         * analyzes pixel map for colors, identifying emojiCovered, emojiUncovered, scoreAreaCovered
         * @param pixels 1D pixel Map to analyze
         * @return results of analysis in AnalyzeScoreAreaResult
        public static AnalyzeScoreAreaResult AnalyzePixelMap(Color[] pixels)
            var result           = new AnalyzeScoreAreaResult();
            int emojiCovered     = 0;
            int scoreAreaCovered = 0;
            int emojiUncovered   = 0;

            foreach (var pixel in pixels)
                if (pixel.r > 0 && pixel.g > 0)
                else if (pixel.b > 0 && pixel.g > 0)
                else if (pixel.b > 0)

            result.EmojiCovered      = emojiCovered;
            result.BackgroundCovered = scoreAreaCovered;
            result.EmojiUncovered    = emojiUncovered;
         * Analyze scorable view, create virtual screenshot, read pixels, analyse pixels, read score, trigger ScoreArea.ChangeScore() in a coroutine
         * @param scoreArea ScoreArea to analyze
         * @param renderer Renderer of score area
         * @param cam Main Camera
        public IEnumerator AnalyzeScoreableView(ScoreArea scoreArea, Renderer sceneRenderer, Camera cam)
            var bounds = sceneRenderer.bounds;
            // get dimensions of Score Area
            var size = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(bounds.max);
            // get position and transform to screen point
            var position = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(bounds.min);
            // create texture to store "screenshot" in
            var img = new Texture2D((int)(size.x - position.x), (int)(size.y - position.y), TextureFormat.RGB24,
            // create rectengular at score area
            var rect = new Rect((Vector2)position, (Vector2)(size - position));

            // wait for frame ot be rendered
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            // create the image
            img.ReadPixels(rect, 0, 0);
            //byte[] toPNG = img.EncodeToPNG();
            //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("./screenshot.png", toPNG);
            var pixels = img.GetPixels();
            //analyze pixels
            AnalyzeScoreAreaResult result = AnalyzePixelMap(pixels);
            //calculate score
            var score = CalculateScore(result);

            yield return(null);
         * calculates score from AnalyzeScoreAreaResult within range -100:100
         * 50% "good coverage": 0 points
         * 100%: 100 points
         * @param analyzed AnalyzeScoreAreaResults to analyze
        public static int CalculateScore(AnalyzeScoreAreaResult analyzed)
            // emoji size must not be zero!
            if (analyzed.EmojiCovered + analyzed.EmojiUncovered < 1)
            int score = (int)(150 * (analyzed.EmojiCovered - 0.7 * analyzed.BackgroundCovered) /
                              (analyzed.EmojiCovered + analyzed.EmojiUncovered) - 50);

            // do not loose more then 100 points per emoji
            if (score < -50)
                score = -50;