public override void Query(Statement[] graph, SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions options, SelectableSource targetModel, QueryResultSink result) { SemWeb.Query.GraphMatch q = new SemWeb.Query.GraphMatch(); foreach (Statement s in graph) { q.AddGraphStatement(s); } q.ReturnLimit = options.Limit; if (options.VariableKnownValues != null) { #if !DOTNET2 foreach (DictionaryEntry ent in options.VariableKnownValues) { q.SetVariableRange((Variable)ent.Key, (ICollection)ent.Value); } #else foreach (KeyValuePair <Variable, ICollection <Resource> > ent in options.VariableKnownValues) { q.SetVariableRange(ent.Key, ent.Value); } #endif } if (options.VariableLiteralFilters != null) { #if !DOTNET2 foreach (DictionaryEntry ent in options.VariableLiteralFilters) { foreach (LiteralFilter filter in (ICollection)ent.Value) { q.AddLiteralFilter((Variable)ent.Key, filter); } } #else foreach (KeyValuePair <Variable, ICollection <LiteralFilter> > ent in options.VariableLiteralFilters) { foreach (LiteralFilter filter in ent.Value) { q.AddLiteralFilter(ent.Key, filter); } } #endif } if (options.DistinguishedVariables != null) { foreach (Variable v in options.DistinguishedVariables) { q.SetDistinguishedVariable(v); } } q.Run(targetModel, result); }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { RdfStore = new MemoryStore(); RdfStore.Import( new RdfXmlReader(@"c:\temp\_1.rdf")); string depRules = @" @prefix n: <urn:schemas-nreco:metadata:terms#>. @prefix rdf: <>. @prefix rdfs: <>. { ?a n:dependentFrom ?b . ?b n:dependentFrom ?c .} => {?a n:dependentFrom ?c}. { ?a n:dependentFrom ?b } => { ?b n:usedBy ?a}. { ?a n:usedBy ?b . ?b n:usedBy ?c .} => {?a n:usedBy ?c}. "; Euler engine = new Euler(new N3Reader(new StringReader(depRules))); RdfStore.AddReasoner(new RDFS(RdfStore)); RdfStore.AddReasoner(engine); string rdfQuery = @" @prefix rdfs: <>. @prefix rdf: <>. @prefix p: <urn:schemas-nreco:metadata:dotnet:property#>. @prefix t: <urn:schemas-nreco:metadata:dotnet:type#>. @prefix w: <file:///d:/Vitalik/GoogleCode/NReco/examples/NReco.Examples.WebApp/web/#>. @prefix cso: <>. @prefix n: <urn:schemas-nreco:metadata:terms#>. w:db n:usedBy ?t2. "; Query query = new GraphMatch(new N3Reader(new StringReader(rdfQuery))); StringWriter wr = new StringWriter(); QueryResultSink sink = new SparqlXmlQuerySink(wr); query.Run(RdfStore, sink); Result = wr.ToString(); base.OnLoad(e); }
public static void Main(string[] argv) { if (argv.Length < 3) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: query.exe format queryfile datafile"); return; } string format = argv[0]; string queryfile = argv[1]; string datafile = argv[2]; Query query; if (format == "rsquary") { // Create a simple-entailment "RSquary" query // from the N3 file. query = new GraphMatch(new N3Reader(queryfile)); } else { // Create a SPARQL query by reading the file's // contents. query = new SparqlEngine(new StreamReader(queryfile)); } // Load the data file from disk MemoryStore data = new MemoryStore(); data.Import(new N3Reader(datafile)); // First, print results in SPARQL XML Results format... // Create a result sink where results are written to. QueryResultSink sink = new SparqlXmlQuerySink(Console.Out); // Run the query. query.Run(data, sink); // Second, print the results via our own custom QueryResultSink... query.Run(data, new PrintQuerySink()); }
public override void Query(Statement[] graph, SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions options, SelectableSource targetModel, QueryResultSink result) { SemWeb.Query.GraphMatch q = new SemWeb.Query.GraphMatch(); foreach (Statement s in graph) q.AddGraphStatement(s); q.ReturnLimit = options.Limit; if (options.VariableKnownValues != null) { #if !DOTNET2 foreach (DictionaryEntry ent in options.VariableKnownValues) q.SetVariableRange((Variable)ent.Key, (ICollection)ent.Value); #else foreach (KeyValuePair<Variable,ICollection<Resource>> ent in options.VariableKnownValues) q.SetVariableRange(ent.Key, ent.Value); #endif } if (options.VariableLiteralFilters != null) { #if !DOTNET2 foreach (DictionaryEntry ent in options.VariableLiteralFilters) foreach (LiteralFilter filter in (ICollection)ent.Value) q.AddLiteralFilter((Variable)ent.Key, filter); #else foreach (KeyValuePair<Variable,ICollection<LiteralFilter>> ent in options.VariableLiteralFilters) foreach (LiteralFilter filter in ent.Value) q.AddLiteralFilter(ent.Key, filter); #endif } if (options.DistinguishedVariables != null) { foreach (Variable v in options.DistinguishedVariables) q.SetDistinguishedVariable(v); } q.Run(targetModel, result); }
public static void MakeLean(Store store, SelectableSource relativeTo, StatementSink removed) { // Break the data source into MSGs. Make each MSG // lean first (in isolation). Then check each lean MSG // to see if it's already entailed by the whole store, // or by relativeTo if it's provided (not null). MSG.Graph[] msgs = MSG.FindMSGs(store, true); foreach (MSG.Graph msgg in msgs) { // Load the MSG into memory. MemoryStore msg = new MemoryStore(msgg); // unnecessary duplication... // Make this MSG lean. The "right" thing to do is // to consider all of the 'connected' subgraphs of MSG // against the whole store, rather than the MSG in // isolation. But that gets much too expensive. MemoryStore msgremoved = new MemoryStore(); MakeLeanMSG(new Store(msg), msgg.GetBNodes(), msgremoved); // Whatever was removed from msg, remove it from the main graph. store.RemoveAll(msgremoved.ToArray()); // And track what was removed. if (removed != null) msgremoved.Select(removed); // If this MSG is now (somehow) empty (shouldn't happen, // but one never knows), don't test for entailment. if (msg.StatementCount == 0) continue; // Remove this MSG if it is already entailed. // The GraphMatch will treat all blank nodes in // msg as variables. GraphMatch match = new GraphMatch(msg); QueryResultBuffer sink = new QueryResultBuffer(); match.Run(new SubtractionSource(store, msg), sink); if (sink.Bindings.Count > 0) { // This MSG can be removed. store.RemoveAll(msg.ToArray()); if (removed != null) msg.Select(removed); } else if (relativeTo != null) { match.Run(relativeTo, sink); if (sink.Bindings.Count > 0) { // This MSG can be removed. store.RemoveAll(msg.ToArray()); if (removed != null) msg.Select(removed); } } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; Opts opts = new Opts(); opts.ProcessArgs(args); if (opts.RemainingArguments.Length != 1) { opts.DoHelp(); return; } string baseuri = "query://query/#"; QueryResultSink qs; if (opts.format == "simple") qs = new PrintQuerySink(); else if (opts.format == "html") qs = new HTMLQuerySink(Console.Out); else if (opts.format == "xml") qs = new SparqlXmlQuerySink(Console.Out); else if (opts.format == "lubm") qs = new LUBMReferenceAnswerOutputQuerySink(); else if (opts.format == "csv") qs = new CSVQuerySink(); else { Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid output format."); return; } Query query; MemoryStore queryModel = null; #if !DOTNET2 System.Collections.ICollection queryModelVars = null; #else System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<Variable> queryModelVars = null; #endif Store model = Store.Create(opts.RemainingArguments[0]); if (opts.type == "rsquary") { RdfReader queryparser = RdfReader.Create("n3", "-"); queryparser.BaseUri = baseuri; queryModel = new MemoryStore(queryparser); queryModelVars = queryparser.Variables; query = new GraphMatch(queryModel); } else if (opts.type == "sparql" && model.DataSources.Count == 1 && model.DataSources[0] is SemWeb.Remote.SparqlSource) { string querystring = Console.In.ReadToEnd(); ((SemWeb.Remote.SparqlSource)model.DataSources[0]).RunSparqlQuery(querystring, Console.Out); return; } else if (opts.type == "sparql") { string querystring = Console.In.ReadToEnd(); query = new SparqlEngine(querystring); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid query format: " + opts.type); } if (opts.limit > 0) query.ReturnLimit = opts.limit; //Console.Error.WriteLine(query.GetExplanation()); if (query is SparqlEngine && ((SparqlEngine)query).Type != SparqlEngine.QueryType.Select) { SparqlEngine sparql = (SparqlEngine)query; sparql.Run(model, Console.Out); } else if (model is QueryableSource && queryModel != null) { SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions qopts = new SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions(); qopts.DistinguishedVariables = queryModelVars; // Replace bnodes in the query with Variables int bnodectr = 0; foreach (Entity e in queryModel.GetEntities()) { if (e is BNode && !(e is Variable)) { BNode b = (BNode)e; queryModel.Replace(e, new Variable(b.LocalName != null ? b.LocalName : "bnodevar" + (++bnodectr))); } } model.Query(queryModel.ToArray(), qopts, qs); } else { query.Run(model, qs); } if (qs is IDisposable) ((IDisposable)qs).Dispose(); }
public BindingSet(GraphMatch q) { Union = new QueryResult(q); }
public QueryResult(GraphMatch q) { Bindings = new ResSet[q.variables.Length]; StatementMatched = new bool[q.statements.Length]; }