private string Header() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); AddLine(sb, " <meta name = 'viewport' content ='width=device-width;initial-scale = 1.0;'maximum-scale = 1.0;/>"); AddLine(sb, " <meta name = 'apple-mobile-web-app-capable' content = 'yes' />"); AddLine(sb, string.Empty); AddLine(sb, HtmlLib.Comment("JQuery UI")); AddLine(sb, HtmlLib.CssLink("../css/jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.min.css")); AddLine(sb, HtmlLib.CssLink("../css/base.css")); AddLine(sb, HtmlLib.CssLink("../css/tablet.css")); AddLine(sb, string.Empty); AddLine(sb, HtmlLib.Comment("Javascript")); AddLine(sb, HtmlLib.JSScriptFile("../js/jquery-1.8.2.min.js")); AddLine(sb, HtmlLib.JSScriptFile("../js/jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.min.js")); AddLine(sb, string.Empty); AddLine(sb, HtmlLib.StyleOpen()); AddLine(sb, " .class1 A:link {text-decoration: yellow;}"); AddLine(sb, " .left.col {width: 250px;}"); AddLine(sb, " .right.col {left: 250px;right: 0;}"); AddLine(sb, " .header.row {height: 75px; background: #333;}"); AddLine(sb, " .body.row {top: 75px;bottom: 50px;background: #000;padding: 1em;}"); AddLine(sb, " .footer.row {height: 75px;top: 20px;bottom: 0;background: #333;}"); AddLine(sb, " body {color: White;background: #000;font - family: Segoe UI, Helvetica, Arial, Sans-Serif;}"); AddLine(sb, " .header, .footer {padding: 0 1em;}"); AddLine(sb, HtmlLib.StyleClose()); AddLine(sb, string.Empty); AddLine(sb, HtmlLib.ScriptOpen()); var script = @" $(function () { $('#myAccordian').accordion({ header: 'h3', activate: false, heightStyle: 'fill', collapsible: true, autoHeight: false }); });"; AddLine(sb, script); AddLine(sb, HtmlLib.ScriptClose()); return(sb.ToString()); }
public void Render() { EnsureDirectory(_filename); var sw = new StreamWriter(_filename, false); sw.WriteLine(_header.Length > 0 ? HtmlLib.HTMLOpenPlus(_header) : HtmlLib.HTMLOpen()); sw.WriteLine(HtmlLib.HeadOpen()); // Add the head parts var myEnumerator = _headList.GetEnumerator(); while (myEnumerator.MoveNext()) { sw.WriteLine($" {myEnumerator.Current}"); } sw.WriteLine("\t" + HtmlLib.HTMLTitle(_title)); if (_cssFile != null) { if (_cssFile.Length > 0) { sw.WriteLine("\t" + HtmlLib.CssLink(_cssFile)); } } if (_script1 != null) { if (_script1.Length > 0) { sw.WriteLine("\t" + HtmlLib.VBScriptFile(_script1)); } } if (_script2 != null) { if (_script2.Length > 0) { sw.WriteLine("\t" + HtmlLib.JSScriptFile(_script2)); } } if (TopScripts != null) { RenderTopScripts(sw); } if (StyleList.Count > 0) { var styleEnumerator = StyleList.GetEnumerator(); sw.WriteLine("\t" + HtmlLib.StyleOpen()); while (styleEnumerator.MoveNext()) { sw.WriteLine("\t" + styleEnumerator.Current); } sw.WriteLine("\t" + HtmlLib.StyleClose()); } sw.WriteLine(HtmlLib.HeadClose()); sw.WriteLine(HtmlLib.BodyOpen()); //sw.WriteLine(HtmlLib.DivOpen("id=\"container\"")); // Add the body parts myEnumerator = _bodyList.GetEnumerator(); while (myEnumerator.MoveNext()) { sw.WriteLine(myEnumerator.Current); } //sw.WriteLine(HtmlLib.DivClose()); if (Scripts != null) { WriteScripts(sw); } sw.WriteLine(HtmlLib.BodyClose()); sw.WriteLine(HtmlLib.HtmlClose()); sw.Close(); if (AnnounceIt) { Announce($" {_filename} has been rendered"); } }