public List <Lesson> LoadObjectList(string path) { TimeMananger Time = new TimeMananger(); if (File.Exists(path) == false) { File.Create(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), @"SchoolSoft1v1Me\Schedule\" + Time.DayOfWeek + ".json")); Lesson templesson = new Lesson(); Lesson.MyList.Add(templesson); } using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path)) { try { var Templist = new List <Lesson>(); Templist = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Lesson> >(reader.ReadToEnd()); if (Templist.Count == 0) { var TempLesson = new Lesson(); Templist.Add(TempLesson); } return(Lesson.MyList); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); Console.WriteLine("Creating File for new day"); throw; } } }
public bool CurrentLessonSelect() { bool tempbool = true; do { TimeMananger time = new TimeMananger(); int i = 0; if (Lesson.MyList.Count == 0) { Lesson templesson = new Lesson(); Lesson.MyList.Add(templesson); } foreach (Lesson x in Lesson.MyList) { if (Lesson.MyList[i].LessonEndTime < time.CT.AddHours(-1)) { i += i; } } if (i == 0 && Lesson.MyList[0].LessonEndTime < time.CT.AddHours(-1)) { Console.WriteLine("You are not currently in a lesson"); return(false); } else { CurrentLesson = i; } tempbool = false; return(true); } while (tempbool == true); }
public bool LessonCreate() { Lesson tempLesson = new Lesson(); EventHandler HandleEvent = new EventHandler(); TimeMananger timeMananger = new TimeMananger(); HandleEvent.StringReturn("What is the name of the Lesson?", out tempLesson.LessonName); timeMananger.ReturnDateTime("Which hour does the lesson end?", "Which Minute does the lesson end?", out tempLesson.LessonEndTime); Lesson.MyList.Add(tempLesson); return(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Filehandler HandleFiles = new Filehandler(); TimeMananger Time = new TimeMananger(); HandleFiles.LoadObjectList(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), @"SchoolSoft1v1Me\Schedule\" + Time.DayOfWeek + ".json")); //LessonManager ClassMananger = new LessonManager(); //if (ClassMananger.CurrentLessonSelect() == true) //{ // Lesson templesson = Lesson.MyList[LessonManager.CurrentLesson]; // Console.WriteLine(templesson.LessonName + " ends in " + (templesson.LessonEndTime - Time.CT)); //} }