(contList, contId);
                    contMap.Add(contId, cont);
                    // get the contest from the map
                    cont = contMap[contId];

                candId = candList.GetValueInt(i, StpCandList.CandidateId);
                if (candidateIds.Contains(candId) == false)
                    DomainObjects.Candidate cand =
                        new DomainObjects.Candidate();
                    cand.Id   = candId;
                    cand.Name = candList.GetValueStr(
                        i, StpCandList.CandidateDisplayName);
                    cand.BallotStatusId = candList.GetValueInt(
                        i, StpCandList.BallotStatusId);
                    cand.CandidateType = candList.GetValueInt(
                        i, StpCandList.CandidateType);
                    cand.PartyId = candList.GetValueInt(i, StpCandList.PartyId);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Loads a candidate from the DB using supplied entry sets
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ballots">The ballots.</param>
        /// <param name="candidates">The candidates.</param>
        /// <param name="id">The candidate id.</param>
        /// <param name="ballotId">The ballot id.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     A <see cref="Candidate" /> from the database.
        /// </returns>
        /// <externalUnit cref="BallotEntrySet"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="BreakType"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="Candidate"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="StpBallot"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="StpCand"/>
        /// <revision revisor="dev11" date="12/23/2008" version="">
        ///     Member Created
        /// </revision>
        /// <revision revisor="dev11" date="04/14/2009" version="">
        ///     added ballot style id
        /// </revision>
        public static Candidate LoadFromDb(
            BallotEntrySet ballots,
            BallotEntrySet candidates,
            int id,
            int ballotId)
            int idxBal = ballots.FindIndex(
                idxCnd   = candidates.FindIndex(StpCand.CandidateId, id),
                maskCnd  = ballots.GetValueInt(idxBal, StpBallot.CandDispFormat),
                intBreak = (int)BreakType.Column;
            string name  = candidates.GetValueStr(
                idxCnd, StpCand.CandidateDisplayName);
            Candidate cand = new Candidate(
                (maskCnd & VotedFlag) == VotedFlag,
                (maskCnd & intBreak) == intBreak);

            cand.Type = (CandidateType)Enum.ToObject(
                    idxCnd, StpCand.CandidateType));

        /// <summary>
        ///     Loads the extended data. This is the [vote for] number for the
        ///     contests and the [party id] for the candidates. Also at the same
        ///     time determine the number of columns and rows of the matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="esContList">The contest list entry set (StpContList)</param>
        /// <param name="entrySetCandidateList">The candidate list (StpCandList)</param>
        /// <externalUnit/>
        /// <revision revisor="dev11" date="3/10/2009" version="">
        ///     Member Created
        /// </revision>
        private void LoadExtended(
            BallotEntrySet esContList, BallotEntrySet entrySetCandidateList)
            // a variable for the id (contest or candidate)
            // and a index of the corresponding record of a given id on the
            // appropriate entry set
            int id, idx;

            // initialize counters
            this.columnCount = 0;
            this.rowCount    = 0;

            // get a collection of party ids
            this.partyColumns = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            // for every contest, find it on the contest list and get the
            // vote for from there
            foreach (Contest contest in contests)
                // get the contest id
                id = contest.Id;

                // find it on the contest list entry set
                idx = esContList.FindIndex(StpContList.ContestId, id);

                // get the vote for from that entry
                contest.VoteFor = esContList.GetValueInt(
                    idx, StpContList.VoteFor);

                // increment the row count by the vote for number
                this.rowCount = this.rowCount + contest.VoteFor;

                // for every candidate of the current contest, find it on the
                // candidate list and get the party id from there
                foreach (Candidate candidate in contest.Candidates)
                    // same here
                    id  = candidate.Id;
                    idx =
                            StpCandList.CandidateId, id);
                    candidate.PartyId = entrySetCandidateList.GetValueInt(
                        idx, StpCandList.PartyId);

                    // add the party id if it's new
                    if (!this.partyColumns.ContainsKey(candidate.PartyId))
                        // the current number of entries in the dictionary is
                        // the column number
                            candidate.PartyId, this.partyColumns.Count);

            this.columnCount = this.partyColumns.Count;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Sets the mask.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entrySetParams">The es params.</param>
        /// <externalUnit/>
        /// <revision revisor="dev11" date="3/4/2009" version="1.0.">
        ///     Member Created
        /// </revision>
        public void SetMask(BallotEntrySet entrySetParams)
            int idx = entrySetParams.FindIndex(
                StpParam.PDFLayoutParamId, (int)PdfParam.IdentifierMask);

            if (idx >= 0)
                this.mask =
                    entrySetParams.GetValueInt(idx, StpParam.ParamValue);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a new instance of Contest from the entry set of contests
        ///     using a supplied contest id.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contList">The contest entry set.</param>
        /// <param name="contId">The contest id.</param>
        /// <returns>The Contest</returns>
        /// <externalUnit cref="BallotEntrySet"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="DomainObjects.Contest"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="StpContList"/>
        /// <revision revisor="dev11" date="12/23/2008" version="">
        ///     Member Created
        /// </revision>
        /// <revision revisor="dev01" date="11/16/2009" version="">
        ///     Changed party assigment
        /// </revision>
        private DomainObjects.Contest GetContest(
            BallotEntrySet contList, int contId)
            int idx = contList.FindIndex(StpContList.ContestId, contId);

            DomainObjects.Contest contest = new DomainObjects.Contest();
            contest.Id             = contId;
            contest.Name           = contList.GetValueStr(idx, StpContList.ContestName);
            contest.VoteFor        = contList.GetValueInt(idx, StpContList.VoteFor);
            contest.BallotStatusId = contList.GetValueInt(
                idx, StpContList.BallotStatusId);
            contest.ContestType = contList.GetValueInt(
                idx, StpContList.ContestType);
            contest.ListOrder =
                contList.GetValueInt(idx, StpContList.ListOrder);
            contest.Party = new Party(
                contList.GetValueInt(idx, StpContList.PartyId),
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Determines whether a given identifier field is selected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entrySetParams">
        ///     The parameters. See <see cref="StpParam"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="idField">
        ///     The id field. See <see cref="IdField"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     <c>true</c> if the identifier field is selected;
        ///     otherwise, <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <externalUnit cref="BallotEntrySet"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="Enum"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="PdfParam"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="StpParam"/>
        /// <revision revisor="dev11" date="3/4/2009" version="1.0.">
        ///     Member Created
        /// </revision>
        /// <revision revisor="dev11" date="03/24/2009" version="">
        ///     Updated to work with enum types and ids instead of names when
        ///     searching on the entry set of pdf parameters.
        /// </revision>
        public static bool IsFieldSelected(BallotEntrySet entrySetParams, Enum idField)
            int idx = entrySetParams.FindIndex(
                StpParam.PDFLayoutParamId, (int)PdfParam.IdentifierMask),
                field = Convert.ToInt32(idField),
            bool selected = false;

            if (idx >= 0)
                mask     = entrySetParams.GetValueInt(idx, StpParam.ParamValue);
                selected = (mask & field) == field;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets the type of the target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parms">The parms.</param>
        /// <returns>A targettype for that param</returns>
        /// <externalUnit cref="BallotEntrySet"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="PdfParam"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="StpParam"/>
        /// <externalUnit cref="TargetType"/>
        /// <revision revisor="dev11" date="3/24/2009" version="">
        ///     Member Created
        /// </revision>
        /// <revision revisor="dev11" date="03/24/2009" version="">
        ///     updated to work with enum types and ids instead of names when
        ///     searching on the entry set of pdf parameters
        /// </revision>
        public static TargetType GetTargetType(BallotEntrySet parms)
            TargetType type;

                int idx = parms.FindIndex(
                    StpParam.PDFLayoutParamId, (int)PdfParam.TargetType);
                int val = parms.GetValueInt(idx, StpParam.ParamValue);
                type = (TargetType)Enum.ToObject(typeof(TargetType), val);
            catch (Exception)
                // use arrow as the default
                type = TargetType.Arrow;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Loads from db.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ballots">The ballots.</param>
        /// <param name="contests">The contests (StpCont).</param>
        /// <param name="candidates">The candidates.</param>
        /// <param name="ballotId">The ballot id.</param>
        /// <param name="contId">The contest id.</param>
        /// <param name="defFont">The def font.</param>
        /// <param name="defSize">Size of the def.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     A <see cref="Contest" /> from the database.
        /// </returns>
        /// <externalUnit/>
        /// <revision revisor="dev11" date="12/19/2008" version="">
        ///     Member Created
        /// </revision>
        /// <revision revisor="dev11" date="04/14/2009" version="">
        ///     Passing ballot style id to candidates as well since candidate
        ///     may appear more than once on the ballot entry set.
        /// </revision>
        public static Contest LoadFromDb(
            BallotEntrySet ballots,
            BallotEntrySet contests,
            BallotEntrySet candidates,
            int ballotId,
            int contId,
            string defFont,
            double defSize)
            int idxBal = ballots.FindIndex(
                idxCst = contests.FindIndex(StpCont.ContestId, contId),
                curCnd = ballots.GetValueInt(idxBal, StpBallot.CandDispFormat),

            // using 0x0003 since this is a 2-bit flag that can take all 4
            // values: 0, 1, 2, 3
                cstFormat = // 0x0003 &
                            ballots.GetValueInt(idxBal, StpBallot.ContDispFormat);
            var contest = new Contest(contId);

            // read break format settings
            contest.Break =
                (BreakType)Enum.ToObject(typeof(BreakType), cstFormat);

                // Load office texts from the contest entry set until a
                // different contest id is found. Start at the current index
                // found above.
                    OfficeText.LoadFromDb(contests, idxCst, defFont, defSize));

                // Increment the index by 1 and test if the contest id is
                // the same
                idxCst = idxCst + 1;
                if (idxCst < contests.Count)
                    curCst = contests.GetValueInt(idxCst, StpCont.ContestId);
                    // idxCst is greater than the number of elements in the
                    // collection, so simply use -1 to break the loop
                    curCst = -1;
            }while (curCst == contId);

                // get the current candidate id
                curCnd = ballots.GetValueInt(idxBal, StpBallot.CandidateId);

                // load all candidates for this contest

                // increment the index by 1 and test if the contest id is
                // the same
                idxBal = idxBal + 1;

                if (idxBal < ballots.Count)
                    curCst = ballots.GetValueInt(idxBal, StpBallot.ContestId);
                    curCst = -1;
            }while (curCst == contId);
