internal PDFOutlineRef(PDFOutline outline, OutlineStyle style) { if (null == outline) { throw RecordAndRaise.ArgumentNull("outline"); } _outline = outline; _style = style; }
private PDFObjectRef RenderOutlineItem(PDFOutlineRef outlineref, PDFObjectRef parent, PDFObjectRef prev, PDFRenderContext context, PDFWriter writer, out int count) { PDFOutline outline = outlineref.Outline; Scryber.Drawing.PDFColor c = outlineref.GetColor(); Scryber.Drawing.FontStyle fs = outlineref.GetFontStyle(); bool isopen = outlineref.GetIsOpen(); count = 1;//this one PDFObjectRef item = writer.BeginObject(); writer.BeginDictionary(); writer.WriteDictionaryObjectRefEntry("Parent", parent); writer.WriteDictionaryStringEntry("Title", outline.Title); writer.WriteDictionaryStringEntry("Dest", outline.DestinationName); if (null != c) { writer.BeginDictionaryEntry("C"); writer.BeginArray(); writer.WriteRealS(c.Red.Value, c.Green.Value, c.Blue.Value); writer.EndArray(); writer.EndDictionaryEntry(); } if (fs != Scryber.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular) { int f = 0; if ((fs & Scryber.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold) > 0) { f = 2; } if ((fs & Scryber.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic) > 0) { f += 1; } writer.WriteDictionaryNumberEntry("F", f); } if (null != prev) { writer.WriteDictionaryObjectRefEntry("Prev", prev); } if (context.ShouldLogVerbose) { context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Verbose, "Outline Stack", "Rendered outline item " + item + " with title '" + outline.Title + " and destination name " + outline.DestinationName); } if (outlineref.HasInnerItems) { if (context.ShouldLogDebug) { context.TraceLog.Begin(TraceLevel.Debug, "Outline Stack", "Started rendering inner outline items"); } int opencount; PDFObjectRef childfirst, childlast; this.RenderOutlineCollection(outlineref.InnerItems, item, context, writer, out childfirst, out childlast, out opencount); writer.WriteDictionaryObjectRefEntry("First", childfirst); writer.WriteDictionaryObjectRefEntry("Last", childlast); if (opencount > 0) { if (isopen) { writer.WriteDictionaryNumberEntry("Count", opencount); count += opencount; } else { writer.WriteDictionaryNumberEntry("Count", -opencount); } } if (context.ShouldLogDebug) { context.TraceLog.End(TraceLevel.Debug, "Outlines", " Finished rendering inner outline items"); } } //we don't close the dictionary here as we need the next entry written //It should be closed in the calling method return(item); }