// Internal methods ----------------------------------------------------

        protected virtual void UpdateMemberVariables(PersistentXML persistentXML)
            foreach (PropertyInfo toProperty in this.GetType().GetProperties())
                // do not replace special "FileName" property with persisted value
                if (toProperty.Name != "FileName")
                    toProperty.SetValue(this, persistentXML.GetType().GetProperty(toProperty.Name).GetValue(persistentXML, null), null);
        // Deserializes the class from the config file.
        public bool Load()
            XmlSerializer mySerializer = null;
            FileStream    myFileStream = null;
            bool          fileExists   = false;

                // Create an XmlSerializer for the PersistentXML type.
                mySerializer = new XmlSerializer(this.GetType());
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileName);

                // If the config file exists, open it.
                if (fi.Exists)
                    myFileStream = fi.OpenRead();
                    // Create a new instance of the PersistentXML by
                    // deserializing the config file.
                    PersistentXML myAppSettings = (PersistentXML)mySerializer.Deserialize(myFileStream);

                    fileExists = true;
//            catch(Exception ex)
//            {
//                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);
//            }
                // If the FileStream is open, close it.
                if (myFileStream != null)