Exemple #1
        private static bool TryReadSensor(
            Sensor sensor,
            out SensorReadings readings,
            out string errorMessage)
            errorMessage = string.Empty;

            if (sensor.Initiated)
                    if (sensor.Update())
                        readings = sensor.Readings;
                catch (Exception exception)
                    errorMessage = exception.Message;

            readings = new SensorReadings();
        protected override void ProcessReadings(ref SensorReadings readings)
            PerformAxisRotation(ref readings);

            HandleGyroBias(ref readings);

            CalibrateAverageCompass(ref readings);

            Fusion.ProcessNewImuReadings(ref readings);
        protected void AssignNewReadings(SensorReadings readings, bool processReadings = true)
            if (processReadings)
                ProcessReadings(ref readings);

            Readings = readings;

            OnReadingsChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
        internal override void ProcessNewImuReadings(ref SensorReadings imuReadings)

            Gyro = EnableGyro && imuReadings.GyroValid
                ? (Vector3?)imuReadings.Gyro
                : null;

            Acceleration = EnableAcceleration && imuReadings.AccelerationValid
                ? (Vector3?)imuReadings.Acceleration
                : null;

            MagneticField = EnableMagneticField && imuReadings.MagneticFieldValid
                ? (Vector3?)imuReadings.MagneticField
                : null;

            if (FirstTime)
                LastFusionTime = imuReadings.Timestamp;
                CalculatePose(Acceleration, MagneticField, CompassAdjDeclination);

                //  initialize the poses

                FusionQPose = StateQ;
                FusionPose  = MeasuredPose;
                FirstTime   = false;
                TimeDelta = imuReadings.Timestamp - LastFusionTime;
                if (TimeDelta > TimeSpan.Zero)
                    CalculatePose(Acceleration, MagneticField, CompassAdjDeclination);
                    StateQ.ToEuler(out FusionPose);
                    FusionQPose = StateQ;

                LastFusionTime = imuReadings.Timestamp;

            imuReadings.FusionPoseValid  = true;
            imuReadings.FusionQPoseValid = true;
            imuReadings.FusionPose       = FusionPose;
            imuReadings.FusionQPose      = FusionQPose;
        private void PerformAxisRotation(ref SensorReadings readings)
            if (readings.GyroValid)
                readings.Gyro = AxisRotation.Rotate(readings.Gyro);

            if (readings.AccelerationValid)
                readings.Acceleration = AxisRotation.Rotate(readings.Acceleration);

            if (readings.MagneticFieldValid)
                readings.MagneticField = AxisRotation.Rotate(readings.MagneticField);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to update the readings.
        /// Returns true if new readings are available, otherwise false.
        /// An exception is thrown if something goes wrong.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool Update()
            byte status = I2CSupport.Read8Bits(_accelGyroI2CDevice, LSM9DS1Defines.STATUS, "Failed to read LSM9DS1 status");

            if ((status & 0x03) != 0x03)
                // Data not yet available

            byte[] gyroData = I2CSupport.ReadBytes(_accelGyroI2CDevice, 0x80 + LSM9DS1Defines.OUT_X_L_G, 6, "Failed to read LSM9DS1 gyro data");

            byte[] accelData = I2CSupport.ReadBytes(_accelGyroI2CDevice, 0x80 + LSM9DS1Defines.OUT_X_L_XL, 6, "Failed to read LSM9DS1 accel data");

            byte[] magData = I2CSupport.ReadBytes(_magI2CDevice, 0x80 + LSM9DS1Defines.MAG_OUT_X_L, 6, "Failed to read LSM9DS1 compass data");

            var readings = new SensorReadings
                Timestamp          = DateTime.Now,
                Gyro               = MathSupport.ConvertToVector(gyroData, _gyroScale, ByteOrder.LittleEndian),
                GyroValid          = true,
                Acceleration       = MathSupport.ConvertToVector(accelData, _accelerationScale, ByteOrder.LittleEndian),
                AccelerationValid  = true,
                MagneticField      = MathSupport.ConvertToVector(magData, _magneticFieldScale, ByteOrder.LittleEndian),
                MagneticFieldValid = true

            // Sort out gyro axes and correct for bias
            readings.Gyro.Z = -readings.Gyro.Z;

            // Sort out accel data;
            readings.Acceleration.X = -readings.Acceleration.X;
            readings.Acceleration.Y = -readings.Acceleration.Y;

            // Sort out mag axes
            readings.MagneticField.X = -readings.MagneticField.X;
            readings.MagneticField.Z = -readings.MagneticField.Z;

        private void HandleGyroBias(ref SensorReadings readings)
            if (readings.AccelerationValid)
                Vector3 deltaAccel = _previousAccel;
                deltaAccel    -= readings.Acceleration; // compute difference
                _previousAccel = readings.Acceleration;

                if (readings.GyroValid)
                    if ((deltaAccel.Length() < FuzzyAccelZero) && (readings.Gyro.Length() < FuzzyGyroZero))
                        // what we are seeing on the gyros should be bias only so learn from this

                        if (_gyroSampleCount < (5 * SampleRate))
                            _gyroBias.X = (1.0 - _gyroLearningAlpha) * _gyroBias.X + _gyroLearningAlpha * readings.Gyro.X;
                            _gyroBias.Y = (1.0 - _gyroLearningAlpha) * _gyroBias.Y + _gyroLearningAlpha * readings.Gyro.Y;
                            _gyroBias.Z = (1.0 - _gyroLearningAlpha) * _gyroBias.Z + _gyroLearningAlpha * readings.Gyro.Z;


                            if (_gyroSampleCount == (5 * SampleRate))
                                // this could have been true already of course
                                GyroBiasValid = true;
                            _gyroBias.X = (1.0 - _gyroContinuousAlpha) * _gyroBias.X + _gyroContinuousAlpha * readings.Gyro.X;
                            _gyroBias.Y = (1.0 - _gyroContinuousAlpha) * _gyroBias.Y + _gyroContinuousAlpha * readings.Gyro.Y;
                            _gyroBias.Z = (1.0 - _gyroContinuousAlpha) * _gyroBias.Z + _gyroContinuousAlpha * readings.Gyro.Z;

                    readings.Gyro -= _gyroBias;
        /// <summary>
        /// Assign a new reading from an external source
        /// </summary>
        public void SetExtData(
            double gx,
            double gy,
            double gz,
            double ax,
            double ay,
            double az,
            double mx,
            double my,
            double mz,
            DateTime timestamp)
            var readings = new SensorReadings
                Gyro          = new Vector3(gx, gy, gz),
                Acceleration  = new Vector3(ax, ay, az),
                MagneticField = new Vector3(mx, my, mz),
                Timestamp     = timestamp

            AssignNewReadings(readings, false);
        private void CalibrateAverageCompass(ref SensorReadings readings)
            //  calibrate if required


            if (readings.MagneticFieldValid)
                if (MagCalValid)
                    readings.MagneticField.X = (readings.MagneticField.X - _magCalOffset[0]) * _magCalScale[0];
                    readings.MagneticField.Y = (readings.MagneticField.Y - _magCalOffset[1]) * _magCalScale[1];
                    readings.MagneticField.Z = (readings.MagneticField.Z - _magCalOffset[2]) * _magCalScale[2];

                //  update running average

                _magAverage.X = readings.MagneticField.X * CompassAlpha + _magAverage.X * (1.0 - CompassAlpha);
                _magAverage.Y = readings.MagneticField.Y * CompassAlpha + _magAverage.Y * (1.0 - CompassAlpha);
                _magAverage.Z = readings.MagneticField.Z * CompassAlpha + _magAverage.Z * (1.0 - CompassAlpha);

                readings.MagneticField = _magAverage;
Exemple #10
 internal abstract void ProcessNewImuReadings(ref SensorReadings imuReadings);
Exemple #11
 protected virtual void ProcessReadings(ref SensorReadings readings)
        private void SetCalibrationData(SensorReadings readings)
            if (!readings.MagneticFieldValid)

            bool changed = false;

            // see if there is a new max or min

            if (_magMax[0] < readings.MagneticField.X)
                _magMax[0] = readings.MagneticField.X;
                changed    = true;

            if (_magMax[1] < readings.MagneticField.Y)
                _magMax[1] = readings.MagneticField.Y;
                changed    = true;

            if (_magMax[2] < readings.MagneticField.Z)
                _magMax[2] = readings.MagneticField.Z;
                changed    = true;

            if (_magMin[0] > readings.MagneticField.X)
                _magMin[0] = readings.MagneticField.X;
                changed    = true;

            if (_magMin[1] > readings.MagneticField.Y)
                _magMin[1] = readings.MagneticField.Y;
                changed    = true;

            if (_magMin[2] > readings.MagneticField.Z)
                _magMin[2] = readings.MagneticField.Z;
                changed    = true;

            if (!changed)

            double delta;

            if (!MagCalValid)
                MagCalValid = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    delta = _magMax[i] - _magMin[i];
                    if ((delta < 30) || (_magMin[i] > 0) || (_magMax[i] < 0))
                        MagCalValid = false;

            if (MagCalValid)
                _magMaxDelta = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    if ((_magMax[i] - _magMin[i]) > _magMaxDelta)
                        _magMaxDelta = _magMax[i] - _magMin[i];

                // adjust for + and - range

                _magMaxDelta /= 2.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                delta            = (_magMax[i] - _magMin[i]) / 2.0;
                _magCalScale[i]  = _magMaxDelta / delta;
                _magCalOffset[i] = (_magMax[i] + _magMin[i]) / 2.0;