// Copy constructor
 public IntersectionPoint(IntersectionPoint copyIntersectionPoint)
     this.loc =
     (copyIntersectionPoint.loc == null) ?
     null : new Location(copyIntersectionPoint.loc);
     this.flatshape = copyIntersectionPoint.flatshape;
     /* this.flatshape =
     (copyIntersectionPoint.flatshape == null) ?
     null : new FlatShape2d(copyIntersectionPoint.flatshape); */
Exemple #2
        // Copy constructor
        public IntersectionPoint(IntersectionPoint copyIntersectionPoint)
            this.loc =
                (copyIntersectionPoint.loc == null) ?
                null : new Location(copyIntersectionPoint.loc);
            this.flatshape = copyIntersectionPoint.flatshape;

            /* this.flatshape =
             *      (copyIntersectionPoint.flatshape == null) ?
             *      null : new FlatShape2d(copyIntersectionPoint.flatshape); */
        public IntersectionPoint[] intersects11circleborder(Trace trace)
            Scientrace.Line line = trace.traceline;
            double          d1, d2, dx, dy, lx, ly;
            double          ABCa, ABCb, ABCc, discr;

            Scientrace.Vector              v1, v2;
            Scientrace.FlatShape2d         plane1, plane2;
            Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[] ip;
            dx = line.direction.x;
            dy = line.direction.y;
            lx = line.startingpoint.x;
            ly = line.startingpoint.y;

            ABCa  = Math.Pow(ly, 2) + Math.Pow(lx, 2);
            ABCb  = 2 * ((ly * dy) + (lx * dx));
            ABCc  = Math.Pow(dy, 2) + Math.Pow(dx, 2) - 1;
            discr = Math.Pow(ABCb, 2) - (4 * ABCa * ABCc);
            if (discr < 0)
                ip = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[0];
                //ip[0] = null;
                //ip[1] = null;
            if (discr == 0)
                ip = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[1];
                d1 = ((-ABCb) + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ABCb, 2) - (4 * ABCa * ABCc))) / (2 * ABCa);
                v1 = (line.direction.toVector() * d1) + line.startingpoint.toVector();
                //plane1 is based on v1 rotated 90 degrees which makes: x' = -y, y' = x, z = z
                plane1 = new Scientrace.FlatShape2d(v1.toLocation(), new Scientrace.UnitVector(0, 0, 1),
                                                    new Scientrace.UnitVector(-v1.y, v1.x, v1.z));
                ip[0] = new IntersectionPoint(v1.toLocation(), plane1);
            d1     = ((-ABCb) + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ABCb, 2) - (4 * ABCa * ABCc))) / (2 * ABCa);
            d2     = ((-ABCb) - Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ABCb, 2) - (4 * ABCa * ABCc))) / (2 * ABCa);
            v1     = (line.direction.toVector() * d1) + line.startingpoint.toVector();
            v2     = (line.direction.toVector() * d2) + line.startingpoint.toVector();
            ip     = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[2];
            plane1 = new Scientrace.FlatShape2d(v1.toLocation(), new Scientrace.UnitVector(0, 0, 1),
                                                new Scientrace.UnitVector(-v1.y, v1.x, v1.z));
            ip[0]  = new IntersectionPoint(v1.toLocation(), plane1);
            plane2 = new Scientrace.FlatShape2d(v2.toLocation(), new Scientrace.UnitVector(0, 0, 1),
                                                new Scientrace.UnitVector(-v2.y, v2.x, v2.z));
            ip[1] = new IntersectionPoint(v2.toLocation(), plane2);
        public IntersectionPoint[] intersects11circleborder(Trace trace)
            Scientrace.Line line = trace.traceline;
            double d1, d2, dx, dy, lx, ly;
            double ABCa, ABCb, ABCc, discr;
            Scientrace.Vector v1, v2;
            Scientrace.FlatShape2d plane1, plane2;
            Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[] ip;
            dx = line.direction.x;
            dy = line.direction.y;
            lx = line.startingpoint.x;
            ly = line.startingpoint.y;

            ABCa = Math.Pow(ly,2)+Math.Pow(lx,2);
            ABCb = 2*((ly*dy) + (lx*dx));
            ABCc = Math.Pow(dy,2)+Math.Pow(dx,2)-1;
            discr = Math.Pow(ABCb, 2)-(4*ABCa*ABCc);
            if (discr < 0) {
            ip = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[0];
            //ip[0] = null;
            //ip[1] = null;
            return ip;
            if (discr == 0) {
            ip = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[1];
            d1 = ((-ABCb)+Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ABCb, 2)-(4*ABCa*ABCc)))/(2*ABCa);
            v1 = (line.direction.toVector()*d1)+line.startingpoint.toVector();
                //plane1 is based on v1 rotated 90 degrees which makes: x' = -y, y' = x, z = z
            plane1 = new Scientrace.FlatShape2d(v1.toLocation(), new Scientrace.UnitVector(0,0,1),
                                                               new Scientrace.UnitVector(-v1.y, v1.x, v1.z));
            ip[0] = new IntersectionPoint(v1.toLocation(), plane1);
            return ip;
            d1 = ((-ABCb)+Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ABCb, 2)-(4*ABCa*ABCc)))/(2*ABCa);
            d2 = ((-ABCb)-Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ABCb, 2)-(4*ABCa*ABCc)))/(2*ABCa);
            v1 = (line.direction.toVector()*d1)+line.startingpoint.toVector();
            v2 = (line.direction.toVector()*d2)+line.startingpoint.toVector();
            ip = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[2];
            plane1 = new Scientrace.FlatShape2d(v1.toLocation(), new Scientrace.UnitVector(0,0,1),
                                                               new Scientrace.UnitVector(-v1.y, v1.x, v1.z));
            ip[0] = new IntersectionPoint(v1.toLocation(), plane1);
            plane2 = new Scientrace.FlatShape2d(v2.toLocation(), new Scientrace.UnitVector(0,0,1),
                                                               new Scientrace.UnitVector(-v2.y, v2.x, v2.z));
            ip[1] = new IntersectionPoint(v2.toLocation(), plane2);
            return ip;
Exemple #5
        public override Intersection intersects(Trace aTrace)
            /* OK, this is how we are going to do this:
             * First (1), we find all intersectionpoints for all sub-borders and order them
             * as a function of the distance from the startingpoint of the trace. Then (2), we
             * take the average location in between two consecutive intersectionpoints. Let's
             * ask all SubVolumes if anybody has this average value in it's body (3). We will
             * repeat this procedure until we find an average value that is *NOT* included (4). The
             * very first intersectionpoint, and the last intersectionpoint before that latest
             * assessed average will be the two intersectionpoints construction the Intersection (5)
             * value to return.
             * A final remark must be made: when a trace is leaving from the current object and the
             * average location between the start of the trace and the first intersection is also
             * within the object, the first intersectionpoint is actually virtual and should be
             * removed. (6) */

            // (1)
            // create an orderedlist with as keys the distances from the last intersection to this ip
            SortedList <double, IntersectionPoint> all_ips = new SortedList <double, IntersectionPoint>();

            Scientrace.Location subTraceStart = aTrace.traceline.startingpoint;
            foreach (PlaneBorderEnclosedVolume aSubVolume in subVolumes)
                Intersection tIntersection = aSubVolume.intersects(aTrace);
                if (tIntersection.intersects)
                    this.conditionalIPList(all_ips, tIntersection, subTraceStart);
            IntersectionPoint previous_ip = null;
            IntersectionPoint first_ip    = null;
            IntersectionPoint last_ip     = null;

            for (int iKey = 0; iKey < all_ips.Keys.Count; iKey++)
                double            currentKey = all_ips.Keys[iKey];
                IntersectionPoint currentIP  = all_ips[currentKey];

                if (previous_ip == null)
                    // is this the last IP in the list?
                    if (iKey != all_ips.Count - 1)
                        // If both the area between the start of the trace and that between this and the next trace is contained, skip to the next (by continue)
                        IntersectionPoint nextIP = all_ips[all_ips.Keys[iKey + 1]];
                        if (this.contains(subTraceStart.avgWith(currentIP.loc)) &&
                    // (6)
                    if (this.contains(subTraceStart.avgWith(currentIP.loc)) && (iKey + 1 != all_ips.Keys.Count))
                        first_ip = currentIP;
                        // the first ip in the list, no average to take with previous value
                        first_ip = currentIP;
                    // (2)
                    Scientrace.Location average_loc = currentIP.loc.avgWith(previous_ip.loc);
                    // (3)
                    if (!this.contains(average_loc))
                        last_ip = previous_ip;
                        // (4) Break out of foreach loop, we've found the last point in this intersection (the previous one in the list)
                // last statement in foreach loop, defining the current IP als the previous for the next cycle.
                previous_ip = currentIP;

            // there has to be at least ONE intersection to succeed...
            if (first_ip == null)

            /* below must be the most obscure line in this routine, sry about that.
             * it does this: if last_ip is still unassigned, assign previous_ip as long as it differs from first_ip... */
            // last_ip = last_ip ?? (previous_ip != first_ip ? previous_ip : null);
            if (last_ip == null)
                last_ip = (previous_ip != first_ip ? previous_ip : null);
            // (5)
            Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[] real_ips = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[2];
            real_ips[0] = first_ip;
            real_ips[1] = last_ip;
            Intersection retIntersect = new Intersection(aTrace, real_ips, this);

            //end func. intersect
        /// <summary>
        /// "line" has to be transformed so it encounters the 2nd order polynominal with
        /// its base at 0,0,0 and orientation in 0,0,1 (z-direction)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">
        /// A <see cref="Scientrace.Line"/>
        /// </param>
        public IntersectionPoint[] baseintersections(Scientrace.Line line)
            // location = line.loc * (d * line.dir);
            // keep formulae readable
            double d1, d2, dx, dy, dz, c, lx, ly, lz;
            double ABCa, ABCb, ABCc, discr;

            Scientrace.Vector v1, v2;
            Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[] ip;
            c  = this.c;
            dx = line.direction.x;
            dy = line.direction.y;
            dz = line.direction.z;
            lx = line.startingpoint.x;
            ly = line.startingpoint.y;
            lz = line.startingpoint.z;

            ABCa = c * (Math.Pow(dy, 2) + Math.Pow(dx, 2));
            ABCb = (2 * c * (dy * ly + dx * lx)) - dz;
            ABCc = (c * (Math.Pow(ly, 2) + Math.Pow(lx, 2))) - lz;

            /*if ((dx*dy) == 0) {
             *      ip = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[1];
             *      v1 = new Vector(lx, ly, c*(Math.Pow(lx, 2)+Math.Pow(ly, 2)));
             *      ip[0] = new IntersectionPoint(v1.toLocation(), this.intersectionPlane(v1.x, v1.y));
             *      //ip[1] = null;
             *      return ip;
             * }*/
//		if ((Math.Pow(ABCa,2)) < 1E-56) { // <-- used to be
//		if ((Math.Pow(ABCa,2)) < 1E-31) { // <-- used to be
            if ((Math.Pow(ABCa, 2)) < 1E-31)      // <-- now, so no (/less) significance errors do occur any longer in results
            //Console.WriteLine("ABCa is SMALL"+ABCa.ToString());
                ip    = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[1];
                d1    = -ABCc / ABCb;
                v1    = (line.direction.toVector() * d1) + line.startingpoint.toVector();
                ip[0] = new IntersectionPoint(v1.toLocation(), this.baseIntersectionShape(v1.x, v1.y));
            //Console.WriteLine("ABCa is large enough "+ABCa.ToString());

            //d1,2 => lambda 1,2 at http://amswiki.jbos.eu/wiki/index.php/Parabolic_Collision#Quadratic_formula
            //derived from the quadratic formula, note the +/- sign before the Sqrt.
            discr = Math.Pow(ABCb, 2) - (4 * ABCa * ABCc);
            if (discr < 0)
                //Console.WriteLine("Negative discriminant : "+discr);
                ip = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[0];
                //ip[0] = null;
                //ip[1] = null;
            if (discr == 0)
                ip    = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[1];
                d1    = ((-ABCb) + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ABCb, 2) - (4 * ABCa * ABCc))) / (2 * ABCa);
                v1    = (line.direction.toVector() * d1) + line.startingpoint.toVector();
                ip[0] = new IntersectionPoint(v1.toLocation(), this.baseIntersectionShape(v1.x, v1.y));
            //still here? two results!

            /*d1 = ((-ABCb)+Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ABCb, 2)-(4*ABCa*ABCc)))/(2*ABCa);
            *  d2 = ((-ABCb)-Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(ABCb, 2)-(4*ABCa*ABCc)))/(2*ABCa);*/
            d1 = ((-ABCb) + Math.Sqrt(discr)) / (2.0 * ABCa);
            d2 = ((-ABCb) - Math.Sqrt(discr)) / (2.0 * ABCa);
            v1 = (line.direction.toVector() * d1) + line.startingpoint.toVector();
            v2 = (line.direction.toVector() * d2) + line.startingpoint.toVector();

            //Console.WriteLine("discr: "+discr+" ABCa: "+ABCa+" ABCb: "+ABCb+" ABCc: "+ABCc);

            /* //This was removed at 20160222
             * if ((v1 != null) && (!line.throughLocation(v1.toLocation(), 0.00001))) {
             *      throw new Exception("TRFd line 1 "+v1.trico()+" avoids "+line.ToString());
             *      }
             * if ((v2 != null) && (!line.throughLocation(v2.toLocation(), 0.00001))) {
             *      v2 = v1;
             * //			Console.WriteLine("discr: "+discr);
             * //			throw new Exception("TRFd line 2 "+v1.trico()+" avoids "+line.ToString()+" contrairy to "+v1.trico());
             *      }
            ip    = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[2];
            ip[0] = (v1 == null ?
                     null :
                     new IntersectionPoint(v1.toLocation(), this.baseIntersectionShape(v1.x, v1.y))
            ip[1] = (v2 == null ?
                     null :
                     new IntersectionPoint(v2.toLocation(), this.baseIntersectionShape(v2.x, v2.y))