public void testSPInterface()
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the short paths testing interface: ");
            bool exitNow = false;

            while (!exitNow)

                string command = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                string[] pieces = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (command.IndexOf("input") == 0)
                    g = input(pieces);
                else if (command.IndexOf("getpath") == 0)
                else if (command.IndexOf("setstate") == 0)
                    S = setstate(pieces);
                else if (command.IndexOf("init") == 0)
                    List<UInt32> ea = new List<uint>();
                    gs = SimulatorLibrary.initGlobalState(g, ea);

                else if (command.IndexOf("iterate") == 0)
                    List<MiniDestination> miniDs = new List<MiniDestination>();
                    foreach (var AS in g.GetAllNodes())
                        Console.WriteLine("initialized AS " + AS.NodeNum);

                    List<Message> results= new List<Message>();
                    foreach(var mD in miniDs)
                        Console.WriteLine("computed on: " + mD.destination);
                    Console.WriteLine("updating global state.");
                    Int64[] Before = new Int64[Constants._numASNs];
                   Int64[] After = new Int64[Constants._numASNs];

                    SimulatorLibrary.updateGlobalState(ref gs, results,(float)0,ref Before,ref After);
                    for (int i = 0; i < gs.S.Length; i++)
                        if (gs.S[i])
                            Console.WriteLine("AS " + i + " is on.");
Exemple #2
        public static void traverseDoD(NetworkGraph g)
            //starting at 721 print out providers to DoD people.

            AsNode DoDMain = g.GetNode(721);
            List<UInt32> DoDProviders = new List<UInt32>();
            List<UInt32> DoDPeers = new List<UInt32>();
            List<UInt32> DoDASNs = new List<UInt32>();
            Queue<UInt32> ASesToProcess = new Queue<UInt32>();


            while (ASesToProcess.Count > 0)
                AsNode curr = g.GetNode(ASesToProcess.Dequeue());
                Console.WriteLine("Processing: " + curr.NodeNum);
                foreach (var provider in curr.GetNeighborsByType(RelationshipType.CustomerOf))
                    if (!DoDASNs.Contains(provider.NodeNum) && !DoDProviders.Contains(provider.NodeNum))
                        Console.WriteLine(curr.NodeNum + " has non-DoD provider: " + provider.NodeNum);
                foreach (var customer in curr.GetNeighborsByType(RelationshipType.ProviderTo))
                    if (!DoDASNs.Contains(customer.NodeNum) && !ASesToProcess.Contains(customer.NodeNum))
                foreach (var peer in curr.GetNeighborsByType(RelationshipType.PeerOf))
                    if (!DoDASNs.Contains(peer.NodeNum))


            Console.WriteLine("DoDProviders: ");
            foreach (var provider in DoDProviders)
                Console.Write(provider + ", ");

            } Console.WriteLine();
            Console.WriteLine("DoDPeers: ");
            foreach (var peer in DoDPeers)
                Console.Write(peer + ", ");
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy constructor creates a copy of a given network graph
        /// </summary>
        public NetworkGraph(NetworkGraph otherGraph)
            AsNodes = new Dictionary<UInt32, AsNode>();
            EdgeCount = 0;
            BfsTreeDepth = 0;

            foreach (AsNode node in otherGraph.GetAllNodes())
                foreach (AsNode neighbor in node.GetAllNeighbors())
                    AddEdge(node.NodeNum, neighbor.NodeNum, node.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(neighbor));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// ADDED BY SHARON
        /// Looks at the path this node has in the BFS
        /// and returns the relationship with the first hop on this path
        /// /// </summary>
        public static RelationshipType GetPathTypeFromBfsRoot(NetworkGraph graph, UInt32 nodeNum)
            AsNode node = graph.GetNode(nodeNum);

            // first check that the node has a path to the root
            if (node.BfsDepth == Int32.MaxValue)
            else  // return the relationship it has with its BFS parent
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy constructor creates a copy of a given network graph
        /// </summary>
        public NetworkGraph(NetworkGraph otherGraph)
            AsNodes      = new Dictionary <UInt32, AsNode>();
            EdgeCount    = 0;
            BfsTreeDepth = 0;

            foreach (AsNode node in otherGraph.GetAllNodes())
                foreach (AsNode neighbor in node.GetAllNeighbors())
                    AddEdge(node.NodeNum, neighbor.NodeNum, node.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(neighbor));
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the honest tree!
        /// </summary>
        public static NetworkGraph RoutingTreeAlg(NetworkGraph graph, UInt32 rootNodeNum, ref List <UInt32>[] Best, ref List <UInt32>[] BestNew, ref List <UInt32>[][] BucketTable,
                                                  ref List <UInt32>[] ChosenPath, ref UInt32[] ChosenParent, ref byte[] L, ref byte[] BestRelation)
            //BFS to create the honest tree
            List <UInt32> nodeList = new List <UInt32>();

            ExecuteBfs(graph, nodeList, false, true, RelationshipType.CustomerOf | RelationshipType.SiblingOf, ref Best, ref BestNew, ref BucketTable, ref ChosenPath, ref ChosenParent, ref L, ref BestRelation); // first stage BFS, customers and siblings
            ExecuteBfs(graph, nodeList, true, false, RelationshipType.PeerOf, ref Best, ref BestNew, ref BucketTable, ref ChosenPath, ref ChosenParent, ref L, ref BestRelation);                                  // second stage BFS, peers
            ExecuteBfs(graph, nodeList, false, true, RelationshipType.ProviderTo | RelationshipType.SiblingOf, ref Best, ref BestNew, ref BucketTable, ref ChosenPath, ref ChosenParent, ref L, ref BestRelation); // third stage BFS, providers and siblings

            /*   OutputLog.LogMessageNoNewline(
             *      LogLevelType.LogLevelInfo,
             *      "\n Routing tree algorithm on destination {0} complete. \n",  rootNodeNum);*/

Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the SHORTEST PATH tree!
        /// </summary>
        public static NetworkGraph ShortestRoutingTreeAlg(NetworkGraph graph, UInt32 rootNodeNum, ref List <UInt32>[] Best, ref List <UInt32>[][] BucketTable,
                                                          ref List <UInt32>[] ChosenPath, ref UInt32[] ChosenParent, ref byte[] L, ref byte[] BestRelation)
            //BFS to create the honest tree
            List <UInt32> nodeList = new List <UInt32>();

            List <UInt32>[] BestNew;
            BestNew = new List <UInt32> [Constants._numASNs];

            ExecuteBfs(graph, nodeList, false, true, RelationshipType.NullRelationship, ref Best, ref BestNew, ref BucketTable, ref ChosenPath, ref ChosenParent, ref L, ref BestRelation); // first stage BFS, customers and siblings

            /*   OutputLog.LogMessageNoNewline(
             *      LogLevelType.LogLevelInfo,
             *      "\n Routing tree algorithm on destination {0} complete. \n",  rootNodeNum);*/

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a path from the BFS root to the specified start node.
        /// The path is returned as a list of AsNode objects.
        /// If there is no path from the BFS root, this function returns null.
        /// </summary>
        public static List <AsNode> GetPathFromBfsRoot(NetworkGraph graph, UInt32 srcNodeNum)
            // Check the input
            AsNode currNode = graph.GetNode(srcNodeNum);

            if ((currNode == null) || (currNode.BfsDepth == Int32.MaxValue))
            // Start a list of nodes in the path
            List <AsNode> nodeList = new List <AsNode>();

            nodeList.Insert(0, currNode);
            // Keep adding parents to the list until we get to the root
            while (currNode.BfsParentNode != null)
                currNode = currNode.BfsParentNode;
                nodeList.Insert(0, currNode);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// ADDED BY SHARON
        /// Checks if a particular other node (usually the attacker) is on the path
        /// from the source node to the BFS root.  Returns true if it is, false otherwise
        /// If there is no path to the BFS root, this function returns false
        /// </summary>
        public static bool isNodeOnPathFromBfsRoot(NetworkGraph graph, UInt32 srcNodeNum, UInt32 attackerNodeNum)
            AsNode currNode     = graph.GetNode(srcNodeNum);
            AsNode attackerNode = graph.GetNode(attackerNodeNum);

            // Check the input
            if ((currNode == null) || (attackerNode == null) || (currNode.BfsDepth == Int32.MaxValue))

            //walk down path to root, checking for attacker
            while (currNode != null)
                if (currNode.NodeNum == attackerNode.NodeNum)
                currNode = currNode.BfsParentNode;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Examines the BFS subtree rooted at the node specified by nodeNum and returns a list of the
        /// nodes in the tree.
        /// </summary>
        public static List <AsNode> GetNodesInBfsSubtree(NetworkGraph graph, UInt32 nodeNum)
            // Make sure the node exists and is in the BFS tree
            AsNode rootNode = graph.GetNode(nodeNum);

            if ((rootNode == null) ||
                (rootNode.BfsDepth == Int32.MaxValue))

            // Running node count & list
            List <AsNode> nodeList = new List <AsNode>();

            // Similar to BFS, but we're only going to follow edges that are BFS children
            Queue <AsNode> nodeQueue = new Queue <AsNode>();


            // While there's still nodes in the sub-tree to be examined...
            while (nodeQueue.Count > 0)
                // Dequeue a node and iterate through its BFS children
                AsNode currentNode = nodeQueue.Dequeue();
                foreach (AsNode oppositeNode in currentNode.GetNeighborsByType(RelationshipType.BfsParentOf))

                    // Sanity check... current node should be the BFS parent of opposite node
                    if (oppositeNode.BfsParentNode != currentNode)
                        throw new Exception("Expected current node to be parent of child node");

Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// debugging function to give us a string representation of the path for
        /// a node n.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetPath(UInt32 n, NetworkGraph g)
            string toreturn = "";

            if (ChosenPath[n] == null)
                return("no path found for this node, are you sure it exists?");

            toreturn = Convert.ToString(ChosenPath[n][0]);//first element is this node with no annotations.
            UInt32 lastASN = ChosenPath[n][0];

            for (int i = 1; i < ChosenPath[n].Count; i++)
                UInt32 ASN;
                int    col;
                unjoin(ChosenPath[n][i], out ASN, out col);
                RelationshipType rt = g.GetNode(ASN).GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(g.GetNode(lastASN));
                switch (rt)
                case RelationshipType.CustomerOf:
                    toreturn = toreturn + " <- ";

                case RelationshipType.PeerOf:
                    toreturn = toreturn + " -- ";

                case RelationshipType.ProviderTo:
                    toreturn = toreturn + " -> ";
                lastASN  = ASN;
                toreturn = toreturn + ASN;

Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Extension method on the NetworkGraph class that performs a [modified] BFS on the
        /// specified graph from the specified source ndoe.  The allowedRelationships specifies
        /// which edges may be traversed during the BFS.
        /// This algorithm breaks ties by picking the node with the lower node number.
        /// This algorithm allows you to execute multiple BFS iterations on a single graph, with the
        /// constraint that any previous BFS trees created in a prior BFS run will not be modified (only
        /// added to).
        /// If limitedDiscovery is true, the BFS will only find new nodes that are 1 edge away from any existing
        /// BFS tree.
        /// If includeSibling is true, then ties are broken by first taking non-siblings over siblings.
        /// Modified by PGill Oct. 2010 to take in references to the Best, BucketTable and ChosenPaths sets. The function
        /// was also modified to populate these for our new sims.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ExecuteBfs(NetworkGraph graph, List<UInt32> srcNodeNums, bool limitedDiscovery, bool includeSibling,
            RelationshipType allowedRelationships, ref List<UInt32>[] Best, ref List<UInt32>[] BestNew, ref List<UInt32>[][] BucketTable, ref List<UInt32>[] ChosenPath,
            ref UInt32[] ChosenParent, ref byte[] L, ref byte[] BestRelation)
            Destination utility = new Destination();
            // Initialize some stuff...
            Queue<AsNode> nodeQueue = new Queue<AsNode>(graph.NodeCount);
            graph.BfsTreeNodeCount = 0;

            // "Visit" the source nodes
            foreach (UInt32 srcNodeNum in srcNodeNums)
                AsNode currentNode = graph.GetNode(srcNodeNum);
                currentNode.InProcessBfsStatus = NodeInProcessBfsStatus.SeenInCurrentRun;
                currentNode.BfsDepth = 0;

                //init the destination's path to itself
                ChosenPath[srcNodeNum] = new List<UInt32>();
                Best[srcNodeNum] = new List<UInt32>();

                //if (allowedRelationships.HasFlag(RelationshipType.CustomerOf))
                if ((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.CustomerOf) == RelationshipType.CustomerOf || allowedRelationships==RelationshipType.NullRelationship)
                    BucketTable[0][ Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN] = new List<UInt32>();
                    BucketTable[0][ Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN].Add(srcNodeNum);

            // While there's still nodes to be examined...
            while (nodeQueue.Count > 0)
                // Dequeue a node to examine.  Iterate through all of its neighbors of the specified type (plus
                // existing BFS children) and visit them.
                AsNode currentNode = nodeQueue.Dequeue();
                foreach (AsNode oppositeNode in currentNode.GetNeighborsByType(allowedRelationships | RelationshipType.BfsParentOf).Distinct())
                    bool addedtoBest = false;
                    // If this is the first time we've see this node, mark it and possibly enqueue it for later examination
                    if (oppositeNode.InProcessBfsStatus == NodeInProcessBfsStatus.UnseenInCurrentRun)

                        // Case 1: oppositeNode is a newly discovered node, also unseen in any previous BFS runs
                        if (oppositeNode.PriorBfsStatus == NodePriorBfsStatus.NotDiscoveredInPriorBfs)
                            oppositeNode.InProcessBfsStatus = NodeInProcessBfsStatus.SeenInCurrentRun;
                            oppositeNode.BfsDepth = currentNode.BfsDepth + 1;
                            oppositeNode.BfsParentNode = currentNode;


                            graph.BfsTreeDepth = Math.Max(graph.BfsTreeDepth, oppositeNode.BfsDepth);

                            if (!oppositeNode.isStub() || !OnlyNonStubs)
                                L[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = (byte)oppositeNode.BfsDepth;
                                /*** add this node to the buckettable and update its chosen path, parent and BFS depth***/

                                //if (allowedRelationships.HasFlag(RelationshipType.CustomerOf)) -- this is .NET 4, downgraded to make comptabilte with .NET 3.5
                                if ((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.CustomerOf) == RelationshipType.CustomerOf || allowedRelationships == RelationshipType.NullRelationship)

                                    //init this spot in the bucket table (if needed)
                                    if (BucketTable[oppositeNode.BfsDepth][Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN] == null)
                                        BucketTable[oppositeNode.BfsDepth][Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN] = new List<UInt32>();

                                    BestRelation[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN;
                                    utility.updatePath(oppositeNode.NodeNum, ChosenPath[currentNode.NodeNum], Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN, ref ChosenPath);

                                //else if (allowedRelationships.HasFlag(RelationshipType.ProviderTo)) -- this is .NET 4, downgraded to make comptabilte with .NET 3.5
                                else if ((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.ProviderTo) == RelationshipType.ProviderTo)

                                    //init this spot in the bucket table (if needed)
                                    if (BucketTable[oppositeNode.BfsDepth][Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN] == null)
                                        BucketTable[oppositeNode.BfsDepth][Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN] = new List<UInt32>();

                                    BestRelation[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN;
                                    utility.updatePath(oppositeNode.NodeNum, ChosenPath[currentNode.NodeNum], Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN, ref ChosenPath);


                                //else if (allowedRelationships.HasFlag(RelationshipType.PeerOf)) -- this is .NET 4, downgraded to make comptabilte with .NET 3.5
                                else if ((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.PeerOf) == RelationshipType.PeerOf)
                                    //init this spot in the bucket table (if needed)
                                    if (BucketTable[oppositeNode.BfsDepth][Destination._PEERCOLUMN] == null)
                                        BucketTable[oppositeNode.BfsDepth][Destination._PEERCOLUMN] = new List<UInt32>();

                                    BestRelation[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = Destination._PEERCOLUMN;
                                    utility.updatePath(oppositeNode.NodeNum, ChosenPath[currentNode.NodeNum], Destination._PEERCOLUMN, ref ChosenPath);

                                /*** update this node's Best set ***/
                                if (Best[oppositeNode.NodeNum] == null)
                                    Best[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = new List<UInt32>();
                                ChosenParent[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = currentNode.NodeNum;

                                if (BestNew[oppositeNode.NodeNum] == null)
                                    BestNew[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = new List<UInt32>();

                                UInt32 encoded = 0;
                                UInt32 NodeNumx = currentNode.NodeNum;

                                if ((allowedRelationships & currentNode.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(oppositeNode)) == RelationshipType.ProviderTo)
                                    encoded = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN);
                                else if ((allowedRelationships & currentNode.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(oppositeNode)) == RelationshipType.CustomerOf || allowedRelationships == RelationshipType.NullRelationship)
                                    encoded = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN);
                                else if ((allowedRelationships & currentNode.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(oppositeNode)) == RelationshipType.PeerOf)
                                    encoded = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._PEERCOLUMN);


                            // If we want to continue discovering past this newly found node, enqueue it
                            if (!limitedDiscovery)

                        // Case 2: oppositeNode was found in a prior BFS run, and the path to oppositeNode went through currentNode
                        else if (oppositeNode.BfsParentNode == currentNode)
                            // Don't need to do any marking of the opposite node because it's already in the BFS tree.
                            // Just enqueue it so we can continue our BFS from that node at some later time.
                            oppositeNode.InProcessBfsStatus = NodeInProcessBfsStatus.SeenInCurrentRun;
                            graph.BfsTreeDepth = Math.Max(graph.BfsTreeDepth, oppositeNode.BfsDepth);

                            // Sanity check... the depth should be the same, right?
                            if (oppositeNode.BfsDepth != currentNode.BfsDepth + 1)
                                throw new Exception("Unexpected BFS depth during BFS re-run");
                        // Case 3: oppositeNode was found in a prior BFS run, and the path to oppositeNode did NOT go through currentNode
                        // No action necessary.  We can't process oppositeNode now because we aren't allow to follow this edge.
                        // Eventually we will hit the already-existing edge that's part of a prior BFS run, and we'll enter Case 2 above.
                    // We've seen this node before...
                        // Did we find an alternate route to the opposite node?
                        // We cannot change the route if this node was found in a prior BFS run.
                        // This is where tie-breaking happens...
                        if ((oppositeNode.InProcessBfsStatus == NodeInProcessBfsStatus.SeenInCurrentRun) &&
                            (oppositeNode.BfsDepth == (currentNode.BfsDepth + 1)) &&
                            (oppositeNode.PriorBfsStatus != NodePriorBfsStatus.DiscoveredInPriorBfs))
                            // This is an alternate route... break the tie
                            //note that current node is a potential parent of opposite node here.
                            //equivalent to current node being one of the nodes in the tiebreak set

                            //Console.WriteLine("Ties Breaker");

                            //UPDATED CONDITION TO DEAL WITH HASH FLAG
                            if ((Hash && NewRouteWinsTieBreak(currentNode, oppositeNode, includeSibling)) || (!Hash && NewRouteWinsTieBreakOriginal(currentNode, oppositeNode, includeSibling)))
                                // Tie-break algorithm says we have a new, better route to this node.
                                // We need to switch the route through the current node instead.
                                oppositeNode.BfsParentNode = currentNode;

                                if (!oppositeNode.isStub() || !OnlyNonStubs)
                                    /*** update chosen parent***/
                                    ChosenParent[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = currentNode.NodeNum;

                                    /***  update its chosen path ***/

                                    //if (allowedRelationships.HasFlag(RelationshipType.CustomerOf))
                                    if ((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.CustomerOf) == RelationshipType.CustomerOf || allowedRelationships == RelationshipType.NullRelationship)
                                        utility.updatePath(oppositeNode.NodeNum, ChosenPath[currentNode.NodeNum], Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN, ref ChosenPath);
                                    //else if (allowedRelationships.HasFlag(RelationshipType.ProviderTo))
                                    else if ((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.ProviderTo) == RelationshipType.ProviderTo)
                                        utility.updatePath(oppositeNode.NodeNum, ChosenPath[currentNode.NodeNum], Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN, ref ChosenPath);
                                    //else if (allowedRelationships.HasFlag(RelationshipType.PeerOf))
                                    else if ((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.PeerOf) == RelationshipType.PeerOf)
                                        utility.updatePath(oppositeNode.NodeNum, ChosenPath[currentNode.NodeNum], Destination._PEERCOLUMN, ref ChosenPath);

                            /*** NEED TO UPDATE BEST SET WHETHER OR NOT THIS WINS THE TIE BREAK!! **/
                            if (!oppositeNode.isStub() || !OnlyNonStubs)
                                addedtoBest = true;
                    if ((Best[oppositeNode.NodeNum] != null))// && addedtoBest)// &&
                    //(oppositeNode.PriorBfsStatus != NodePriorBfsStatus.DiscoveredInPriorBfs))

                        if (BestNew[oppositeNode.NodeNum] == null)
                            BestNew[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = new List<UInt32>();

                        UInt32 encoded = 0;
                        UInt32 NodeNumx = currentNode.NodeNum;

                        if ((allowedRelationships & currentNode.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(oppositeNode)) == RelationshipType.ProviderTo)
                            encoded = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN);
                        else if ((allowedRelationships & currentNode.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(oppositeNode)) == RelationshipType.CustomerOf || allowedRelationships == RelationshipType.NullRelationship)
                            encoded = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN);
                        else if ((allowedRelationships & currentNode.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(oppositeNode)) == RelationshipType.PeerOf)
                            encoded = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._PEERCOLUMN);

                        UInt32 encoded0 = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN);
                        UInt32 encoded1 = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN);
                        UInt32 encoded2 = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._PEERCOLUMN);

                        if (!((BestNew[oppositeNode.NodeNum].Exists(element => element == encoded0)) || (BestNew[oppositeNode.NodeNum].Exists(element => element == encoded1)) || (BestNew[oppositeNode.NodeNum].Exists(element => element == encoded2))))
                            //Console.WriteLine(oppositeNode.NodeNum + "--> Entered for: " + ((UInt32)(((uint)encoded) >> 3) + " relation: " + (int)(encoded & 7)));
                            //Console.WriteLine("encoded = " + encoded);
                            if (encoded != 0)
                                //Console.WriteLine(oppositeNode.NodeNum + "--> Entered for: " + ((UInt32)(((uint)encoded) >> 3) + " relation: " + (int)(encoded & 7)));
                                //if ((((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.ProviderTo) == RelationshipType.ProviderTo) && oppositeNode.InProcessBfsStatus == NodeInProcessBfsStatus.ProcessedInCurrentRun))
                                //    Console.Write("Rel: " + allowedRelationships + " & Node status: " + oppositeNode.InProcessBfsStatus + "\n");
                // Update the in-process BFS status
                currentNode.InProcessBfsStatus = NodeInProcessBfsStatus.ProcessedInCurrentRun;

            // Finished the BFS... lock the discovered nodes into the BFS tree
            foreach (AsNode node in graph.GetAllNodes())
                // FYI In limitedDiscovery mode, some nodes may have been left in the SeenInCurrentRun state
                // (instead of ProcessedInCurrentRun).
                if (node.InProcessBfsStatus != NodeInProcessBfsStatus.UnseenInCurrentRun)
                    node.PriorBfsStatus = NodePriorBfsStatus.DiscoveredInPriorBfs;
                node.InProcessBfsStatus = NodeInProcessBfsStatus.UnseenInCurrentRun;
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the honest tree!
        /// </summary>
        public static NetworkGraph RoutingTreeAlg(NetworkGraph graph, UInt32 rootNodeNum, ref List<UInt32>[] Best, ref List<UInt32>[] BestNew, ref List<UInt32>[][] BucketTable,
            ref List<UInt32>[] ChosenPath, ref UInt32[] ChosenParent, ref byte[] L, ref byte[] BestRelation)
            //BFS to create the honest tree
            List<UInt32> nodeList = new List<UInt32>();
            ExecuteBfs(graph, nodeList, false, true, RelationshipType.CustomerOf | RelationshipType.SiblingOf, ref Best, ref BestNew, ref BucketTable, ref ChosenPath, ref ChosenParent, ref L, ref BestRelation); // first stage BFS, customers and siblings
            ExecuteBfs(graph, nodeList, true, false, RelationshipType.PeerOf, ref Best, ref BestNew, ref BucketTable, ref ChosenPath, ref ChosenParent, ref L, ref BestRelation);  // second stage BFS, peers
            ExecuteBfs(graph, nodeList, false, true, RelationshipType.ProviderTo | RelationshipType.SiblingOf, ref Best, ref BestNew, ref BucketTable, ref ChosenPath, ref ChosenParent, ref L, ref BestRelation); // third stage BFS, providers and siblings

             /*   OutputLog.LogMessageNoNewline(
                 "\n Routing tree algorithm on destination {0} complete. \n",  rootNodeNum);*/

            return graph;
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the SHORTEST PATH tree!
        /// </summary>
        public static NetworkGraph ShortestRoutingTreeAlg(NetworkGraph graph, UInt32 rootNodeNum, ref List<UInt32>[] Best, ref List<UInt32>[][] BucketTable,
            ref List<UInt32>[] ChosenPath, ref UInt32[] ChosenParent, ref byte[] L, ref byte[] BestRelation)
            //BFS to create the honest tree
            List<UInt32> nodeList = new List<UInt32>();
            List<UInt32>[] BestNew;
            BestNew = new List<UInt32>[Constants._numASNs];

            ExecuteBfs(graph, nodeList, false, true, RelationshipType.NullRelationship, ref Best, ref BestNew, ref BucketTable, ref ChosenPath, ref ChosenParent, ref L, ref BestRelation); // first stage BFS, customers and siblings

            /*   OutputLog.LogMessageNoNewline(
                    "\n Routing tree algorithm on destination {0} complete. \n",  rootNodeNum);*/

            return graph;
Exemple #15
        public void CLI(bool script)
            bool debug = false;
            bool decoy_sim = false;

            string resp;
            List<Destination> d = new List<Destination>();
            NetworkGraph g = new NetworkGraph();
            Worker w = new Worker();
            bool[] S = new bool[Constants._numASNs];
            for (int i = 0; i < S.Length; i++)
                S[i] = false;
            GlobalState globalState = new GlobalState();
            globalState.S = S;
            StreamReader input = new StreamReader( Console.OpenStandardInput());
            if (script)
                Console.WriteLine("You have selected to run a script, please enter the file name:");
                string scriptfile = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!File.Exists(scriptfile))
                    Console.WriteLine("script file: " + scriptfile + " did not exist, entering interactive mode");
                    input = new StreamReader(scriptfile);
            globalState.W = new UInt16[Constants._numASNs];
            for (int i = 0; i < globalState.W.Length; i++)
                globalState.W[i] = 1;

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the testing interface: (type help for help) Haseeb Mac");
            bool exitNow = false;

            //Automatcally load Cyclops_caida.txt
            if (decoy_sim)
                String load = "inputfile decoy/Cyclops_poison.txt";
                initGraph(ref g, load);
                globalState.nonStubs = g.getNonStubs();
                Console.WriteLine("Cyclops_poison.txt Loaded!");
            } else {
                String load = "inputfile Cyclops_caida_new.txt";
                initGraph(ref g, load);
                globalState.nonStubs = g.getNonStubs();
                Console.WriteLine("Cyclops_caida_new.txt Loaded!");

            if (debug) {
                String debugC = "analysepathfile test.txt";
                analysePathfile (ref g, debugC);
                exitNow = true;
            } else if (decoy_sim) {
                string dst;

                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("decoy/helper.txt")) {
                    dst = reader.ReadLine();
                String decoyC = "all_path_info " + dst;
                all_path_info(ref d, ref g, decoyC);
                exitNow = true;

                if (input.EndOfStream)
                    input = new StreamReader(Console.OpenStandardInput());
                    Console.WriteLine("script has ended, now in interactive mode");
                string command = input.ReadLine().ToLower();

                if (command.IndexOf ("input") == 0) {
                    initGraph (ref g, command);
                    globalState.nonStubs = g.getNonStubs ();
                } else if (command.IndexOf ("destination") == 0) {

                    if (command.IndexOf ("all") < 0) {
                        Destination newD = new Destination ();
                        if (initDestination (ref g, ref newD, command)) {
                            d.Add (newD);
                            Console.WriteLine ("initialized and added " + newD.destination);
                    } else {
                        IEnumerable<AsNode> allASes = g.GetAllNodes ();
                        foreach (AsNode AS in allASes) {
                            Destination newD = new Destination ();
                            if (initDestination (ref g, ref newD, "destination " + AS.NodeNum)) {
                                d.Add (newD);
                                Console.WriteLine ("initialized and added " + newD.destination);

                } else if (command.IndexOf ("resultsexplorer") == 0) {
                    ResultsExplorer res = new ResultsExplorer ();
                    res.ResultsInterface ();
                } else if (command.IndexOf ("setstate") == 0)
                    initS (ref  globalState.S, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("addedges") == 0)
                    addEdges (command, ref g);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("getlink") == 0)
                    getLink (command, ref g);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("flipallu") == 0)
                    flipallU (ref d, ref g, ref globalState, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("printstate") == 0)
                    printState (ref  globalState.S, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("printsecp") == 0)
                    printSecP (ref d, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("getl") == 0)
                    getL (ref d, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("getw") == 0)
                    getW (ref globalState.W, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("printw") == 0)
                    printWeight (ref globalState.W, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("setw") == 0)
                    setW (ref globalState.W, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("getbestnew") == 0)
                    getBestNew (ref d, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("getbest") == 0)
                    getBest (ref d, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("all_path_info") == 0)
                    all_path_info (ref d, ref g, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("getpath") == 0)
                    getPath (ref d, ref g, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("analysepathfile") == 0)
                    analysePathfile (ref g, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("analysepath") == 0)
                    analysePath (ref g, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("serialise") == 0)
                    serialisePathArrays (ref g, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("getallpathsoflength") == 0)
                    getAllPathsoflength (ref d, ref g, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("getallpathsto") == 0)
                    getAllPathsTo (ref d, ref g, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf ("getallpaths") == 0)
                    getAllPaths (ref d, ref g, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("getsecp") == 0)
                    getSecP(ref d, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("getutility") == 0)
                    getUtility(ref d, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("onlynonstubs") == 0)
                else if (command.IndexOf("notonlynonstubs") == 0)
                else if (command.IndexOf("iterateall") == 0)
                    iterateAll(ref d, ref g, ref globalState, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("iterate") == 0)
                    iterate(ref d, ref  globalState, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("not") == 0)
                    computeNotN(ref d, ref globalState, ref w, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("wgetsecp") == 0)
                    getWorkerSecP(ref w, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("checkpath") == 0)
                else if (command.IndexOf("initglobalstate") == 0)
                    initGlobalState(command, ref g, ref globalState);
                else if (command.IndexOf("wgetpath") == 0)
                    getWorkerPath(ref w, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("wgetparent") == 0)
                    getWorkerParent(ref w, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("printbuckettable") == 0)
                    printBucketTable(ref d, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("compareu") == 0)
                    compareU(ref d, ref  globalState, ref g, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("flipu") == 0)
                    flipU(ref d, ref g, ref globalState, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("getnonstubs") == 0)
                    printnonstubs(ref g);
                else if (command.IndexOf("getstubs") == 0)
                    printstubs(ref g);
                else if (command.IndexOf("turnonstubs") == 0)
                    turnOnStubs(ref g, ref  globalState.S);
                else if (command.IndexOf("getcustomers") == 0)
                    getcustomers(ref g, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("getpeers") == 0)
                    getpeers(ref g, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("getproviders") == 0)
                    getproviders(ref g, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("gets") == 0) //must be tested for after getsecp
                    getS(ref  globalState.S, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("sets") == 0) //this must be tested for *after* the test for setstate
                    setS(ref  globalState.S, command);
                else if (command.IndexOf("computehash") == 0)
                else if (command.IndexOf("setutilitycomputation") == 0)
                else if (command.IndexOf("numberon") == 0)
                    numberOn(ref  globalState.S);
                else if (command.IndexOf("getaveragebest") == 0)
                    getAverageBest(command, ref d);
                else if (command.IndexOf("nodeswithnopath") == 0)
                    nodesWithNoPath(command, ref d, ref g);
                else if (command.IndexOf("traversedod") == 0)
                else if (command.IndexOf("clear") == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("clearing state of graph, destination, S and worker.");

                    g = new NetworkGraph();
                    for (int i = 0; i < S.Length; i++)
                        S[i] = false;
                    d = new List<Destination>();
                    w = new Worker();
                else if (command.IndexOf("help") == 0)
                else if (command.IndexOf("list") == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("printing current directory contents:");
                    string[] dirContents = Directory.GetFiles(".");
                    foreach (string s in dirContents)
                else if (command.IndexOf("exit") == 0)
                    exitNow = true;


Exemple #16
        private bool all_path_info(ref List<Destination> ds, ref NetworkGraph graph, string command)
            TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("decoy/all_path_info.txt");
            string[] cpieces = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (cpieces.Length < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("error: usage all_path_info <dstnum>");
                return false;

            int dstNum;
            if (!int.TryParse(cpieces[1],out dstNum))
                Console.WriteLine("invalid destination.");
                return false;

            Destination newD = new Destination();
            if (initDestination (ref graph, ref newD, "destination " + dstNum)) {
                ds.Add (newD);
                Console.WriteLine ("HN: initialized and added " + newD.destination);
            } else {
                Console.WriteLine ("could not find destination");
                return false;

            var lines = File.ReadAllLines("decoy/all_asn.txt");
            foreach (var line in lines)
                UInt32 ASN = Convert.ToUInt32(line);
                tw.WriteLine(ASN + " " + newD.GetPath(ASN));
            return true;
Exemple #17
 private static void printDiamond(UInt32 pointASN, UInt32 stub, List <UInt32> competitors, SecureSimulator.NetworkGraph g, StreamWriter output)
     SecureSimulator.AsNode pointASNode = g.GetNode(pointASN);
     SecureSimulator.AsNode stubASNode  = g.GetNode(stub);
     foreach (UInt32 c in competitors)
         SecureSimulator.AsNode cASNode = g.GetNode(c);
         output.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", pointASN,
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// this is hardcoded to be like fig. 20 in the Feb version of the sigcomm 2010 paper.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public NetworkGraph getTestGraph()
            NetworkGraph testGraph = new NetworkGraph();

            testGraph.AddEdge(1, 2, RelationshipType.PeerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(2, 1, RelationshipType.PeerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(1, 3, RelationshipType.CustomerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(3, 1, RelationshipType.ProviderTo);
            testGraph.AddEdge(1, 9, RelationshipType.ProviderTo);
            testGraph.AddEdge(9, 1, RelationshipType.CustomerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(1, 4, RelationshipType.PeerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(4, 1, RelationshipType.PeerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(3, 4, RelationshipType.ProviderTo);
            testGraph.AddEdge(4, 3, RelationshipType.CustomerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(3, 7, RelationshipType.ProviderTo);
            testGraph.AddEdge(7, 3, RelationshipType.CustomerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(7, 4, RelationshipType.PeerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(4, 7, RelationshipType.PeerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(4, 8, RelationshipType.ProviderTo);
            testGraph.AddEdge(8, 4, RelationshipType.CustomerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(2, 9, RelationshipType.ProviderTo);
            testGraph.AddEdge(9, 2, RelationshipType.CustomerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(2, 5, RelationshipType.PeerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(5, 2, RelationshipType.PeerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(2, 6, RelationshipType.ProviderTo);
            testGraph.AddEdge(6, 2, RelationshipType.CustomerOf);
            testGraph.AddEdge(5, 6, RelationshipType.ProviderTo);
            testGraph.AddEdge(6, 5, RelationshipType.CustomerOf);

            return testGraph;
Exemple #19
        private bool getAllPathsoflength(ref List<Destination> ds, ref NetworkGraph graph, string command)
            string[] cpieces = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (cpieces.Length < 4)
                Console.WriteLine("error: usage getallpathsoflength <length> <as#> <dstnum>");
                return false;

            int dstNum, length;
            UInt32 ASN;
            if (!UInt32.TryParse(cpieces[2], out ASN) || !int.TryParse(cpieces[3], out dstNum) || !int.TryParse(cpieces[1], out length))
                Console.WriteLine("invalid ASN or destination or length.");
                return false;

            Destination newD = new Destination();
            if (initDestination(ref graph, ref newD, "destination " + dstNum))
                Console.WriteLine("HN: initialized and added " + newD.destination);


            foreach (Destination d in ds)
                if (d.destination == dstNum)
                    if (d.BestNew[ASN] != null)
                        List<List<UInt32>> allPaths = new List<List<UInt32>>();
                        List<UInt32> pathNew = new List<UInt32>();
                        UInt32 first = (UInt32)((ASN << 3) + Destination._NOREL);
                        //Console.Write("First: " + (UInt32)(((uint)first) >> 3) + "\n");

                        string fileName = "all_paths_of_length_"+ length + "_" + ASN + "-" + d.destination + ".txt";

                        //if (!Directory.Exists(d.destination + "\\"))
                        // Try to create the directory.
                        //    DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(d.destination + "\\");

                        TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(fileName);
                        int count = 0;
                        int counter = 0;

                        Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                        d.GetAllPaths(ASN, (UInt32)dstNum, ref allPaths, pathNew, ref tw, ref count);

                        for (int j = 0; j < allPaths.Count; j++)
                            if (allPaths [j].Count == length) {
                                tw.WriteLine (pathString (allPaths [j]));

                        Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed);


                        d.totalCount = d.totalCount + count;

                        if (count == 0)

                        Console.WriteLine(counter + " Number of paths found from " + ASN + " to " + dstNum);
                        return true;
                        Console.WriteLine("No path from " + ASN);

            Console.WriteLine("could not find destination");
            return false;
Exemple #20
        private bool getAllPathsTo(ref List<Destination> ds, ref NetworkGraph graph, string command)
            string[] cpieces = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (cpieces.Length < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("error: usage getallpathsto <dstnum>");
                return false;

            int dstNum;
            if (!int.TryParse(cpieces[1], out dstNum))
                Console.WriteLine("invalid destination.");
                return false;

            Destination newD = new Destination();
            if (initDestination(ref graph, ref newD, "destination " + dstNum))
                newD.totalCount = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("HN: initialized and added " + newD.destination);

                Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                for (int i = Constants._numASNs-1; i >= 0 ; i--)
                    if (i != newD.destination)
                        string com = "getallpaths " + i + " " + dstNum;
                        getAllPaths(ref ds, ref graph, com);
                        Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed);

                TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("time.txt");

                // write a line of text to the file
                tw.WriteLine("Time elapsed: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed);
                tw.WriteLine("Total Paths Computed: " + newD.totalCount);
                // close the stream

                return true;

            Console.WriteLine("could not find destination");
            return false;
Exemple #21
        private bool flipallU(ref List<Destination> ds, ref NetworkGraph g, ref GlobalState globalState, string command)
            Console.WriteLine("Flipping state:");

            string[] cpieces = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (cpieces.Length < 1)
                Console.WriteLine("usage: flipallu <quiet?>");
                return false;

            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            List<UInt32> toflip = new List<UInt32>();
            bool quiet = false;
            if (command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length > 1)
                quiet = true;
                Console.WriteLine("you have selected quiet mode");
            List<UInt32> nonstubs = g.getNonStubs();
            Int64[] deltaU = new Int64[Constants._numASNs];
            for (int i = 0; i < deltaU.Length; i++)
                deltaU[i] = 0;

            foreach (Destination d in ds)
                foreach (UInt32 ASN in nonstubs)
                    if (d.Best[ASN] != null)//make sure this AS has a route to our destination
                        Worker w = new Worker();
                        int notASN = w.ComputeUtility(d.BucketTable, d.Best, d.ChosenParent, d.SecP, globalState.S, ASN, d.L[ASN], d.BestRelation[ASN], globalState.W);

                        deltaU[ASN] += (notASN - d.U[ASN]);

            int flipped = 0;
            for (int ASN = 0; ASN < deltaU.Length;ASN++ )
                if (deltaU[ASN] > 0)//positive change in utility for this ASN
                    if (globalState.S[ASN])
                        Console.WriteLine("AS: " + ASN + " is rolling back!!!");
                    globalState.S[ASN] = !globalState.S[ASN];
                    if (!quiet)
                        Console.WriteLine("AS: " + ASN + " had change in utility of " + deltaU[ASN]);

            Console.WriteLine("flip u took " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");
            Console.WriteLine("it flipped " + flipped + " ASes");
            return true;
Exemple #22
        private bool flipU(ref List<Destination> ds, ref NetworkGraph g, ref GlobalState globalState,string command)
            Console.WriteLine("Flipping state:");

            string[] cpieces = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (cpieces.Length < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("usage: flipu <d> <quiet?>");
                return false;

            Destination d = new Destination();
            UInt32 destNum;
            if (!UInt32.TryParse(cpieces[1], out destNum))
                Console.WriteLine("invalid destination number");
                return false;
            foreach (Destination curr in ds)
                if (curr.destination == destNum)
                    d = curr;
            if (d.BucketTable == null)
                Console.WriteLine("null bucket table!");
                return false;

            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            List<UInt32> toflip = new List<UInt32>();
            bool quiet = false;
            if (command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length > 2)
                quiet = true;
                Console.WriteLine("you have selected quiet mode");

            List<UInt32> nonstubs = g.getNonStubs();
            foreach (UInt32 ASN in nonstubs)
                if (d.Best[ASN] != null)//make sure this AS has a route to our destination
                    Worker w = new Worker();
                    int notASN = w.ComputeUtility(d.BucketTable, d.Best, d.ChosenParent, d.SecP, globalState.S, ASN, d.L[ASN], d.BestRelation[ASN], globalState.W);
                    if (d.U[ASN] < notASN)
                        if (!quiet)
                            Console.WriteLine("AS: " + ASN + " from " + globalState.S[ASN] + " to " + !globalState.S[ASN]);
                        toflip.Add(ASN);//don't flip on the fly it messes up everyones calculations, do it at the end.

            foreach (int ASN in toflip)
                if (globalState.S[ASN])
                    Console.WriteLine("AS: " + ASN + " is rolling back!!!");
                globalState.S[ASN] = !globalState.S[ASN];

            Console.WriteLine("flip u took " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");
            Console.WriteLine("it flipped " + toflip.Count + " ASes");
            return true;
Exemple #23
        private bool compareU(ref List<Destination> ds, ref GlobalState globalState,ref NetworkGraph g,string command)
            string[] cpieces = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (cpieces.Length < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("usage: compareu <d> <onlybenefit?>");
                return false;
            /** first off try to parse out a specific destination (or all) **/

            UInt32 destNum;
            if (!UInt32.TryParse(cpieces[1], out destNum) && !cpieces[1].Equals("all"))
                Console.WriteLine("invalid destination number");
                return false;
            List<Destination> destinationsToCompare = new List<Destination>();
            if (cpieces[1].Equals("all"))
                //want to run on all destinations.
                destinationsToCompare = ds;
                foreach (Destination curr in ds)
                    if (curr.destination == destNum)
            /** next see if we have been asked only for nodes that benefit **/
            bool onlybenefit = false;
            if (command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length > 2)
                Console.WriteLine("you've chosen to only display ASes that benefit");
                onlybenefit = true;

            List<UInt32> nonstubs = g.getNonStubs();
            Worker w = new Worker();
            foreach (Destination d in destinationsToCompare)
                Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
                Console.WriteLine("Destination : " + d.destination);
                Console.WriteLine("ASN :: U(before) : U(flipped)");
                runCompareU(nonstubs, d, ref w, onlybenefit,ref globalState);
                Console.WriteLine("compare u took " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");
            return true;
Exemple #24
        private void analysePathfile(ref NetworkGraph graph, string command)
            string[] cpieces = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (cpieces.Length < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("error: usage analysepathfile <filename>");

            TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("result_bucket.txt");
            TextWriter twViolation = new StreamWriter("violation_bucket.txt");
            TextWriter twMissing = new StreamWriter("missing_bucket.txt");
            TextWriter twRandom = new StreamWriter("random_file.txt");
            //for (int i = 0; i < allPaths.Count; i++)
            //    tw.WriteLine(pathString(allPaths[i]));

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(cpieces[1]))
                PathChecker pathChecker = new PathChecker();
                Destination newD2 = new Destination();
                initDestination(ref graph, ref newD2, "destination " + "1");

                string line;
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    string[] lpieces = line.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (lpieces.Length == 2)
                        int dstNum;
                        string path = lpieces[1];

                        if (!int.TryParse(lpieces[0], out dstNum))
                            Console.WriteLine("invalid destination. " + lpieces[0]);
                        if (dstNum > Constants._numASNs)

                        if (dstNum != newD2.destination)
                                initDestination(ref graph, ref newD2, "destination " + dstNum);
                            catch (Exception x)
                                Console.Out.WriteLine("Exception computing dest: " + dstNum);
                            string result = pathChecker.pathAnalysis(path, ref newD2, ref twMissing, ref twRandom, ref twViolation);
                            tw.WriteLine(result); tw.Flush();
                        catch (Exception y)
                            Console.Out.WriteLine("Exception analysing path: " + path);
Exemple #25
        private bool analysePath(ref NetworkGraph graph, string command)
            string[] cpieces = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (cpieces.Length < 3)
                Console.WriteLine("error: usage analysepath <dstnum> <path>");
                return false;

            int dstNum;
            string path = cpieces[2];

            if (!int.TryParse(cpieces[1], out dstNum))
                Console.WriteLine("invalid destination.");
                return false;

            PathChecker pathChecker = new PathChecker();

            if (dstNum > Constants._numASNs)
                return false;

            Destination newD2 = new Destination();
            if (initDestination(ref graph, ref newD2, "destination " + dstNum))
                Console.WriteLine("HN: initialized " + newD2.destination);

                pathChecker.pathAnalysis(path, ref newD2);
                return true;
            return false;
        private NetworkGraph input(string[] pieces)
            if (pieces.Length < 2)
               return null;

               NetworkGraph g = new NetworkGraph();
               if (!File.Exists(pieces[1]))
               pieces[1] = "C:\\Users\\phillipa\\Desktop\\adoptTraffic\\AugmentedGraphs\\" + pieces[1];
               if (File.Exists(pieces[1]))
               InputFileReader ifr = new InputFileReader(pieces[1], g);
               Console.WriteLine("read graph: " + g.EdgeCount + " edges " + g.NodeCount + " nodes");
               return g;
               return null;
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Extension method on the NetworkGraph class that performs a [modified] BFS on the
        /// specified graph from the specified source ndoe.  The allowedRelationships specifies
        /// which edges may be traversed during the BFS.
        /// This algorithm breaks ties by picking the node with the lower node number.
        /// This algorithm allows you to execute multiple BFS iterations on a single graph, with the
        /// constraint that any previous BFS trees created in a prior BFS run will not be modified (only
        /// added to).
        /// If limitedDiscovery is true, the BFS will only find new nodes that are 1 edge away from any existing
        /// BFS tree.
        /// If includeSibling is true, then ties are broken by first taking non-siblings over siblings.
        /// Modified by PGill Oct. 2010 to take in references to the Best, BucketTable and ChosenPaths sets. The function
        /// was also modified to populate these for our new sims.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ExecuteBfs(NetworkGraph graph, List <UInt32> srcNodeNums, bool limitedDiscovery, bool includeSibling,
                                      RelationshipType allowedRelationships, ref List <UInt32>[] Best, ref List <UInt32>[] BestNew, ref List <UInt32>[][] BucketTable, ref List <UInt32>[] ChosenPath,
                                      ref UInt32[] ChosenParent, ref byte[] L, ref byte[] BestRelation)
            Destination utility = new Destination();
            // Initialize some stuff...
            Queue <AsNode> nodeQueue = new Queue <AsNode>(graph.NodeCount);

            graph.BfsTreeNodeCount = 0;

            // "Visit" the source nodes
            foreach (UInt32 srcNodeNum in srcNodeNums)
                AsNode currentNode = graph.GetNode(srcNodeNum);
                currentNode.InProcessBfsStatus = NodeInProcessBfsStatus.SeenInCurrentRun;
                currentNode.BfsDepth           = 0;

                //init the destination's path to itself
                ChosenPath[srcNodeNum] = new List <UInt32>();
                Best[srcNodeNum] = new List <UInt32>();

                //if (allowedRelationships.HasFlag(RelationshipType.CustomerOf))
                if ((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.CustomerOf) == RelationshipType.CustomerOf || allowedRelationships == RelationshipType.NullRelationship)
                    BucketTable[0][Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN] = new List <UInt32>();

            // While there's still nodes to be examined...
            while (nodeQueue.Count > 0)
                // Dequeue a node to examine.  Iterate through all of its neighbors of the specified type (plus
                // existing BFS children) and visit them.
                AsNode currentNode = nodeQueue.Dequeue();
                foreach (AsNode oppositeNode in currentNode.GetNeighborsByType(allowedRelationships | RelationshipType.BfsParentOf).Distinct())
                    bool addedtoBest = false;
                    // If this is the first time we've see this node, mark it and possibly enqueue it for later examination
                    if (oppositeNode.InProcessBfsStatus == NodeInProcessBfsStatus.UnseenInCurrentRun)
                        // Case 1: oppositeNode is a newly discovered node, also unseen in any previous BFS runs
                        if (oppositeNode.PriorBfsStatus == NodePriorBfsStatus.NotDiscoveredInPriorBfs)
                            oppositeNode.InProcessBfsStatus = NodeInProcessBfsStatus.SeenInCurrentRun;
                            oppositeNode.BfsDepth           = currentNode.BfsDepth + 1;
                            oppositeNode.BfsParentNode      = currentNode;


                            graph.BfsTreeDepth = Math.Max(graph.BfsTreeDepth, oppositeNode.BfsDepth);

                            if (!oppositeNode.isStub() || !OnlyNonStubs)
                                L[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = (byte)oppositeNode.BfsDepth;
                                /*** add this node to the buckettable and update its chosen path, parent and BFS depth***/

                                //if (allowedRelationships.HasFlag(RelationshipType.CustomerOf)) -- this is .NET 4, downgraded to make comptabilte with .NET 3.5
                                if ((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.CustomerOf) == RelationshipType.CustomerOf || allowedRelationships == RelationshipType.NullRelationship)
                                    //init this spot in the bucket table (if needed)
                                    if (BucketTable[oppositeNode.BfsDepth][Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN] == null)
                                        BucketTable[oppositeNode.BfsDepth][Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN] = new List <UInt32>();

                                    BestRelation[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN;
                                    utility.updatePath(oppositeNode.NodeNum, ChosenPath[currentNode.NodeNum], Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN, ref ChosenPath);
                                //else if (allowedRelationships.HasFlag(RelationshipType.ProviderTo)) -- this is .NET 4, downgraded to make comptabilte with .NET 3.5
                                else if ((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.ProviderTo) == RelationshipType.ProviderTo)
                                    //init this spot in the bucket table (if needed)
                                    if (BucketTable[oppositeNode.BfsDepth][Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN] == null)
                                        BucketTable[oppositeNode.BfsDepth][Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN] = new List <UInt32>();

                                    BestRelation[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN;
                                    utility.updatePath(oppositeNode.NodeNum, ChosenPath[currentNode.NodeNum], Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN, ref ChosenPath);

                                //else if (allowedRelationships.HasFlag(RelationshipType.PeerOf)) -- this is .NET 4, downgraded to make comptabilte with .NET 3.5
                                else if ((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.PeerOf) == RelationshipType.PeerOf)
                                    //init this spot in the bucket table (if needed)
                                    if (BucketTable[oppositeNode.BfsDepth][Destination._PEERCOLUMN] == null)
                                        BucketTable[oppositeNode.BfsDepth][Destination._PEERCOLUMN] = new List <UInt32>();

                                    BestRelation[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = Destination._PEERCOLUMN;
                                    utility.updatePath(oppositeNode.NodeNum, ChosenPath[currentNode.NodeNum], Destination._PEERCOLUMN, ref ChosenPath);

                                /*** update this node's Best set ***/
                                if (Best[oppositeNode.NodeNum] == null)
                                    Best[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = new List <UInt32>();
                                ChosenParent[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = currentNode.NodeNum;

                                if (BestNew[oppositeNode.NodeNum] == null)
                                    BestNew[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = new List <UInt32>();

                                UInt32 encoded  = 0;
                                UInt32 NodeNumx = currentNode.NodeNum;

                                if ((allowedRelationships & currentNode.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(oppositeNode)) == RelationshipType.ProviderTo)
                                    encoded = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN);
                                else if ((allowedRelationships & currentNode.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(oppositeNode)) == RelationshipType.CustomerOf || allowedRelationships == RelationshipType.NullRelationship)
                                    encoded = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN);
                                else if ((allowedRelationships & currentNode.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(oppositeNode)) == RelationshipType.PeerOf)
                                    encoded = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._PEERCOLUMN);

                            // If we want to continue discovering past this newly found node, enqueue it
                            if (!limitedDiscovery)
                        // Case 2: oppositeNode was found in a prior BFS run, and the path to oppositeNode went through currentNode
                        else if (oppositeNode.BfsParentNode == currentNode)
                            // Don't need to do any marking of the opposite node because it's already in the BFS tree.
                            // Just enqueue it so we can continue our BFS from that node at some later time.
                            oppositeNode.InProcessBfsStatus = NodeInProcessBfsStatus.SeenInCurrentRun;
                            graph.BfsTreeDepth = Math.Max(graph.BfsTreeDepth, oppositeNode.BfsDepth);

                            // Sanity check... the depth should be the same, right?
                            if (oppositeNode.BfsDepth != currentNode.BfsDepth + 1)
                                throw new Exception("Unexpected BFS depth during BFS re-run");
                        // Case 3: oppositeNode was found in a prior BFS run, and the path to oppositeNode did NOT go through currentNode
                        // No action necessary.  We can't process oppositeNode now because we aren't allow to follow this edge.
                        // Eventually we will hit the already-existing edge that's part of a prior BFS run, and we'll enter Case 2 above.
                    // We've seen this node before...
                        // Did we find an alternate route to the opposite node?
                        // We cannot change the route if this node was found in a prior BFS run.
                        // This is where tie-breaking happens...
                        if ((oppositeNode.InProcessBfsStatus == NodeInProcessBfsStatus.SeenInCurrentRun) &&
                            (oppositeNode.BfsDepth == (currentNode.BfsDepth + 1)) &&
                            (oppositeNode.PriorBfsStatus != NodePriorBfsStatus.DiscoveredInPriorBfs))
                            // This is an alternate route... break the tie
                            //note that current node is a potential parent of opposite node here.
                            //equivalent to current node being one of the nodes in the tiebreak set

                            //Console.WriteLine("Ties Breaker");

                            //UPDATED CONDITION TO DEAL WITH HASH FLAG
                            if ((Hash && NewRouteWinsTieBreak(currentNode, oppositeNode, includeSibling)) || (!Hash && NewRouteWinsTieBreakOriginal(currentNode, oppositeNode, includeSibling)))
                                // Tie-break algorithm says we have a new, better route to this node.
                                // We need to switch the route through the current node instead.
                                oppositeNode.BfsParentNode = currentNode;

                                if (!oppositeNode.isStub() || !OnlyNonStubs)
                                    /*** update chosen parent***/
                                    ChosenParent[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = currentNode.NodeNum;

                                    /***  update its chosen path ***/

                                    //if (allowedRelationships.HasFlag(RelationshipType.CustomerOf))
                                    if ((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.CustomerOf) == RelationshipType.CustomerOf || allowedRelationships == RelationshipType.NullRelationship)
                                        utility.updatePath(oppositeNode.NodeNum, ChosenPath[currentNode.NodeNum], Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN, ref ChosenPath);
                                    //else if (allowedRelationships.HasFlag(RelationshipType.ProviderTo))
                                    else if ((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.ProviderTo) == RelationshipType.ProviderTo)
                                        utility.updatePath(oppositeNode.NodeNum, ChosenPath[currentNode.NodeNum], Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN, ref ChosenPath);
                                    //else if (allowedRelationships.HasFlag(RelationshipType.PeerOf))
                                    else if ((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.PeerOf) == RelationshipType.PeerOf)
                                        utility.updatePath(oppositeNode.NodeNum, ChosenPath[currentNode.NodeNum], Destination._PEERCOLUMN, ref ChosenPath);
                            /*** NEED TO UPDATE BEST SET WHETHER OR NOT THIS WINS THE TIE BREAK!! **/
                            if (!oppositeNode.isStub() || !OnlyNonStubs)
                                addedtoBest = true;
                    if ((Best[oppositeNode.NodeNum] != null))// && addedtoBest)// &&
                    //(oppositeNode.PriorBfsStatus != NodePriorBfsStatus.DiscoveredInPriorBfs))
                        if (BestNew[oppositeNode.NodeNum] == null)
                            BestNew[oppositeNode.NodeNum] = new List <UInt32>();

                        UInt32 encoded  = 0;
                        UInt32 NodeNumx = currentNode.NodeNum;

                        if ((allowedRelationships & currentNode.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(oppositeNode)) == RelationshipType.ProviderTo)
                            encoded = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN);
                        else if ((allowedRelationships & currentNode.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(oppositeNode)) == RelationshipType.CustomerOf || allowedRelationships == RelationshipType.NullRelationship)
                            encoded = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN);
                        else if ((allowedRelationships & currentNode.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(oppositeNode)) == RelationshipType.PeerOf)
                            encoded = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._PEERCOLUMN);

                        UInt32 encoded0 = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._PROVIDERCOLUMN);
                        UInt32 encoded1 = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._CUSTOMERCOLUMN);
                        UInt32 encoded2 = (UInt32)((NodeNumx << 3) + Destination._PEERCOLUMN);

                        if (!((BestNew[oppositeNode.NodeNum].Exists(element => element == encoded0)) || (BestNew[oppositeNode.NodeNum].Exists(element => element == encoded1)) || (BestNew[oppositeNode.NodeNum].Exists(element => element == encoded2))))
                            //Console.WriteLine(oppositeNode.NodeNum + "--> Entered for: " + ((UInt32)(((uint)encoded) >> 3) + " relation: " + (int)(encoded & 7)));
                            //Console.WriteLine("encoded = " + encoded);
                            if (encoded != 0)
                                //Console.WriteLine(oppositeNode.NodeNum + "--> Entered for: " + ((UInt32)(((uint)encoded) >> 3) + " relation: " + (int)(encoded & 7)));
                                //if ((((allowedRelationships & RelationshipType.ProviderTo) == RelationshipType.ProviderTo) && oppositeNode.InProcessBfsStatus == NodeInProcessBfsStatus.ProcessedInCurrentRun))
                                //    Console.Write("Rel: " + allowedRelationships + " & Node status: " + oppositeNode.InProcessBfsStatus + "\n");
                // Update the in-process BFS status
                currentNode.InProcessBfsStatus = NodeInProcessBfsStatus.ProcessedInCurrentRun;

            // Finished the BFS... lock the discovered nodes into the BFS tree
            foreach (AsNode node in graph.GetAllNodes())
                // FYI In limitedDiscovery mode, some nodes may have been left in the SeenInCurrentRun state
                // (instead of ProcessedInCurrentRun).
                if (node.InProcessBfsStatus != NodeInProcessBfsStatus.UnseenInCurrentRun)
                    node.PriorBfsStatus = NodePriorBfsStatus.DiscoveredInPriorBfs;
                node.InProcessBfsStatus = NodeInProcessBfsStatus.UnseenInCurrentRun;
Exemple #28
        private bool initGlobalState(string command, ref NetworkGraph g, ref GlobalState globalState)
            if (command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("usage: initglobalstate :early adopters:top x:top x%");
                Console.WriteLine("e.g., initglobalstate :15169 8075:8075 22822:40 will set security true for 15169 and 8075 and assign 40 % weight total to 8075 and 22822 with remaining 60% divided across other ASs");
                return false;

            string [] parameters= command.Split(":".ToCharArray(),StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            if (parameters.Length != 4)
                Console.WriteLine("usage: initglobalstate :early adopters:top x:top x%");
                Console.WriteLine("e.g., initglobalstate :15169 8075:8075 22822:40 will set security true for 15169 and 8075 and assign 40 % weight total to 8075 and 22822 with remaining 60% divided across other ASs");
                return false;

            List<UInt32> earlyAdopters = new List<UInt32>();
            string[] earlyAdopterStrings = parameters[1].Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (string eAS in earlyAdopterStrings)
                UInt32 currAdopter;
                if (UInt32.TryParse(eAS, out currAdopter))
                    if (g.GetNode(currAdopter) != null)
                        Console.WriteLine(currAdopter + " was not in the graph.");
                    Console.WriteLine("could not parse AS: " + eAS);
            List<UInt32> topX = new List<UInt32>();
            string[] topXStrings = parameters[2].Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (string tXS in topXStrings)
                UInt32 currTopX;
                if (UInt32.TryParse(tXS, out currTopX))
                    if (g.GetNode(currTopX) != null)
                        Console.WriteLine(currTopX + " was not in the graph.");
                    Console.WriteLine("could not parse AS: " + tXS);

            short topXPercent;
            if (!short.TryParse(parameters[3], out topXPercent))
                Console.WriteLine("could not parse your top X percent value!");
                return false;

            Console.WriteLine("dividing " + topXPercent + " across ");
            foreach (UInt32 topXAS in topX)
                Console.Write(topXAS + ", ");
            Console.WriteLine("turning on stubs and ");
            foreach (UInt32 adopter in earlyAdopters)
                Console.Write(adopter + ", ");

            globalState = SimulatorLibrary.initGlobalState(g, earlyAdopters, topX, topXPercent);
            return true;
Exemple #29
        private bool nodesWithNoPath(string command, ref List<Destination> destinations,ref NetworkGraph g)
            string[] parameters = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (parameters.Length < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("error: usage averagebest [destination]");
                return false;
            UInt32 ASN;
            if (!UInt32.TryParse(parameters[1], out ASN))
                Console.WriteLine("error: invalid destination ASN");
                return false;
            foreach (Destination d in destinations)
                if (d.destination == ASN)
                    Int32 numWithNoPath=0;
                    IEnumerable<AsNode> allNodes = g.GetAllNodes();
                    foreach (AsNode AS in allNodes)
                        if (d.Best[AS.NodeNum] == null)


                    Console.WriteLine(numWithNoPath + " nodes have no path to destination " + d.destination);

            Console.WriteLine("error could not find AS " + ASN + " in the list of destinations");
            return false;
Exemple #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor just saves the filename and graph
 /// </summary>
 public InputFileReader(string filename, NetworkGraph netGraph)
     Filename = filename;
     NetGraph = netGraph;
Exemple #31
        private bool serialisePathArrays(ref NetworkGraph graph, string command)
            string[] cpieces = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (cpieces.Length < 3)
                Console.WriteLine("error: usage serialise <dstnum> <path>");
                return false;

            int dstNum;
            string path;

            if (!int.TryParse(cpieces[1], out dstNum))
                Console.WriteLine("invalid destination.");
                return false;

            PathChecker pathChecker = new PathChecker();

            if (dstNum == -1)
                for (int i = 0; i < Constants._numASNs; i++)
                    Destination newD = new Destination();
                        if (initDestination(ref graph, ref newD, "destination " + i))
                            pathChecker.serializeBestNew(newD.BestNew, i, cpieces[2]);
                return true;

            Destination newD2 = new Destination();
            if (initDestination(ref graph, ref newD2, "destination " + dstNum))
                Console.WriteLine("HN: initialized " + newD2.destination + "\t Calling serialiser");

                pathChecker.serializeBestNew(newD2.BestNew, dstNum, cpieces[2]);

                return true;

            return false;
Exemple #32
        private bool turnOnStubs(ref NetworkGraph g, ref bool[] S)
            //clear S
            for (int i = 0; i < S.Length; i++)
                S[i] = false;
            List<UInt32> stubs = g.getStubs();
            foreach (int stub in stubs)
                S[stub] = true;

            return true;
Exemple #33
        /// <summary>
        /// ADDED BY SHARON
        /// Checks if a particular other node (usually the attacker) is on the path
        /// from the source node to the BFS root.  Returns true if it is, false otherwise
        /// If there is no path to the BFS root, this function returns false
        /// </summary>
        public static bool isNodeOnPathFromBfsRoot(NetworkGraph graph, UInt32 srcNodeNum, UInt32 attackerNodeNum)
            AsNode currNode = graph.GetNode(srcNodeNum);
            AsNode attackerNode = graph.GetNode(attackerNodeNum);

            // Check the input
            if ((currNode == null) || (attackerNode == null) || (currNode.BfsDepth == Int32.MaxValue))
                return false;

            //walk down path to root, checking for attacker
            while (currNode != null)
                if (currNode.NodeNum == attackerNode.NodeNum)
                    return true;
                currNode = currNode.BfsParentNode;
            return false;
Exemple #34
        private static bool initDestination(ref NetworkGraph g, ref Destination d, string dest)
            UInt32 destNum;
            if (!UInt32.TryParse(dest, out destNum))
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid ASN!");
            return false;
            if (g.GetNode(destNum) == null)
                Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Could not retrieve destination " + d + " from the graph.");
            return false;

            Console.WriteLine("Initializing variables and running RTA");
            MiniDestination miniDest = SimulatorLibrary.initMiniDestination(g, destNum, false);
            d = new Destination(miniDest);
            bool[] tempS = new bool[Constants._numASNs];
            for (int i = 0; i < tempS.Length; i++) {
                 tempS[i] = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Done initializing. Current active destination is: " + destNum);
            return true;
Exemple #35
        private bool addEdges(string command, ref NetworkGraph g)
            string[] pieces = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            if (pieces.Length < 4)
                Console.WriteLine("usage: addEdges ASN numEdges onlyNonStubs");
                return false;
            UInt32 ASN;
            Int32 numEdges;
            bool onlyNonStubs;
            if (!UInt32.TryParse(pieces[1], out ASN) || !int.TryParse(pieces[2], out numEdges) || !bool.TryParse(pieces[3], out onlyNonStubs))
                Console.WriteLine("bad inputs!");
                return false;

            SimulatorLibrary.addEdges(ref g, ASN, numEdges, onlyNonStubs);
            return true;
Exemple #36
        private bool iterateAll(ref List<Destination> d, ref NetworkGraph g, ref GlobalState globalState, string command)
            string[] parameters = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            float percentage = 0;
            if (parameters.Length == 1)
                Console.WriteLine("no utility percentage specified, using basic condition that U after must be more than U before");
            else if (!float.TryParse(parameters[1], out percentage))
                percentage = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("could not parse the utility percentage. using default condition Uafter > Ubefore to flip");
            bool useMiniDWeight = false;

            if (parameters.Length > 2 && parameters[2].IndexOf("t")>=0)
                useMiniDWeight = true;
                Console.WriteLine("using mini d weight.");

            List<Message> results = new List<Message>();
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            foreach (Destination dest in d)
                //yes this is pretty dumb/inefficient it is just for testing purposes.
                MiniDestination mD = SimulatorLibrary.initMiniDestination(g, dest.destination, false);

                results.Add(SimulatorLibrary.ComputeOnDestination(mD, globalState));
            Int64[] Before = new Int64[Constants._numASNs];
            Int64[] After = new Int64[Constants._numASNs];
               SimulatorLibrary.updateGlobalState(ref globalState, results, percentage,ref Before,ref After);
               Console.WriteLine("iteration took: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            return true;
Exemple #37
        private bool printstubs(ref NetworkGraph g)
            Console.WriteLine("printing stubs:");
            List<UInt32> stubs = g.getStubs();
            for (int i = 0; i < stubs.Count; i++)

            return true;
Exemple #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves a path from the BFS root to the specified start node.
 /// The path is returned as a list of AsNode objects.
 /// If there is no path from the BFS root, this function returns null.
 /// </summary>
 public static List<AsNode> GetPathFromBfsRoot(NetworkGraph graph, UInt32 srcNodeNum)
     // Check the input
     AsNode currNode = graph.GetNode(srcNodeNum);
     if ((currNode == null) || (currNode.BfsDepth == Int32.MaxValue))
         return null;
     // Start a list of nodes in the path
     List<AsNode> nodeList = new List<AsNode>();
     nodeList.Insert(0, currNode);
     // Keep adding parents to the list until we get to the root
     while (currNode.BfsParentNode != null)
         currNode = currNode.BfsParentNode;
         nodeList.Insert(0, currNode);
     return nodeList;
Exemple #39
 /// <summary>
 /// Looks at the path this node has in the BFS
 /// and returns the relationship with the first hop on this path
 /// /// </summary>
 public static RelationshipType GetPathTypeFromBfsRoot(NetworkGraph graph, UInt32 nodeNum)
     AsNode node = graph.GetNode(nodeNum);
     // first check that the node has a path to the root
     if (node.BfsDepth == Int32.MaxValue)
         return RelationshipType.NullRelationship;
     else  // return the relationship it has with its BFS parent
         return node.BfsParentNode.GetRelationshipTypeOfNeighbor(node);
Exemple #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Examines the BFS subtree rooted at the node specified by nodeNum and returns a list of the
        /// nodes in the tree.
        /// </summary>
        public static List<AsNode> GetNodesInBfsSubtree(NetworkGraph graph, UInt32 nodeNum)
            // Make sure the node exists and is in the BFS tree
            AsNode rootNode = graph.GetNode(nodeNum);
            if ((rootNode == null) ||
                (rootNode.BfsDepth == Int32.MaxValue))
                return null;

            // Running node count & list
            List<AsNode> nodeList = new List<AsNode>();

            // Similar to BFS, but we're only going to follow edges that are BFS children
            Queue<AsNode> nodeQueue = new Queue<AsNode>();

            // While there's still nodes in the sub-tree to be examined...
            while (nodeQueue.Count > 0)
                // Dequeue a node and iterate through its BFS children
                AsNode currentNode = nodeQueue.Dequeue();
                foreach (AsNode oppositeNode in currentNode.GetNeighborsByType(RelationshipType.BfsParentOf))

                    // Sanity check... current node should be the BFS parent of opposite node
                    if (oppositeNode.BfsParentNode != currentNode)
                        throw new Exception("Expected current node to be parent of child node");

            return nodeList;
Exemple #41
        private bool initGraph(ref NetworkGraph g,string command)
            g = new NetworkGraph();
            string resp;

            if (command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length > 1)
                resp = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1];
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a file name or \"testgraph\" to use the graph from the routing tree algorithm figure in the Sigcomm 2010 paper");
                resp = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
            if (resp == "testgraph")
                Console.WriteLine("loading test graph ...");
                g = getTestGraph();
                return true;
                if (File.Exists(resp))
                    InputFileReader iFR = new InputFileReader(resp, g);
                    Int32 p2pEdges = 0;
                    Int32 c2pEdges = 0;
                    foreach(var ASNode in g.GetAllNodes())
                        p2pEdges += ASNode.GetNeighborTypeCount(RelationshipType.PeerOf);
                        c2pEdges += ASNode.GetNeighborTypeCount(RelationshipType.CustomerOf);
                        c2pEdges += ASNode.GetNeighborTypeCount(RelationshipType.ProviderTo);
                    Console.WriteLine("read in the graph it has " + g.NodeCount + " nodes and " + g.EdgeCount + " edges");
                    Console.WriteLine("P2P: " + p2pEdges + " C2P: " + c2pEdges);
                    return true;
                    Console.WriteLine("that file does not exist. Going back to main menu now.");
                    return false;