        // .ctor(s)

        #region public PDFLayoutComponentRun(PDFLayoutLine line, IPDFComponent component, PDFStyle style)

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Component Run
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="component"></param>
        /// <param name="style"></param>
        public PDFLayoutComponentRun(PDFLayoutLine line, IPDFComponent component, Style style)
            : base(line, component)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(null != component);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(null != style);
            this.FullStyle = style;
        private PDFRect CalculateOnlyLineBounds(PDFTextRunEnd end)
            PDFLayoutLine line = this._lines[0];
            PDFRect       full = new PDFRect(this.TotalBounds.Location, PDFSize.Empty);

            bool    counting  = false;
            PDFUnit linewidth = PDFUnit.Zero;

            foreach (PDFLayoutRun run in line.Runs)
                if (run == this)
                    counting = true;
                else if (run == end)
                else if (counting)
                    linewidth += run.Width;
            full.Width  = linewidth;
            full.Height = line.Height;

        private PDFRect CalculateLastLineBounds(PDFUnit voffset, PDFTextRunEnd end)
            PDFLayoutLine line = this._lines[this._lines.Count - 1];
            PDFRect       full = new PDFRect(this.TotalBounds.Location, PDFSize.Empty);

            full.Y += voffset;
            PDFUnit linewidth = PDFUnit.Zero;

            full.Height = line.Height;

            foreach (PDFLayoutRun run in line.Runs)
                if (run == end)
                if (run is PDFTextRunSpacer)
                    full.X = run.Width;
                    linewidth += run.Width;

            full.Width = linewidth;
        // overflow operations

        protected virtual void DoMoveToNextRegion(PDFUnit lineheight)
            PDFLayoutLine lastline = this.CurrentLine;

            this.EndText(); //Always end this block of text

            bool             newPage;
            PDFLayoutRegion  region = lastline.Region;
            PDFLayoutBlock   block  = (PDFLayoutBlock)region.Parent;
            LayoutEngineBase engine = this.Parent as LayoutEngineBase;

            if (null == engine)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Parent engine was not the expected BlockLayoutEngine. A Hack that is needed for overflowing textual content");
            else if (engine.MoveToNextRegion(lineheight, ref region, ref block, out newPage))
                if (!this.StartText())
                if (this.Context.TraceLog.ShouldLog(TraceLevel.Message))
                    this.Context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Message, LOG_CATEGORY, "Cannot layout any more text for component '" + this.TextComponent.ID + "'. Available space full and cannot move to another region.");

                this.ContinueLayout = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a spacer of the required width (and height) to the line - inheritors can override this value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="w"></param>
        /// <param name="h"></param>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        protected virtual PDFTextRunSpacer AddLineInsetRun(PDFUnit w, PDFUnit h, PDFLayoutLine line)
            PDFTextRunSpacer spacer = new PDFTextRunSpacer(w, h, line, this.TextComponent);

        /// <summary>
        /// We need to start the text
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual bool StartText()
            if (this.Context.ShouldLogDebug)
                this.Context.TraceLog.Begin(TraceLevel.Verbose, LOG_CATEGORY, "Starting the layout of text component " + this.TextComponent.ID);
            bool          started;
            PDFLayoutLine line = this.EnsureFirstLineAvailable(out started);

            if (null == line)
                this.ContinueLayout = false;

            this.CurrentLine = line;


            PDFUnit inset = PDFUnit.Zero;

            if (line.IsEmpty == false)
                inset = line.Width;
            else if (this.TextRenderOptions.FirstLineInset.HasValue && (this.Position.PositionMode != PositionMode.Inline || started))
                inset = this.TextRenderOptions.FirstLineInset.Value;
                if (inset > 0)
                    PDFTextRunSpacer spacer = new PDFTextRunSpacer(inset, 1, line, null);

            PDFTextRunBegin begin = new PDFTextRunBegin(this.TextRenderOptions, this.CurrentLine, this.TextComponent);

            begin.LineInset = inset;


            this.CurrentLineInset = inset;
            this.BeginningRun     = begin;

            if (this.Context.ShouldLogDebug)
                this.Context.TraceLog.End(TraceLevel.Verbose, LOG_CATEGORY, "Completed the layout of text component " + this.TextComponent.ID);
            else if (this.Context.ShouldLogVerbose)
                this.Context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Verbose, LOG_CATEGORY, "Laid out text component " + this.TextComponent.ID);

Exemple #7
 public PDFLayoutXObject(PDFLayoutLine parent, PDFLayoutRegion childContainer, PDFPositionOptions position, IPDFComponent owner)
     : base(parent, owner as IPDFComponent)
     this._childContainer = childContainer;
     this._resources      = new PDFResourceList(this, false);
     this.SubType         = "Form";
     this.Matrix          = PDFTransformationMatrix.Identity();
     this._position       = position;
        protected virtual void AddReturn(PDFUnit widthOfLastTextDraw, bool hardReturn)
            PDFLayoutLine     line = this.CurrentLine;
            PDFTextRunNewLine br   = new PDFTextRunNewLine(false, line, this.TextRenderOptions, this.TextComponent);


            //The offset is from the start of the last text drawing operation
            //and the offset of the start of the current line
            PDFUnit lineright = widthOfLastTextDraw;

            PDFUnit back = line.Width - lineright;

            //Previous - 27 Feb 2015
            //br.Offset = new PDFSize(back, line.Height);

            if (line.BaseLineOffset == 0 || this.TextRenderOptions.Leading.HasValue) //we don't have any begins or ends affecting the flow (or an explicit leading)
                br.Offset = new PDFSize(back, line.Height);
                br.Offset = new PDFSize(back, (line.Height - line.BaseLineOffset) + this.TextRenderOptions.GetAscent());

            PDFLayoutRegion reg = line.Region;

            line = reg.BeginNewLine();

            PDFUnit inset;

            if (hardReturn)
                inset = this.TextRenderOptions.GetFirstLineInset();
                inset = PDFUnit.Zero;

            PDFTextRunSpacer spacer = this.AddLineInsetRun(inset, 0, line);

            br.NextLineSpacer     = spacer;
            this.CurrentLine      = line;
            this.CurrentLineInset = inset;
Exemple #9
        private PDFLayoutInlineBegin CreateAndAddInlineBegin(PDFPositionOptions pos)
            PDFLayoutBlock  containerBlock  = this.DocumentLayout.CurrentPage.LastOpenBlock();
            PDFLayoutRegion containerRegion = containerBlock.CurrentRegion;

            if (containerRegion.HasOpenItem == false)
            PDFLayoutLine        currline = containerRegion.CurrentItem as PDFLayoutLine;
            PDFLayoutInlineBegin begin    = currline.AddInlineRunStart(this, this.Component, pos, this.FullStyle);

Exemple #10
        private PDFLayoutInlineEnd CreateAndAddInlineEnd(PDFPositionOptions pos, PDFLayoutInlineBegin begin)
            PDFLayoutBlock  containerBlock  = this.DocumentLayout.CurrentPage.LastOpenBlock();
            PDFLayoutRegion containerRegion = containerBlock.CurrentRegion;

            if (containerRegion.HasOpenItem == false)
            PDFLayoutLine      currline = containerRegion.CurrentItem as PDFLayoutLine;
            PDFLayoutInlineEnd end      = currline.AddInlineRunEnd(this, this.Component, begin, pos);

        /// <summary>
        /// Begins a new line on the current region and sets up it's width.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startparagraph">Set to true if this is the first line in a run or the first line in a new paragraph</param>
        /// <returns>The newly created and added line</returns>
        public PDFLayoutLine BeginNewLine()

            PDFUnit width = this.GetAvailableWidth();

            PDFLayoutLine line = new PDFLayoutLine(this, width, this.HAlignment, this.VAlignment, this.Contents.Count);

            line.OffsetY = this.UsedSize.Height;


Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an existing line to this region, updating the items' parent in the process.
        /// And increasing the size of this region if the block is closed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        public virtual void AddExistingItem(PDFLayoutLine line)
            if (null == line)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("line");
            line.SetOffset(line.OffsetX, this.Height);
            line.LineIndex = this.Contents.Count - 1;

            if (line.IsClosed)
Exemple #13
        private PDFLayoutXObject CreateAndAddInput(PDFPositionOptions pos)
            PDFLayoutBlock  containerBlock  = this.DocumentLayout.CurrentPage.LastOpenBlock();
            PDFLayoutRegion containerRegion = containerBlock.CurrentRegion;

            if (containerRegion.HasOpenItem == false)
            //pos.Y = 200;
            PDFLayoutRegion container = containerBlock.BeginNewPositionedRegion(pos, this.DocumentLayout.CurrentPage, this.Component, this.FullStyle, false);

            this.Line = containerRegion.CurrentItem as PDFLayoutLine;
            PDFLayoutXObject begin = this.Line.AddXObjectRun(this, this.Field, container, pos, this.FullStyle);

        protected virtual PDFLayoutXObject ApplyViewPort(PDFPositionOptions oldpos, PDFRect viewPort)
            //Set the size to the viewport size
            var newpos = oldpos.Clone();

            newpos.X = viewPort.X;
            newpos.Y = viewPort.Y;

            //update to new widths
            newpos.Width  = viewPort.Width;
            newpos.Height = viewPort.Height;

            //Set the style values to the viewport too. (and reset the cache)

            this.FullStyle.Size.Width  = newpos.Width.Value;
            this.FullStyle.Size.Height = newpos.Height.Value;

            if (this.FullStyle is Scryber.Styles.StyleFull)
                (this.FullStyle as StyleFull).ClearFullRefs();

            PDFLayoutBlock  containerBlock  = this.DocumentLayout.CurrentPage.LastOpenBlock();
            PDFLayoutRegion containerRegion = containerBlock.CurrentRegion;

            if (containerRegion.HasOpenItem == false)
            //pos.Y = 200;
            PDFLayoutRegion container = containerBlock.BeginNewPositionedRegion(newpos, this.DocumentLayout.CurrentPage, this.Component, this.FullStyle, false);

            this.Line = containerRegion.CurrentItem as PDFLayoutLine;

            PDFLayoutXObject begin = this.Line.AddXObjectRun(this, this.Component, container, newpos, this.FullStyle);

            begin.SetOutputSize(oldpos.Width, oldpos.Height);

            //this.CurrentBlock.IsFormXObject = true;
            //this.CurrentBlock.XObjectViewPort = pos.ViewPort.Value;

        private PDFRect CalculateInnerTotalBounds(PDFUnit voffset, PDFTextRunEnd ending)
            PDFRect full = this.TotalBounds.Clone();

            full.Size = PDFSize.Empty;
            full.Y   += voffset;

            //only want the lines that are between the first and last line
            int firstIndex = 1;
            int lastIndex  = this.Lines.Count - 2;

            PDFUnit maxright = PDFUnit.Zero;
            PDFUnit minleft  = new PDFUnit(Double.MaxValue);

            for (int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++)
                PDFLayoutLine line = this.Lines[i];
                minleft  = 0;
                maxright = PDFUnit.Max(maxright, line.FullWidth);
                PDFUnit x = PDFUnit.Zero;
                PDFUnit w = line.Width;
                if (line.Runs[0] is PDFTextRunSpacer)
                    x = line.Runs[0].Width;
                maxright     = PDFUnit.Max(maxright, w);
                minleft      = PDFUnit.Min(minleft, x);
                full.Height += line.Height;

            if (minleft > 0)
                full.X = minleft;
            full.Width = maxright - minleft;

        // implementation

        /// <summary>
        /// overrides the base implementation to also offset the new line with the spacer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="xoffset"></param>
        /// <param name="yoffset"></param>
        protected override void DoPushComponentLayout(PDFLayoutContext context, int pageIndex, PDFUnit xoffset, PDFUnit yoffset)
            if (NextLineSpacer != null)
                PDFSize offset = this.Offset;
                offset.Width += xoffset;

                PDFLayoutLine line = this.NextLineSpacer.Line;
                if (line.BaseLineOffset > 0 && this.TextOptions.Leading.HasValue == false)
                    PDFUnit maxdescender = line.Height - line.BaseLineOffset;
                    PDFUnit ourdescender = this.TextOptions.Font.FontMetrics.LineHeight - this.TextOptions.Font.FontMetrics.Ascent;
                    PDFUnit difdescender = maxdescender - ourdescender;

                    offset.Height = line.Height - difdescender;

                this.Offset = offset;
            base.DoPushComponentLayout(context, pageIndex, xoffset, yoffset);
        // ctor

        public PDFTextRunBegin(PDFTextRenderOptions renderopts, PDFLayoutLine line, IPDFComponent owner)
            : base(line, owner)
            this.TextRenderOptions = renderopts;
Exemple #18
        // ctor

        public PDFTextRunEnd(PDFTextRunBegin start, PDFLayoutLine line, IPDFComponent owner)
            : base(line, owner)
            this._start = start;
Exemple #19
 public PDFTextRunCharacter(PDFSize size, string characters, PDFLayoutLine line, IPDFComponent owner)
     : base(line, owner)
     this._measuredSize = size;
     this._chars        = characters;
        // ctor

        #region public PDFTextRunSpacer(PDFUnit width, PDFUnit height, PDFLayoutLine line, IPDFComponent owner)

        public PDFTextRunSpacer(PDFUnit width, PDFUnit height, PDFLayoutLine line, IPDFComponent owner)
            : base(line, owner)
            this.SetSpacing(width, height);
        // overrides

        #region protected override void DoPushComponentLayout(PDFLayoutContext context, int pageIndex, PDFUnit xoffset, PDFUnit yoffset)

        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides the default behaviour to push any arrangements for the child item of this region
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        protected override void DoPushComponentLayout(PDFLayoutContext context, int pageIndex, PDFUnit xoffset, PDFUnit yoffset)
            bool logdebug = context.ShouldLogDebug;

            if (logdebug)
                context.TraceLog.Begin(TraceLevel.Debug, "Layout Region", "Pushing the component layout for the region " + this.ToString());

            if (!this.IsClosed)
                if (logdebug)
                    context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Debug, PDFLayoutItem.LOG_CATEGORY, "Closing the region " + this.ToString() + " before pushing the layout");

            if (this._contents == null || this.Contents.Count == 0)
                if (logdebug)
                    context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Debug, PDFLayoutItem.LOG_CATEGORY, "The region " + this.ToString() + " is empty. Exiting the push component early.");

            bool applyAlignments = this.ShouldApplyAlignment();

            if (applyAlignments)
                VerticalAlignment v = this.VAlignment;
                if (v != VerticalAlignment.Top)
                    if (logdebug)
                        context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Debug, PDFLayoutItem.LOG_CATEGORY, "Adjusting the vertical offset of the region " + this.ToString() + " as it is not top aligned");

                    PDFUnit space = this.AvailableHeight;

                    if (v == VerticalAlignment.Middle)
                        space = space / 2;
                    yoffset += space;

            HorizontalAlignment h = this.HAlignment;

            PDFTextRenderOptions       options = (this.Parent as PDFLayoutBlock).FullStyle.CreateTextOptions();
            List <PDFTextRunCharacter> cache   = new List <PDFTextRunCharacter>();
            bool lastwasapplied = false;

            foreach (PDFLayoutItem item in this.Contents)
                PDFUnit itemXOffset = xoffset;

                ///Individually calculate each lines horizontal offset
                if (applyAlignments && h != HorizontalAlignment.Left)
                    PDFUnit space = this.TotalBounds.Width - item.Width;

                    if (h == HorizontalAlignment.Justified)
                        if (item is PDFLayoutLine)
                            PDFLayoutLine line = item as PDFLayoutLine;
                            if (logdebug)
                                context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Debug, PDFLayoutItem.LOG_CATEGORY, "Justifying the textual content of the line " + line.LineIndex);

                            bool didjustify = line.JustifyContent(this.TotalBounds.Width, item.Width, space, false, cache, ref options);

                            if (!didjustify && lastwasapplied && null != options && !(options.WordSpacing.HasValue || options.CharacterSpacing.HasValue))

                            lastwasapplied = didjustify;
                        space = 0; // reset space to zero as already accounted for.
                    else if (h == HorizontalAlignment.Center)
                        space = space / 2;

                    itemXOffset = itemXOffset + space;

                item.PushComponentLayout(context, pageIndex, itemXOffset, yoffset);

            if (logdebug)
                context.TraceLog.End(TraceLevel.Debug, "Layout Region", "Pushed all the component layouts for the region " + this.ToString());
 public PDFLayoutInlineBegin(PDFLayoutLine line, IPDFComponent owner, PDFPositionOptions pos, Style fullStyle)
     : base(line, owner)
     this.InlinePosition = pos;
     this.FullStyle      = fullStyle;
 public PDFLayoutInlineEnd(PDFLayoutLine line, PDFLayoutInlineBegin begin, IPDFComponent owner, PDFPositionOptions pos)
     : base(line, owner)
     this.BeginMarker = begin;
        // ctor

        #region public PDFTextRunNewLine(bool isHardReturn, PDFLayoutLine line, IPDFComponent owner)

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new line text run.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isHardReturn"></param>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="owner"></param>
        public PDFTextRunNewLine(bool isHardReturn, PDFLayoutLine line, PDFTextRenderOptions opts, IPDFComponent owner)
            : base(line, owner)
            this.IsHardReturn = isHardReturn;
            this.TextOptions  = opts;
Exemple #25
 public PDFLayoutPositionedRegionRun(PDFLayoutRegion region, PDFLayoutLine line, IPDFComponent owner)
     : base(line, owner)
     this.Region = region;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add characters to the line(s), and returns the last width of the characters that were laid out.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual PDFUnit AddProxyCharacters(PDFTextProxyOp proxy)

            PDFUnit         lineheight = this.TextRenderOptions.GetLineHeight();
            ZeroLineCounter zeros      = new ZeroLineCounter();

            PDFSize measured = PDFSize.Empty;
            PDFSize required = PDFSize.Empty;

            PDFLayoutLine   line = this.CurrentLine;
            PDFLayoutRegion reg  = line.Region;

            PDFUnit availH = reg.AvailableHeight;
            PDFUnit availW = line.AvailableWidth;

            if (availH < lineheight)
                if (this.Position.OverflowAction != OverflowAction.Clip)
                    availH = lineheight;

                    if (!this.ContinueLayout)

            //Measure the string an get the fitted characters

            int fitted;


            measured = this.MeasureString(availH, availW, proxy.Text, 0, out fitted);


            required = new PDFSize(measured.Width, lineheight);

            if (fitted < proxy.Text.Length) //cannot split a proxy - must simply be a single run.
                //try on the next line to see if we can put everything on there.

                if (!zeros.AssertIncrement(this.Context))

                availW = this.CurrentLine.AvailableWidth;


                measured = this.MeasureString(availH, availW, proxy.Text, 0, out fitted);


                if (fitted < proxy.Text.Length) //Still cannot fit the proxy so not much we can do. Log it and return
                    this.Context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Warning, LOG_CATEGORY, "The text proxy  for '" + proxy.Text + "' could not fit the characters on a single line. Overflow of proxies is not currently supported.");

                required = new PDFSize(measured.Width, lineheight);

            // everything fitted on the line

            this.AddProxyToCurrentLine(required, proxy);

 public PDFTextRunProxy(PDFSize size, Scryber.Text.PDFTextProxyOp proxy, PDFLayoutLine line, IPDFComponent owner)
     : base(line, owner)
     this._measuredSize = size;
     this._proxy        = proxy;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add characters to the line(s), and returns the last width of the characters that were laid out.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual PDFUnit AddCharacters(string chars)

            PDFUnit         lineheight = this.TextRenderOptions.GetLineHeight();
            int             offset     = 0;
            ZeroLineCounter zeros      = new ZeroLineCounter();

            PDFSize measured = PDFSize.Empty;
            PDFSize required = PDFSize.Empty;

            while (offset < chars.Length)
                //Check that we have enough space for the next line

                PDFLayoutLine   line   = this.CurrentLine;
                PDFLayoutRegion reg    = line.Region;
                PDFUnit         availH = reg.AvailableHeight;
                PDFUnit         availW = line.AvailableWidth;

                if (availH < lineheight)
                    if (this.Position.OverflowAction != OverflowAction.Clip)

                        if (!this.ContinueLayout)
                            line   = this.CurrentLine;
                            reg    = line.Region;
                            availW = line.AvailableWidth;
                            availH = reg.AvailableHeight;
                        availH = lineheight;

                //Measure the string an get the fitted characters


                int fitted;
                measured = this.MeasureString(availH, availW, chars, offset, out fitted);


                required = new PDFSize(measured.Width, lineheight);

                if (fitted <= 0) //nothing fitted on the line
                    if (!zeros.AssertIncrement(this.Context))
                else if (fitted + offset == chars.Length) // everything fitted on the line
                    string all = chars.Substring(offset);
                    //if (offset == 0)
                    this.AddCharactersToCurrentLine(required, all);
                    //    this.AddCharactersToCurrentLine(required, chars, offset, fitted);
                    offset += fitted;
                else if (IsBrokenInWord(chars, offset, fitted) && CanSplitOnWordsOnly() && !IsEmptyLine()) //don't break on words unless we have to.
                    if (!zeros.AssertIncrement(this.Context))
                else //partial fit

                    string partial = chars.Substring(offset, fitted);
                    this.AddCharactersToCurrentLine(required, partial);
                    //this.AddCharactersToCurrentLine(required, chars, offset, fitted);
                    offset += fitted;

                    //Consume any white space as we are now on a new line.
                    //We should never get here for NoWrap as it will alywys fit all characters one one line.
                    while (offset < chars.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(chars, offset))
Exemple #29
 public PDFTextRun(PDFLayoutLine line, IPDFComponent owner)
     : base(line, owner)
Exemple #30
 public PDFTextRunPartialCharacter(PDFSize size, string characters, int offset, int count, PDFLayoutLine line, IPDFComponent owner)
     : base(line, owner)
     this._measuredSize = size;
     this._chars        = characters;
     this._offset       = offset;
     this._count        = count;