public PatchModsMenu(TypeDefinitionCollection types, ModLoader loader) : base(types) { this.loader = loader; this.modManager = this.loader.modManager; this.repoManager = modManager.repoManager; }
public ModInterceptor(ModLoader loader) { this.loader = loader; types = AssemblyFactory.GetAssembly (Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath()+"ModLoader/Assembly-CSharp.dll").MainModule.Types; }
public SimpleMethodReplacementProvider(ModLoader loader) { interceptor = new ModInterceptor (loader); }
public APIHandler(ModLoader loader) { this.loader = loader; }
//initial game callback public static void Init() { //wiredly App.Awake() calls Init multiple times, but we do not want multiple instances if (init) return; init = true; Console.WriteLine ("ModLoader version: " + ModLoader.getVersion ()); if (Updater.tryUpdate ()) { //update Application.Quit (); return; } //Install global mod exception helper AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += UnhandledExceptionHandler; instance = new ModLoader(); MethodBodyReplacementProviderRegistry.SetProvider (new SimpleMethodReplacementProvider(instance)); //otherwise we can finally load instance.loadMods (); //delete checks for loading crashes if (System.IO.File.Exists (Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath () + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "check.txt")) { System.IO.File.Delete (Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath () + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "check.txt"); } }
public ModInterceptor(ModLoader loader) { this.loader = loader; types = AssemblyFactory.GetAssembly(Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath() + "ModLoader/Assembly-CSharp.dll").MainModule.Types; }
public SimpleMethodReplacementProvider(ModLoader loader) { interceptor = new ModInterceptor(loader); }
private static byte[] token = new byte[] { 8, 95, 174, 161, 22, 41, 180, 133 }; //public key public static bool tryUpdate() { WebClientTimeOut client = new WebClientTimeOut(); String versionMessageRaw; try { versionMessageRaw = client.DownloadString(new Uri("")); } catch (WebException) { return(false); } JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(); VersionMessage versionMessage = (VersionMessage)reader.Read(versionMessageRaw, typeof(VersionMessage)); int version = versionMessage.version(); String installPath = Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "ModLoader" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; try { File.Delete(installPath + "Updater.exe"); } catch {} if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(installPath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(installPath); } if (version > ModLoader.getVersion()) { byte[] asm; try { asm = client.DownloadData(new Uri("")); } catch (WebException) { return(false); } File.WriteAllBytes(installPath + "Updater.exe", asm); if (CheckToken(installPath + "Updater.exe", token)) { try { App.Popups.ShowInfo("Scrolls Summoner is updating", "Please wait while the update is being downloaded"); Dialogs.showNotification("Scrolls Summoner is updating", "Please wait while the update is being downloaded"); } catch { } if (Platform.getOS() == Platform.OS.Win) { new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = installPath + "Updater.exe", Arguments = "" } }.Start(); } else if (Platform.getOS() == Platform.OS.Mac) { Assembly.LoadFrom(installPath + "Updater.exe").EntryPoint.Invoke(null, new object[] { new string[] {} }); } return(true); } try { App.Popups.KillCurrentPopup(); } catch {} } return(false); }
public ModManager(ModLoader loader) { Platform.ErrorLog("ModManager creator"); modsPath = Platform.getModsPath(); if (!Directory.Exists (modsPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory (modsPath); this.loader = loader; repoManager = new RepoManager (this); String installPath = Platform.getGlobalScrollsInstallPath(); String modLoaderPath = Platform.getModLoaderPath() + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; Platform.ErrorLog("loadInstalledMods"); this.loadInstalledMods (); Platform.ErrorLog("checkForUpdates"); this.checkForUpdates (); Platform.ErrorLog("sortInstalledMods"); this.sortInstalledMods (); }
//initial game callback public static void Init() { //wiredly App.Awake() calls Init multiple times, but we do not want multiple instances //TO-DO, find out why InjectBeforeEnd does this (Hooks.cs) if (init) return; init = true; instance = new ModLoader(); MethodBodyReplacementProviderRegistry.SetProvider (new SimpleMethodReplacementProvider(instance)); foreach (BaseMod mod in instance.modInstances) { mod.Init (); } }