public ActionResult Contact()
     ContentAction objContent = new ContentAction();
     Content contactContent = objContent.GetContentByType("Contact");
     ViewData["ContactContent"] = contactContent != null ? contactContent.Value1 : "Page is under construction, please visit again";
     return View();
 public ActionResult About()
     ContentAction objContent = new ContentAction();
     Content aboutContent = objContent.GetContentByType("AboutUs");
     ViewData["AboutContent"] = aboutContent != null ? aboutContent.Value1 : "Page is under construction, please visit again";
     return View();
 public ActionResult EditContent(Guid id, string Value1, string Value2)
     ContentAction objContent = new ContentAction();
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value2))
         if (objContent.ManageFAQs(id, Value1, Value2))
             Response.Redirect("/Admin/ManageContent/" + id + "?Grid-mode=update");
             ViewData["Result"] = "Error in Update.";
         ViewData["Result"] = "Please enter question/answer";
     ViewData["index"] = 0;
     return View("ManageContent");
        public ActionResult ManageContent(string aboutText, string newsText, string contactText)
            ContentAction objContent = new ContentAction();
            bool isCompleted = false;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aboutText))
                isCompleted = objContent.ManageContent("AboutUs", aboutText);
                ViewData["index"] = 1;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newsText))
                isCompleted = objContent.ManageContent("News", newsText);
                ViewData["index"] = 2;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactText))
                isCompleted = objContent.ManageContent("Contact", contactText);
                ViewData["index"] = 3;

            return View();
        public void GetContent()
            ContentAction objContent = new ContentAction();
            Content mngContent = objContent.GetContentByType("AboutUs");
            if (mngContent != null)
                ViewData["AboutUs"] = mngContent.Value1;

            mngContent = objContent.GetContentByType("News");
            if (mngContent != null)
                ViewData["News"] = mngContent.Value1;

            mngContent = objContent.GetContentByType("Contact");
            if (mngContent != null)
                ViewData["Contact"] = mngContent.Value1;

            IList<Content> mngFAQ = objContent.GetFAQ();
            if (mngFAQ != null)
                ViewData["FAQs"] = mngFAQ;
 public ActionResult FAQ()
     ContentAction objContent = new ContentAction();
     IList<Content> faqContent = objContent.GetFAQ();
     ViewData["FAQContent"] = faqContent;
     return View();
        public ActionResult Contact(string Name, string Phone, string Email, string Address, string Company, string Comments)
            //send automated email - content of email will be decided later

            // Creating array list for token
            ArrayList arrTokens = new ArrayList();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Phone))
                arrTokens.Add("Not Applicable");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company))
                arrTokens.Add("Not Applicable");

            // Filling mail object
            SendMail objSendMail = new SendMail();
            objSendMail.ToEmailId = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdminMail"].ToString();
            objSendMail.Subject = "email.contactUs.subject.content";
            objSendMail.MsgBody = "email.contactUs.body.content";
            objSendMail.ChangesInMessage = arrTokens;
            ViewData["ContactInfo"] = "Thank you for sharing your contact information";

            ContentAction objContent = new ContentAction();
            Content contactContent = objContent.GetContentByType("Contact");
            ViewData["ContactContent"] = contactContent != null ? contactContent.Value1 : "Page is under construction, please visit again";

            return View();
 public ActionResult News()
     ContentAction objContent = new ContentAction();
     Content newsContent = objContent.GetContentByType("News");
     ViewData["NewsContent"] = newsContent != null ? newsContent.Value1 : "Page is under construction, please visit again";
     return View();