public void RenderOverLines(PDFTextRunEnd end, PDFRenderContext context, PDFWriter writer)
            PDFUnit offsetV       = new PDFUnit(-this.TextRenderOptions.GetAscent().PointsValue, PageUnits.Points);
            PDFUnit linethickness = this.TextRenderOptions.Font.Size / ThicknessFactor;

            this.RenderTextDecoration(end, context, writer, offsetV, linethickness);
        public void RenderUnderlines(PDFTextRunEnd end, PDFRenderContext context, PDFWriter writer)
            PDFUnit offsetV       = this.TextRenderOptions.GetAscent() / UnderlineOffsetFactor;
            PDFUnit linethickness = this.TextRenderOptions.Font.Size / ThicknessFactor;

            this.RenderTextDecoration(end, context, writer, offsetV, linethickness);
        private PDFRect CalculateLastLineBounds(PDFUnit voffset, PDFTextRunEnd end)
            PDFLayoutLine line = this._lines[this._lines.Count - 1];
            PDFRect       full = new PDFRect(this.TotalBounds.Location, PDFSize.Empty);

            full.Y += voffset;
            PDFUnit linewidth = PDFUnit.Zero;

            full.Height = line.Height;

            foreach (PDFLayoutRun run in line.Runs)
                if (run == end)
                if (run is PDFTextRunSpacer)
                    full.X = run.Width;
                    linewidth += run.Width;

            full.Width = linewidth;
        private PDFRect CalculateOnlyLineBounds(PDFTextRunEnd end)
            PDFLayoutLine line = this._lines[0];
            PDFRect       full = new PDFRect(this.TotalBounds.Location, PDFSize.Empty);

            bool    counting  = false;
            PDFUnit linewidth = PDFUnit.Zero;

            foreach (PDFLayoutRun run in line.Runs)
                if (run == this)
                    counting = true;
                else if (run == end)
                else if (counting)
                    linewidth += run.Width;
            full.Width  = linewidth;
            full.Height = line.Height;

        public void RenderStrikeThrough(PDFTextRunEnd end, PDFRenderContext context, PDFWriter writer)
            //Strike through is up offset one third the font ascent
            PDFUnit offsetV = new PDFUnit(-this.TextRenderOptions.GetAscent().PointsValue *StrikeThroughOffset, PageUnits.Points);

            PDFUnit linethickness = this.TextRenderOptions.Font.Size / ThicknessFactor;

            this.RenderTextDecoration(end, context, writer, offsetV, linethickness);
        /// <summary>
        /// Close down and end the text
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void EndText()
            if (this.ContinueLayout)

                PDFTextRunEnd end = new PDFTextRunEnd(this.BeginningRun, this.CurrentLine, this.TextComponent);
        private PDFRect CalculateInnerTotalBounds(PDFUnit voffset, PDFTextRunEnd ending)
            PDFRect full = this.TotalBounds.Clone();

            full.Size = PDFSize.Empty;
            full.Y   += voffset;

            //only want the lines that are between the first and last line
            int firstIndex = 1;
            int lastIndex  = this.Lines.Count - 2;

            PDFUnit maxright = PDFUnit.Zero;
            PDFUnit minleft  = new PDFUnit(Double.MaxValue);

            for (int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
                PDFLayoutLine line = this.Lines[i];
                minleft  = 0;
                maxright = PDFUnit.Max(maxright, line.FullWidth);
                PDFUnit x = PDFUnit.Zero;
                PDFUnit w = line.Width;
                if (line.Runs[0] is PDFTextRunSpacer)
                    x = line.Runs[0].Width;
                maxright     = PDFUnit.Max(maxright, w);
                minleft      = PDFUnit.Min(minleft, x);
                full.Height += line.Height;

            if (minleft > 0)
                full.X = minleft;
            full.Width = maxright - minleft;

Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Justs adds a run
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="run"></param>
 public virtual void AddRun(PDFLayoutRun run)
     if (run is PDFTextRunBegin)
         PDFUnit ascent = ((PDFTextRunBegin)run).TextRenderOptions.GetAscent();
         if (ascent > this.BaseLineOffset)
             this.BaseLineOffset = ascent;
     else if (run is PDFTextRunEnd)
         PDFTextRunEnd end    = (PDFTextRunEnd)run;
         PDFUnit       ascent = end.Start.TextRenderOptions.GetAscent();
         if (ascent > this.BaseLineOffset)
             this.BaseLineOffset = ascent;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called from the PDFTextRunEnd layout item - so the text has a full set of pushed component layouts and we can calculate the bounds
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ending"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="xoffset"></param>
        /// <param name="yoffset"></param>
        public void PushCompleteTextBlock(PDFTextRunEnd ending, PDFLayoutContext context, int pageIndex, PDFUnit xoffset, PDFUnit yoffset)
            PDFRect[] all = new PDFRect[3];

            if (this.Lines.Count == 1)
                all[0] = this.CalculateOnlyLineBounds(ending);
            else if (this.Lines.Count == 2)
                all[0] = CalculateFirstLineBounds();
                all[2] = CalculateLastLineBounds(all[0].Height, ending);
                all[0] = CalculateFirstLineBounds();
                all[1] = CalculateInnerTotalBounds(all[0].Height, ending);
                all[2] = CalculateLastLineBounds(all[0].Height + all[1].Height, ending);
            _caclulatedBounds = all;
        protected virtual void RenderTextDecoration(PDFTextRunEnd endRun, PDFRenderContext context, PDFWriter writer, PDFUnit vOffset, PDFUnit linethickness)
            if (context.ShouldLogDebug)
                context.TraceLog.Begin(TraceLevel.Debug, "Text Decoration", "Starting to render text decorations");

            //set up the graphics context
            PDFPen pen = PDFPen.Create(this.TextRenderOptions.FillBrush, linethickness);

            pen.SetUpGraphics(context.Graphics, this.TotalBounds);

            bool     drawing   = false;
            PDFPoint linestart = new PDFPoint(this.StartTextCursor.Width, this.StartTextCursor.Height + vOffset);

            foreach (PDFLayoutLine line in this.Lines)
                PDFUnit linewidth = 0;

                foreach (PDFLayoutRun run in line.Runs)
                    if (run == this)
                        drawing = true;
                        //lineoffset += this.LineInset;
                    else if (run == endRun)
                        drawing = false;
                    else if (drawing)
                        if (run is PDFTextRunCharacter)
                            PDFTextRunCharacter chars = (PDFTextRunCharacter)run;
                            PDFPoint            start = new PDFPoint(linestart.X + linewidth, linestart.Y);
                            PDFPoint            end   = new PDFPoint(linestart.X + linewidth + chars.Width + chars.ExtraSpace, linestart.Y);
                            context.Graphics.DrawLine(start, end);
                            if (context.ShouldLogDebug)
                                context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Debug, "Text Decoration", "Drawn line from " + start + " to " + end);
                            linewidth += chars.Width;
                        else if (run is PDFTextRunEnd)
                        else if (run is PDFTextRunNewLine)
                            PDFTextRunNewLine newline = (PDFTextRunNewLine)run;
                            PDFSize           offset  = newline.Offset;
                            if (null != newline.NextLineSpacer)
                                PDFUnit nextoffset = newline.NextLineSpacer.Width;
                                offset.Width = nextoffset - offset.Width;
                            linestart.X += offset.Width;
                            linestart.Y += offset.Height;
                        else if (run is PDFTextRunSpacer)
                            //PDFTextRunSpacer spacer = (PDFTextRunSpacer)run;
                            //cursor.X += spacer.Width;
                        else if (run is PDFTextRunProxy)
                            PDFTextRunProxy chars = (PDFTextRunProxy)run;
                            PDFPoint        start = new PDFPoint(linestart.X + linewidth, linestart.Y);
                            PDFPoint        end   = new PDFPoint(linestart.X + linewidth + chars.Width, linestart.Y);
                            context.Graphics.DrawLine(start, end);
                            if (context.ShouldLogDebug)
                                context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Debug, "Text Decoration", "Drawn line from " + start + " to " + end);
                            linewidth += chars.Width;

            if (context.ShouldLogDebug)
                context.TraceLog.End(TraceLevel.Debug, "Text Decoration", "Completed the renderering of text decorations");

            //tear down the current graphics state